Ogres and Ogresses Ch. 24


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Zyra's heart raced as she thought about what he truly meant. "Like what?"

"Anything. Anything at all."

Zyra was about to ask for ointment and bandages, but she was no nurse. She could patch a person up in an emergency, but she was far from a shaman or a wise woman. She was a fighter, not a medic.

Medean took her silence as a rejection, and he turned to leave.


Medean turned back. With shaky palms, Zyra stood up and pulled the blankets off of the nymph. Then she stepped to the side.

"Help him."

She studied his face, waiting for a reaction, but there was none. He looked him over, then turned on his heel and walked out. Zyra stared at the door in trepidation, wondering what he was going to do. What if he was going to get Caligula? What if he knew the witch that the nymph belonged to? She picked up her sword. She didn't know this creature but she knew it needed protecting. If he wanted her to give him up, he'd have to fight for it.

Medean walked into the room, nearly rushing into her sword. For the first time, Medean displayed another emotion aside from docile subservience and amusement.

Medean gave her a look of irritation. He walked around her blade and placed his load on the bed. He had brought bandages, and tubes that she believed to be ointment. Quickly she placed the sword down.

"Take off his gauze."

Zyra was sure he meant the canopy bandages. She began to gently peel them away, pained at the cuts she had to reopen because the bandages attempted to fuse to the healing wound. Medean prepared various crèmes to the side of her. When she was done, he instructed her to wipe his wounds with a liquid that wasn't water but was for injuries. The nymph moaned softly as she did this, but remained asleep.

When she was finished, she watched Medean perform magic. She didn't care when he animatedly told her of enchanted warm meals or bottomless washing basins. Watching him close the terrible cuts the witch had given this nymph until thin lines remained was worth watching.

"Now we apply the cream. It's for scarring. Nymphs find beauty in sameness. A scar could harm his reputation."

"I don't care about his reputation. I'm just glad he's alive."

"The wounds weren't incredibly serious. They could have been dire with infection."

Zyra nodded as she applied the cream. They covered the cream with bandages and then gave the nymph some water. He already began to look much better. Zyra covered him back up in her bed as Medean washed his hands.

"I would suggest strongly that he be released back to the nymph Mother Tree within the next two days. He's going to need to spend some time into the tree to heal his internal injuries and the bruises on his genitalia, but he should be fine. I imagine the pain must have been too much for him. Nymphs are very sensitive creatures."

Zyra frowned. Well, that explained Ginger's overreactions to hugs.

"I'll bring your water now." Medean gave her a smile and prepared to walk out again.


He turned. "Is there anything else you require?"

"No. I mean...I-I just..."

Medean tilted his head. "Yes Miss?"

"Thank you," she spat. "Thank you for this."

Medean's eyes widened before he gave her a wide genuine smile. "You are very welcome Miss."

The dazzling beauty of his smile transformed the face she had wanted to punch, into a handsome dream. She stood there stunned as he departed.

The sound of the nymph stirring brought her back to her senses. Quickly, she pulled the pillows away from him and a shock of azure blue eyes stared back at her. The nymph smacked his lips, trying to moisten them. She turned, remembering that her pitcher was being filled, but saw it suddenly appear upon the table. Without questions, she picked it up and filled a cup of water, giving it to the dry nymph. When he was done he motioned for another glass which she gave. Then, she watched cautiously as he sat up.


His voice held the same watery undertone as the she-nymph that had taken her form and screwed Hanto. She tried not to feel disgust.

"You're not..."

"You called out to Gharla," Zyra interrupted. "Is she here?"

The nymph's eyes grew sad and it caught her off-guard. She hadn't expected that.

"No," he said. "I suppose not. You are the only human female here."


"I know. I wasn't asking a question."

The nymph tried to get out of bed and she put a hand on his shoulder. "You're...Vine, aren't you?"

The name Vine made his attention refocus, and his head snapped toward her. "You know of me? Gharla told you of me? She speaks of me?"

His eagerness broke her heart. What could she say to him? Gharla was trying to forget him now that the Rovians had to deal with their own problems?

"She...told me about your time together. She confided in me."

"And she sends word?"

Zyra couldn't lie to him, but she couldn't say the truth either. Instead, she narrowed her eyes and leaned in.

"Why did that witch do what she did? Why are you here?"

