Queen of the Amazons

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Anthropologists find a lost tribe of The Warrior Race.
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The air was hot and VERY humid... nothing new for being in the Amazon jungle. Mosquitoes and various flying bugs, some lethal if they stung you, were flying around. Dr. Robert King, an anthropologist, his associate, Dr. James Donaldson and Lauren King, Robert's sister, were with him on this hot and humid July afternoon.

"Can we stop for a few minutes? I didn't think the humidity would affect me so much." Lauren said, she sat down and wiped the sweat off of her face for the tenth time in 5 minutes. Robert smiled and chuckled a little.

"That's what you get for being such a heat monger." Robert teased.

"I would rather have heat than freeze to death. And, by the way, Brother, MOST people do not consider 30 degrees Fahrenheit to be 'nice' weather." She teased back.

"So sue me. I like to have a chill in the air." He responded.

"Okay, I sue you for pain and anguish and about 10 swiss rolls." She said and stuck her tongue out at him. He smiled all the more.

"You will be back in civilization in due time. I thought you wanted to see if we could find any real evidence of the Amazon tribe. Whether they actually existed or not." He said

"Yes I did. But sweating buckets is not my kind of fun. If I sweat, I want to enjoy it, not to be lost in a jungle with you." She said.

"And WHO would you enjoy sweating with, little sister?" He asked curiously.

"Like I am about to tell you? Get real!" She snapped back.

James laughed to himself. He had seen them go at each other for 5 years now. It has become commonplace but they had a very good working relationship together and they knew each others idiosyncrasies. He was secretly glad he was an only child.

Lauren took a large drink of water. She couldn't believe how thirsty she was in the jungle. It threw everything she thought would happen right out the window. "Don't drink so much." Robert warned her. "We have to conserve what we have. We don't know if we will find a fresh spring to replenish our supplies." He said. She looked sheepish.

"All right. Fair enough." She answered quietly.

"Come on, we have a lot to explore before nightfall. We better find a place to make camp for the night." Robert said. Lauren reluctantly agreed and James helped her up. She smiled at him and they left for the inner parts of the jungle.

A few hours later, they come upon a small campsite, small stones in a circle to create a campfire and some burned twigs and leaves.

"This looks like a good place to set up camp." Robert said. "It was nice of someone to make a fire for us. Or at least to start one." He said, and they put their equipment down. They started to unpack and set up two tents. James went to find some more wood to make a fire and Lauren took out some of the rations to cook.

They were being watched, close by, but not close enough to be detected. Four female warriors were watching them closely. Seeing if they were a threat to their existence. The lead warrior called to the others in an ancient bird call.

Robert listened for a few moments trying to figure out what kind of bird it might be. He had never heard a call like that before and was curious as to what the bird looked like that was making the noise. He looked around in the trees but couldn't see any kind of bird in the area.

"That's strange." He said quietly. He went back to pitching the tents and making the ground as comfortable as possible for them to sleep.

James came back with the wood and kindling to build the fire. He put it on the ground next to the circle of stones and arranged it in a pyramid shape to have the fire going to cook dinner.

"We may domesticate you yet James." Lauren said with a smile.

"Well, being an only child has its advantages. You have to learn to do things for yourself and living alone does not always mean pizza and Chinese all the time for dinner." James said with a smile.

"OOO! So when do I get to taste your cooking? We've known each other for, what? Almost 5 years now? And I have never been invited to have dinner with you." She said coaxingly.

"After we get back home, I will cook you a dinner fit for a Queen. Queen of the Amazon." He said with a smile and winked at her.

"I WILL take you up on that!" She said excitedly.

The lead warrior called again to her companions, warning them of the danger of James.

"James, can you recognize that bird? I heard it before and I have no clue of what type it is. I looked around but I can't seem to find it in the trees." Robert said.

"I heard it too. I have no clue of what kind of bird. I never heard that call either. It's almost like they are having a conversation and not necessarily random tones." James said.

"Agreed" Robert said.

The warriors quietly left the area and went back to their main base camp. The lead Warrior told the Queen of the strangers and what they had heard.

The four warriors knelt before the Queen and paid her homage.

"Speak, Cara." The Queen said.

