My Telija Ch. 02


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"So you do want me then?" he raised a brow curiously, a small smile on his lips. You are so gorgeous... my mind drooled over that sexy little grin.

"That was the only thing you heard out of that entire conversation...and wait...I said nothing about wanting you like...God Vendish, just give me some breathing room here..." I rolled my eyes, feeling like I was having a fight with a brick wall.

"But Jordan, you did just admit that you want me, and I will give you time to ponder...for now..." he winked and I think I growled, but I wasn't quite sure.

"So you did all of this, made me get all worked up, just so you could hear that I thought you were sexy? Am I getting this correctly?" Fucking Fae and his little mind games!

"Yes I did and yes you are and the best part is you are going to be much easier than I thought," he purred, "so adorably easy."

"I'm sorry are you calling me a slut?" Better watch what comes out of your mouth next Vendish or its ugly time.

"Slut? I don't understand." He cocked his head and I groaned, of course he didn't know what that meant. The man could pack some serious passion into his words, but he didn't know what a slut was? Perfect.

"A slut, or someone who quickly and willingly gives up sex and with multitudes of people, a person who knows no prejudice with their body when it comes to genders, ages, or random strangers and more times than not, enjoys every minute of it." I stated matter of fact.

His face fell into one of complete horror, "I did not say that, nor will I ever! Oh Great Mother Jordan...please say you are not one of these...I cannot say that dreadful word."

It was my turn to start laughing, because for one it felt good and secondly I finally had the upper hand, "what if I was Vendish? Would you still take me as your princess then?" I snorted and fell into another bout of laughter.

He was silent in his contemplation and I covered my mouth to hide the smile. Finally he looked up very seriously, "for you I would overlook all things." He nodded and I strangely thought it was sweet.

"You would huh?" I smiled.

"Anything for you my Telija..." he whispered.

"You're serious aren't you, you wouldn't care if I was covered in blue fur and didn't have would still want me..." the realization of this bond hit me like a boulder to the face. I wasn't about to admit it to him, but with every word that he vowed to me, I felt closer to him.

"Well I admit it would be a bit strange, but it wouldn't matter, because in the end I would know someone had my heart and I had theirs," he poetically murmured, a far off look in his eyes. "Admit to me one thing and I will drop this for now..."

"What now Vendish?" I huffed, hiding my real thoughts.

"Do you you find me beautiful truly?" He stammered, looking at the ground. I raised my brows with a smile, but decided to indulge his sense of pride, because just from his words and expression, I don't think he had ever had heard it from someone that mattered to him. I could remember the first time a guy called me beautiful and it literally had me floating on cloud nine for two weeks. It was a memory you would never forget.

"Are you kidding? Of course you're beautiful. Look at you for crying out loud..." I threw my hands at him, "the question is, why you want me? I'm a nerd, who can barely dress myself, and has the body of a sixteen year old boy! Is it just because of this Ghea business that you feel compelled to want me or are you really attracted to me?" I went quiet waiting for a response.

"It is you who jokes now Jordan, you're not a boy, but a beautifully crafted man that I would enjoy laying my eyes on for the rest of eternity. Your eyes remind me of exotic oceans, full and colorful with life. I love the way your face lights up when you get excited and the way your hands move as if they are playing with the wind around you. The sound of your voice makes me weak and the things that come out of your lovely mouth make me smile. Is that enough answer for you?"

I might have been told I was beautiful by some guy in a dirty dorm room, but no one had ever said anything like that to me. Not my mother, not my boyfriends, no one. My heart caught in my throat and I took a deep breath through my nose. Not giving in was about to get really hard, but I had to hold off a little longer, if not for the logical side of things, then to test my own willpower.

"Thank you Vendish, that was um...nice of you to say," I murmured, rubbing my face to hide the blush, but he caught my hands with his.

"If you don't want to admit to me out loud what you feel, then at least give me the luxury of looking at your face, so it will tell me all I need to know." He grinned.

The sky darkened a little behind him and the oranges and purples began to shift to a deep plum with wisps of sultry indigo. It was not the strangest thing I had seen today, but it was new all the same. Vendish glanced up to see what had caught my eye and smiled.

