Red: The 2nd


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"Jerk." she finally said, smacking him hard on the right side of his head with the gun. "Oww! Who are you anyways?" "Justice. Chief Escort." she stuck out her hand. "You're an escort?" he asked, taking the term out of context. "Escort. Chauffeur. Delivery girl. Whatever." "Ohh." He awed in realization. "What?" she glanced at him accusingly. "N-Nothing. Nothing." He cleared his throat. "How'd you get in?" "There's a hole in your roof." she said casually, opening the bathroom door without unlocking it, wood and plaster exploding from the door frame onto the tiled floor.

"I'm... going to have to pay for that." he groaned. "Well, listen, Justice. I'm..." he trailed off, taking two steps from his bathroom to the bedroom, staring at the hole in the ceiling the size of an XL pizza, it looked like it had been burned through by a laser. "Come on." she said, grabbing his arm by the elbow. "Hey, hey! In case you haven't noticed, I'm a little underdressed. And you're MY escort?" he yelled, darting into his closet. "Yes." "Yes WHY?" "Many reasons." "Tell me! Or I'm not going." he shouted angrily. "Rett who are you talking to?" His mom questioned him unbelievably.

Justice's hand smashed through the wooden slat door and jumped to his throat. "You forget I'm the one with the gun." "You're not going to kill me. The person who sent you wouldn't have it." Rett wished he was as confident as he sounded. "I'm not going to kill you. Maybe pop you in the shin, sure, but not kill you." she explained almost soothingly, her hand retracting like a snake. 'Callous bitch.' he thought, snickering inwardly as he slipped on a pair of briefs, blue jeans, and a white button up shirt. He pushed open the door. "Alright I'm ready. Now where the hell are we going?"

"Outside." she answered simply. She put both her hands on Rett's waist and threw him into the air. He soared through the hole, landing on the roof and pulling his feet through. Justice did a big jump up to the hole, grabbing on with one hand and then back flipping outside. "Where are you taking me?" "Paris and back." "I mean it. Tell me." he said, gripping her shoulder hard. Justice scoffed, swatting his hand aside effortlessly. "If you must know, its top secret. Now shut up before I have to tranq you."

Before he could respond, she had thrown a blue bandana over his face and tied it around his eyes securely. "What the hell is this?" he yelped, reaching up to pry the foreign garment off his face. "Easy! It's so you don't know where I'm taking you, doofus. That's what top secret means." she clarified snappishly, handcuffing his arms behind him, putting herself between the handcuffs and his back. "What are you doing?" he asked curiously. "What? You don't expect me to carry you the whole way, do you. You're heavy. So I'm latching you to me. Try not to slide off. It's a 400-foot drop."

"You're flying? What, jetpack?" Rett asked. He didn't get an answer, Justice was busy sliding a backpack jetpack on her shoulders, and flipped the switch on the homing device. The dual thrusters lifted the pair off the roof of the ten-foot apartment and hundred-foot apartment building, steering them via GPS co-ordinates already plotted. Rett conjoined his hands above the jet pack for added security. "How long is the ride supposed to be?" he asked casually, trying to keep his head from touching her boobs. "Dunno." she dismissed. One minute later, he asked another question. "Why do they want me?"

"Dunno." she repeated. "Is it part of your job to be a bitch, Justice?" "My job is to bring people to my boss. Anything in between is my business, and if I'm having a crappy day, I'M ALLOWED TO BE A BITCH!!" she yelled in his ear. "You think today's bad, wait until Karma finds you." He mumbled sourly, his ears ringing painfully. Five minutes later, the jetpack's dual thrusters bent upwards and began a descent into the earth. "Are we here?" "No. I'm just stopping for donuts." she answered in the traditional sarcasm, as she touched down in a ditch.

A drain pipe emptied into the swamp near her. The public believed it used to spew waste into the swamp, from the manufacturing factory. When ill practices were discovered inside, the company was shut down, demolished, and replaced with several condominiums, and the drain pipe was left, forgotten and functionless. That's what the public believed. Justice uncuffed Rett and shoved him off her, he fell to the spongy earth and yanked his blindfold off. "Where are we?" he asked. She didn't answer, but crawled into the pipe. "Are you coming?" her voice echoed.

