My Telija Ch. 02


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I leaned into his touch and felt the love radiate through my skin. He was my family and he would protect me. Vendish turned away and I saw something close to hurt on his face. I stepped away from Guardwin, feeling slightly guilty that I was showing so much open affection towards him and not the man who claimed to love me so completely. He had been so careful not to upset me since I told him what I needed but maybe I had to give him something. Was it wrong to just want to fall into him with a care and for him to hold me even though I didn't know him? But see don't know the King either and you're just letting him touch you and hug you.

"Trust me when I say I can't believe I'm here either," I smiled, then yawned. I was beat.

"Oh Ven, take the poor boy home and let him rest. I am sure he has had quite a day." Guardwin laughed, "I will come visit with you tomorrow, if that that is alright...perhaps I could bring your grandmother?"

"Grandmother?" I had one of those too?

Guardwin chuckled, "well it does take two to make a family yes?"

I blushed. "Well yea, I guess. I'd like that."

"She will be so pleased to hear this," he clapped his hands and I felt Vendish's warmth behind me, a large hand caressed my dripping wet arm, "I really do have to go," the King glanced up, then smiled back at me, "duty calls wee one." He quickly kissed my forehead and winked.

"Sweet dreams my Jordan," and with that he blinked out of sight. No bright lights, no crazy noises, he was just gone.

I hadn't realized just how close Vendish was, until I leaned back into the warmth of his hard chest. Breathing through the fear, I gave in to guilt, and let him have this embrace to keep him going. His arms molded across my chest and his face buried into my neck. I pressed myself further into him, feeling something hard press into my back, and relaxed, not worrying about anything but his arms around me.

The air caressed my neck, causing me to shiver, and Vendish tilted my head to one side, burrowing his nose in my hair. Hearing a deep inhale from him, I sighed, loving the way he started to rub against me, with his hips slowly working into my back and his hands drifting down my arms to my hips.

This bond we shared was becoming more evident, because in the normal scheme of things, right now I would be considered 'easy', but I didn't seem to care. I smiled then gasped as the bigger man grabbed my hips and growled. My mouth delivered a loud moan to his ears, the wet fabric of our pants hiding nothing as he ground his erection into my backside.

"Home, now..." he growled and I nodded. Maybe not sex, but we both needed something. I wanted out of these wet clothes to feel his skin against mine, to explore the Ghea bond we shared, and to explore his delicious body. I wasn't telling him yes, but my body was screaming for him, it was almost painful.

Small giggles came from above us and I put my head back against Vendish's shoulder to look up as he sucked at my neck. In between gasps and moans, I made out the little blue pixies that floated around the canopy, watching us with delight. I thought about telling Vendish we had company, but then again he probably already knew, he was the Prince after all. I however, didn't want an audience, so I turned around in Ven's arms, maneuvering his hands from my hips, letting them settle around my waist.

"Take me home," I murmured deeply, then pulled his lips to mine.


I had always been a terrible mother. I knew I would be the moment I saw the little plus sign on the strip, indicating a life was inside of me, a life that would serve to remind me of eternal pain. Crying for days, sobbing my life away, and locking myself in my bedroom for months was the way I dealt with everything. One day out of my life had changed my future, my bright happy plan that included a husband, family, and that little flower shop I had wanted to open.

Jameen had changed everything the moment he bought me that rose one summer night twenty three years ago. I had been on my way home from classes at the local college, hurrying along to get home and change for a party I was going to. On a whim, I smelled the most delicious aroma coming from the coffee cart a block from my house, and couldn't help myself.

Standing there waiting for the little man to give me my change, I turned and locked eyes with the gorgeous stranger perusing the selection of flowers next to me. His sad demeanor brightened in a matter of seconds and the smile that lit up his teal eyes was breathtaking. The coffee man in front of me seemed to understand and poured my change into my hand with a smile, pushing my coffee forward with a chuckle.

"Have a good night miss," the old man grinned and I nodded mindlessly, putting the change in the tip jar, and clutching my coffee in my shaky left hand.

