Nothing I Won't Do


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I kissed my daughter below her earlobe and said, "I think I can manage, honey. Would you like to see anything in particular?"

Beth scooted her hips around a bit, making both of us painfully aware of the fact that my cock was still rigid and buried inside of her, and cooed. "Hmmm," she said pensively. "Well... is there anything with twins on here?"

I smiled knowingly and said, "I think I've got just the thing." I used the remote (which Beth had to pick up for me since I'd dropped it at some point) and clicked on another one of my favorite videos. This one featured, as my daughter requested, a pair of twins. Only it was a pair of fraternal twins, a boy and a girl. They were twenty years of age in the video and I'd actually exchanged a few emails with them in years past- nice folks. The scene started up with the camera pointed at the couple sitting on their bed, she dressed in a sexy nightie and he dressed in boxer-briefs and a plain white t-shirt. Nothing about the room was remarkable, really- just a bed, some bookshelves in the background and family pictures on a dresser that were too far away to be seen clearly.

"Hello, I'm Alexander. You can call me Al," the young man said to the camera.

"And I'm Alexandria, or Lex if you prefer," his sister finished. "Our parents weren't exactly the most imaginative pair in the world, but they were good people and loved us a lot."

"Were?" Beth asked rhetorically and then realization dawned on her. "Oh, no."

Almost as if on cue, Lex continued, "Unfortunately, they both died in a car crash when we were seventeen." We could see the ache and solemnity in her eyes when she said this and there was no doubt that it was true.

"Our mother's sister and her husband petitioned the courts to grant us emancipation as minors so that Lex and I could stay together as long as they checked in on us from time to time," Al said. "That first year without our parents was the hardest. Insurance money took care of a lot of things, but it was slow in the coming, so we both had to get jobs to pay the mortgage and keep things going around the house. We both grew up pretty fast that first year."

"But it wasn't all bad," Lex was quick to say. "We had each other as a support system and, when things got rough, we helped each other out and talked about everything. We weren't having sex with each other or anything like that then, just living together as brother and sister. Like roommates who knew each other all their lives, y'know?"

"We were both too busy, really, to date much," Al added sourly. "And when we weren't working, we were seeing a therapist to get over the grief."

"That's terrible!" Beth said to the screen.

"Everyone has their own story," I told her gently and hugged her close to my body while we listened to the twins tell theirs.

Al-Lex (as I personally called them) went on for a few minutes about how they'd adjusted to life without their parents and some of the misadventures they had. The way they spoke about it, you could almost get the sense that you were listening to a married couple rather than a brother and sister. Much of it was heart wrenching and some of it was funny- they'd made the best of a bad situation, it seemed.

"When we were nineteen," Lex said, "something completely unexpected happened, though. In retrospect, I guess it was just a matter of time, really, but it caught both of us completely by surprise. You see, I was in the bathroom, just getting out of the shower after work, when-"

"I walked in on her," Al finished sheepishly. "It was totally by mistake. But that day everything changed for us. Now we're in college. I'm majoring in film production while Lex is doing acting. Only one person we know locally is aware of our relationship: my best friend in college who knows how to use a camera and edit film. With his help we've made a little video re-enacting that fateful day."

"We hope that you enjoy our little movie," Lex said. "And we hope that you'll come to better understand how a couple of kids like us could end up together. So... without further ado...."


The screen faded to black and then reopened with Lex standing in front of her bathroom mirror. She was naked as a jaybird (and, I might add, looked very attractive) and primping her hair vainly. Suddenly the door opened and her brother came into the frame.

"Al!" Lex cried out. "Jesus!"

The door immediately slammed shut with Al on the other side of it. His muffled voice came through it. "I'm sorry! Really! I didn't see anything, I swear!"

Lex rolled her eyes at the mirror and sighed in exasperation. "That's bullshit and we both know it."

"I'm REALLY sorry, Lex!"

Lex shook her head and then looked at herself in the mirror. "Fuck it," she told herself quietly. Then she raised her voice loud enough for her brother to hear. "Well, the damage is done. What did you need, anyway?"

"I was just coming in to shave. I can wait, though."

"Don't bother. Just come on in. We live together, we might as well get used to this kind of thing, right?"

There was a quiet pause from the other side of the door and then a muffled, "Really?"