"My Queen, There are strangers in the forest. 2 men and a woman. One of the men called the woman Queen of the Amazon. I do not know if she wishes to challenge you for your Queendom." Cara said.

Cara was like all other Amazon Women. Muscular, Strong, Agile and not afraid to speak her mind. Cara had Dark hair, others had Blonde hair and red hair. Some were true Amazons and others were 'rescued' from families and were trained in the art of being an Amazon warrior. Taken when they were just infants, and 'trained' in their 'true' calling.

"What do you wish us to do, Queen Jenna?" Cara asked.

"Bring them to me, I will find out for myself if she wishes to challenge me and if she is willing to die for her cause." Jana said.

"And the Men?" Cara asked curiously.

"I will decide what to do when they get here. I will see what their intentions are for being here. I do not want them harmed. Understood?" Jenna asked.

"Understood My Queen." Cara said and the group of four warriors left again to capture the scientists.

The next morning, Lauren, Robert and James wake up in a cage. Robert and James together in one cage and Lauren in a separate cage.

"Lauren? Are you all right?" James called. "Lauren?" She groggily started to wake up.

"Anybody get the number of that Mack truck that hit me?" Lauren said and held her head. "What happened?" She fully focused her eyes and saw where she was. "Where are we?" She asked.

"Someone attacked us during the night and took us. I don't remember a whole lot." James said. He held his head as well. A headache was looming and he wished he had packed some aspirin.

Queen Jenna, Cara and 2 more Amazon Women came in the room. They went to the cages and stood before them.

"BOW to your Queen!" Cara yelled. Robert, Lauren and James looked at each other and then thought it would be best to obey. They each bowed to Cara.

"Not me, you simpletons! To Queen Jenna. Ruler of the Amazon Race." Cara said.

"You won the bet Dear Brother." Lauren said. Robert stared at Queen Jenna. Jenna went toward Lauren.

"You wish to Challenge me for my place as Queen?" Jenna asked.

"Who said I wanted to challenge you?" Lauren asked curiously.

"That one," Cara said and pointed to James. "called you Queen of the Amazon. I took it as a sign of your challenge to Queen Jenna for her right to rule." Cara said. "You should not say things that are demeaning to our race."

"It was said in jest. I have no interest in ruling you. I had no idea you even existed. My brother was looking for evidence that your race existed previously. We had no idea the race was still in existence. Please believe us." Lauren said.

"So, the one who called you Queen, is your brother?" Jenna asked curiously.

"No He is a colleague of ours. Dr. James Donaldson. I am Lauren King and My brother is Dr. Robert King. He's an anthropologist in Kings College... No relation." Lauren explained.

"Does he have a voice? Can he speak for himself?" Jenna asked.

"Yes, I do My Queen." Robert said. "I was overwhelmed by your beauty. It took my breath away." He said.

"Flattery will get you nowhere. What does an anthropologist do?"

"I research former civilizations and cultures. Trying to find some sort of link as to how and when they died and what was their main purpose. It is very exciting work." Robert said. Jenna looked him over. Studying him from every aspect.

"Give them some food and Water. I will think about what he said." Jenna ordered.

"Yes, My Queen." Cara said. They all left.

"What do you think Brother? Can we get out of here alive?" Lauren asked curiously.

"Depends what the Queen wants to do with us. I doubt if I will have any kind of bearing on how we are treated. Since you are the woman, and they respect women more than men, I think you would have the better chance of us getting out of here alive than James or I." Robert said. "I suppose I can. I just hope I can be as an Amazon, I don't know how they would treat a wimp." She said cautiously.

"You are not a wimp. I have seen you out-think your brother on MANY occasions. You'll do fine." James said. She smiled

"Thanks." She said.

Three Warriors came back with their food and drink. They placed them outside the cage on the floor and pushed them underneath the bars. They went over to the plates and took them and started to eat. They tasted the food cautiously. It tasted well and they finished it in a few minutes.

"Thank you Ladies." Robert said.

"You are welcome." One of them said curtly. And they left.

"Nice bunch." James said sarcastically. They laughed.

Cara came in and went over to Lauren's cage.

"Queen Jenna wishes to speak to you." Cara said.

"Of course." Lauren said. She stepped back as Cara took off the lock. The door opened and Lauren went out, and stood by Cara. The door closed. They left together to talk to Jenna.

