No Ordinary Love Ch. 01

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Man falls in love with a porn star.
18.3k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/08/2022
Created 08/18/2002
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I work as a Hotel night clerk at one of the largest hotels in New York City. Every night, I struggle to stay awake, and welcome thousands of tourist to the greatest city in the world.

The hotel industry, I have found is my career niche, because I love people, I am very intrigued by different people. And as you can expect, you meet very interesting and people at night in New York, especially in Times Square.

About six months ago, there was a large convention at the hotel. It was the annual, Adult Video News Convention. There was every, porn star, producer and magazine publisher of adult literature In Attendance.

That day, just about every male working at the hotel, walked around holding his crotch, and drooling at the mouth, at the sight of all the beautiful and willing women there. As you can expect as well the women working at the hotel hated it, you just don't know how many, " She's not all that's" was uttered that day. As for me? Well, yeah! I was in heaven, but I was just too damn tiered to enjoy all the sights that morning of check in. So, I just decided to arrive for work a little early, to gaulk.

When I left the hotel, I stopped at a news stand a few blocks down to pick up a Daily News, and while paying for it, I noticed out of my eye a magazine hanging there. I turned and looked, and of course it was one of those, Men's sex magazine. Now, I try not to look at or buy those things, because I figure it's not really good getting one all excited over seeing a nude woman, who I know I would never met, yet make love to. But I'm just a sucker for a beautiful face, so most times I give in.

As I stood there contemplating whether I should buy the damn thing, I got a thought, well actually something hit me, figuratively speaking. " I work at a hotel in which a large adult sex convention was being held, maybe I could meet one of these girls."

The woman on the cover of this magazine had caught my eye before, every time she appeared, I would always look at her pictures and read the interviews she gave.

She was truly amazing. Physically, of course she is what every man fantasizes about, a nice tan complexion , a knock out body, long beautiful hair, well taken cared of hands. But the interviews I read, revealed that she was very intelligent as well as beautiful , which in my mind made her even more sexy. Her name or at least she said her name was Tera Patrick. She said in an interview her father was English and her mother was Thai, put the two together and "BAM" you have a drop dead gorgeous offspring. Anyway I thought maybe, just maybe she would be there, at this convention, and maybe I, unlike other guys, would meet my fantasy girl......... Hey it was a thought! As I made my way home I could not help but think of the possibility of meeting a woman who I had secretly obsessed over for, at least a year, but I didn't want to become too excited because there was a chance that she wouldn't be there.

I got home around nine am, and found a message on my answering machine. It was one of my managers at the hotel, he asked if I wouldn't mind coming in around five, to help cover the shift because of the amount of people that would be checking in, he also said I wouldn't have to work the overnight if I did. Well I really hate the overnight shift, and I'll do anything to get off it, so I agreed.

Afterwards I tried quickly to go to sleep because I would have to wake up in about five hour to head back to the city. I couldn't get any good sleep, because of my excitement, but eventually I did.

I woke up before my alarm clock rang. I was tiered but, kind of rested. I turned on the news and the weather report said that it was , at two o'clock, ninety five degrees, and that evening it would only drop about five degrees.

I took a shower, and got dressed. By the time I headed out it was around three thirty, so I figure I would get something to eat and just take my time going to work. I hopped on the uptown "A" train from the world trade center, it was as always packed during that time. As I stood on the train, tiered as hell, hanging almost lifeless from the lack of proper sleep, I noticed a women at the other end of the car, who somewhat resembled Tera, the women I was hoping to meet, but I thought "can't be she would be at the hotel by now".

I couldn't help but stare. I must have caught her eye because she looked back and smiled. Was it her? I don't know I thought , everyone in those magazines looks different in person, so I just shrugged it off, and closed my eyes.

After about fifteen minutes or so, the train arrived at the 42nd st. stop. I got off and walked up the steps to the street level, by this time it was about four o'clock. I had an hour to get something to eat, and just prepare myself for the rest of the day. As always when I'm hungry in Times Square, I eat at Tad's steaks which in my opinion is the beast steak one can buy for under twelve dollars.