As if by force, my feet treaded slowly towards the golden skinned stranger, his clothing bohemian and his long chestnut hair braided down his back. He was youthful and beautiful, effeminate in face, but strong in body. We stared at each other for the longest time, before he wordlessly took my free hand and placed the rose within it.

I brought the flower to my nose, deeply inhaling the sweet fragrance, and looking at him from under my lashes. My cheeks flushed as he stroked the side of my face in wonder, before linking his arm through mine and strolling down the sidewalk as if it had always been this way.

"Tell me your name, for you must have must the beautiful title in all the lands, and I would be honored but to hear it from your lips," he stopped at the corner and slid an arm around my waist. Nothing felt strange or wrong about him and his voice was like honey to my ears, beckoning me to him in a way that was not only carnal, but loving and warm.

"Jillian, my Jillian," I whispered while he brought my hand to his lips.

"You are perfect my Jillian, absolutely everything about you is perfect," he breathed against my hand, rubbing it along his cheek, creating a silky friction between us.

"What is your name?" I shuddered as his lips brushed along my wrist.

"Jameen, but you can call me Jamie," he smiled and his eyes sparkled. It was then that I lost myself to him. It may have been my youthful thinking or because I was a dreamer, but I truly believed that there was a soul mate for everyone, and I also knew with all my heart that I had just found mine.

The next seven hours were ones that I will never forget, even when I was dead and gone, I would still remember he loved me. He talked of foreign lands and whimsical things that I thought were his vivid imagination, and his stories drew me in, like a bee to honey. I let him touch me, take me to highs of pleasure that night that I would never know again, taking my body as if we trading hearts, for I was his and he was mine.

He was a passionate lover, giving, and fiery in his element, bringing me to the edge and over time and time again. I remember laughing when during his climax, the windows flew open and the storm outside let wind and rain swirl about as if it was his doing. Never had I laughed and cried in joy so many times, never had I felt this loved.

I woke up sometime the next night, rolling over with greedy hands, seeking him for another round of pleasure, but he was gone. Sitting up, I cried his name, hoping to get a response, but instead received a frightening caw from a crow perched on the window sill. I threw on a robe and tore the house up, searching for him in a panic. Something was wrong and my heart felt like it was shredding. Where was my Jamie?

I ran into the street, calling his name over and over, and ending on my knees in tears at the end of the drive. Months went by after his disappearance and I had begun to shut down. The color in my eyes faded, my hair became limp and lifeless, and I lied in bed for days on end. I quit my classes over the phone, stopped hanging out with my friends, and took up my post in bed to waste away. My life was meaningless without him.

It was the night that I found out that I was pregnant, that they came. I was so tired and hurting, depressed beyond the definition, and I rocked back and forth on the floor of the living room. Cold air drifted through the cracks in the floor boards and I shuddered, adding to my world of darkness. I heard the whispers through my tears and thought I had finally lost the battle of my mind...this was it, the end for me.

Now lying bed, I stared at the face that had first appeared to me that cold night, the one person that had stayed, refusing to let me give up on the tiny life inside of me. Kimella or Aunt Kim as Jordan called her sat on the bed next to me, stroking my thinning hair away from my gaunt face, keeping a warm smile on her lips as if that would convince me I looked beautiful. I knew I looked sickly and the feeling of my life slipping away didn't help much either.

"Jilly you should eat something, you must be hungry," Kimella swept a stray snow white lock behind her ear, grabbing a cup of soup from the nightstand, "open up."

"No. I'm okay," I whispered, pausing her babying with a few fingers to her thigh, "I just need to sleep."

"You will never regain your strength if you refuse to eat anything Jilly. Think of Jordan, he needs you now more than ever. I fear what he will do if something happens to you, as he is still a wee one, and most likely will be powerful in his mixed heritage," Kim's eyes were full of pity and sentiment, sweeping over my thin figure under the blanket.

"He will be free now Kim, he can be who he needs to be, and not worry about me anymore. I'm nothing but a burden to him and I know he thinks I never wanted him, but it was always for his own good. I wanted him to be independent, so that when I...when..." tears rolled down my cheeks.

