New Life in a New World Ch. 05


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At least the manufactured soul was stable. Sirenia worried that the body would reject the soul, but she did not share this concern with the others. If anything did happen, there would only be a few seconds notice and the necromancer would not be able to do anything about it. They did find it rather disconcerting to see John walking around yet not acting himself. He constantly wore a blank stare on his face and would not talk to anyone other than Sirenia. He was also very protective of her as well. It was only by her instructions that he started looking out for the rest of the group. However, he was not armed with much to fight back with. The necromancer instructed Sasha and Lydia to hold onto his rifle and pistol. The manufactured soul did not possess the knowledge to use firearms and she didn't want him to try. They did allow him to keep his Ka-Bar knife. Still, Lydia was troubled about his current demeanor. The last thing she wanted was to have him charge headlong into a fight he could not win. However, Sirenia insisted that there was nothing that she could do. Protection of his mistress was one of the primary tasks of the faux soul. Even if the necromancer commanded him to stay back, if their lives were in danger, he would certainly disobey that command. Even though she sensed that the real John would do just that, at least he would have had his advanced weaponry and experience to guide him.

Luckily they did not encounter any problems, not even any bandits. They prayed for that same luck tomorrow. As the three women sat by the campfire, they had a new problem on their hands. Since they had set up camp, John refused to eat or drink anything. It was also looking like he would refuse sleep as well.

"Perhaps he's not hungry?" Sirenia shrugged, "Eventually his body will tell him that he needs to eat something."

"It's not like that," the dragoness replied, glancing at the cooked meat on the plate. "When I handed him the food, he just looked at it. Like he had no idea what to make of it. He did the same thing when I handed him the canteen."

The necromancer thought for a moment when a look of embarrassment overtook her. "Oh shit!"

The dragoness and the half-lycan looked at each other in confusion. Sirenia had buried her head in her hands in frustration. She finally looked up at her two companions with a grim look on her face, hinting at the huge mistake she had made.

"I know why he won't eat," the necromancer said, reluctantly wanting to admit her error. "All the basic bodily functions that we take for granted like walking and breathing are either pure instinct or learned at a young age. But when trying to revive someone like we are, we are literally working with a blank slate. With no instinct or experiences, all of those things have to be added into the manufactured soul. A set of instructions telling the body how to function. I gave his body the instructions to keep his heart beating, to keep him breathing, to let him walk and run. But...I may have forgotten a few things."

Lydia raised an eyebrow, "Are you saying that he's forgotten how to eat?"

"I'm saying he can't eat or drink anything because he doesn't know how to. Like giving an infant a sword and shield then expecting it to know how to fight."

"He's going to die! We need to do something!" the wolf girl shouted, shooting up from her seat.

The necromancer raised her hands, trying to get the half-lycan to allow her to explain things. It was not until Lydia felt Sasha's firm grasp on her arm did she finally calm down. With a deep sigh, she sat back down to her seat.

"It's too late to do anything about it now," Sirenia explained. "The human body can survive a few days without food and water. We'll be at our destination tomorrow evening, that will give us plenty of time."

"How can you sound so cold?" the half-lycan shrieked, "You're fine with bringing John to the brink of dehydration and starvation?"

"This spell was experimental. I told you there would be risks."

"You honestly don't give a fuck if he lives or dies, do you?!?! You were content with letting him die back in that cave!"

"Dammit Lydia, I want to save John's life just as badly as you do!" the necromancer screamed before marching over to the wolf girl and getting in her face. "And don't you think for one second that I don't care about him. He's the only man who has showed me any kindness in a long time and I at least owe him for that."

Sasha immediately jumped between the two arguing women, separating them. "None of this is helping him! We're all tired, our nerves wearing thin, and we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Let's get some sleep and we can go back to hating each other after we've saved John. I'll take first watch."