After I ate, I walked the short one block up to the hotel, and walked down to the lockers to change. I over heard many of the male workers, talking about the "bad Bitch's" that was around the hotel. I thought to myself, "would she be there?"

I don't know, I felt kind of stupid for thinking and feeling the way I did, I mean I was literally one of at least one million men who have seen this woman and felt this way. What would make me, different? What would make me stand out so that she would notice? I looked at my watch, I had an half hour to figure something out. Then I thought of it, something simple and to the point, just get a card and give it to someone to give to her. It sounded too simple, but a few years ago I got a girl to call me just by sending her a funny card. If I wanted to do this, I had to act fast, my time to punch in was near.

One of the great things about Times Square is that everything is here, so I didn't have to go far for a Hallmark card. I quickly looked for the funniest card there was on the rack and bought it. As I walked out of the store I noticed a floral shop, I ran in a got two long stemmed roses and had them put in a box. I ran back to the locker room of the hotel and put the card and the roses in my locker. I barely was able to punch in on time, but I made it.

The front desk was for once full of people checking in at that time. I shook everyone' s hand, said "hi" to everyone there and took to my station. I stood by a young man who is a part of a special club, he and two other workers , a club in which I made up and gave them membership to, it is called P.B.3, which stands for perverted bastards x 3.

These three guys always talk about sex. One college kid there doing an internship, swears they aren't getting any because they talk about it too much. Anyway, I asked John of pb3, what was the babe count for the day? He almost instantly replied, "there is some fly ho's in here tonight". I had to laugh because, if the first lady of the U.S. checked in , he would call her a "fly ho." John respected women, but didn't give them respect, if that makes any sense.

The time went past quickly, before I noticed it was eight o'clock.

"Shoot , I got to head down to the ballroom, to see if Tera was there." I punched out for break, and headed down to my locker. I felt really stupid going to a porn convention with a gift wrapped box, so I just left the roses in my locker. I took the service elevator to the level were the convention was at. As I walked in the doors, my mouth dropped at the sight of all the beautiful and barely dressed women.

"Damn!" I thought, this place is too big and I have no time to walk around, and look for her. "So close but, yet so far away ."

Just as I decided to leave I literally , bumped in to one of the, I guess featured women there. A very beautiful and sexy black women by the name of Crystal Knight. "Damn, I never thought I would meet her."

She was very polite and friendly as well. We talked for about twenty minutes or so about this and that. I was enjoying her company so much, I had forgot I had to get back to work, so I excused myself and started walking out. "Well at least I got to talk with someone, may not be who I wanted it to be with but , .......HEY!"

Just as I was about to walk out of the ballroom, I remembered in an interview, Tera said she had did some work with a Crystal Knight, it had to be the same girl. So I ran back and asked her if there was a Tera Patrick, attending the convention. She said yes, and asked if I want to meet her?

" No! I mean, Yes! But I,......I have to get back to work. Could you just give her this card, and ask her whenever she gets a chance to come to the front desk on the eighth floor and ask for Jason." She said she would do that for me.

I ran back up to the desk and took my spot. Every five minutes or so I would look at the clock to see how much time had elapsed since the last time I looked at the clock, and I would look at the elevator to see if I saw any women resembling Tera, but nothing. Time went so slow after that. BOY MEETS GIRL

Eventually mid- night hit , and no one came to the desk asking for me. I had felt like someone had just told me that my parents had died, and everyone noticed, my emotional downward spiral.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" One of the managers asked.

"Just tiered. I said. I'm banking out."

I grabbed my cashier drawer to lock it up for the day. As I was making sure I was, "on the penny", John came into the vault and said to me,

"YO MAN, SOME FLY ASS HO, is at the desk asking for you!"

"Alright , tell her I'll be right there."

I didn't think much of who it was, because a lot of women I check in, try to get free up grade, by flirting or fling the hair, etc. sometimes it works but tonight, it ain't happening.

I walked from behind the desk to the lobby and looked at John to see who wanted to talk to me, he pointed to the information rack.

There I saw a women who was about five foot nine, with long dark brown hair, and highlighted accents. She wore a very short mini skirt, and one of those handkerchief tops. Her legs looked unbelievable, they were long and smooth to the eye. She had also on sandals , her feet were perfect, toes done in a French style.