Lex turned and opened the bathroom door herself to face her brother. "Yes. Really. Besides, it's not like you haven't seen a naked girl before, is it?"

Al immediately covered his eyes with a hand and exclaimed. "Yeah, but not my sister!"

Lex turned away from him, again rolling her eyes, and went back to the sink counter. "Get over it, will you?" She picked up her hair brush and moved aside to give her brother room to stand in front of the mirror. "Just go ahead and shave. It's no big deal."

Al entered the bathroom, trying his best not to ogle his nude twin sister. "Aren't you at least gonna put on a towel or something?"

"Why bother at this point?" Lex said with a shrug of her shoulders. "Like I said: the damage is done."

And so the scene ensued quietly for a few minutes while Al started to shave his cheeks and Lex continued to mess about with her hair. There were quick and furtive glances from Al as he watched his sister through the mirror, until she finally put the brush down with a thwack! and glared at him. Then she stood back to give him a better view.

"Take a good look, Al, okay? Just get it over with and look. This is me, your sister. Yes, I'm naked. Yes, I've got nice tits. Yes, I shave my pussy."

Al just stared at the reflection for a long moment before he started to stammer. "I- I wasn't... I mean, I just..."

"Just what?" she demanded testily.

"You're beautiful," he said quietly. "That's all."

Lex's hands dropped to her sides, the wind completely taken out of her sails, and just gaped at her brother open-mouthed for a few seconds. "Really?" she asked. "You think I'm... beautiful?"

Al turned to face his sister and looked her in the eyes. "Of course I do! Look, sister or not, I'm still a guy, all right? I mean, I've always known that you're beautiful. Nearly every friend I've ever had has told me as much, as if they really needed to. But... seeing you now, like this, it's just... you're even more beautiful than I thought. It's hard not to look, y'know? I'm sorry. I'm your brother and I shouldn't be seeing you like this, but when a guy sees a beautiful girl, it's like, I don't know, you can't look away."

Lex looked down at herself with a smirk. "I guess it doesn't hurt that I'm naked, too, huh?" When she lifted her eyes up to look at her brother, her gaze almost immediately went back down and stopped mid-way. Surprise was etched on her face. "Oh my God!" she gasped. "You're... you've got a hard-on!"

Now it was Al's turn to roll his eyes at his sister. "Thanks for the memo. I wouldn't have known if you hadn't just pointed that out to me. Of COURSE I have a hard-on, you idiot. YOU'RE NAKED!"

"Yeah, but I'm still your sister!" Lex countered. She didn't seem angry so much as mystified and maybe intrigued a little bit.

Al pointed down at his groin with both hands. "True, but HE doesn't know that." The camera panned down and we could see that there was a very sizeable bulge in his boxer-briefs, one that strained against the material. Even with the cloth covering it, it looked pretty impressive in size and girth.

Lex took that in for a second. "So... 'he' doesn't know the difference between any old naked girl and your sister?"

Al shook his head. "You're not just any old girl, Lex. You ARE my sister. That you're beautiful is what's got his attention."

Lex rested her hip against the countertop and folded her arms under her firm, round breasts (she wasn't as well-endowed as Beth, but close to it). "Wait a second. That thing is a part of you, right? I mean, it's an extension of who you are. So what you're REALLY saying, is that seeing me, your sister, naked is turning YOU on, right?"

Al made as though to leave. "We are SO not having this conversation," he said as he started to head for the door.

Lex stopped him with a quick grab of his elbow. "No. Don't go. I'm sorry," she said. "I'm not trying to make fun of you or anything. Honestly. I'm just... surprised, I guess. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me."

"Then how about you put a towel on?" her brother quickly rejoined.

Lex stared at her brother through narrowed eyes and then said, "No, I don't think I will. I was in here first and I was perfectly comfortable like this. Maybe YOU should respect the dress code and get naked yourself."

Al blanched and looked at his sister as though she'd grown a second head. "WHAT? Are you fucking nuts?!"

Lex shook her head, making her light-brown colored hair bounce across her shoulders. "Nope. Actually, I think that's perfectly fair. I mean, you got to see ME naked. I think it's only fair that I get to see YOU naked, too."

Al glanced down at himself and then back up at Lex. "Unless you've gone completely blind, might I remind you that I've got a hard-on right now?"

"Yeah. So? It's one that I caused," Lex put in defiantly. "Maybe I want to see my handiwork."