Vine looked down at his wounds. He was lucky, luckier than Talia had been. Now he understood how she had sustained some of the damages she had. Dull Eyes was truly a monster.

"I came to find Gharla," he said evenly. "I also came to appeal for help. The witch you have seen...we know not her name, but we call her Dull Eyes. She is cruel, as are the members of her coven. They have been hunting us down like animals and treating us how they enjoy for sport. We can't fight back. We have no weapons outside of the forest, and even those are limited."

"Dull Eyes. It seems appropriate."

Vine nodded. "She has already injured a few of our brethren. If she is not stopped we will lose our home."

Zyra sighed. Trouble just had a fine way of ending up in her bed.

"Very well. I will see what it is I have rights to do. I am the keromedio after all."

"You are?"

Vine's eyes widened and Zyra noticed how he

seemed to see her for the first time. It disturbed her, and yet, made her curious.

"Yes. Is that important?"

"Of course it is important!" he shouted.

Zyra shushed him and he apologized before starting again in a whisper.

"How else will we have mediation between the lands? How else will the power of the witches be checked?

"Checked power? But...I thought that I have to obey..."

"Maybe now," Vine said. "You are too weak to pose much threat, but later, when your power matures you will have the rights bestowed upon you that can only be given by the monokeros. You are of them, not the witches."

Zyra furrowed her brow. "But...why would the witches not be their own keromedio? Or choose someone they know?"

"They witches cannot be keromedio because they are tainted by old ways and are no longer human. Only a human can be a keromedio. The first keromedio was a small girl, chosen by the monokeros before The Purging. I know little of their ways, but I know them to be a just race. That must make you a just person."

Vine fingered the bandages on his face and bowed

at the waist the best he could.

"I thank you for saving me, and for tending to my wounds. I am in your debt." He looked up at her, his eyes filled with hope. "But before I offer repayment, please, tell me. Does Gharla think of me?"

Zyra sighed. "Yes, she does. Sometimes she'll be beside us and she'll start staring off into the distance, fingering a blue stone around her neck..."

"My promise!"

"Keep it down! Goodness...yes, it is yours. And she speaks as though what you two...did was quite beautiful."

The nymph smiled at her. "It was. I wouldn't trade it for anything."

A different kind of pain hit Zyra. It was most painful because it confused her. Kail's actions just didn't make sense. Maybe she didn't know him the way she thought she did, but surely there was a reason for his actions. He wasn't a killer. It occurred to her that the nymph might know something about the incident.

"You can repay me now," Zyra said softly. "Do you know of the Shashanen Ogre Tribe?"

Vine nodded. "Yes, of course. They are old."

"Then you know the ogre that was exiled?"

"I know of him, yes."

"Do you know why?"

Vine's lips thinned. "The ogre killed your retired predecessor. A man by the name of Rowrain."

Zyra leaned in. "Do you know why?"

Vine shook his head. "I have heard nothing but

rumors. My keromedio, do you find it appropriate to discuss such things while in the witches' lair?"

"Call me Zyra. And yes, I want to know. Tell me the rumors."

"Let me ask you this first," Vine said. He was old enough to know that look on Zyra's face. It was a hungry and desperate as his own. "Do you have affection for this ogre?"

She was startled by how astute he was, but supposed it made sense if the all-seeing Gharla had fallen for the creature. Zyra nodded.

"Then out of principle I cannot tell you what I have heard," Vine answered. "Your faith need not suffer more."


"I will owe you a favor, but I cannot repay you in such a manner. Do not ask me. Often, we ask questions we do not truly want answers to." Vine gave her a bitter smile. "Who would I be if I did not shield you from the truth as you have shielded me? Gharla...she...doesn't think upon me anymore, does she?"

"She does."

"And our love? She doesn't believe in it anymore?"

Zyra took the nymph's hand in her own. "You know, I have never trusted nymphs. Not after what I saw when I first entered the valley. I saw my close friend raped and watched her suffer under a lustful delirium, I watched a nymph turn into my form, and whisper terrible things into my enemy's ear as she rode him. I cannot say I have always tolerated, let alone liked your kind."

"I know," Vine snorted. "You tried to burn down the Mother Tree. You could have killed us all. I have not forgotten who you are. I simply did not know what you have become."

Zyra smirked. "And what have I become?"

"A healer. A healer who will bring peace to the two lands."

