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Aunt and nephew on a Tropical Island.
2.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 08/12/2011
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This story, told by Elaine, a 35 year old single woman, who had to come to grips with her sister dying, and her own sexual frustrations, while trying not to show either. Although attractive, her melancholy brought self-loathing and resentment.

Tommy was 18, when he graduated High School. My older sister had died young, and he lived with my parents.

I had won a raffle at a charity event of a week's use of a Timeshare in St Maarten, and had no one to go with, having just ended a long relationship. At 35, I wasn't going alone, so I offered it to Tommy as a graduation gift, to use with a girl or male friend. I know it was like re-gifting but I hated to see it go to waste. And I had gotten him other gifts, too.

At dinner with Mom and Dad, I had given him the envelope, which included air fare. When he read it, his eyes widened.

"Aunt E!" waving the papers, "I always wanted to go there! This is great! And it's next week!"

I was pleased to see him psyched. "I know, not much time to pick some lucky girl to take. Or you can take Brian."

He looked confused. "You're not coming with me?"

Actually, the thought had crossed my mind. I could stand getting away, but an 18 year old doesn't need a 35 year old aunt cramping his style.

My parents were watching the exchange as I said, "Oh, no, T, take someone your own age. It's your graduation present, enjoy it."

I drove us all to their house and Mom and Dad got out. Tom said, "I'll be right in." After they left, I said, "What's up?"

"Well, I haven't told anybody, but I think I may join the service."

"Really? What brought that on?"

"Since Mom died, I have no focus. I think that may help me. I have no plans for the future."

"What did Beth say?"

"We broke up last week. I didn't want to say it in front of Nana and Gramps. They think I'm going into a shell."

I raised an eyebrow. "And are you?"

He smiled that old smile. "No, just taking things more seriously. I'm telling you this because I want you to come to St. Maarten."

"But, Tommy, you would have more fun with someone your age."

"There's no one on the planet who knows me like you do. Things have been rough all over lately. I know about you and Keith breaking up."

I was embarrassed. "People change."

"You don't, and you've been here for me every day of my life, thank you." He reached over and gave me a huge hug, holding me so tight, I could barely breathe. (He's over six feet and 200 lbs, while I'm 5'6 and 130.) Then I heard him sniffle. The poor kid had been through so much!

"Okay... but don't call me 'Aunt E' it's just E or Elaine, I don't want people thinking I'm baby sitting again!"

He released me, clearly happy with my choice. "They'll probably think we are dating anyway! I can't wait!"

A week later, we touched down, located our bags and got the rental car. Funny, they drive on the right side, just like Americans, so it wasn't too bad, except smaller roads and cars. We found our hotel easily, and checked in. That's where we had a problem.

Although the document clearly showed a two-bedroom suite, there had been a flood in the above unit, and our ceiling had collapsed. The only available unit was one-bedroom, with a pull-out couch. We argued, and they apologized, but it was out of their control. They wound up throwing in dinner for two at the hotel restaurant, so we accepted and moved in.

Tommy insisted on taking the couch. We dropped our bags and went down to the bar. They don't proof in St Maarten, so Tommy had a few beers with appetizers at the bar, while I had Martinis.

There were many couples there, assorted ages and mixes of age. Older men, with younger women, clearly older women with guys Tommy's age, so we barely drew a notice.

The warm night air and the cocktails were zeroing in on me, and I said I'd call it a night if he wanted to keep going. The long trip and drinks had taken their toll on him, too, and we propped each other up in the elevator up to the room.

Once inside, the blast of warm air almost knocked us over. The A/C in the bedroom was fine, but the living room was unbearable. We called the front desk but they couldn't have someone there until the morning.

"Look, Tom, we'll just share the bedroom."

"I guess so, I'll take the floor."

"Don't be silly. Unless you started sleeping in the nude, we'll just sleep back to back."

He looked, warily. "I can bring the mattress in from the couch."

"Tommy! Stop! I'm going to change. I advise you do the same!" I went into the bathroom. This was gonna be tricky. The only nighties I brought were sheer, not to be sexy, but to be cool. I washed up and looked at myself, and thought, He'd just be frightened off by an old bag like me anyway, right?

