My Brother, My Lover Ch. 03

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Callie & Nathan enjoy a special encounter.
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Part 3 of the 14 part series

Updated 09/26/2022
Created 06/28/2003
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Monday morning Callie woke up with first day of work jitters. She was going to be working at a local college in the area. She was nervously scattering her clothes around to see what she should wear on her first day to work. Nathan was still asleep and Callie hoped to get out of the house before he woke up. She quickly showered and started to get ready.

She decided to put on her dark maroon skirt that was just a bit above the knee and a black tight v-neck top. Her black heels and hose completed her look. She was in the bathroom a about to pin up her hair and she heard Nathan's bedroom door open. She peeped out to see her brother walking in. His hair was messy and he wore an old white t-shirt and his dark blue boxers. Their eyes met for a moment. Callie bit her lip not knowing whether to speak or not.

"Oh sorry you need to use the bathroom?" She asked nervously.

"Yeah but it's OK go ahead and finish what you were doing," Nathan replied sincerely.

Callie felt her hands shake as her brother watched her pin up her silky brown hair. His eyes were glued to her making her flush. Nathan looked as his sister made herself look gorgeous. He stared closely at her long legs. Oh how he would love to have those long legs wrapped around him as he made love to her. "OK, stop it you perv," He said to himself.

"So your first day on the job eh?" Nathan asked sweetly.

Callie blushed. "Yeah. I'm nervous bro. I hope I do well."

He moved closer to her. "I'm sure you'll do just fine. Look I'm going to take you out to dinner tonight OK? You know in celebration of your new job."

Callie couldn't help but smile. "OK. That's so sweet of you!"

It was Nathan's turn to blush. "Well it's just my way to say congratulations."

Callie found herself again looking down at Nathan's crotch. She was hoping he was hard like that other night. Ever since then, all she could think about was how big Nathan's cock was. Was it thick? Did she shoot a lot when he came? Did he?..

"So we can go out around seven tonight." Nathan was saying as he made Callie snap out of the thoughts.

"Y-yes. Seven sounds fine. It's a date then." Callie giggled.

Nathan just lightly brushed his hand on her arm sending shivers all over. "Yeah a date."

Callie felt her face redden with excitement. Not only was she nervous about her first day on the job, but also she felt tense about going out with her brother that night. She slowly stepped out of the bathroom lightly brushing her shoulder against Nathan's.

"Have a good day at work sis." He said quietly as she walked out.

"Thanks. I'll see you tonight." Callie called out not wanting to look at her brother again because if she did she might just throw herself all over him.

She got to work in time and was introduced to all the workers. She'd be mainly working at the college library in the tech room. All her coworkers seemed like nice people. Her one coworker that was showing her around was about 2 years her senior. His name was David Lambert and he was a very pleasant young man.

"Well so glad to have you work with us Callie. I hope you enjoy working here as much as I have. It's great. Besides the pay, if you decided to go back to school, you can attend classes after work without having to drive all the way across town."

David had immediately volunteered himself to show Callie around. Her beauty and her grace stunned him. She seemed different than other girls. She appeared to be more sweet and down to earth.

"Thank you Mr. Lambert," Callie said as she was being walked to her own little office.

"No please just call me David." He said grinning ear to ear. "Once again welcome and I'll be here if you got any questions."

Callie smiled shyly and entered her office as David left closing the door behind him. She sat on the big leather chair and closed her eyes for a moment. All she could think about was her "date" with Nathan tonight. She kept hoping deep down that he'd try to kiss her again. This time she wouldn't let him stop.

Callie arrived home almost at 6 o'clock that night. Nathan was already home when she got there. He had his bedroom door open, as he was getting ready. Callie poked her head in the room admiring her sexy brother. He looked at her beaming with innocent brotherly love.

"Hey sis. I'm almost ready."

"I see. You look so handsome bro." Callie blurted out.

Nathan swallowed hard not knowing how to respond to that. "Thanks. Did you want to use my room to get ready instead of getting ready in the bathroom?"

Callie nodded "Yes I'd like that. But first I have to take a quick shower." Nathan had put on a blue and white plaid shirt and some dark blue slacks. His shirt collar looked crooked. "Here, let me fix this," Callie uttered as she fixed her brother's shirt collar. She could lightly smell his cologne as she fixed his shirt.

Nathan could hardly breathe having his lovely sister so close to him. He wanted to just pick her little body up and throw her on his bed. "I wonder how her pussy feels," He thought to himself.

"There, much better." Callie said as she backed away from Nathan slowly, her eyes never leaving his.

"Thanks sis." Their eyes met again and the room was filled with silence.

"Well I'm gonna shower first and then I'll come in here to change."

"Alright, I'll be in the living room. Don't take too long I know how you girls can be," Nathan teased.

Callie sighed. "Oh be quiet." She rushed off to shower.

In the shower Callie felt her body in heat as the thought of spending an evening with Nathan. She wondered if other people saw them together, would they think they were a couple? It excited her to think that they would.

The cold water ran all over her young beautiful body, and Callie moaned softly as she touched her breasts remembering how it felt when Nathan had lightly touched them when he kissed her.