Rett had an opportunity to run away. He did. And he didn't need to be told that he did. But he couldn't. He'd been closer to a woman then he had his entire life. She had found him, kidnaped him, and was now probably leading him down a secret passage to her boss's top-secret headquarters. The curiosity would literally kill him if he ran away.

He sighed, crawling through the pipe after Justice.

He had an upskirt view for the first third of the crawl, then the lighting dimmed to the point of pitch black. "OK, stop." he heard her say. He stopped crawling, realizing his knee was sore from rubbing against the hard metal pipe. Justice turned a pen-sized flashlight on and fiddled with the lock for the grate, a portal only she and others like her could unlock, so not just anyone could wander further into the pipe. It clicked and Justice pushed it open, telling him again to follow. They turned right about twenty feet from the last stop. At the end of the tunnel he could see a dull light.

Justice popped through the hole and into the moderately lit room. Rett squeezed out behind her. "What is this place?" he asked, the white room, which looked more like it was made of metal than painted white, was lined with wires, red and orange decals, and security cameras adjacent to and pointing at the hole he had crawled out of. Several closed metal apertures lined the lower wall, and a big one lie on the floor. They were labeled, but it a foreign alphabet. "Code?" he asked. Justice once again had no comment. She pressed her hand against a black box mounted on a wall and the room's lighting changed smoothly from white to green.

"Can I get a hug, Matt?" she asked, holding out her arms. "Why?" he asked cautiously, she did a very good job of looking cute and innocent, her revealing outfit aiding her cause, but he knew those eyebrows could arch in a menacing fashion that made her entire being a juxtaposition. "I feel lonely." she lied, her regular personality falling between the cracks of her sweetness. "Are you sure---" "Matt, you're hugging me. How you do it is your choice." she snapped. Angry of being bossed around further, he stormed up to her and roughly jammed her body against his in an iron embrace.

Two metal clanks. She was probably stomping on the metal disc on the floor. Maybe he was hugging her to hard and she was signaling him to stop. 'Let her suffer', he thought, it's what she got for treating him like shit. Then air whooshed up through his clothes and face as he dropped straight down. He squeezed Justice harder while a vibrant banana-colored light shone around him and made him squint. "Come on Matt, just think of it as a amusement park slide! Wheeeee!" she yelled as the golden cylinder they were cascading down slowly leveled into a 45 degree angle. The tube curved sharply to the left, dropping him from about a foot onto the slab of neon yellow.

The speed seemed unnatural to him on this plateau, like he was traveling three times his terminal velocity. He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth, hoping he wouldn't end up as a smear on this crazy contraption's innards.

And just like that. with a shocking stop to his body, he slammed into a cushiony air mattress, Justice unfortunately collided into him. "We're here." she grunted. Rett had a headache. The mattress lowered to horizontal position, then descended through a hole where it was propped. The room was white, like the other room, with red, orange and yellow decals. What looked like low-tech computer monitors, though touch-screen and four times taller than usual, lined the walls, while woman sat in front of them with headsets and microphones attached to their heads and their hands flying across the monitors. "This way." Justice instructed, heaving Rett up from his misshapen form. "This is where you work?" he asked as she dragged him out the door and into a long white hallway. "Mostly." "...Does this have anything to do with the Gold Falcon?" the question cracked him.

"Genius finally clues in. Yes, this have shitloads to do with the Gold Falcon. This is the Red Faction Facility, where we Reds work on missions to try and find the Gold Falcon. But the Silvers believe in a motherfucking purple panda." she ranted, Rett taking in every word of this rare outburst of information. "They want to be the first to uncover their deity, and naturally we can't be bested by imbeciles, so now we're at war... Hang on." she trailed off, touching her ear. "Devout religion always leads to violence." Rett noted.

"We didn't start this shit-fest." she spat once her hand was back to her side. She pushed open a door next to one that looked like solid gold, walking by a window where a girl with red hair was wrestling with a girl in purple. Red had Purple's left leg under her left arm, making her suck on her size eight boot. Purple looked like she wanted to cry. "What's that?" he asked, mostly for confirmation of his hunch. "The purple chick is a Silver. She has intel that we can use, but Francine isn't a very patient person." "Francine? That's a normal name."