Sirenia gave the half-lycan a long, hard glare before finally turning around and heading over to where she had her bedding rolled out. The dragoness watched as the necromancer laid down with her back facing them and pulled a blanket over herself. Sasha turned back to Lydia who was still sitting by the fire, taking deep breaths as she tried to regain control of herself. Sitting down next to the wolf girl, the dragoness wrapped her arm around her companion. The half-lycan allowed herself a smile as she rested her head on the shoulder of the dragoness. She took comfort in the embrace of her new friend.

"You really need to get some sleep," Sasha whispered, "More than any of us."

The half-lycan's golden eyes glanced off somewhere. The dragoness followed her gaze and saw John standing at the edge of the light from the fire. His back was to the rest of the group, intently staring out to the dark forest as he kept watch. The wolf girl trembled slightly in Sasha's arms, never taking her eyes off her lover. The last day's events had taken a great toll on all of them. But Lydia seemed to be affected the most. The dragoness thought about the fight in the cave between the two lovers as described to her. At first, she felt like she had failed in her task to protect the young man who she had also fallen for. But now she felt conflicted, she questioned if she could have made the same hard choice the half-lycan was forced to make. She almost felt relieved that she wasn't the one who had to decide John's fate.

The half-lycan continued watching the young soldier, wishing she could think about how handsome he looked in the new clothes she bought for him. His normal clothing covered in blood, she got him a half-sleeved black tunic. She even spent a little extra to get one that was embroidered with gold trim that followed the edge of the collar and split neck. His brown pants matched well with his military boots. But too many thoughts buzzed through her mind for her to admire his new outfit. She feared what would happen to the man she loved if they failed. Distressed by the idea of John's soul lost in an afterlife of nothingness. Lydia wanted to get his soul out of purgatory as soon as possible. But there was something else that troubled her. The female demon that started all of this, the one who seduced and deceived the young soldier.

"You knew that woman," Lydia said with a much more serious look on her face, "The one who tried to kill John?"

"Not personally," Sasha replied with a half-chuckle as her smile faded away. "But I have heard of her. The woman's name is Lilith, and she's not an elf, she's a succubus. More importantly, she's Solomon's wife."

Lydia's eyes went wide as an uneasy chill crept up her spine. She came to the realization that even though they had been hunting Solomon, the demon was hunting them as well. Another unnerving question was why hadn't Solomon finished them off yet? Did he not know John had survived? Either way, this created a new sense of urgency to try and get his soul back.

But then her mind turned to Lilith. A new level of hate the wolf girl had never experienced before rose inside of her. The demon bitch had seduced her lover and fucked him. The images that Ikuzar implanted into her mind still lingered. Images of intertwined limbs, the succubus thrusting herself against John's body in ecstasy as he groaned in pleasure beneath her. Then she put him under a spell and sent him to fight the woman he loved. A cruel game the half-lycan was forced to play. Lydia was beginning to learn the true meaning of hate.

"I'm going to kill her," the half-lycan growled, "I swear to the gods that I will not rest until she's dead!"

"I think we all want a piece of that bitch," the dragoness replied with a smile, "But I'll be sure that you get to strike the killing blow."

Sasha gently helped the half-lycan to her feet and walked her over to her bedding. As the wolf girl laid down, the dragoness pulled up the blanket and made sure Lydia was well covered. The act itself almost motherly, the dragoness couldn't help but think how close this could have been a reality with Radulf. She could see the half-lycan was still closely watching John.

"I promise to keep a close eye on him," she said reassuringly, "Just try and get some sleep."

Lydia didn't find it that hard to fall asleep. She had no idea how tired she really was until her eyes started drooping the moment she was in bed. As the world faded out around her, there was a troubling feeling that stayed with her. Things would get worse before they got better.


Sirenia was seven years old when she stood outside her parents' small cottage. Forbidden from entering, she apprehensively waited for what would likely be grim news. Her parents waited with her, her mother uncontrollably weeping while her father stood in silence.

Their village smelled of death. It was like a dark aura had seeped into every corner of the village. One month ago, a mysterious plague had broken out in the village. What started as a couple of sick farmers had now infected half of the inhabitants. The sickness would start as a high fever. But then black spots would show up on the skin, next the eyes would become bloodshot. Difficulty breathing would soon follow. Finally, they would cough uncontrollably, painfully spitting out large amounts of blood before death finally took them.