"Ok Callie Adams, stop it! Just forget about it! He's your brother, your own blood." She kept reminding herself.

She stepped out of the shower into her bathrobe and headed on in to Nathan's room. He was busy talking on the phone with one of his buddies and the television was blaring.

Callie walked in carrying her clothes she'd be wearing for the night. She stood there naked in Nathan's room. She looked around and obviously saw his bed was not made yet. She laid on his bed nude surrounded by the sheets that covered her brother. She could smell his masculinity on his sheets.

"Mmmm Nathan." She whispered.

Her mind raced with thoughts of one day being able to sleep on his bed with him by her side. She loved the way his sheets felt against her naked skin. She rolled over on her stomach getting completely aroused. The soft fabric of the sheets tickled her cunt as she started to slide herself up and down. She imagined herself fucking Nathan, having him cum in her.

Her small frame moved up and down grinding her pussy on the bed. She felt herself so moist and full of lust. Then a guilt trip washed over her. "What the hell are you doing?" Callie told herself.

She got off the bed feeling weak at her knees as she stopped herself from feeling so much pleasure. She looked down and ran her hands on her pussy, feeling throb. It'd been such a long time since she last had sex and now she was really yearning for it. Wanting it from her brother.

Callie finally managed to get dressed. She put on the green and white summer dress, which made her body look absolutely spectacular. Underneath she wore some white lacey little panties and no bra since the dress was spaghetti strap. Her black strap sandals finished the look. She took a look at herself in the full-length mirror that was nailed on the closet door. She'd let her shoulder length hair down and pinned on each side by glittery green pins. Her makeup was on light, giving her an innocent youthful look.

"OK just try to control yourself tonight Callie. He is your brother just keep remembering that." She thought to herself. She opened the bedroom door as Nathan waited for her. He stood up ready to take his sister out. It would just be the two of them. Alone. Full of temptation.

Callie and Nathan drove mostly in silence. They were heading downtown to go eat at a nice cozy restaurant that Nathan had heard about. They served the best steaks, which he knew Callie loved. Nathan kept trying to keep his eyes on the road but Callie's long legs kept distracting him. Her dress rode up high as she sat in his mustang. He felt somewhat excited being out with such a beautiful girl like Callie, his gorgeous sister.

"So like I was saying this place has some of the best steaks ever. I've heard some people at work talk about it." Nathan suddenly blurted out trying to make a conversation.

Callie turned to look at him. "Oh well sounds good. I'm so hungry right now."

Nathan scoffed. "Yeah me too." Nathan wasn't thinking of food though.

They arrived at the restaurant and they had to wait a while before being seated. Callie loved the atmosphere. It was dim lighted and had a feel of home. A few minutes later, they were finally seated by a window overlooking the busy downtown area.

"I'm gonna order the biggest steak they got here!" Callie exclaimed playfully.

Nathan laughed. "Ok feel free to order whatever you want. It's on me sis."

Callie smiled. "Oh thank you so much for taking me out. I haven't been out in a while."

"I find that hard to believe." Nathan said seriously.

Callie just brushed off his comment. "I really like this place Nate. I mean it's just so cool."

"I'm glad you like it sis." He couldn't take his eyes of the small cleavage her dress produced.

They ate dinner and talked about work. Nathan couldn't remember ever having such a nice conversation with a girl. Callie entertained him nicely. Her laugh was so gentle and her voice, her voice was just mesmerizing. He felt like he could sit and talk with her for hours. After their salad and steak, Nathan offered to buy her dessert.

"Hmm how about we split a Tiramisu?" Callie asked sweetly.

Nathan nodded. "Yeah sounds good to me."

A few minutes later their waitress came back with their dessert. The waitress was a young blonde, a bit quiet but she finally spoke out when she brought the dessert.

"Here you go. Your Tiramisu." She placed the plate down with two forks. "How long have you two been together?"

Callie almost felt herself choke on her coke when the waitress asked that bizarre question. Nathan cleared his throat trying to explain. "Well, actually, we are just brother and sister."

The pretty waitress turned red. "Oh sorry. I thought you were a couple. Well I better go before I make a fool out of myself some more."

Callie felt her heart pounding. Nathan's eyes were piercing at her. She too was hoping the waitress thinking they were a couple turned him on. They ate their dessert in silence after the waitress' remark. The dessert was so cold and so delicious. Nathan watched Callie eat it slowly as she licked her lips getting the entire flavor. Oh god her lips were so full and pouty!

After they were finished with dinner, they decided to take a walk down the busy street looking at the window displays as Callie window-shopped. Nathan saw many people stare at them. He had to admit that they did make a great looking couple. The night was still young, but Callie and Nathan heard thunder up above.

"I didn't hear that it was going to rain," Callie said frustrated.

Nathan looked up feeling sprinkles of rain beginning to fall. "I'm afraid so sis. Let's get going back home. Maybe we can come downtown again later on this week."

Callie moaned like a spoiled little girl. "Oh ok I guess so. I was just having so much fun Nate."

Nathan lightly put his hand on her back as they walked back to his car. His touch, just this small light touch, was making Callie feel warm inside. They walked back to his car as the rain came down harder. Luckily, they made it to the car without getting drenched.