Al pointed an accusing finger at his sister. "You really HAVE flipped your lid! Are you even hearing yourself?"

"Actually," Lex replied, "I think I'm listening to myself for the first time in a long time. And I think it's about time that you listen, too." She leaned in close, catching him completely off-guard, and whispered into his ear, "I'm getting pretty wet, myself." Then she leaned back against the counter to see his reaction.

Al just stood there and stared stupidly at her for a moment, his mind spinning with what he'd just heard. We could see the conflict in his eyes and the morality that had been erected by society was beginning to visibly crumble. Finally, in a much calmer tone, he simply relaxed and relented, saying, "Okay. Fine." Without preamble, he bent down to reveal his hardened cock to his sister's very watchful eyes. What we all saw came as a surprise to everyone. Al was extremely well endowed. That damn monster must have easily been eleven inches long.

("Holy shit!" my daughter gasped. "Look at the size of that thing!")

On the screen Lex pretty much echoed Beth's sentiments and openly stared at her brother's massive penis. "Jesus Christ, Al! You actually fuck girls with that thing?!"

Al grabbed his meat almost defensively. "I've been known to from time to time, yes. Satisfied now?"

Lex just continued to stare at it and seemed lost in thought before she answered. When she finally looked up at her brother, she said, "Not nearly as much as I'd like to be."

Al blinked incredulously at his twin sister. "Say again?"

Lex finally made her move and stepped close to her brother, brazenly grabbing hold of the lower half of his shaft with her hand. "This thing is hard because of me," she told him. "And you just told me that it doesn't know the difference between me, your sister, and any OTHER beautiful girl. And I just told YOU that I'm getting wet, which means that MY pussy is pretty much in the same boat- it doesn't know my own brother from any other cute guy. And you ARE cute, Al. Handsome. And strong. And you've always been there for me, when I needed you most. And you're very, VERY well-endowed." She leaned in close so that her voice was almost a throaty whisper but the camera was close enough to catch her words clearly. "So maybe... maybe, for a little while, you can follow your own cock's example and forget that I'm your sister for a few minutes. Hmm?"

Al's adam's apple visibly bobbed up and down as he heard his sister's words and felt her touch on his groin. "Really?" he squeaked out. "You mean you... really?"

"It's been a long time," Lex told her brother as her hand began to stroke up and down on his long, thick shaft. "For both of us. I know you haven't been dating anyone and I haven't either. Right now, we're just a couple of young adults working our asses off to survive. We NEED to blow off some steam. I know that I could use the release, Brother. How about you?"

"...but.... now?"

"Right now."


Lex took the plunge and kissed her brother passionately on his lips. He was slow to reciprocate at first, but apparently his lips didn't recognize his sister, either, and he began to return the kiss with equal force. Hands started to roam over bodies while they stood there and kissed each other hungrily for a long moment before they came up for air. Lex stood back from him, turned around to present her shapely ass to her twin brother and almost growled out, "Right here! I want you to fuck me, Al. I've had a few big cocks but nothing as big as yours and I want that thing buried right up inside me right now!"

Al stroked his cock, which had a good amount of precum dripping from it, and regarded his sister uncertainly. "But... what about foreplay?" he asked. "I mean, I don't want to hurt you or anything."

Lex snaked one of her hands down between her legs and felt her sodden pussy. "Nope. Just put it in already! I got all the lube in the world down there!" She fixed her brother with steely eyes in the mirror and added, "Do I have to beg?"

Al closed his eyes and then looked upward. "Dear God, I am SO going to Hell for this!"

"But what a way to go!" his sister replied. "PLEASE don't make me wait any longer, Bro. I need that thing in me, like, NOW!"

Al shook his head in disbelief but obeyed his sister's demand. He walked up behind her, facing her in the mirror, and fixed her with a gaze while he slotted the fat, bloated tip of his cock at her weeping pussy. "What about birth control?" he asked apprehensively.

Lex's eyes were on fire at that point and seemed almost angry at the question. "You think I haven't thought of that already? Just fucking put it in!" Al held back and pointed out that she hadn't really answered him. She let out a breath of frustration and rolled her eyes. "Fine! No, okay? I'm not on any birth control, but at this point, I don't fucking care! I'm too far fucking gone to care. I NEED COCK, GOD DAMMIT!" With that she lurched back and impaled herself on her brother's throbbing monster cock and immediately wailed in surprise at its size. "Ooooooh SHIT! FUCK, that's big!"

