Ogres and Ogresses Ch. 21


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Rell's brow furrowed in worry. Maybe her thoughts were worse than he thought. "Just because you're leaving does not mean you're not a Rovian Zyra. This is your tribe. You love them and they love you. You intend to leave forever?"

"You make it sound so final," Zyra grumbled. "But not being a Rovian...would be easier. It would be easier to start my journey that way."

"For who, you or them?"

Zyra shrugged. "I'm the hero remember? I do what is right. It is not right for them to wait for me long after I'm dead."

"Don't say that," Rell warned, quite serious.

"Sorry," she apologized, seeing his face.

He sighed. "What about Kail?"

Zyra had no answer for that, but she wouldn't ponder it at the moment. She had cried all the tears she would shed that day.

"I don't have an answer, but he does. For his sake it would be best for me to leave him be. Let some village girl take him off of my hands and let him live the rest of his life in the arms of another. But..."

She stood up with sudden determination. "But I am still a simple human woman, and I am not without my selfishness. Kail and I will find a way. And I will see my family again."

She looked at Rell with genuine love in her eyes. When had this man become so precious to her? It seemed ages ago that she had looked into his shy blue eyes and wondered what manner of man could be so pretty. Rell had grown so much.

He was still very pretty though.

"And I'll see you. I wouldn't miss that for anything."

She laughed as Rell blushed and threw a fur at her. "Hey! Don't laugh at me! And have you learned nothing about your word choice? You should just strike "anything" from your vocabulary completely!"

"If the Great Sage advises it, so shall it be!"

"Oh shut up!"

"If the Great Sage advises it."


Zyra laughed all the way out of the tent. In higher lighter spirits she ran to her sister's tent.

When she spotted her she grabbed her hand. Rell was right, no matter what she had to be absolutely resolute.

"Kyzu," she said earnestly. "You have to trust me."

"Beginning a conversation with those words is not the most comforting start," Kyzu said snappily. "But you have much to disclose. Now explain yourself sister."

Zyra kissed her sister on her cheek. "I love you Kyzu."

Her sister's eyes widened and they sat as Zyra told her sister everything.


"Do you suppose we were too hard on her?"

Caligula looked at Etaceh.

Her normally jovial face was serious and her demeanor was still. The purple eyed witch scoffed, waving a hand dismissively.

"Really? You think of this now? We have hardly begun to bend her to our will. Remember Etaceh..." his gaze pierced her and she could not refrain from a shiver. "...she is ours. We will own her soon enough, mind...body...and soul."

Etaceh summoned a chalice of red wine and sipped it slowly to steel her nerves against the Dark Council witch. She couldn't help but notice how he drawled the "body" portion of his declaration.

She knew that some part of Caligula lusted for the girl, as he did for anything attractive. The only thing keeping him at bay was the origin of her father...and the possibility that he might share a relation with her. After all, a green eyes girl of her color was unusual. Even so, it did not sit right with her.

She knew better than anyone how powerful and persuasive Caligula could be. He liked breaking things, spirits among his favorites. Etaceh liked Zyra because of her spirit, she did not know how he would feel if Caligula broke her completely.

"Maybe...we should soften her bonds. Make them less painful to...sever?"

Caligula raised an eyebrow. Currently he was enchanting a necklace for Zyra for when she arrived. Seven days should be more than enough to let the spells soak.


"She will resent us," Etaceh explained. "We may have her obedience, but her loyalty would be more valuable. Especially for one as valiant as she."

"What do you suggest?"

"If she were to perhaps...find herself in love with someone from the valley. A handsome witch perhaps...?"

Caligula laughed rambunctiously, spilling a chain link in the process.

"Ah Etaceh, you flatter me. Unfortunately I don't believe I am outfitted for the trappings of love, strategic or otherwise."

"Forgive me but I wasn't talking about you," Etaceh said softly.

Caligula's joyous mood dropped and he looked at her in irritation. "Then who?"

"Leave that to me," Etaceh chuckled. She had just the person in mind. "But the ogre must go."

"I agree that their infatuation is no longer amusing," Caligula stated. "She obeys for her family and friends without question, but for him...she dared disobey us."

"What do you suggest?"

Caligula chuckled and walked to the water basin. He dipped a finger inside and watched the tribe of Shashanen. The ogre's mother sat knitting something, her fingers swift despite her age. She would never see her son again.