Lauren went to the throne that Jenna was sitting on and bowed to her again.

"You wanted to see me, My Queen?" Lauren asked nervously. Jenna looked at the other Warriors.

"Leave us." Cara and the others left. "I wanted to know your true purpose here, Being a woman I would hope that you would tell us the truth. We Amazons adhere to a strict code. Honesty above all else. And from previous dealings with men, they do not adhere to that same code." Jenna said.

"We are scientists, We seek truth in all we research. We admit defeat when it is the only alternative. To most people, The Amazon warrior race was a myth. We were looking for any kind of positive proof that it might have existed, and by seeing you and your sisters, we have proven it beyond a doubt." Lauren answered.

"And you work freely with men? You are not their servant? I have seen other women condescend themselves to men and it is disgraceful!" Jenna said in disgust.

"Yes, I work freely with men. I DO see some women be like a slave to men in many different ways. I don't approve of it, but even if I would try to help the woman, the man would hurt her, or, even kill her and me, for interfering with his way of treating his woman. I DO find that attitude totally disrespectful." Lauren said.

"This scientist who is not your brother, Do you have feelings for him? It seemed you were very close to him. You treated him differently than your brother." Jenna asked curiously.

"I have known James for 5 years. Working with him is a pleasure. He treats me with respect and I admire the work he and my brother do. I do think I may be falling in love with him. The feelings seem to be growing, But I haven't told him yet. Not sure if I will get the chance." Lauren said.

"And your brother, do you and he like working together?" Jenna asked.

"Yes. We have our bad moments, but I think that that is part and parcel of most sibling relationships. Overall we have a good relationship." Lauren said and paused. "He does think you are beautiful. I could see it in his eyes. No one else has turned his head like that. He is usually too wrapped up in his work to notice the opposite sex. He definitely is smitten with you." She finished.

Jenna looked at Lauren intently. She knew that Lauren would say things to not make her kill her. They didn't need men in the compound but Robert had sparked something inside of her. She never took a consort. It never entered her mind to... Until now.

"I will not kill you. I make you an offer to stay here and become part of our tribe. Do you accept?" Jenna asked curiously.

"I don't know what to say. I DO think I love James. I don't know what I would do without him. I have never been the aggressive type. I'm not sure if I'm suited to being an Amazon. I have always like strong female characters and always wanted to be one. Can I stay and have James? Or is that out of the question?" Lauren asked. "We do have breeders to help keep up the warrior stock. I would like to have your brother as a consort. He will be my first. But if he betrays me, He will not live long to regret it." Jenna said.

"I understand. Do I have to go through an initiation if I accept your offer? I don't think I am trained enough to become a proper Amazon warrior. I assume that if I do not accept, we will be killed." Lauren said.

"Yes, there is a small initiation but I will train you personally." Jenna said.

"We have been in a society that we choose what we want to do. Although, I think that my brother would accept your offer." Lauren said. Jenna smiled.

"I hope you are right, I have never felt this way with any other man before. He stirs feelings in me I have never known before." Jenna said.

"I'm sure he feels the same way. I will tell him how you feel. If you will let me." Lauren said.

"No. I will see for myself whether he feels the same way. I want to see his reactions." Jenna said.

"Yes, My Queen." Lauren said. Jenna clapped her hands and Cara came in the room.

"Yes, My Queen?" Cara asked.

"Bring me the Male with the glasses. I want to speak with him." Jenna said.

"Yes, My Queen. And what of this woman?" Cara asked.

"She has agreed to stay with us, and to go through the initiation to become an Amazon. Take her to get our clothes on and then bring her back here. I will instruct her personally to go through the initiation" Jenna ordered. Cara was shocked but obeyed.

"Yes, My Queen." She said and Lauren left with her. They first went to a hut to get Lauren Amazon clothing, Cara chose her outfit and another Woman came over to help her fit in to it.

The clothes barely fit Lauren and she went back to Jenna's hut in a separate room and waited for Jenna to finish 'talking' to Robert. If she didn't know better, Lauren thought that Jenna wanted more than talking. Lauren didn't mind. She thought her brother needed a woman in his life. Although she didn't think the woman would be so dominant over him.

Cara went to get Robert. She had a feeling that the men would stay and she wanted a chance to fight them, but she knew that she wouldn't if Jenna had anything to say about it.