Driving back home, the rain was pouring hard. They ended up getting stuck in a major traffic jam. It seemed there was an accident up ahead and traffic was stopped.

"Oh great! Damnit! Now we are stuck here." Nathan groaned.

"Oh I'm sorry for all this Nate." Callie said apologizing.

Nathan sighed looking at his sister. Her eyes were on him. "Why are you apologizing? It's this damn traffic."

"Yeah but if it weren?t for me, we wouldn't be in this traffic."

Nathan had a quick reflex and reached over to put his hand on Callie's knee. "If it wasn't for you, I'd be home alone, doing nothing. If it wasn't for you, I'd be miserable right now."

Callie felt her pulse racing as her brother's hand laid on her knee. She didn't do anything to push it away. She wanted it there. She began to hope that he'd move it up more.

Nathan felt his hand tremble as he had it on Callie's knee. Her skin felt so soft. He was tempted to move it up her dress. He looked at Callie as she bit her lip as if she was waiting for the next move. He slowly made the bold move to slide his hand up her leg.

Callie felt her whole body fill with lust as her brother's hand was riding up her leg. His touch was incredible as he kept moving his hand up. Nathan swallowed hard as his hand was now on Callie's thigh.

Callie voluntarily spread her legs to give her brother further access. Nathan couldn't believe that he was touching his sister so erotically. He could begin to feel the heat that lay between her creamy thighs.

Callie's breathing was getting heavy. She'd never been more excited with another man. Nathan's hand was now creeping to her crotch as he gently began to rub it over her lacey panties. He could feel her wetness as he rubbed her.

Callie wanted to moan, but she was just in a state of shock of pure lust. Nathan's fingers caressed her pussy lightly rubbing up and down between her slick slit. Callie looked around and saw the traffic jammed street hoping no one she knew would be witnessing this beautiful deed.

She turned to look at Nathan, noticing his cock growing in his pants. Callie closed her eyes as Nathan massaged her aching cunt. "Mmmmm," She found herself moaning softly.

Nathan was astounded watching his little sister get turned on by his touch. It was the most enjoyable traffic jam he could ever imagine. Nathan was weary about it, but he went ahead and pushed Callie's panties to the side to finally get a feel of her flesh. Her sweet little pussy.

Callie gasped as she felt her brother touch her pussy skin to skin. His touch was so wonderful. She opened her legs a little bit more, letting her brother know that he had her. He had her good.

Nathan could feel her shaved pussy as he rubbed it with his fingers. Her juices were all over his hand. He could feel them just oozing out with each stroke of his hand. Nathan felt his cock wanting to just jump out of his pants as he started to slide a finger inside Callie.

Oh her pussy was so warm, so tight. He wondered how many guys had been lucky enough to touch her like this. He watched her as she licked her lips, as she was lost in her enjoyment. His finger was sliding in and out of her fuck hole. She started to moan louder now as he began to finger her faster and inserted a second finger in her.

"Oh Nathan. Nathan, Nathan, Nathan." She called out moaning as her little body squirmed in the passenger seat. Callie had never been finger fucked so good. She loved the way his fingers were jammed up her tight hole making it stretch open. She couldn't wait to know what his cock would fee like inside of her.

Nathan's rhythm increased feeling Callie's nectar drip out of her hole and onto his fingers. It was like warm water running down his fingers. He'd never felt a pussy like this. It was just so sweet and soaked. He could feel her tense up as she slightly lifted her body up.

"Is she cumming?" Nathan wondered. He looked closely as she was quivering with delight. Her head was tossed back as she whimpered as quietly as she could. "Oh my God she is cumming!" Nathan watched as his sister climaxed on his fingers. Her pussy was throbbing as her orgasm finished. Nathan loved the way she felt inside he didn't even want to remove his fingers from her hole.

He left his fingers inside her until she slowly seemed to recover. He slipped them out slowly and put his fingers inside his mouth tasting her womanly fluids. She tasted so yummy! Her hot juices left a sweet and tangy taste in his mouth.

Callie felt herself smile shyly at her brother. She loved the fact that he was licking her juices from his fingers. Nathan was moving closer to Callie. He wanted to kiss her again like he'd done the other night. He wanted to kiss her so she could taste her juices in his mouth. They were about to lock lips when they heard loud noises. It was the cars behind them honking. It looked like the streets were open again.

Nathan quickly put the car on drive and he raced home. He was going to make love to Callie tonight. There was no doubt about that. Callie knew what was going to happen as well. She was ready for it. She was prepared to have her brother make love to her. The siblings drove home full of raging desires for one another. This time they weren't going to let anything stop them.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

Now the storyline where it was slow and steady is now starting to heat up. Can't wait to see what is next.

mrdata9770mrdata9770over 2 years ago

(10/16/2021) Well okay, I had to give this page 5 stars. But these single-page chapters are frustrating.

PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 4 years ago
2nd Reading

So Hot...

PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 6 years ago
yeah noice

that was amazing i wish i could end up with my sister in this way.

frankrosfrankrosabout 10 years ago
So erotic

I get so hard every time I read it.

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