"Sometimes the girls like to change their weird ass names. Mine used to be Zephylda." Justice continued as she pushed through the opposite door. "What about guys?" "No guys. It's mostly girls." she said bluntly, then chuckled. "You'll probably like this. Almost all of the attractive girls either work for the Reds or Silvers." "...Somehow I can buy that." he admitted after initial thought. "Oh get out!" "No really. Me and Droy always thought all these girls were in some secret organization that plotted against us." The girl with the halo laughed. 'He's so naive.' she thought.

"We try to make the world a better place, not cockblock you and your friend." She pushed another door open, and Rett stepped into the surprisingly serene sunlight. He was on a large balcony above a beautiful vista, the sun shining without a cloud in the sky, roses on the edge of the patio's railing in the corners. A doghouse was in the middle of the marble gazebo. "Wow." Rett awed at the beautiful weather. "Don't get too excited, it's VR, er, Virtual Reality. You know, holograms?" "Oh. Well its very realistic." he grinned. "Well if it weren't, what'd be the purpose?" she asked, walking out of the room.

"Where are you going?" "To chill. My job's done." "Will I ever see you again?" Rett, in spite of himself, had grown attached to the temperamental lady. "Probably not." she smirked as the door closed behind her. Rett stared around, confused. There was no one here. 'Now what?' he wondered. Curious, he checked inside the doghouse and accidentally got head butted by the girl coming out. "Oh, sorry about that." she said, touching his shoulder with a kind grin. "Are you OK?" Rett found it hard to keep his usual face.

The girl had dazzling purple eyes, or at least one. Her right eye was the size of an eye patch, a small Terminator-style red light glaring at him from the center of it. She was wearing a vest over her white button-up shirt, mirroring Rett's own sans the teal bow tucked between her shirt collars. "Oh, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Commissioner Valejo. Hilli isn't here at the moment so I'll be looking after you until she arrives." "Hi there, Miss Valejo. I'm Rett." he put his best grin and shook her hand.

"Valejo sounds Hispanic, but you don't look---" "I get that a lot. It's my husbands name." she beamed. "Oh, well congrats." Rett said awkwardly. "Rett, do you think you could guess my cup size?" The question caught Rett off-guard. "Err... No. I'm terrible with bra sizes." he confessed. "Guess. Doesn't matter if your off or not." "Ehh... 33B?" Her chest, or what he could see of it since half of her body was still inside the doghouse, looked like it was slightly smaller than a cantaloupe "You're not as bad as you think you are." she smiled warmly. A very friendly person, which contrasted to Justice. "Would you like to come in?" "In?" "Yes." More blatant answers where explanations were needed.

"Alright." Rett shrugged. Valejo's arm disappeared inside her doghouse and several seconds later, she stood up, cracking her back. Her head was brushing against the top of the doghouse, her breasts just above the marble floor. The thought 'She doesn't have legs.' flickered in his mind until he clued in. "Hologram?" "Smart guy. Come on." she waved, ducking down into the marble. After wondering for a bit how to get in, he decided to sit down and scoot into the doghouse opening, his feet dipping into the marble like air. Soon his entire body was beneath the hologram. "Glad you could make it." Valejo grinned, wrapping her arm around his shoulders and guiding him to a table.

"Want a drink or snack?" she asked. "No thanks. Justice's detour usurped my appetite." "Ah, well I'd hate to "usurp" it even further." she smiled behind her hand. "You're a mother." Rett said confidently, pointing at her. "Guilty. How'd you know?" "That's something MY mother would do. Don't tell me there's another group of all mothers called the Greens and the Blues." Valejo covered her mouth with her hand, trying to hold back the giggles. She cleared her throat when it passed.

"Lets get down to the business. I train most of the new operatives for the Reds. Even though Hilli probably wanted to see you on a formality, it would impress her if you completed the training course." "Training course?" he questioned. He almost said "You're not enlisting me, are you?", but he remembered that this was all girls. All hot girls. And that if he WERE enlisted, he'd probably be hanging out with them a lot. The thought rose the hairs on the back of his neck.

"Now now, if you don't want to that's fine, but I'm just saying that if you were to do it, she would be impressed and maybe sway her mind to let you in. If you wanted." "I'll do it! I mean..." he cleared his throat, blushing slightly from his eagerness. "I'll give it a try." "Alright. The entrance is right over there." she pointed to a gap in a sold white wall. "It's a maze. You have to complete it without being caught by the security cameras, and in under 20 minutes." "Yeesh. 20 minutes to complete a maze?" "Don't worry, we give you directions." she said, handing him a folded up map.