I opened the door and the lights were out. Through the balcony glass, enough moon light shone that I could see him in bed. I crept around, wondering if he had passed out already. His voice made me jump when he said, "Goodnight."

I reached over and patted his hand, and said, "I'm sure tomorrow will be better,", not realizing where his hand was. The way he tensed up, I concluded he was touching his privates.

"Oh! I'm sorry, honey! I wasn't thinking!"

He sat upright. "I'll sleep in the chair!"

"No, no! I promise, no more touching, really!"

I rolled on my side, but sleep wouldn't come. I could feel my heart pounding, and I listened for the heavy sound of his sleep, but it never came.

I knew I was aroused now, not for my nephew so much as a man in bed with me. My hand slid under my nightie and felt my wetness. I couldn't help but bring my hand to my nostrils and inhale.

It had to be 20 minutes later, and still sleep wouldn't come. I was thinking of Tommy now, wondering if he thought of me. Oh, that's silly! Right? Besides, it's just tonight anyway.

I felt him roll and now he was facing my back. My pussy ached knowing his manlihood was so close to me. I wondered about his experience, his size, how much testosterone was built up behind me, inches away.

My mind raced. I was thinking inappropriately about my nephew, who I practically raised! I had to get up!

I slid open the balcony glass and felt the air, warm and thick, sliding it quietly behind me, staring out at the sailboats and yachts. It was so peaceful this late, and I felt the warm air rise under my nightie. I spread my feet apart and let the breeze dry my wetness, and hopefully ease my mind from the thoughts.

I heard the whoosh of the door sliding, and Tom came out, concerned. "Are you okay?"

It was brighter out here. I gave him my best smile. "Yes, Honey, just thinking."

He came up beside me and put a fatherly arm around me. "About Keith, I guess."

Just in a non-sexual reaction to my nephew, I slid my arm around his waist. "Not even close! Just enjoying the view, it's not that bad out here with the breeze."

He smiled, sniffed the air. "It's beautiful, thanks for coming, E. We'll have fun, you'll see."

I squeezed him tighter. "It's been an adventure already, huh?"

He turned me to face him. This was so awkward, we were so close, I had to look up at him. This caused my pelvis to arch, coming into contact with his hips.

His big sad eyes peered down. "My favorite times have always been just you and me. Ballgames, movies, museums, even! Thanks for always being there." Then he bent and totally engulfed me in those big powerful arms, his face warm on my neck, and after a moment, I felt him softly kiss the soft flesh below my ear.

I was suddenly aware that his hips had taken on an added feature, and it was moving.

"You're welcome, Honey, but we should go back to bed now."

I heard him grunt, and he pressed harder into me, and he was definitely growing!

"Tommy! Okay! That's enough!" and I pushed him away.

He stumbled back, seemingly in shock. "Oh God! Oh, Jeez, I don't know what happened! Oh, Elaine, I really am sorry! I just... You've always been that girl for me, the one I had dreams about, and I just got caught up, god, I'm sorry!"

Dreams, I thought? Kids like older women these days, but not me! I'm not the flashy type. But he said it.

Catching my breath, I said, "Forget it, T. It was my fault, making you share my bed, and then being out here like this. Make like it never happened and get on with vacation."

"I can't," he replied.


"I love you, I've always loved you. Beth and I broke up because I couldn't perform with her. Because of you."

Standing three feet away from me, in Paradise, stood the only man who ever said he loved me. In the moonlight, I could see the proof of his arousal, with his boxers aimed right at me. I was wet again, with evil thoughts.

"I'm sure you will be fine, honey. Just a phase you're going through." I held my hand out and he took it. "You're still grieving about Mom."

His hand squeezed mine. He moved forward, entranced, looking deeply at me as he said, "Just feel it." And my hand was held to his cock.

"No, baby, no, don't do this." I tried to yank my hand away, but he was close again, and his other arm held my waist.

"Please... just for a minute."

