Perfect Mother, Perfect Whore

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Mom seduces her willing son.
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Mia Quinn didn't know she was going to have sex with her son Eric the day she found her sperm covered panties hidden at the bottom of the laundry basket but like the coming of winter, it was inevitable. As she held them at arms length, she had no idea what it was that covered the inside of her panties. Hesitantly, she had touched the mineral white crusty material. Then she knew. "Sperm," she gasped. She immediately felt violated and then almost physically ill. After the initial shock of discovery, she knew the source. It had to be her twenty-year-old son Eric. Her husband had been out of town for the last week and she'd thrown these panties in the hamper just a few days ago. As she stood barefoot and shivering on her cold gray basement floor, laundry spilled around her, she fought to understand why her son would do something so horrible. Out loud she asked, "Why Eric? Why did you do this to me?" It saddened her to think she'd raised a boy...well a young man now, who would stoop to such deviant behavior. 'I've raised a pervert,' she'd cried. 'What an awful thing for him to do to his mother,' she groaned as she stared at her desecrated underwear. 'We go to church, we have a good home, I'm a good mother, and he has a wonderful father. We give him everything. Why?" She dropped the offending underwear and cried the tears of a broken hearted mother. She just couldn't believe her own son was capable of something so loathsome. Her transformation from shock, disgust, hurt, and disappointment to lust and desire was gradual but again, inevitable. She was after all a very horny woman.

As she fought to understand the whys of what her son had done, Mia's anger increasingly turned to curiosity. Her son had masturbated into her panties, that much she was certain of. She thought about physical act of masturbation. 'How many times had he done it?' There was such an incredible amount of sperm. 'This couldn't all be from one time,' she told herself. There was just too much. Not only was the crotch of her modest black bikini panties completely filled but dried cum rose up the sides and back. 'He had to have done it so many times,' she marveled in disgust. It made her mind reel to think about him masturbating into them. She giggled self-consciously when she found a glimmer of humor in that. 'He must be hornier than I am, poor boy.' She knew Eric didn't have a steady girlfriend and never really had many casual girlfriends either. Although he was good looking, well liked and athletic, he had a difficult time with the opposite sex. Looking at her underwear, a glimmer of understanding took hold.

To better understand what her son had done, she knew she had to examine her own feelings about sex first. She'd never quite understood why she had such a difficult time admitting how much she really did enjoy sex. She usually made her husband Milt practically beg her before she gave into him. But it was a week into his ten day business trip and Mia couldn't wait until he got home. She was as horny as her son apparently was. Calming down a little now she began to act and think more like a mother again. She even saw the funny side of her discovery. "What were you thinking Eric? Did you think I wouldn't notice? I do the wash; didn't you think I would find them?" She sighed as she looked again at them. Most of the sperm had dried and cracked and reminded her of a sun bleached lake bottom. In several places though, especially in the crotch, it was puddled up so thick that it hadn't completely dried yet. It had a dull sticky sheen that made her curious and she wondered aloud, 'How long does it take sperm to dry? Did he do this yesterday...this morning?' She didn't know. Her husband was the only man she'd ever made love to so her experience with sperm and the amount a man could produce at any one time was limited but still...even she knew this was an extraordinary amount. As she contemplated that question and others, she consciously ignored the disturbing stirrings that were taking place inside her own body; especially those that originated from between her legs. 'Stop it Mia,' she chided herself for being distracted from her righteous anger.

Her sense of smell had always been keen and the full richness of her son's sperm reached her nose and sparked a fire in her that she found impossible to ignore. Without thinking, she brought the panties to her face and inhaled deeply. It reminded her of the time she'd visited a coffee roasting factory and had been overwhelmed with all the rich aromas that filled the air. She found this new smell just as intoxicating. She inhaled again. A rush of alarming feelings attacked her body. Her arousal had now reached a point where she could no longer overlook what it was telling her. Her breasts, more to the point, her nipples were being disloyal to her. They were always the first part of her body to show her sexual arousal. Today was no exception. She could feel how hard her cherry size nipples already were by the way they rubbed irritatingly against her oversized bra. As a teenager, she'd done everything she could to hide her nipples when they got excited, including putting band aids over them. All her life, she'd been subjected to hurtful and even envious comments about her large breasts as well the comparisons to Dolly Parton. She didn't really mind the reference since there were obvious similarities. Now as a woman of forty two, she'd grown accustomed to the leers and crude remarks about her eye popping 30DD breasts atop her five foot frame. She also knew it didn't help that she had long blonde hair and a waspish figure but that was what nature had given her and she had reluctantly accepted them. Like them or not, she had big tits!