Many healers and priests had visited the town in hopes of dispelling the plague, but all failed. A few even became sick themselves. All trade with the village was halted. A legion of soldiers, both men and elves, surrounded the doomed town. No one was allowed in or out. The village was placed under quarantine and its people left to die. Many of Sirenia's friends and neighbors were already dead. Now the sickness had claimed her older sister, Kira.

The wooden door of their cottage opened as the doctor walked out. He wore a large black coat and thick leather gloves that went all the way up to his elbows. The mask he wore covered his entire face, two glass lenses allowed him to see out. Around the mouth was a long beak, filled with herbs that prevented the doctor from having to endure the smell of the sick. The outfit made him look more like a large bird than a man, like a raven representing death. Her mother let out an anguished wail as the doctor shook his head grimly, his mask hiding the exhaustion on his face.

There was a muffled cough on the other side of the door coming from inside the cottage. The coughing became louder and uncontrolled. They knew that Kira was in the final stages, her life would end at any minute. The frightened voice from inside cried out to her mother and father in between coughs, screaming for help and comfort. Sirenia tried to run to the cottage, but was stopped as her father wrapped his arm around her torso and held her back.

"No! You mustn't go in there!" her father yelled.

"Let me go!" she screamed as she struggled to break free, "I have to be there for her!"

But her father's grasp was firm. Sirenia cried out to her sister as she heard her coughing become even more violent. Tears ran down her eyes as sounds of wet, choking gurgles came from inside the house.

Sirenia cried out for her sister, "KIRA!!!!"

Then, there was silence. No coughing, no pleas for help, no other sound than her mother's soft whimpers. Sirenia's legs felt weak and she collapsed to her knees. Her older sister had died, slowly, painfully, and alone. The doctor opened the door a crack and peeked inside, confirming Kira was dead. He then lit a torch and handed it to her father. People were no longer brining the dead outside their homes, fearing that their bodies might infect others if carried through the streets. They were now simply burning their own homes to the ground with the dead inside.

She wanted to stop him, but her legs refused to budge. Her father looked back at his family one more time before hurling the torch. As it landed on the roof of the cottage, the straw material easily caught fire. It was not long before the fire consumed their home. Sirenia closed her eyes as she felt the warmth of the flames, but she did not find it comforting. She found another fire starting inside of her, one of determination. Right there she made a promise to herself. She would no longer fear death, she would instead learn to master it.


The necromancer felt her body being nudged awake. Slowly opening her eyes, she could see that it was still very much in the middle of the night. The campfire was burning at half the strength it was earlier. Sirenia felt the gentle nudge again, someone was poking her with their foot. She looked up to see the white, humanoid dragoness standing over her.

"Hey there sleepy," Sasha whispered with a smile, "Your turn to take watch."

Sirenia groaned softly as she finally sat up. She rubbed her eyes, giving herself a moment to adjust. She didn't know how long she was out; but judging by how tired she still felt, it was easily less than four hours. She looked over and saw the half-lycan sleeping peacefully on the other side of the fire. It was the first time she saw her so relaxed.

"How is she doing?" Sirenia asked the dragoness who was helping her to her feet.

"Fine for now, but she's still very frightened."

She nodded over to the young man patrolling the camp, "What about him?"

"Hasn't slept all night," the dragoness replied with a sigh. "He's not showing any signs of exhaustion, but that does not mean the lack of sleep along with his refusal to eat isn't having an effect on his body. I tried to ask how he was feeling, but he won't even talk to me."

The necromancer rubbed her eyes. Even with her sleep, she was already too tired to deal with this. "Let me worry about him for now."

Sasha narrowed her eyes, "Fake soul or not, I don't feel comfortable driving his body physically to the edge like this. His body will die before we get the chance to bring him back."

"I said I'll look after him!" Sirenia snapped back angrily. The dragoness jolted back in surprise at the necromancer's defensive reply. Unlike Lydia, she had no reason to question her motives. But now that trust was wearing thin.