"Where is my sister? What have you done with her?" Robert asked sternly.

"Don't worry, She is safe. She has agreed to stay here with us and become an Amazon. My Queen wishes to see you. Follow me." Cara said and she opened the door. Robert came out and she closed the door again.

"I don't believe my sister would become an Amazon. Not of her own choosing." Robert said.

"Believe it. She did it to save you and the other male." Cara said as they left to Jenna's hut again.

As they entered, Jenna was sitting on her throne and they bowed again in front of her.

"You wanted to see me My Queen?" Robert asked curiously.

"Leave us." Jenna said. Cara nodded and left the room. "Yes, I did Robert."

"The other woman said that my sister agreed to stay here and become an Amazon, Is that true?" He asked incredulously.

"Yes, She did accept my offer to stay with us. In exchange, I want you to be my consort." Jenna said. Robert was shocked at the prospect.

"My Queen, I have never had any kind of relations with a woman before, I don't feel I would make a very good consort. What would you do if I refused?" He asked.

"I would have to kill you, your sister and the other male. I do not want to do that. I have never had these feelings for anyone else before. You would be my first consort and I don't think I will ever feel about any other man the way I feel about you." Jenna said. "I saw the way you looked at me when I first saw you. You were enamored with me and I felt things for you I have never felt for any man before. I want you to stay. I ask you to stay. You will be treated well. I promise you that." Jenna said.

"You are a most intriguing woman My Queen, I am enamored with you. You have taken my breath away. I have never given any thought to any other woman before. I hope I can be a good consort for you. I hope I can live up to your expectations of me." Robert said.

"We will learn together and hopefully that will make for an interesting relationship." Jenna said. Robert smiled.

"I will do anything you ask of me My Queen. I want to make you happy. It is my sole purpose in life now." Robert said.

"Call me Jenna in private, I want our private lives to be less formal. I will make a separate place for you to sleep and eat. I want us to have as much private time as we can to get to know one another and to have our intimacy." Jenna said.

"All right. I think that is a good idea." Robert said.

"I will be personally training your sister to pass the initiation. It will be hard for her. I cannot promise she will not get hurt, but I will limit it as much as I can." Jenna said.

"Thank you Jenna, I appreciate your help. and I am sure Lauren does as well." Robert said.

"I hope so. Being an Amazon takes a considerable amount of strength and determination. I cannot mollycoddle her and make it seem I am giving her preferential treatment. My other sisters would be jealous and try to kill her. I MUST treat her as I would them. Do you understand?" Jenna asked.

"Yes I understand. She will need to understand that as well. I'm sure she will adhere to whatever you say." Robert said.

"Good." Jenna said and went closer to him. She held his face and kissed him, softly at first. She stopped for a moment and they looked at each other. "I love you." Robert said. "I love you too." Jenna said and they kissed again. More passionately this time. It was the most wonderful experience the both of them ever felt.

"I want to make love to you, but I don't know if I will be able to satisfy you. These feelings of lust and desire have overcome me and I don't know if I can hold them back. Or even if I WANT to hold them back." Robert said.

"We Amazons never hold back. Show me what you can do My Love." Jenna said. They kissed again more passionately than the last. and started to take each others clothes off. And they went into the bedroom and laid down on the bed. Always touching and kissing. There was electricity in the air, it grew and grew. Becoming more static as the passions increased.

Cara is talking to Lauren in the Armory hut. She is instructing Lauren on how to use the weapons and demonstrating them for her. She picked up a bow staff.

"This is a bow staff. It may seem innocent enough, but it is a powerful weapon. It can deal a lethal blow to certain parts of the body when used correctly." She swung it around to a dummy's head. "A blow to the neck can cause paralysis and hemorrhaging. A blow to the stomach will cause internal bleeding and a blow to the knees will cripple your enemy." Cara explained.

"I never knew what was part of being an Amazon. It is harder than I realized." Lauren said. "But I am willing to learn." She said quickly. Cara snickered.

"The most powerful weapon we have is the crossbow. It shoots arrows for a length of 500 yards. The best place to shoot an enemy is in the jugular vein or in the heart. Any place else is a waste of arrows." Cara said. Lauren nodded her head, trying to retain all the new information.