"Jesus, Lex!" Al cried out with alarm, his arms splayed wide in shock. "What the fuck are you doing?!? You just said that you weren't on birth control!"

(My daughter had, at about the time that Al's cock was revealed, started to gyrate subtly on my cock while we watched the scene unfold. By now, though, there was no pretense about her actions. Beth was scooting her pelvis up and down on my shaft, fucking herself on me with a steady rhythm while I held on gently to her hip with one hand and fondled her breasts with the other (which was curled up underneath her small, light body). The tip of my penis was still lodged within her uterus, so her movements were small but very vigorous. "Holy shit, this is so fucking hot to watch!" Beth enthused breathlessly. "I mean, I know they're just re-enacting it, but they're REALLY good actors! It's like we're actually watching the first time they got together! Fucking cool!")

"Is that a complaint?" Lex asked her brother while watching him in the mirror as she began to fuck herself in earnest on his stiff cock. She'd been doing it for several silent moments, reveling in the sensations his massive size gave her, but her movements were slow and steady. Due to his size, there was no sound of his groin slapping into her ass because she hadn't taken him as far down as she could go just yet. It was like she was teasing both herself and her brother by pushing back on only the first third of his penis. "Are you actually going to pull it out of me, now that it's already in, Al? I mean, look at it! Look down and look at it!" Al complied and just stared at his sister's thrusting ass with wide-eyed wonder. "Look at your big, thick cock sliding in and out of your hot sister's pussy! Tell me what it looks like!"

"It's..." Al stared at his cock appearing and disappearing into the clutches of his sister's moist cunt for a few seconds and then it was like a switch got flipped in his head. He cautiously brought his hands up to each side of her hips and began to slowly rock his own hips back and forth, pushing just a little more of his enormous meat into her body. "It's... it's incredible," he breathed. "Oh my God, I can't believe we're actually doing this!" He looked back up at the reflection of his sister's wanton face and couldn't miss the look of pure, unadulterated lust in her eyes. "We're brother and sister, Lex! Twins! We shouldn't be doing this!"

"But we are! It's too late for regrets now, Alexander! Look down and see for yourself- that's YOUR cock inside me, YOUR twin sister! It's done and there's no turning back," Lex rejoined throatily. "I feel you so deep inside of me, my beautiful brother, but I want to feel more! Go slow if you have to, but I want to feel every possible inch of you inside me!"

Al looked at his sister uncertainly. "Are... are you really sure about that? No one's ever been able to take all of it before."

Lex stopped moving and nodded her head. "Very sure. Just go slow. I'll tell you when to stop, okay?"

Al reapplied his grip to his sister's hips and began to slowly, gently push more of his cock into her filled pussy. The camera moved to capture the event and we all watched more and more of the white flesh moved into the furrow of Lex's pink cunt beneath her ass cheeks. When there was only about an inch left, Lex called for a halt. "Are you okay, Sis?" Al asked with concern.

Lex's face was red with excitement and her knuckles were white as they curled up into fists with the feeling of being so full of her brother's gigantic phallus, but she nodded wordlessly as she adjusted to his size. She took a deep breath and said, "You're inside my womb, as far as you can go, but I still don't feel your stomach pressing into me. God in heaven, Al, how much more is left to go?"

("Boy does that sound familiar!" my daughter giggled. By then I had started to assist in fucking her and she placed her small palm against her own tummy to feel my cock head nudging against it from within her tiny body. "I think it's okay for you to cum when you're ready, Dad. I'm, like, in seventh heaven right now!")

Al looked down at where they were joined and then back up at his sister's reflection. "There's about an inch and a half still to go."

Lex shook her head in denial of it. "No more. Please, no more. Just... just fuck me with what you've got inside me. Jesus Christ, I'm so full right now!"

The young man started to gently fuck his sister for several long moments, slowly building up steam. Soon he was moving quickly inside of her, never once pushing too far, but definitely getting close to the brink of orgasm by the sound of his heavy breathing. Her breathing, too, had become labored and she moaned frequently, sometimes remarking at how good and full she felt, but nothing much was said until Al started to slow down his pace markedly. "I don't think I can last much longer," he told her.