"Then allow me to bring you peace," Zyra said.

"Gharla is very intelligent. She tries very hard to do what she feels best. She has suffered much in her life and she mourns the loss of things she cannot have. She fears loss. That is what keeps her from sending word, fear. But she loves you. I know that."

A shiny tear slipped out of Vine's eye and dribbled down his cheek. His smile was beautiful.

"Thank you, Zyra."

Zyra smiled. "You are most welcome. I am going to take a bath now. Rest."

Vine nodded and in seconds was back to sleep.

Zyra covered him back up, and rushed towards the hot spring. She needed to soak this day away.

When she had come back she was unsurprised to find some of her food missing, mostly the fruits.

Zyra finished what remained and then looked at the bed. She didn't want to hurt him anymore by moving him. Vine appeared to be fast asleep.

Sighing she took a pillow and made a place for herself on the floor. What she wouldn't give for netting. The cold ground did nothing for her, but she was too tired to fight sleep for very long. Soon, she was out.

When she woke, she found herself in her bed. Not only was she tucked in the covers, Vine was on the ground, in a bed of his own.

Medean, this had his meddling mitts all over it.

She was surprised when the thought of him actually made her smile. What a strange witch.

Zyra threw off her covers and quickly put on her boots. Kneeling by the side of the sleeping nymph, she saw that he was much recovered from the previous day. Did all creatures have the ability to heal quickly? Or was it the work of something else, in this case, Medean?

"Vine... Vine, wake up."

Pale blue eyes looked up at her and she motioned towards the door. Zyra poked her head out to make sure the path was clear, and then she took the nymph's hand and pulled him closely behind her.

Together they snuck through the corridors of the Marble Tree. Pulling him through to the outside, she saw that it was early morning. The sky was dark, it had not yet lightened. The moon hung low in the sky, making the Marble Tree shine with bright strands of silver iridescent light. It was beautiful really, something that Zyra never attributed to it. It disturbed Zyra greatly.

They moved silently, running through the open field with less urgency than before. When they reached the trees, Vine began to unravel his bandages and she assisted him. Just as Medean had said, there were no scars. Behind him, she could see identical blue faces peer up with wariness and curiosity. She was about to wave greeting to them, but was afraid they might consider that an invitation. She kept her hands by her sides.

"Thank you."

Vine bowed lowly to her and she returned the gesture quizzically. He laughed in response.

"I owe you much. Maybe even my life. If you are ever in need, if we can assist you, we shall."

"I'll see what I can do about Dull Eyes. Don't worry Vine. I'll do my best."

He gave her a warm smile. Its warmth began to infect the other nymphs. Soon, countless blue faces had a look of love and encouragement on them.

"Friend Zyra, I must take my leave. Farewell, dearest keromedio."

Then, Vine and the nymphs went behind the trees and disappeared from her sight. She was alone again, but this time she didn't feel alone. So this place could hold good. This wasn't just a cursed place filled with strange creatures of evil intention. Even the danger could have a good side. Did Scallen not try to kill her and then save her? Were the nymphs not grateful to her for her deeds? Did Medean not help her when she asked? As she stood there, between the day and night, on the crux of something bigger than her, but so much a part of her existence and purpose, she felt peace.

She could survive this. She would.

Her feet knew what to do with this information. Zyra ran with it. She sprinted, ducking and dodging the branches through the foreign but familiar trees. She jumped over a fallen log and felt a thin vine graze the side of her cheek as she barely avoided it. The exhilaration was like laughter. For a moment, she felt powerful and in control, strong and free. It was like being home again.

"Heading home?

She skidded to a stop and turned.


He was in a tree. Scallen slid from his perch

down to her level, a small smile on his face.

"Sssuch a wild thing....you're...beautiful, really. It isss sssuch a pleasssure to watch you run."

"Run with me," Zyra said grinning.

Scallen shook his head, the smile saddening.

"I can't."


"They've been keeping me at bay with ssspellsss. And now, they're here."


"Sstay wild ssZyra...losssse it, and you will losssse your freedom."



Zyra whipped around to see Caligula charging her. His eyes glowed with anger and her foot slipped backward. Looking back she saw Scallen was gone.

"How dare you." Caligula grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards him. His grip was rough and she cried out. "How dare you!"