"It will be night fall here soon. Would you care to go to the palace directly or stay at my is only moments away from the others and heavily guarded against the Fae that roam the shadows..." I raised a brow at that comment.

"What do you mean? I figured this place was like wonder land, all peaceful and perfect, but now you're telling me there are things that roam the night?" I looked up into his eyes and he laughed.

"Nothing is perfect my Telija. I only meant that the Night Fae happen to be tricksters in their element. They live to give others a fright and have a good laugh, but to you it would seem more nightmarish than a simple prank. They would never truly harm you, but never the less it's best just to avoid them in the darkness all together. My best friend and second in command is a Night Fae and I would trust him with my life...and then there are the Yukah, but it's probably not in your best interest to delve into that conversation..." He murmured into my hair and I felt a little calmer, but still my heart raced at the thought of creepy crawlies and night thingies.

"Then let's go to your house. I'm not really up for a bunch of other 'shockers' today," I resigned and yawned again, "and just because I'm going to your house, doesn't mean..."

"Yes I know, I know. I will not subject you to my fantasies or take advantage of your innocence," he crossed his heart and bowed at the waist, a grin on his lips. I bit my lip, pondering his idea of fantasies, and shifted slightly to adjust myself.

"Shall we go then? I have something I would like to show you first..." He rose to his full height and smiled. I nodded and he abruptly hugged me tight, causing a gentle breeze to start around our feet and make its way up our bodies, until we were fully encompassed with the honey scented air.


A soft sigh ended our whirlwind embrace and when I managed to disentangle myself from Vendish, I saw the most striking creation I'd ever known. Tall graceful trees made of midnight and aquamarine arced and circled a large crystalline pond. The branches of the trees created a tent above us, entwining with each other so that only the smallest bit of sky peeked through. Small twinkling blue orbs floated around the canopy, giving off the effect of fireflies, but slightly larger and illuminated the forested ceiling above. The water in the pond seemed to softly glow from underneath, silhouetting the small purple flowers that floated on its surface.

Vendish smiled, "I thought this might calm you after the day you've had. It happens to be my favorite place in all Fae."

I smiled back and watched the small ripples along the ponds surface, created by the darting orbs, playing in the water. Mesmerized by the way the water sparkled as if it was winking at me; I stepped forward to the edge, kneeling inches from the spectacular liquid. My fingers skimmed the top and came away shimmering, like glitter itself had been painted across my skin. With my heart starting to race, I once again touched the water like it called to me. It caressed me like we were familiar with one another and I continued to swish my arm back and forth beneath the surface, completely lost in its entirety.

I felt Vendish next to me, but I was transfixed like a child on the gleaming liquid. He chuckled, but said nothing as I explored the peculiar feeling the water gave me. When I finally sat back on my heels, I squeaked as a hand formed of water came away with me, mirroring my movements exactly. An arm followed and I pressed my palm to the watered hand.

"Vendish what is this?" I looked to him and saw that he was kneeling beside me in shock.

"Keep going Telija...," he urged and I turned back to the watery limb.

I entwined my fingers with liquid ones and gasped as a rush of something powerful filled me. My body begged to immerse itself in the water and I obliged, clothing and all, head first into the shimmering pond.

I heard Vendish shout my name, but water rushed past my ears and stilled my hearing. My limbs sought control to swim upwards, but the more I fought the tougher the water seemed to be. I started to feel a tightness grip my chest as I struggled to breath and fear consumed me. It was then that I remembered my years of swim team and stopped my thrashing completely. To my amazement my body floated to the surface and water gently lapped at my sides and limbs. I took a deep gasp for air and felt it fill my lungs, spitting water out as I exhaled.

"Jordan!" Vendish screamed and I sat up. Oh my God...Did I just sit up on top of the water? My eyes bulged as I looked around me, noticing the eight or so feet of depth beneath me. I was sitting on water, not a rock or some unforeseen surface, just water. My eyes had to be as wide as saucers as I slowly gazed down, taking in the profound feat in which I was currently a part of.

