My Wife's Student

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Wife asks husband to 'tutor' student in lovemaking.
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Ring! Ring!

"Why is it that the phone rings just as I'm going out the door?" I thought, as I closed the door, put down my wife's school papers, and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I said as cheerfully as I could.

"Hello? Mr. Riley? This is Lisa... Lisa Brown," said a small, shy voice. Lisa is one of my wife's former students.

"Hello, Lisa!" I said. "How are you? How's everything in college?"

"College is fine, Mr. Riley. And I, well, I guess I'm fine. Is your wife...I mean, Mrs. Riley...I mean, Rachael there?"

"Rachael is at school now. Lisa, I really wish you'd call me Tony. You're a friend of the family now, not a little girl."

"Okay, T-T-Tony. Could you have Mrs...I mean, Rachael, call me when she can. I'm at home for a while," said Lisa.

"Of course, Lisa, I'll tell her to call you this evening. Okay?"

"Thank you, Mr. Riley, I mean...ummm...Tony. Good-by."

"Good-by, Lisa." I hung up the phone, picked up Rachael's papers, and went out the door before the phone could ring again. The papers were corrected tests that my wife had forgotten to take with her this morning. I was on my way to deliver them to her when the phone had called me back inside.

I thought about Lisa as I drove. I remembered her as being very thin. One of those poor girls who just had no shape. She had straight brown hair, cut shoulder length. Her nose was a little too big, and her mouth a bit too small. The poor girl was flat-chested, which did not help her self-esteem, and narrow of waist and hips. I used to joke with Rachael that Lisa had to run around in the shower to get wet, but I never teased her, in fact I would always tell her what a pretty girl she was. To her credit, she did have the loveliest clear blue eyes, a quick wit, and a good sense of humor, once she became comfortable with you.

She was one of Rachael's favorite students. Although she was shy, my wife saw a spark of creativity in her. Working with her for the two years Lisa was in her class, my wife was able to develop that creativity and she was able to get a full scholarship at the state university studying journalism, with an eye toward becoming a writer.

When I arrived at the school, I buzzed through the front security door, signed in at the office, and then was allowed to take the papers down to my wife's classroom. From the hallway I was able to look into her room and watch Rachael teach. She had every student watching and listening with rapt attention.

Rachael is a natural born teacher. She was a substitute teacher when we met, working on her teaching certificate. After we married, she earned her masters degree in English literature. In addition to the high school, she also teaches a course at the community college. In her "spare" time she is earning her Ph.D. There is no doubt that she is intelligent. She has even published several scholarly works, and is even now writing a novel, while she negotiates with a publisher.

In addition to all this, she is very attractive. She is not super model beautiful, thank goodness, but her beauty is the kind that, although not immediately obvious, grows on you as you get to know her. She keeps her chestnut brown hair cut short, so that it frames her oval face. Her light blue eyes are so sharp they never miss what is going on in her classroom, and they can freeze a miscreant in his tracks with just a stern look. Rachael's thin lips are almost always curved in a smile, which, along with the twinkle in her eye, lifts the spirits of everyone who is lucky enough to be around her.

My wife dresses very conservatively, even for an English teacher. Tweeds and mid-calf dresses in dark blues and earth tones are her normal school attire. She keeps her 36B breasts in what I teasingly call her "industrial strength" bra. Thankfully, her clothes completely hide her trim 26" waist and 35" hips. If the boys in her classes knew how great her body was, they would never be able to learn their lessons because they would be daydreaming all the time.

I tapped lightly on the door and was rewarded with one of her loving smiles when she saw it was me. She opened the door and had me step into the room. She turned to her class and said, "Class, this is Mr. Riley, my husband. He has brought your corrected tests to me so you will all receive your grades today."

"Hello, Mr. Riley," said the class in unison.

"Hello class," I said.

Rachael turned her back to the class and faced me. She smiled again and slowly slid her tongue out the side of her closed mouth until the pink tip showed then slid it back. This was a signal we use with each other to say, "Hi, sexy, I'm in the mood!"

I handed her the papers, smiled, and gave her a quick wink to let her know I had received the message. Now I had something to look forward to all day.

"Good-by Mrs. Riley, good-by class," I said as I turned and left the room.

They responded with, "Good-by Mr. Riley." Rachael was back to teaching them before the door had closed behind me.