As much as she wanted to deny it, she really did enjoy how her breasts felt when they got this way. Now alone and in her basement, with no one watching, she guiltily touched them. Her body quivered deliciously and she couldn't help smiling as a sexual rush soared up from between her legs. She wanted to scold herself for being so wicked but the delectable dampness that had crept between her slim thighs was too pleasing. She tried to blunt her sinful urges by pressing her legs together but that only put more pressure on her pussy and made her all the more aware of how turned on she'd become. To distract her body, she examined her panties again and tried to work up her anger towards her son. She wondered if were these the only pair he'd masturbated in. Determined to find out, she emptied the laundry hamper onto the floor and searched for more evidence of his sinful behavior. She was almost disappointed when she didn't find others.

With a false suggestion of disgust in her voice, she asked out loud, "Why did you do this to me Eric?" Another rush of excitement shot from between her legs and she suddenly felt so weak that she found herself sinking to the floor. She rested her aroused and over heated body against the cool surface of her wash machine. "What's happening to me," she uneasily asked as she fanned her flushed face. The dampness seeped through her well worn housedress and sent shivers through her awakened body. Her mind spun and her body trembled as she again thought about the physical act required to produce so much sperm. Even though it had been years since she'd her son completely naked, visions of his muscular swimmers body flashed through her mind. Guilt wracked her when she imagined him holding his cock to them and masturbating into them. Her mind spun out of control. 'How did he hold them,' she wondered. 'Did he wrap them around it or just ejaculate into them? How many times did he do it?' More wicked thoughts flooded her mind. 'Who was he thinking about when he did it; girls at school, movie stars? Then the worst thought came to her. 'Was he thinking of me? What a disgusting thought,' she told herself. 'Maybe he just likes panties,' she tried convincing herself as she fought to block out the disturbing notion that he thought about her as he masturbated. Her anguish only increased when she caught herself hoping it was. 'Oh Mia, how could you wish that? How could you ever hope your son thought about you when he masturbates?' She had no idea where that incestuous thought came from but was sure she had just committed a mortal sin. That didn't stop her mind from dwelling on that thought though. Unable to control her emotions, her mind focused on that lone fantasy and any guilt she might have had conveniently slipped away.

Bring her soiled underwear closer to her face, she marveled again at the amount of sperm that filled them. 'He must have done it so many times.' That made her giggle and a small smile crept across her face. 'He's just like his father,' she giggled. Milts sex drive was far stronger than hers and he was always pestering her to make love. 'Bet he wouldn't have to ask twice today' she laughed self-consciously. She could no longer ignore her pussy and conveniently forgot to admonish herself for allowing her body to respond so. Not thinking, she brought her panties back to her face and stared inside and inhaled deeply again. The smell was a delicious mixture of intoxicating earthy maleness. 'This is my son's sperm,' she said breathing deeply. Her voice sounded foreign, strained and far away. The smell was exhilarating and it excited her. She inhaled again and visions of her naked son jacking off into them swam through her mind. She wondered if he said her name when he came. She guiltily hoped so. Quickly dropping them, Mia closed her eyes and moved her hand roughly over her aching breasts. That wasn't enough to satisfy her anymore. Guilt ridden and driven by an ever increasing desire; she moved her hand under her dress and rested it over her panties. She could feel the heat coming from there. "This is so wrong! Masturbation is a sin," she half laughed as she moved her fingers across her damp crease. She resisted the urge to put her hand under her panties. She hadn't masturbated in years but as she lightly rubbed between her legs, she now wondered why not. She needed more. Her fingers as if they belonged to someone else now slipped under the elastic waistband and rested over the moist cleft of her cunt. Her pubic hair, she amusingly noted was already damp and matted. She hesitated for only a second before pushing her finger between the soft wet folds of her vulva and onto her clitoris. Slowly, agonizingly slow, she moved her finger in small circles over her engorged clit. With great reluctance, she admitted how good that felt. She wouldn't allow herself climax though. 'I'm just a little horny,' she consoled herself while at the same time slightly increasing the pressure on her clit. 'I just miss my husband,' she told herself as she guiltily let her finger slip a little further into her pussy.