"I suggest we tell our sweet little keromedio the truth," Caligula growled. "Let us see if she finds her love so precious, once she finds out the reason why her beloved ogre, was exiled."


Enui watched the men of the Ursie tribe in disdain.

Not only were they a sheepish silly bunch, they could not satiate her if their lives depended on it. After everything that happened, she was still approached by individuals that wanted her to slide onto their cocks. She wanted to burst out laughing just thinking about it, or crying.

Part of her almost envied Zyra. She would have loved to have a reason to return to the valley, or at the very least a large ogre to fuck.

Enui had no blood family. She was born from the same generation as Kyzu, and both their mothers had died, leaving the elder members of the tribe to care for them. A Chieftess' death was rare, but the children of huntresses often grew up without them. Enui never knew why someone would hunt once their ability had faded, nor could she understand how death could be noble.

Enui admired Zyra because she was not like Zyra. Even before the nymphs had liberated her, she knew who she was. She was not going to sacrifice herself, not if there was any other option. If there was no other option, then she had failed, she would not charge on and fight until she yielded some impossible result. She was a good follower.

Sacrifice was always Zyra's first option, and for that she suffered, but it also made her brave and forthright.

Enui respected that. Kicking a rock, she walked over to where Gharla was sitting, carving an arrow out of a long piece of wood.

"What's on your mind?" Enui asked her.

Gharla sighed. "Zyra is telling our Chieftess of what occurred. I heard Kyzu shouting as I passed by. She's going crazy."

"How so?" Enui said sitting on a rock.

"She spoke of fighting them. Of charging the valley with the combined force of the tribes."

"War?" Enui gasped. "Did she forget about the Old World? The stories of the Great Purging? The wars amongst ourselves? We are not fit to fight a human village, let alone a magical one!"

"It is but a heat," Gharla declared nonchalantly. "Zyra reasons patiently with her. She will not let us go to war. Our Chieftess is speaking out of pain. We do not know what it would be like to lose a blood relative."

"You mean I don't know."

Gharla sighed. "Time heals wounds that we allow to close. I pretend my wounds don't exist and so I never heal, and so...I know not what you speak."

Enui nodded solemnly. Few knew how Gharla truly grieved the loss of her son. Still too young to be seen for celebration and too old to know her. Enui had lost her mother before she knew her well. Effectively, she had been raised by her friends and the others.



"If I left the Rovians, would you miss me?"

"Of course."

Gharla turned to her with worry.

"We can't go with her Enui."

"I know. This isn't about her."

Gharla frowned and shifted her weight to look at Enui closely. She hadn't been the same since the valley. The nymphs had changed her.

"You miss them," Gharla stated.

Enui looked at her, her eyes answering for her.

"How could you be happy with them?" Gharla rumbled. "Is it because they shower you with love? Do you need someone to love you Enui? Or is the touch of a simple man too drab in compare?" Gharla asked. "You are chasing a dream."

"I'm chasing a feeling!" Enui snapped. "I am chasing the affection and ultimate satisfaction that cannot be given by humans and their self serving ways!" She put a hand to her throat, her eyes watering as she thought about them. "I want to drown and choke and lie inside their love. I want to become them."

"You can't," Gharla said to her sadly. She took her sister's hand and squeezed it. "We are humans. We were never meant to be in their world. It's not real. It's as real as a fantasy."

"What about Vine?" Enui asked rakishly. "Was that not real? I could have sworn you..." She paused, seeing the pain on Gharla's face.

Gharla squeezed her hand tighter and shook her head. "That too is but a fantasy. But even fantasies...Even fantasies can make you hurt."

She smiled sadly. "Vine was my savior in a time I needed love, I will always love him for that. But..."

She took Enui's other hand and held it tight.

"But this is our reality. The Rovians are not perfect, but they are our people. We can't drift away, not now. If Zyra...if Zyra..."

So Gharla could not say it after all.

Enui looked and saw her sister as her heart broke. Sighing she hugged the closest thing she had to family.

"If Zyra does not return, we will take good care of our people," Enui said firmly.

Gharla nodded, hugging her back.



"I know what we said but...if you could go back to our nymphs, for just one day, would you?"

Gharla bit back a sigh. "In a heartbeat."


"I don't understand."