As I drove to work, I couldn't help but think about how lucky I was to have a woman like her as my wife. You see, there is a world of difference between Rachael's education and mine. I have only an associate's degree in building construction from the same community college my wife teaches at.

Friends have asked how two people as different as we are got together. "Simple," we'll say, "We love to read." We met in a bookstore, hit it off right away, and spent the rest of the day discussing various books and authors. At the end of our second date, two days later, she asked, "Would you stay with me tonight?" We have been together every night since then, except for hospital stays.

Let's see, I guess I should describe myself, since I am the main protagonist. My name is Tony Riley. I am 5'11 1/2" tall, weigh 178 lbs, wear a size large shirt to fit my 16" neck, and 34" waist jeans. I think of myself as normally proportioned. I still have all my hair, thank you very much, but it's turning gray at the temples. Rachael says I have buns to die for, but I think she's prejudiced. The size of my equipment is large enough to do all the things Rachael needs it to do, and that's all you need to know.

I own my own small construction company, specializing in additions and renovations. I keep it small so I can continue to do construction work, which I love. It is hard, physical work, but it keeps me in good shape. I use a small accounting firm in town to do all the paper work, from payroll to taxes. My normal attire is work boots, blue jeans, and flannel shirt when it's cold outside, t-shirt when it's hot.

Rachael is 39 years old, and I'm 41, and we've been married for 17 years. We are best friends and still prefer each other's company to that of anyone else. Sexually, we are a perfect match. Under her conservative clothes (and only with me) Rachael is a wild woman who loves sex. As do I. Even after 17 years, we're still hot for each other and make love at least five times a week, if it's a normal week. On one of our many "honeymoons" away, we will double that in three days. I am man enough to admit that I am totally in love with my wife.

Although Rachael loves children, because of medical reasons, we never had any of our own. We were both tested and, as it turns out, neither of us have what it takes to be parents. Because of that, her students are her children. She loves her kids and will go out of her way to help them in any way she can, from tutoring them after school to writing glowing letters of recommendation to colleges.

Rachael's work does not stop when she leaves school. Many nights she works two or three hours correcting assignments and writing or correcting tests. It seems only fair that I should do a reasonable amount of the housework. Rachael cooks, I clean up.

My wife sat at the table as I was cleaning up, and we chatted about our day. I told her that Lisa had called. When I finished, I played a few games on the computer, surfed the Internet for a while, then took a shower and got ready for bed. As I lay in bed reading, I could hear Rachael talking on the phone. Shortly after that, Rachael took her shower and joined me in bed.

We both read for a little while, and then I asked, "Did you call Lisa?"

"Yes, I did. She asked me if I could have lunch with her on Saturday. I told her I was sure it would be okay. Is that alright with you?"

"No problem," I said, "it will give me a chance to fix the back fence."

Rachael put her book down and rolled over against me. She snuggled under my arm, her head on my shoulder and her hand resting on my chest, her fingers playing in the chest hair. "Lisa didn't say, but I got the impression there's something wrong. It's not like her to not just drop by here if she just wants to talk. She said it was complicated and she needs my advice."

"She probably has a boyfriend and wants to know how to seduce him," I said.

"Well, now," Rachael said, slowly sliding her hand down to my crotch, "I suppose I could give her advice about that." Her hand was now playing with my penis, slowly waking it up and bringing it to a state of readiness.

I was ready for what was coming, so I dropped my book on the floor and put my reading glasses on the night table.

After all these years, my Rachael knows how to play my body like a conductor uses an orchestra. First she got me hard with her hand while we kissed, then she kissed her way down my body. When she got to my nipples, she nipped on them lightly. When she reached my dick, she kissed and licked all over it, then started a slow sucking that brought me to a hot simmer. Not to the point of cumming, but only to the point where I was painfully hard and ready to cum.

After about ten minutes of her heavenly sucking, Rachael moved up my body, grabbed my cock and guided it into her pussy. Sucking on me is a big turn-on for her and she's always good and wet by the time I'm ready. "Hhhmmm," she moaned as she slowly engulfed me. The first plunge was slow because she knows how much I enjoy the first feel of her wet, velvet insides surrounding my cock. She sat still on me for a few seconds, just squeezing me with her pussy and letting us savor the feeling.