He had my wrist now, turned it to force himself into my palm. I didn't want to touch it, but didn't want my wrist broken. Slowly as he held it, moving it up and down his shaft, I felt my fingers tighten, and saw his eyes roll back in his head.

"Baby," I whispered, "Please don't." My hand felt him throb, and I knew I was gooey by then. He grunted in the night air, and moved his hips and my hand.

I looked up at him, and he bent to kiss me, his tongue shooting straight passed my lips, searching my mouth.

The juices began to run down my inner thighs, and my head was swirling, and he no longer held my hand. I was doing it on my own, feeling him prepare to lose it all. I worked faster, knowing there was no stopping now. "Cum, baby, Cum!"

I barely got that out, when he let loose with an "arghhh!" sounding like a pirate. The head had slipped out and he shot load after load right onto my nightie! I had forgotten how much sperm a young man produced. I wiped it around, mesmerized, blending it in.

I still held it as he began breathing, almost gasping. "Oh, Elaine," and he kissed me again. I don't know why but I didn't release him, just returned his kiss as he held me close, his semi-hard cock pressed between us. His hands clutched my rear, and this caused more juices to run down,and I moaned in frustration. So young and firm, but my sister's son!

I felt cooler air in my pussy, and knew he must be raising the nightie, letting fresh air in. I knew it was wrong, but didn't have the strength or desire to stop him. now, his fingers were kneading my cheeks, pulling them up and apart, and I realized he had grown in my hand, now almost fully! He was erect again, that quickly! Oh, Youth!

I began tugging at it, but he whispered, "Not yet." He raised the nightie over my head, and I stood before him, his eyes taking me in. I must say though a little over-weight, my breasts remain firm and men have always complimented my pointy pink nipples. Tommy's mouth went right for one, and I groaned on contact.

I had to slide a hand down to feel myself, and my fingers sloshed within me! I can't remember ever being so primed and lubricated. What now? What now??

Tommy seemed to sense my need. There was a small table and lounge chair on the balcony. He guided me over there, pushing me back on the lounger.

I watched as he climbed between my legs. I spread wide to provide best access, and he wasted n o time, holding his cock, stabbing in the moonlight. I gripped it, now sure it was his first time, and brought him to me, moistened the big head by running him up my slit.

He groaned so loudly as he entered, and I lost myself in it, too, letting out a sharp, "Yes!"

He kissed me again, then began moving. It felt wonderful, his piston plunging deeply, then backing out. Since he had shot so recently, he was able to make this last, going in quick bursts, bringing me to the edge, then backing off. If it was intentional, he had great form.

He finally thrust twenty flashes at me, and I felt my body shake, my first orgasm in ten years! I clung to him, holding him, then relaxed again.

I whispered, "Let me roll over, baby." He did and I knelt on the lounger. He must have seen all the porn movies, because he approached as soon as he saw the target. With my bare ass high in the air, he found my gash easily, and I knew I could be tighter on him this way, and I could feel him deeper.

He seemed to like this, more friction, with his long cock and my legs almost together. He was thrusting and grunting with each push, and I pressed back each time, feeling myself building again.

The pounding got faster and I buried my head in the pillow to muffle my shouts of encouragement, and just as I was ready, Tommy roared, "I'm Cummingggg!" One last push and he held it deep and released.

My body let loose at the same instant, and I fell limp across the lounge as he rose triumphant over me, sending his sperm rushing through me.

As I caught my breath, I heard a sound, like a clap, then another. Cheers and laughter!.

Tommy stood, and looked to the right. Another wing of the hotel, another balcony, just up from us. A couple, younger than me, naked also.

"Great show, Man! You really went at it!" the male said, while the girl whistled, pumping her fist.

I was shocked, but amused. They weren't derisive. It was like doing a live porn show. I looked back at Tommy who was standing now. He seemed shocked, too. I stood next to him, facing them, and waved, did a little bow.

The couple roared with pleasure. Even Tommy smiled. And he waved to them, too.

The girl yelled down, "Encore!"

I yelled, "We'll be here all week!"

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