My eyes cut up to where Vendish was and I saw him starting to wade through the water up to his knees. I jumped a little as I saw the man on dry land smiling at me and his teal eyes glistening. I looked from Vendish to the stranger and the Prince caught on to my fear.

"It's alright Jordan...he's a friend..." he murmured and stopped treading when he was up to his stomach, "can you move?" I was overwhelmed, but I shrugged, not even sure how I was sitting up, let alone thinking of moving.

The strange man bellowed out, "just let the water work for you. Close your eyes and tell it what you wish to do next. It will seem a little strange, but trust me on this..." Trust you? Who the hell are you?

"It's alright my Telija, just listen to him," Vendish nodded his encouragement and I let out a shuddering breath. I closed my eyes, you can do this, you are not crazy, this is really happening, come on Jordan...

That's when I felt it, the calling of the water, like it was part of my body. I felt the small bubbles kissing my legs and knew with certainty that it was listening for my next command. I can't really explain the sensation that I felt in that moment, only like it was a friendship that only I understood, and like all good friends it knew just what I wanted. With my palms flat over the water, I rose to standing and was amazed as the water followed my hands, rushing under my palms like walls of power.

Something else surged deep in my belly and I cocked my head, trying to make out what was happening within. The best I could say was that it felt like the pull from the water was battling against something inside me and I grit my teeth trying to force it down and concentrate. Whatever it was subsided, but it was still there, lurking yet quiet now.

"You're doing a fine job Jordan. Now walk to the edge slowly..." the other man instructed and I swallowed before trying to take a step.

I took the first step, testing the security underneath me with my toe first, then planting my sole firmly onto the liquid surface. Letting out the breath I had been holding while listening to the spray of water coming from my palms, I took another step, then another, and smiled at the miracle I was performing. It was scary, I'll give you that, but it felt so...right and amazing.

Vendish stayed close to me, wading next to my light steps towards dry. With a gasp of triumph I leapt to the grass and dirt, landing on both feet with success. Vendish sloshed to the shore, the sounds of his boots wheezing from the liquid that no doubt filled them.

"Are you alright?" he grabbed my forearm gently, pulling me to him, "I am sorry, I didn't know it would be that..."

"Powerful?" the bare chested man next to us asked with a laugh. I lightly pushed off Vendish, not because his touch bothered me, we all know that I loved it, but because I was more interested in the man beside us. His face was so familiar. His youthful teal eyes shone with the hint of a smile, and his light brown hair flowed down his chiseled chest. He was studying me with his arms crossed and the smile in his eyes changed to something else, almost a sentimental look.

Vendish cleared his throat, "Jordan I would like you to meet Guardwin, the King of Fae, and more importantly your grandfather."

I sucked in a sharp breath, this man was my grandfather? But he didn't look a day over thirty...

Guardwin unfolded his arms, but made no move to come closer, as if he was nervous and at a loss for words. All my life I had wanted grandparents, the people that were supposed to spoil you with sugar and hugs, to guide you through your tough years when you hated your parents, to tell you stories from their childhood with exaggeration and lots of laughs, but I never had that. My mother's parents passed away before I was born, and as for my fathers...well duh.

It was hard for me to comprehend the thirty something man before me was my grandfather, but I felt a longing to run and hug him despite his appearance. He seemed to feel the same way as he exhaled sharply, making up his mind, and strode over to me without another thought. His muscled arms wrapped around me and hugged me tightly, not briefly but a good long embrace that we both seemed to need in that moment. It wasn't lustful or mind blowing like when Vendish hugged me, but comfortable and loving, truthfully it was one of the best hugs I'd ever had.

Despite being wet, I could feel his tears against my cheek, his muffled sobs whispered into my ear, and I hugged him tighter. He had wanted me when I was a baby, he had wanted to take me and love me as I had deserved, but he knew in the end I would've hated him for being the death bringer for my own mother, and for that I loved him. It wasn't impossible to love someone you had never met and the two of us were living proof of that. We didn't need to say anything, because we both felt it, I know we did.