Scallen's advice kicked in and Zyra struggled, dropping herself to the ground, writhing in protest. Desperate, she bit Caligula's hand. Not expecting such a primal response, he was caught off guard and shouted, releasing his grip enough for her to pull free.

Zyra ran now, with a different purpose. She could feel the power radiating off of Caligula. She had been the recipient of it in training. In its full fury she stood no chance. Her body had darted off towards the Marble Tree before she could think. Maybe she could find Etaceh to calm him down. Maybe Medean would protect her. All she had to do was get there.

She was almost at the Marble Tree when a wall of earth rose and blocked her way. Another two walls erupted on either side of her, giving her no choice but to face him. Caligula had caught up to her. She turned to him, wishing she had her weapons again. This was the final straw. She would never be unarmed again.

"What do you want?" she shouted.

Caligula's eyes narrowed. "You wander from the Marble Tree at this godforsaken hour to meet with the basilisk. We train you, feed you, clothe you, and this is how you repay us? By late night visits with Scallen D' Arbalis? A snake who would no sooner fuck you than eat you?"

Caligula drew closer into the custom prison, and Zyra studied how personal his rage sounded.

"You don't own me," Zyra said.

"We do own you. You are our keromedio. Your life, your spirit and body, live to serve us. To serve me!"

As he reached out to her Zyra grabbed a handful of dirt from the wall behind her. She dashed it in his eyes and ran again. This time, the wall built around her leg. Shouting as she fell face first, she heard slow methodical clapping from beyond. Looking up, she saw Scallen perched in yet another tree, staring at Caligula with endless amusement.

"Well...third timesss the charm...issn't it, witch?"

Caligula's anger redirected itself towards Scallen, and his eyes bubbled over with purple light.

"Snake," he spat.


"What do you think you're doing? Who do you think you are?"

Scallen rolled his green eyes. "I have no interesssst, in anssswering quesstionsss...inssstead, allow me to remind you that you introduced usss...and then, sssent her flying into my houssse wrapped in a pretty green parc...ssssel. ssSo...you of all people, Caligula, sshould underssstand why ssshe'ss come to ssseeek me out."

"I'm warning you," Caligula said. "Stay away from her."

"Empty threatsss.

"I am more than willing to fulfill them."

"Zyra darling!"

The earth that held her legs dissipated, and Zyra was pulled to her feet by Etaceh. At first she was confused. Etaceh was wearing white, a floor length white nightgown.

Somehow she had always thought black was her only color.

"Sweetie, why on earth are you out here?"She pulled her into her chest as though she was a found lost child. Zyra allowed it, knowing she needed people in her corner.

"I wasn't trying to run away."

"Of course, not. That's ridiculous, but it's night, and dangerous. You could..."


Etaceh looked up, seeing Scallen for the first time. Zyra felt her grip tighten. "Why are you here?"

"You've enchanted the training groundssss againsssst me. How elssse will ssZyra and I, catch up?"

Etaceh glared at him, and then ushered Caligula away.

"Come along Caligula, you know we cannot hurt him."

Caligula stared at Scallen for a very long time. Unable to fully accept defeat, he evaporated the tree Scallen sat upon. He landed onto the ground gracefully, his arms crossed.

"You can't cage a bird for very long witchesss," Scallen said grinning. "Eventually you'll have to let it go...or watch it die." He winked at Zyra, reminding her that no matter what they were about to do to her, she was not alone. Scallen understood her as a Rovian, and the nymphs understood her through her friends.

She watched Scallen disappear down a hole that she could have sworn wasn't there, and allowed herself to be led back by Etaceh's firm hand. Etaceh took her to her room, and all but shoved her back into bed.

"Don't leave this bed until we come to get you."

Etaceh didn't wait for her answer. She rushed out of Zyra's room. Zyra didn't have time to think about what occurred. She was tired now. She closed her eyes, and fell asleep.


The next morning she was woken by Medean who

informed her that there would be no training today. Zyra attempted to speak with him in a less vindictive manner, but he rushed in and out. Sighing, she ate her breakfast and prepared her things so that she might bathe. When she was ready, she found she could not leave. There was nothing but air, but somehow the witches were keeping her inside. Zyra would have lost her mind, but figuring this to be expected, she controlled herself. After eating she fell back into a restful sleep, her body catching up on knitting the abuses she had suffered in the last week.