Shortly, she started riding me, raising up until I was barely inside her, then dropping down hard, mashing our pubic bones together. I let her set the pace by holding myself still so she could pleasure herself on me. After a few minutes, when she was no longer slamming down on me but was riding me in a smooth forward and back motion building up to her climax, I put my hands to use and started squeezing her breasts, pinching her nipples, rubbing her sides, and caressing her thighs.

My own climax was building inside, the pleasure/pain of need inside my crotch. Without conscious thought, I started moving to meet her, arching up into my wife as she came down on me. I didn't want to cum before Rachael did, so I started to give her more stimulation by leaning up and sucking on her nipples, then licking all over her tits, especially the sensitive undersides. Her nipples were hard when I nibbled on them. She moaned and put her hand behind my head and pulled my face against her tits even harder.

I stopped sucking and started to lick and kiss my way up to her neck. Rachael is very sensitive on the side of her neck. She shuddered as I gently caressed her there with my lips, and increased her pelvic grinding on my cock.

"Oh Tony, oh Tony. Yes! Yes! Oh! Oh! Oh! Yeaaaah!!!"

Watching my wife - my love - orgasm is the most beautiful thing I ever see. Her head tips back, her mouth opens in an "O" of pleasure, her eyes close half way, and a blush spreads across her cheeks and chest. Her whole body becomes tense as she shivers in pleasure. I grabbed her hips and ground my penis into her as hard as I could when I saw her hit her peak.

"Uuuuunnhhhh," she groaned and collapsed onto my chest. I gave her a few seconds to regain control, and then I rolled her over until I was on top and started slamming into her again. I knew this would make her cum again, as well as release my own flood. It worked.

"Aaaaahhhhh," I roared into the air.

"CUM, MY LOVE! OH YES!" Rachael screamed, as she came again. She grabbed my head with both hands and pulled my lips to hers. Her lips were soft and sweet and passionate. Our tongues were two lovers dancing together. Our kiss lingered as our hearts slowed to a normal level.

I love holding Rachael during the after-glow. We lay on our sides as my dick slowly softened. She tucked her head under my chin and leaned against my side. Her ragged breath tickled the hair on my chest. Her arms still held me close, just as mine were still wrapped around her.

Normally, we will fall asleep in this position. Tonight though, just before we slid into sleep, Rachael whispered into my ear, "Don't let that hussy over the back fence get her hands on you while you're out there. I'm sure she'd just love to get you into her bed."

"Don't worry, my love," I said, "you're the only woman in this world for me. I don't want any other woman." With that, we drifted off to sleep.

The next day was Friday and it passed normally, except Rachael had a bad headache that night, so instead of making love, I gently massaged her head until she fell asleep, which is also making love, in a way.

Saturday dawned warm and clear, a perfect day for yard work. I made the coffee after my morning run, then got out the tools I would need to clean up the yard and fix the fence.

Rachael had a committee meeting at school at 9 AM, then lunch with Lisa, so she was gone by 8:45. Two and a half hours of work, including several beer breaks, had the yard in ship shape, so I was ready to tackle the back fence. I had discovered several weeks before that one of the fence posts was wobbly, and investigation showed that it was rotted and it needed to be replaced.

By this time it was getting warm, so I had stripped off my shirt was now only dressed in shorts, leather gloves, and work boots. I had two sections of fence removed and placed to one side and was digging the new post hole when Susan, the "hussy over the back fence," came outside.

Susan is a gossipmongers dream. A mature woman in her early forties, she has the body of a well constructed, meant for pleasure woman who knows how to use it; large, natural breasts, slim waist, and smooth round hips that taper into legs most any man would want wrapped around him. The story was she used that body to good advantage, enjoying men anytime she wished, sometimes in multiples. Her husband, Tom, is an airline pilot who, it's said, has no problem with her activities and even encourages her.

"Hi Tony. What're you doing?" Susan asked.

"Fixing the fence," I said, then looked up. Hopefully she didn't see my eyes bug out. Susan was wearing a very skimpy string bikini.

"Do you mind if I work on my tan?" she asked.

"Um. No, of course not! What man wouldn't want a beautiful woman in a bikini around?" I said as I looked back down at what I was doing. I couldn't believe I'd said that.