I heard him sigh before his warm face left the crook of my neck, leaving a kiss on my cheek. He stared into my eyes and then laughed; a glorious sound that was filled with joy and rightness. He kept his hands on my shoulders as he turned to Vendish, "for what you did today, I can never repay you enough my Prince. Below my mate, I trust you with my life, and I honor you for bringing home my kin, my wee one to me. I can never repay you..." tears filled his eyes and Vendish slapped a hand onto Guardwin's shoulder.

"Don't fret old friend. A simple thank you is enough, and I am pleased that you honor me," he winked at the King.

Guardwin nodded and cupped a hand to my cheek, "I am so glad you found your way home Jordan. You have no idea how much you mean to me boy, no idea."

I nodded, not knowing what to say. I felt five years old right about then, and however silly it sounds, I wanted to curl up on his lap and stay within his arms until I fell asleep. He radiated love, joy, and strength and it was rather obvious to me why he was King. He pulled me in for one more hug, somehow sensing the need for it, then stepped back and let me go.

"Alright, enough ninny talk. How about that water then? That was quite a show my boy!" Guardwin laughed and I had almost forgotten about the water. I turned around and studied it in silence, still reeling from the pull it had over me. Was this my Fae power, like Lucy had talked about, was this my other half?

"What am I?" I whispered to the liquid, but Guardwin answered for me, "that is yet to be seen. I am quite certain you will display other abilities as your blood is mixed with this and that. For the meantime, I will say this; the water sings to you in a powerful way my boy. So it is to be confirmed you have a calling there. Rather extraordinary that was and you seem to be a quick learner." He patted my back in approval and I grinned. His words meant a lot to me and it was strange to be so connected to him so quickly. Like Vendish, I felt as if he was just another part of me and I wondered if all the Fae would be that way around me.

"How do you feel Jordan? Are you tired or hungry? Maybe I should take you home..." Vendish fretted and again I smiled. I found that I liked the way he worried over me, being something that I wasn't used to as I was a rather independent sort, I actually really liked it.

"I am a little tired, and hungry definitely, but can we stay a little while longer? I like it here."

Guardwin chuckled, "I see that you two have that in common, as well as something else hmm?" The King raised a brow at Vendish, who blushed. The big guy actually blushed! Ha.

"I'm sorry, we haven't exactly had time to discuss that matter," he looked at me and then at the ground, "but I don't think now is the time, Jordan wants to explore a little more and uh...then we should be getting him home."

The realization of what they were referring to came to me. I glanced back at the water and then at Vendish, "go ahead and tell him. It's okay." I reassured him. Just because I wasn't ready to accept this Ghea thing, didn't mean he had to be completely miserable and hide it.

"Are you sure? You said earlier that you..." he tried and I waved a hand at him.

"I know what I said and it still stands for now, but I mean you can't just mope around because I said 'not right now'." I air quoted and he grinned. That seemed to please him and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Oh by the Great Mother, I know the two of you are Ghea. It is unnecessary to dance about it Vendish. Give him time and all will be right, you'll see," he winked at me and I raised a brow. Of course he knew, he was the King after all, and they knew that sort of stuff right? I wondered if he could smell it or see it or something. God, I am so out of my element here and I feel like an idiot. Smell it? Really Jordan?

I shook my head with a laugh, "okay maybe I am tired. Are you coming with us?" I looked at my grandfather.

He smiled, "not tonight I'm afraid. I just came when I heard Vendish call for help and I'm glad I did, but I have a very important meeting tonight," he frowned a little, "the leaders of the different species are gathering at the palace. We are to discuss what will be done about Lygos."

"The head hunter?" I cringed.

"Aye. He has gone too far this time. No one attacks my wee one and gets away with it. I put up with Meeka, because of the peace that was offered and it was the most foolish thing I have ever done. He seeks revenge for his sister by trying to eliminate you and I will not have it this time," he growled and the air around him hummed with power. Vines and branches cowered away into the dimming light and the earth vibrated under my feet.

"Whoa," I steadied myself and looked into his glowing teal eyes.

His eyes softened and he nodded, "you will never be harmed my boy. Not while the Fae hearts beat and the Great Mother looks down upon you." He smoothed his palm down my cheek, "I still cannot believe that you are here."