Kyzu was many things. She was a good leader, a compassionate sister, a source of wisdom, and a dedicated mother. Of all these things, rational was not among her strong suits.

She stared in disbelief at her sister, who eyed her with stupid naiveity and dubious expectancy, like a child who was awaiting instruction, or an animal that had dropped a dead rodent in from of their master and was foolishly waiting to be rewarded.

"What don't you understand?" Zyra asked.

Kyzu felt her eyes twitch as pressure settled between her eyes.

Her sister had just told her she would be gone...indefinitely into a place full of danger and deceit, and she did not know what she didn't understand?

"What about Rell?" Kyzu asked. "Will you settle matters with him? You still need proof of your duty Zyra."

"I understand," Zyra said nodding. "I feel I may have been too quick to judge. I assumed the worst. The witches have an awful sense of humor. For all I know they could have me back within weeks. It seems their goal to torment me."

Kyzu bit her lip in annoyance. "I would like to meet them."


Zyra's eyes seemed to float in front of her with shock. Kyzu rolled her eyes.

"You heard me silly girl. I would like to meet these fearsome witches. I will not hand you into the arms of strangers. You are my lead huntress sister, you owe me that. You will give it to me."

She dared her sister to argue but watched Zyra gracefully bow in acknowledgement.

"Yes, my Chieftess."

Kyzu looked at her with watering eyes, trying to keep the panic at bay.

"What will I tell Nima?" she whispered. "If you're gone long?"

Her sister's sharp green eyes flashed upward, her lips a grim line. "What would you have me say?"

Kyzu shook her head and sighed. "What would be easiest? That you've gone on a trip? For how long should I keep such words?"

"Let us cross that bridge when we come to it," Zyra mumbled.

Kyzu watched the girl fidget nervously and frowned at her curious behavior. She watched her work up her nerve and waited patiently until she spoke.



"The ogre."

Kyzu nearly scoffed. How could she forget him? He was becoming a major nuisance, and when Zyra left, he would be her nuisance.

"What about him?" Kyzu moaned, not bothering to hide her agitation.

She laid onto her pillows, relaxing her achy muscles into their warmth. The celebration was at its last, and instead of entertaining a man, she was mothering her sister.

"He can fend for himself. If you want my word that I will assist him you have it. Unless of course, you want him banished for your troubles."

"I think...I love him."

Kyzu jumped up. Her blood ran cold as she watched Zyra stare shyly at the tent floor. Her fidgeting increased under her scrutiny.

This was unbelievable.

"What did you say?"

Zyra's lips wiggled in protest, but she responded again. "I said, I think I love him."

"You think or you do?"


"Nevermind, either answer is irrelevant," Kyzu dismissed, reaching into her chests. She needed wine, strong, plumberry wine.

"How could you call my feelings irrelevant?" Zyra shouted audaciously.

"He's an ogre!" Kyzu hissed, pouring into deep wide wooden chalice.

She got another and filled it as well. "I can understand trying out the novelty, I mean the creature is handsome enough, but you're not even from the same world! Let alone species."

"But he's an exile!" Zyra argued. "He's not going anywhere!"

Kyzu raised an eyebrow, passing her the drink.

"Drink. If you're going to talk nonsense you might as well be drunk."

Zyra accepted it and took a long swig. The purple juice dripped down her chin and she pulled back to swirl her tongue around her lips.

Kyzu contemplated her sister inquisitively. "Tell me Zyra, was he your first?"

Her sister let out a long sigh. "And what if he was?"

"It carried weight," Kyzu snapped. "And watch your attitude. Your first will always have a special place in your heart. If that's confused with love..."

"I'm not confusing it!" Zyra growled.

"Quiet!" Kyzu hissed. "Do you want the entire tribe to know?"

Zyra simmered down begrudgingly, taking another drink. She emptied it and brazenly wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Kyzu grabbed the bottle and poured her more.

"Haven't you ever been in love Kyzu?" Zyra asked lightly.

Images began to come forth of a life she might have known. Had she ever been in love? What a foolish question, Kyzu was still in love.

"Do you remember Nima's father?" Kyzu asked, sipping her wine.

"Vaguely," Zyra answered. "I remember the shape of his eyes. Nima has them."

"She does," Kyzu chuckled. "I met him when I was about the same age as you. I had just become the Chieftess, and you had become lead huntress."

"So a few years after mother died?"