As I got closer to her I could smell her. On a nice breezy summer day, if you walk pass the central park conservatory, you will be able to smell all sorts of exotic flowers. That fresh, crisp sent is what she smelled like. Some times, I just sit on a bench around that area and read and relax. It basically is the only place in New York City that you can go to that doesn't smell like smog. I could have smelled that scent all day.

I got about five feet from her, my heart was racing a million miles per second, my hands got all sweaty and clammy. It was her, .....Tera! "ALL MAN," I thought. What am I going to say? Calm down! Calm down! Just be yourself. Woman like me because, I have I good personality, so just, be yourself. I walked up behind her, and said at a very low voice, "Tera?" She turned looked at me and smiled. My God, this woman was more beautiful than I had ever expected, the pictures I have seen of her, did not do any justice to her beauty. I literally had no adjectives in my vocabulary to use in describing how beautiful she was. But I can try.

Her skin was tanned and smooth, no blemishes, no scars. Her face had was like, some master artist had painted it. Perfect in shape. Her eyes, were slightly almond shaped, you could definitely tell she had some Asian in her. Her smile was warm and genuine, from it, I could tell that she wanted to be there.

When she held out her hand for me to shake, it felt as though she did not do any manual labor in her life, soft and very smooth. One of the things that I love on a woman, is well taken cared of hands, for some reason it is a big turn on for me. Her hands were definitely well taken cared of. Her body was the typical hour glass shape, she couldn't weigh no more that one hundred and fifteen pound. But she wasn't thin, she was very built and in excellent shape. She must work out three four times a week. Her hair was to her mid-back. Dark brown, with some sort of highlighted tint to it. I just stared in amazement, there was nothing fake on this woman, nothing. From hair to fingernails to breasts, it was natural and hers. I thought to myself, God must have been in a good mood when he made her!

"You must be Jason, Chystal gave me your card. It was funny. You made me laugh. I like it when a guy makes me laugh." "That's a good start."

"Yes it is."

I could not stop the conversation, so I just had to say something, or do something or say and do something,... I just had to act.

" I always wondered what I would say, or what I would do if I ever meet you."

"So now that you have me, what are you going to do?"

"I have you?"

"I'm standing here in front of you, aren't I?"

"I guess you are. So I should do something, shouldn't?"

She smiled. I just looked not saying a word, I didn't know what to do. The hardest thing for me to do when I meet a woman, is getting pass the introduction. Once I do that, I'm fine. I took a hard swallow as I nervously stood there.

"I'll make it easier for you. Kiss me!"


I leaned over to her, and gave her a very soft kiss on the lips, and ask if she would like to go for a drink and talk? She said , "yes."

"Now, that wasn't too hard was it?"

"Why does it feel like my knees are about to give in on me?" She laughed.

"I have that power over men. To make them week at the knees."

"Did I ask if you would like to get a drink or something?"


"Did you say yes?"

She laughed and told me yes.

"So why am I still here? Why haven't we moved from this spot?"

"I'm waiting for you."

"Well I guess I better do something before you get bored and leave."

"Yeah! I was just thinking that."

I told her I had to punch out and I would be about five minutes. I walked as fast as I could to the back office, to punch out. I didn't even bother changing, from my uniform, which is not all that bad because our uniforms are Georgio Armani suits. I walked out from the desk to meet her in the lobby, and we took the elevators down to the street level. We were the only two on the elevator. My god , she smells so good. I thought to myself. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in.

"I love this hotel." She said

"Me too, that's the reason I work here, well, also the fact that I have a love Times Square too."

She smiled at me .

"You're not a native New Yorker are you?"

"No. How can you tell?"

" I've been around native New Yorker, and you don't strike me as one of them."

Thanx! .....I guess.

"No that's a good thing, because I can't stand people with attitude."

"Oh! Well than, Thank You!"

The elevator stopped at the main street level, and I let her out first.

"Thank you."

As we walked out to the square the heat and humidity hit your face like a huge slap. "Damn it's hot!" I said

"It is but I love it." she said.

"I don't. In the winter, when you get cold, you can put on more clothes. If you get a little warm, you can take off clothes. In the summer you can get naked and still be hot. You can't do anything."