My baby was everything to me, but I could never tell him that, for he looked just like Jameen and the very thought broke me apart. Every day I 'faded', as the Fae called it, a little more and if I died, I didn't want him to mourn as I had done for his father. I am a terrible mother, I know, but I did it because I loved him and as insane as that sounds, it's the truth.

Today was the worst of all days, for I felt my insides shutting off, and my movements becoming slow and warped, even my speech was barely more than a whisper. Both Kimella and the healer June looked extremely worried, as if they thought they could hide this from me. Kimella had become like a sister, well as close I could get to another person emotionally in my state. Her daughter Lucy had been kind enough to watch over Jordan, taking note of all his whereabouts and watching him for any signs of Fae likeness.

I knew they had taken him this morning, taken him to see his grandfather where he would be safe from the danger. Kimella frowned and placed the cup back on the small side table; she rose and looked at me, then left the room with a sigh.

"June," I whispered, feeling my eyes grow tired. The healer leaned over, her long blonde hair waving over my stomach, "Jillian?" she smiled with many years behind her youthful eyes.

"Tell him I loved him, with everything I had left. Tell him I tried to be a good mother, but I don't blame him for hating me, " I took a deep breath, gripping the sheets with my frail fingers, "tell him I am proud of who he has become, and that I want him to be happy with who he is, who he was meant to be."

June frowned; realization dawning in her eyes, her hands softly touched either side of my face, a warm tingle running down my body. "Tell him he is beautiful and I'm sorry, tell him that..."

Something was happening, I grit my teeth as the pain fought against June's healing magic, my toes curled and my fists tightened into the bedding. I gasped for breath, watching June's panicked face from my limited view. Jamie, I could feel him everywhere, almost as if he was in the room, my heart leapt against my chest, and the tears flowed freely. Something was happening to my Jameen...evil, something evil.

A caw sounded from the window, while I struggled to breathe, my eyes landing on the black crow in the window. "Crow..." I choked in warning, it was evil and I knew it. June glanced over quickly, jumping to her feet and calling for Kim.

Her eyes widened as she went to the window, scaring the crow away, "Jameen?" she whispered in shock. I took one more breath and drifted away, leaving the pain behind me.


In all my days amongst the Fae I had never truly understood what it meant to be mated. Sure, I would hear and see the others in their blissful companionships, but it seemed that the great mother did not have anyone in store for me. I hid behind a mask of stoicism and strength, pushing down all the need and loneliness every waking moment just to get by.

All that changed the second Jordan came to me. In all of one sunny day, he had become everything to me and more. At last I had found my other half and he was truly beautiful, more so than any other Fae being I had ever laid eyes upon and I thanked the mother for her gift to me. Jordan was an extraordinarily complex person, I understood that from the first five minutes of being with him, but he was kind and gentle above all else. I could see it in his eyes, hidden behind his justified fears and I hoped to assure him in every moment that I lived to please him.

I knew when I walked away from him in the field that he would come for me and call me what you will, but I needed to know for sure that he would want me back. As one to never have known love, it was tricky for my mind to let go and my heart to be assured that this was true, so maybe a childish play on Jordan's emotions seemed cruel, but I needed him to say how he truly felt, and oh did he ever.

But the most shocking event, despite everything else that had happened to date, was when the water came to him. You see, when a Fae is first born their abilities are determined, making them more pronounced as the years go on, but Jordan...well he was a phenomenon to say the least. The water called to him within seconds of being near the pool, mirroring his image and making its introductions. As I said, it normally takes years for a Fae to properly manifest their power, but Jordan took to it like the grass took to being green.

I was terrified as Jordan thrashed about, calling out for the King in my panic. Guardwin appeared by side, his eyes wide as he took in the sight before him, but he crossed his arms, confident that my mate would be alright. He was so sure, but I waded into the water, ready to grab my Telija, should I need to. In the end though, he was fine, actually more than fine with his ability. Well, maybe not mentally, but physically his body hummed with power that he didn't seem to be able to grasp. I sensed something else, maybe another power on the verge of emergence, but it seemed unique. I would watch him closely from now on, to monitor this strange unknown inside of him.