"Yes. He was a Paotao. The chiefson of the male tribe the Rovians used to celebrate with."

"And you loved him?"

Zyra waited for her answer. Smiling at her memories, Kyzu chuckled.

"Zyra, what does love mean to you?"

Her young naïve sister frowned. "I don't know how to describe it."

Kyzu laughed. "Well, do you love Nima?"

"Of course!"

"And your sisters?"


"And...the ogre?"

Her sister looked at her.

"Yes Kyzu."

"I see," Kyzu stated. "But would you sacrifice Nima for him?"

Zyra's face filled with horror. "How could you ask me such a..."

"What about your sisters?" Kyzu added. "Or your friends? What about...me?"

Zyra shook her head in disbelief. "I can't..."

"True love knows no bounds Zyra," Kyzu explained. "Your love for him might be real, but is it true? You may be willing to sacrifice yourself for him, but you lean towards that strange mentality normally."


"No sister, I know you all too well," Kyzu lulled.

She leant over and kissed her sister's cheek affectionately. "Your love for Nima is so strong that if the time came for you to chose between me and my child, you would choose her. No don't argue, I am quite glad that you would do so. For you Zyra, it is not a matter of how much you would sacrifice...it's who you would sacrifice first."

She winked at her sister as she stared at her dumbly. Sometimes she could see the remnants of the child she had been in her eyes, learning things about herself and her world for the first time.

Zyra was still growing, each and every day.

They sat in silence as Zyra processed Kyzu's poignant epiphany. Was it true?

"So is that it then?" Zyra asked. "Am I to list those I love in matters of importance?"

"If that would be best, yes," Kyzu said nonchalantly. "I sound cold to you and I understand this, but I did not become a good leader by embellishing the truth," Kyzu stated coolly.

"No matter how you try to shield me from the truth Zyra, I know your situation is dire. I know I have finally lost you sister."

She gave Zyra a sad smile. "I should not have wished you away. Now I have no choice but to stand on my own feet. Now you must do the same."

Kyzu stood and pulled up her sister with her while she still had the strength. Somewhere inside her, Kyzu couldn't help but blame herself. If only she had been stronger, if only she could have found a cure, none of this would have happened. Still, the past was long gone, the damage was done.

"Listen, and listen closely," Kyzu commanded. "I want you to cast aside your giving manner. Put yourself at the top of that list of importance. You have lived in a fantasy for too long. If you behave in that self sacrificing way you do now, you will not be able to make the difficult decisions required to survive. Survival is a selfish act Zyra. You must survive."

Zyra's shoulders slumped under her hands and she knew the girl understood she was right. Kyzu's face was stern, and she tightened her grip.

"If your feelings for Nima and I make you weak, forget us. I will protect us because Nima is the only thing higher than myself in this world. I will care for us. I wish I could care for you..." Kyzu sighed. "But I am many years too late to raise and protect you. The ogre...Kail. He cannot follow you on this journey. Your love for him is dangerous. Look at your list of importance Zyra, see where he lies. Then decide if he is worth sacrificing the items before him."

Zyra nodded stiffly at her sister's teachings and pulled away.

"Goodnight sister. Thank you." With that she departed.

Kyzu could see what she had said weighed heavily on her heart. She flopped onto her furs and let her grief roll upon her. Kyzu was trying very hard to do the best she could for Zyra. She wanted her to understand all the sides of the burden she bore. Harsh advice was what she needed, she had many friends to give her comfort.

"My sister...my friend...oh my love..."

Kyzu sighed as the tears came, gathering in shallow pools beneath her pillow.


"Today we were to depart," the Chief boomed.

Zyra stood next to Rell as his father spoke his complaints gruffly.

"I extended our stay a single day so that the rite of Shino Shuen may proceed, but I grow impatient," he snapped. "Zyra, Rell, have you chose your ritebearers?"

Rell looked at Zyra and gave her a half-hearted smile. Behind his father stood Hanto. He was glowering down at them while Firetoucher rocked their child in her arms. She had chosen to name him Feyta, which Zyra had told him was the hunter code word for Faith. Rell wondered if Hanto had what it took to become a good father.

"My son!"

Rell jerked out of his thoughts with a frown.

"Oh, sorry father," he apologized.

The Chief's frown grew even more prominent. "Well?"

Rell sighed. "Zyra and I...we decided..."