"My goodness, aren't you the flatterer!" Susan said, as she stretched out on a lounge chair in the sun and started covering herself with coconut suntan oil.

The smell of warm coconut oil is intoxicating to me and I watched as she erotically rubbed it into her skin, starting with her shoulders and moving downward. By the time she reached her thighs I couldn't stand it any more and I moved to the other side of the posthole and dug facing away from her. Unfortunately, I could still smell the coconut oil and I could hear her moving on the lounge. I had a prickly feeling on the back of my neck like I could feel her looking at me.

I finished digging the hole, placed the new fence post, filled the hole with dirt, and tamped it down, never facing Susan for very long. I remounted the two fence sections from outside the fence, again so I wouldn't be facing her, and was just putting the tools over the fence ready to go clean up when Susan called to me.

"Tony, dear, would you do me a favor?"

"Damn!" I thought, but I turned toward her and said, "Sure, what can I do for you?"

"Come here, please. Would you put some of this oil on my back?" Susan said, rolling over onto her stomach. Naturally, the bikini bottom was a thong.

"Um, yeah, sure, okay," I said.

Susan handed me the coconut oil and stretched out like a cat. I poured some onto my hands and bent over and started applying it to her shoulders. I put some on her back, skipping over the bikini strap to put some on her lower back. Then I stopped.

"You missed a spot," Susan said, reaching behind her, untying the top and letting her ample tits spill out the sides. "I don't want a tan line, now do I?"

"Uhh, umm. No, certainly not," I said and rubbed some more into her back.

Here," she said, moving slightly to the side, "sit down. Don't forget my legs, Tony." I sat down.

I didn't need this. My dick was hard and throbbing in my shorts, but I am a gentleman and put the oil on her legs, then her soft, tender ass cheeks when she looked back at me pointedly. I thought I might have a heart attack from rubbing her derrière.

I thought I was done, so I put the bottle down and started to stand back up.

"Oh, Tony, do my sides too, please."

Reluctantly, I put some more oil on my hand and rubbed it into the side closest to me, from her narrow waist to the side of her bulging breast. I then put some more oil on my hand and, keeping one arm on the closer side, I reached across her body and rubbed it onto her other side, from waist to tit.

That was my mistake.

"That feels so good, Tony! There's only one more thing I want you to do," Susan said, as she quickly rolled over, grabbed my oily hand, and pressed it to her bare tit, "come inside with me and give me that hard cock of yours!" With her other hand she grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into one hell of a hot, lustful kiss.

Without thinking, I put my other hand on her other tit. Without thinking, I squeezed both of them. They were the two biggest, softest, double handful of tits I had ever held. This encouraged her and she pushed her tongue into my mouth. Without thinking, my tongue played tag with hers. Her mouth tasted as sweet as honey, and this was one of the most passionate kisses I had ever received from a woman. Except, of course, from Rachael.


I pushed away from Susan and said, "No! Thank you, it's a very tempting offer, but I love my wife and I don't want to cheat on her."

My hands were still on her tits. She grabbed them and held them there. "Come on, Tony! I won't tell your wife. I know you want to, your hands are squeezing me and you cock is tearing a hole in your shorts. Come inside and fuck me. She'll never know."

"Maybe not, but I'll know," I said. With reluctance I stood up, letting my hands slide off Susan's breasts. My dick was indeed making a tent out of the front of my shorts. Susan looked straight at my crotch, and then into my eyes and slowly, wantonly, licked her lips.

"You won't regret it, I promise," she said with a low purr.

"I'm sure you're right," I said as I backed up. I turned and walked back to the fence. My hands still tingled from feeling her hard nipples pressing into my palms, my eyes could still see her soft, pendulous breasts, and my cock was still rock hard.

Half way to my yard, my eyes, hands, and penis staged a rebellion and took over from my brain, temporarily. I turned back to look at Susan. She was sitting up straight, tits thrust out, and a surprised but sexy look on her face. She looked so good, the rebels were stunned into inaction and my brain regained control. I gave her a half smile, shook my head, turned, grabbed the rest of my tools, and escaped into the house.

Once behind a closed door, I stopped to regain control. I was so turned on I was trembling. I took several deep breaths to settle down. On one hand I had just been offered a fuck like few men are ever offered, on the other hand I had undoubtedly just saved my marriage. Relief and frustration warred within me.