"Yeah, but it's fun walking around nude!" "Alrighty then!"

I asked were she wanted to go? She looked at her watch and said,

"It's twelve thirty Am in the city that never sleeps, were can we find a place that's open so we can talk?" She looked at me, I looked at her and we said at the same time " The Village!"

We walked down to 42nd and 8th Ave. to catch the C train. We got to the station and I bought two tokens, gave one to her and let her go before me. We walked down to the platform, and stood there waiting for the train.

"Crystal said that a very cute guy wanted to meet me. I wasn't going to go to the desk at first, but she said that you seemed different from all the other guys that attend these things. She said you were funny and could actually hold an intelligent conversation. Being in this business, you grow to have a sixth sense about people, and it's a protection. It helps you see through those who are full of crap. Most guys that attend these conventions are full of it, there either nerds trying to get there first lay, or big assholes who just think that all the girls here are easy fucks. So when Crystal assured me that you weren't that type, I figured I had to trust her. She's hardly ever wrong when it comes to he opposite sex.

" Thank you miss knight!" I thought to myself.

"Are you one of those girls?"


Easy fucks?

She looked at me and smiled, "It depends on what type of mood I'm in. If I'm in a good mood, I'll take a guy back to my room and let them live out his fantasy, and then kick him out."

"Do you get lonely?"


"Do you at times just want to be held, and made love to, by someone who knows you , and not be fucked by a stranger?"

She gave me this look like, Oh God another one of those guys again and said to me, "Don't tell me you're one of those emotional pussies, who is going to try to get on my emotional side and bring out my morals to make me change and start going to church are you?"

"I like the job that I do, because people intrigue me, and you are by far the most intriguing woman I've ever meet or known."

"You didn't answer my question."

"No." She smiled at me, and said "good."

"Let me see your hands." She took my hands and examined the on the front and back as well as the nails.

"I like guys with nice hands."

I grabbed her and pulled her to me. She wrapped her arms around me, I put my hand on her bare back. Oh my god, her skin was as soft as it looked. I looked her in the eyes and asked her, what type of mood she was in tonight.

She smiled and asked me "why?"

"Just curious." I said.

"I'm in a good mood tonight."

I yelled at the top of my voice, "YEAH BABY!!" She started laughing. I whispered in her ear, "shall we shag now, or shag later?"

Still laughing, she said "later."

The train arrived finally at the stop. We got on and found a seat together. It seemed like ever man on the train was looking at me with envy, because of the beautiful woman I was with. Tera also got looks from men, like they wanted to say something to her because they recognized her but they were afraid to approach. God knows it wasn't me the one that was intimidating.

There was a older man sitting across from our seat, who was shamelessly staring up Tera's skirt and rubbing himself. She didn't even notice, or maybe she did, I don't know. I stopped her in mid-sentence to ask if she was wearing any underwear. She looked at me strange and said , no. "Why?"

"Because the guy across from you is staring up your skirt." "Let him look! You know your going to have to get use to guys looking at me and hitting on me."

What did she say? That I would have to get "Use to guys hitting and looking at her." Did that sentence denote that there would be more times I would be seen in public with her? " Shut up Jason." I thought , I'm being way to overly analytical of the situation.

She did eventually cross her legs, which ended showing more flesh because of the almost non-existing skirt she was wearing. I wasn't upset, I actually loved it. I got just as much a kick out of seeing and knowing she was wearing nothing underneath than the other guys looking.

The train conductor announced that the next stop would be Christopher St.

I looked at Tera and asked if she was ready, to get off. We both stood up and moved to the door of the train, I held her by her waist and pulled her close to me, god she felt and smelled so good. It seemed like all eye on the train was on us. I leaned down and kissed her on the neck. With my hands I began rubbing her naked back and softly caressing her ass. I moved from her neck to her mouth, and we both began kissing each other passionately. It was like the whole world stop for that moment, and we both did not care that the train of about thirty people was staring at us, it seemed we both blocked out everyone except each other. The conductor announced "Christopher st." The train pulled up to the station stop, and we got off. "Damn this women looks fine!" I thought to myself. We walked up to the street.