With one hand still between her legs, she picked up her panties again. Glacier size chunks of dried sperm clung precariously to the fabric. Her middle finger made a fucking motion inside her pussy and she moaned softly. Before she realized what she was doing she was pressing the crusty, sperm covered panties to her face and was rubbing it against her skin like a washcloth. Her finger moved back to her clit and she rubbed it harder. The sweet-smelling aroma of cum was exhilarating as she ground her panties into her face. With the crotch pressed tightly against her nose, she inhaled again. One nostril became clogged with the plaster like mix. She blew out. Instinctively, her tongue flicked out and caught the iceberg size morsel. She tasted the brackish mixture and greedily sought out more. Her finger was back inside of her, moving faster and more determined now. When she tried to pull her own panties aside she frustratingly realized they wouldn't stretch enough to allow her full access to her pussy. Lifting herself up, she quickly pulled them down her legs, over one foot and then the other. She kicked them aside. "Oh fuck yesssss," she said letting out a loud moan when she finally got her finger back inside of her cunt. Like an addict, nothing seemed to totally satisfy her now. She pressed her soiled silk panties into her mouth and allowed her tongue to wash the crotch. She couldn't stop herself now. With her mouth wide opened, she gathered in as much of her son's sperm as she could find. Still not satisfied, she turned them inside out and stuffed them in her mouth and sucked and captured the last of her son's sperm. The cool floor fought to temper her over heated body but lost out to the overpowering force from within her. After many minutes of wild masturbation, she collapsed onto the gritty basement floor, exhausted and for the moment satisfied.

When she regained her senses, she recoiled when she saw how barren the panties were now. Only a few faint white spots were left where once it had been a whitewash of sperm. "Oh my god, what have I done?" She ran her tongue over her teeth and tasted her son again. If she could have seen her reflection, she would have thought some maniacal clown had painted her face with chalk; dried and smeared cum clung everywhere. She used her fingers to bring it to her mouth. She couldn't get enough. 'It's better than chocolate,' she laughed. When it was gone, she cried out in frustration. "What am I doing?" She began to cry and then sob. "I am so wicked." She licked her fingers. Her son's salty seed was all but gone. Drunk with lust, she ripped at the buttons of her dress and frantically pawed at her breasts. When she couldn't get her hand under her bra, she yanked it harshly aside and found her aching nipples. She pinched and pulled them and then twisted them and mashed them together. Her other hand went back between her legs and she masturbated. Again she wondered why she had ever thought this was such a horrible act. She rarely used the F word but it flowed easily out of her mouth now. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck, this feels so fucking good!' Even if she'd wanted to, she couldn't control her second and third climax. Like a run away freight train, they smashed through her body and exploded from between her legs. "Ahhhhhhhh! Yesssssss! Fuck yesssss Fuck!" She screamed so loud she scared herself. When she could finally breathe normally, she wiped at the sweet beads of sweat that rolled down her face. Her fingers gathered up the last remnants of her son's sperm. She greedily brought them in her mouth and cried real tears when she knew there was no more sperm.