"Look," the necromancer said getting a hold of herself, "I promise I will at least try to see if I can command him to sleep and maybe even eat something."

The dragoness eyed her suspiciously before her expression softened. She felt the stressful day getting to her as well and adding to the bickering would not help accomplish their task. But she willed herself to stay strong for the human she still loved. With a heavy sigh, Sasha made her way over to her bedroll.

"Remember to wake up Lydia in a couple hours for her turn on watch."

Sirenia nodded as she watched the dragoness lay down, fold her wings and quickly fall asleep. The necromancer exhaled loudly and buried her face in her hands. Great, now Sasha was questioning her. She was doing everything she could to help, but still felt like an outsider. They needed to trust her. What more could she possibly do to earn it?

She warmed her hands over the dying fire. They were shaking ever so slightly, but not from the cold. She reflected on the nightmare she had, a memory from her past. The day she lost her sister was a turning point in her life as it was the day she decided she would learn necromancy. She tried self teaching herself for two years. Having to continually face the strong disapproval of her parents, she ran away from home. As much as she tried, Sirenia found it difficult to calm herself. As much as she wanted to save the man she cared for, she was not looking forward to where their journey would take them. If her dreams were any indication, her past was catching up and she would have to see someone she hoped she would never have to see again.

The sound of rustling bushes snapped her out of her trance. She drew her attention to where John was earlier. He was gone!

"John?" she whispered loudly, but got no reply.

The necromancer quickly glanced over at her two sleeping companions before she got up and left the protective circle of light from the camp fire. She crossed her arms as she felt the chilly air. He couldn't have gone far; the spell would have prevented him from running off. But as Sirenia traversed the thick forest, she had already lost sight of the camp. Where was he? Suddenly, a black shadow appeared next to her. She quickly reached for her blade until she saw the familiar face.

"Gods, John!" the necromancer nearly shrieked, "You startled me."

"I apologize mistress," he replied, "I thought I heard something and left to investigate."

Sirenia smiled back at him, relieved that he was alright. "John, I don't want you wandering off like that again. Now, please follow me back to camp."

He nodded and they started making their way back. As she walked beside him, she couldn't help to notice how handsome he looked in his new clothes. The black tunic hung off him a bit more loosely than his tighter fitting t-shirt. Granted, she did like the rugged look that his tactical gear and usual outfit gave him. But he looked different in this; more elegant, more innocent. She had to admit that Lydia did have good taste.

On their way back, they entered a small clearing. John suddenly stopped in his tracks, Sirenia took a few steps before she realized he had left her side. She looked back and saw him standing in the middle of the clearing, looking straight up to the night sky. He gazed at the bright, brilliant stars in the sky. His eye opened with awe and wonder at the sheer number of them. The necromancer found herself taken aback by their magnificence this night. She had momentarily forgotten that this was not the real John. Surely he had seen stars back in his world, but the faux soul had not. She still wished that she could share this moment with the actual man she cared for.

"They are beautiful, aren't they?" the necromancer said softly.

"Not as beautiful as you, mistress."

She couldn't help but blush a little at his comment. But she then had to remind herself once again that this was the manufactured soul talking. Despite the fact that he respected her, Sirenia couldn't be sure that the real John would even say something like that to her. He loved Lydia, not her. Though, Sasha seemed to be very close to him as well. She guessed that he had a tryst with the dragoness too, but did he feel any different about her? While understanding who his heart truly belonged to, she still hoped for a closer relationship with the young soldier.

Suddenly a small twinge of pain ripped through her back and shoulders. Reaching up over her shoulder, she started rubbing the muscles behind her shoulder blade. She could feel a large knot as she applied pressure. Between fighting with Lydia, saving John's life, and dreading her upcoming encounter tomorrow; it was only a matter of time until the stress took a physical toll on her body. A pair of hands slipped under her armor and started rubbing her back.

John was standing directly behind her, "Allow me to help you with that, mistress."