Our bond felt no different at least, maybe a little stronger, but that was to be expected from a mated pair, drawing on another as if they were the air the other breathed. My case was a little different though and every touch that Jordan shared with his grandfather made me jealous and pained. I should be happy for him, and I was, but I couldn't wave away the want for him to touch me like that. To even just hug me like he wanted it and not pull away from my lips on his forehead. I resigned myself to the fact that I would beg if I had too.

Being a Prince and a warrior made me very masculine indeed, but if it was my male pride or Jordan, it would be Jordan. His eyes caught onto mine and I turned away, so he wouldn't see the hurt in my face, and would enjoy the time he shared with Guardwin. Catching his frown out of the corner of my eye, I sighed and smiled, even if it is was not real, it was for him.

I moved behind him, so he couldn't see my face anymore and I could breathe normally, catching Guardwin's smiling glances my way. His pride was evident at our pairing, but I couldn't shake the doubts that were beginning to weasel their way into my heart. Maybe it was all a cosmic joke, a prank by fate for me to see what was mine, but never to actually have it. My heart sank, but I kept my smile up for the King and his beautiful grandson.

Guardwin bid us farewell, leaving another sweet kiss on Jordan's brow before he blinked out of sight and in that moment something snapped inside of me. It started as a simple caress down Jordan's wet arms, but soon became something possessive in nature. I caught a whiff of his scent, like clean air and the earth of Fae, all natural, all mine. My face nuzzled into his sexy dripping locks, inhaling that smell like I could never get enough, and truthfully I couldn't.

My hands slipped down his arms and grabbed his hips, trying to control my strength, being gentle instead of forceful. Jordan melted against me and I growled, loving his small body pressed into my larger chest. His body was perfectly lined against mine, soaking wet clothing clinging to each other, and my rock hard arousal housed in the small of his back as I ground into his shivering body.

He whimpered against me, totally unaware of his own voice, and I pulled his backside to me tighter, my hands on his hips digging into his flesh. I wanted to make him aware of what he did to me, how hard he made me. Jordan started to roll his hips, up and down my length, and I growled into his neck, sucking on the skin there, but refraining from breaking it.

I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted our coupling to be in my bed, on my sheets, in the protection of my home. "" my command was forceful, but Jordan didn't mind, lost in the feel of our pleasure.

He turned, using what strength he had to pull my hands from his hips, letting my arms go around his waist as he faced me, "take me home Vendish."

His voice was strangled, those teal eyes burning with need, and his hand wrapped around the back of my head. He crushed our lips together and I wanted to scream with pleasure. My hand wound in his hair and I hiked his leg around me with my other hand. He climbed like an animal up my hips, locking his lean legs around my waist, and sucking on my tongue.

I pulled back, breathing raggedly, holding his pliable globes in my palms. He put his forehead to mine, hot air coursed from his mouth with an uneven rhythm against my lips. Summoning my powers, the wind that answered was warm and soothing, as I thought of home. The pond and its surroundings dissolved as the wind of the earth transported us to my bedroom, the place where we would finish what we started.

Jordan's hands tightened around my neck as the transport dissipated, revealing my private quarters. I kept him glued to me, when I sensed another presence behind me. Turning quickly, pushing Jordan's face into my neck, I saw Luciana first. She fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face, and then I saw Kimella. Her presence said everything I needed to know, for Kimella rarely came to the Fae lands anymore.

Jordan struggled out of my grasp, his eyes searching for the reason behind my shock, "Aunt Kim?" his voice sounded like that of a child as he made sense of their faces.

"My Lord," Kimella swept a tear from under her eye and bowed her head at me, ignoring Jordan's eyes, "My father and the others will be here shortly."

"Look at me!" Jordan screamed. He was scared and he had every reason to be. "What happened? Why are you here?"

"Jordan maybe you should just sit down for a while, I'll make you some tea," she stopped stroking Luciana's hair and rose.

"No! Tell me Kim, please..." he sobbed and I wrapped my arms around him. He pressed into me, squeezing my arms, holding on for dear life.