As she lay shivering on the floor, visions of her son's cock danced in her head. She wondered how big he was now. Was he built like his father? Giggling self- consciously, she wondered, 'Does he think about blow jobs like his father does?' She rarely gave into Milts frequent request for them because she had convinced herself the act demeaning and that she didn't enjoy them. She now silently admitted how much she enjoyed the feel of his smooth hard cock in her mouth as well as the taste of his cum. She wondered if her son's cock would feel as pleasant. 'Mia Quinn, you are so disgusting,' she playfully chided herself as she snatched up the dirty panties one more time. Looking at them, she saw again that there was nothing left but raw silk. "All gone! Ohhhh nooo," she cried out and pouted like a spoiled child. Without warning, her body began to tremble and her pussy flowed down her quivering thighs. She rolled onto her stomach, her fingers buried deep up her cunt and she brought herself to yet another fantastic climax. She called out her son's name each time an orgasm rocked her body. 'Eric, Eric, Eric' she moaned and thought of his naked body and his hard cock spewing rivers of hot cum into her mouth.

She was disgusted with herself...not for what she'd done but because she felt no shame or remorse. Finally she was so exhausted that she was sure she couldn't possibly cum one more time. The spilled laundry caught her eye again and even though she'd searched it once, she crawled to it on hands and knees and illogically tore through it in hope that she had missed a pair her son had jacked off into. There were of course no more. Frustrated, she weakly pulled herself to her feet. Her bra hung loosely below her immense breasts; the panties she'd worn as well as the pair her son had cum in lay discarded on the floor. Without bothering to fix her bra or close her dress, she staggered upstairs, her laundry long forgotten. Naked, she collapsed onto her bed and masturbated herself to sleep while thinking of her son and what he'd done...what she had done. She called out his name as she drifted off to sleep.

Eric was maybe seven or eight when he first realized that he was in love with his mother. He always made a point to be around her when she was dressing or putting on her make-up. It was a fascinating process that he never tired of. He thought she was the prettiest woman in the world. Of course he was awestruck by her boobs and was always trying to sneak a look at them or 'down there' as he called that mysterious area between her legs. He rarely got to see more than a quick glimpse of her huge white breasts and only once did he catch a fleeting quick glimpse of her without panties. She was usually very careful and modest around him. Those rare times when he did catch a look at her as she hurried around in just bra and panties always produced incredibly and wonderful little erections for him. When his prick got hard, he would innocently touch himself and even rub it against his mother's leg as he watched her. His vague memories of nursing on her immense tits were still fresh in his mind and made him long to drink from them again. If she ever noticed his erections or how he touched himself, she never said anything.

Mia understood her son's youthful infatuation and put up with his antics to a point. She thought it cute when she caught him openly rubbing the front of his pants and didn't want to embarrass him by scolding him so never said anything. She drew the line though whenever he tried to touch her breasts. She would gently push his hands away and tell him he was naughty and to behave himself. It wasn't until the day she caught him spying on her as she showered that she knew she had to take steps. He'd gotten very long looks at her boobs and pussy and for that little transgression he'd gotten a swift spanking as well as a lecture.

But it was too late. Eric had seen her magnificent naked body and was forever in love with her and it. He'd seen her golden triangle and her wonderfully huge breasts and no spanking or scolding was ever going to erase those heavenly visions from his young mind. That night, his father sat him down and gave him the abridged version of the birds and the bees as well as warning him about respecting his mother's privacy. At the time, all that talk about vaginas and penises went right over his head. It took a long time before he figured out that it was his father's penis and his mother's vagina he'd been talking about. For a while Eric hated his mother for letting his father put his penis into her vagina...the vagina he'd claimed as his own and the one he wanted to put his penis in. When puberty finally came roaring in on him, he quickly discovered what his penis was really for and how it was meant to function. His cock, although much smaller than his father's, could now do exactly what his did and he became determined to find a way to let his mother know she no longer needed his father's cock since he now had one that worked perfectly well too. Once he discovered the joys of masturbation, he became a cum machine. Like most teenage boys, he jacked off frequently. At first he did it because he could and then eventually he moved onto fantasizing about movie stars, teachers, girls at school that he thought were particularly pretty and then the naked women that graced the slick pages of his father's porn stash. But it was always the memory of his mother's tits and pussy that made him the hardest when he jacked off.