Rett paused. "Then what's the point of it being a maze?" "It's not really the maze concept. It's stealth and speed element that really matters. Just image it like your in a city going from Point A to Point B." she explained.

...Twenty minutes later, Rett was veritably pissed off at Valejo. He had done the maze four times and, according to her, he had been caught for all of them. "Dammit! How the hell are you supposed to beat this thing?" Rett steamed after failing the fourth try. He kept getting caught on the same spot, in the corner, where the camera looking down on him made him crawl, setting him up for the ground level camera. "It's hard, you need a lot of dexterity." she said over the speaker. He lumbered out of the maze, Valejo was waiting for him with her shirt undone and her ample cleavage sticking out.

"Tell me, Rett. How badly do you want to beat the maze?" she asked, closing her eye half way seductively. "Pretty bad." "So, tell you what." she said, holding Rett by his shoulders and leaning in. Their cheeks were touching, he could hear the faint whirring of her mechanical eye. "If you get it this time, I'll let you feel me." she breathed, running his hand up and down her leg. "What about your husband?" he gasped, overwhelming was an understatement. "Ex-husband." she hissed gently and seductively in his ear, grinned mischievously and pulling away. "Right. I'll do my best." he said, hoping his blush wasn't too noticeable, or his erection. Valejo decided not to embarrass the poor boy further, so enforced this delusion.

He followed the map along the usual route, effortlessly going through the motions. He crawled past the wall camera, hoping not to mess up for the fifth time. Doing a jumping roll, so the camera set at ground height and the various ones at waist wouldn't detect him, he planted himself against the opposite wall. Valejo remained silent. "Score." he whispered to himself, hugging the wall and avoiding detection for the rest of the maze. "Fourteen minutes! Not bad!" Valejo congratulated, hugging him. He wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her butt. "Oh, I'm sorry Rett. But that was just a bit of incentive to help you finish the race, you don't actually get to feel me." she said, sounding hurt that she had to lied.

"Aww. But you're so beautiful." "Really?" she asked, blushing. "I am in my mid thirties... I don't look as fine as I used to." "Hard to believe. You have a mature face, sure, but there's no wrinkles or any unattractive signs of aging. And you've kept your shape nicely." "Oh, your so sweet." she beamed, kissing him on the cheek. "You just made my day." "Your very welcome." "OK, maybe just a little." she blushed, sitting next to him. He reached out and squeezed her left breast, getting a good feel around it.

"I'm good." he said, retracting his hand. He was surprised he hadn't jizzed his pants yet, and he certainly didn't want to make that kind of impression on the boss. "Taking it easy, huh? Can I get you a food or drink now, or is your appetite still "usurped"?" she asked. He hadn't eaten since lunch, and it was probably 5:00 pm by now. His stomach ordered a 12" sub, but Valejo was unfortunately not fluent in stomach-ese. "Can I get a big sandwich? Like a sub?" "Sure." she swivelled around, and walked into another gap in the white wall. When she was out of sight, Rett leaned back, physically and mentally exhausted.

"Oh the shit that can happen in an hour." he groaned, rubbing his face. Valejo stepped out of the gap a few minutes later, giving Rett some time to recuperate and gather his thoughts. The sub was loaded with lettuce, ham and mayo. Not exactly gourmet, but it satisfied his taste buds and his stomach. "That was good." he said when the footlong was demolished. "Glad you liked it. The boss would like to see you now." Valejo informed. "She's back?" Rett asked, getting up from his seat and cracking his back.

"Yep, about a minute ago. Let me take you to her." she took Rett's hand in hers and guided him back the way Justice had taken him, back into the giant white hall and through the solid gold door. There was six feet of stairs before them, and at the top the room was purple. The walls, ceiling and floor were covered in a sheen, glowing violet. The desk looked like it was cannibalized from an alien motorcycle, and stern-looking orange-haired woman of distinction was behind several tall piles of paper. "Hilli, I've got the boy for you. Rett, right?" "Yes, thank you." he said, glad someone finally got his name right.

"Ah yes." Hilli remembered, standing up and walking to in front of him. Valejo was gone. "Rett, I'm Hillary Theriaux, but you can call me Hilli. I apologize that you're trip here has been unexplained, but allow me to put it into perspective." she began, summoning a remote from her shirt sleeve, and clicking it at the wall. Shene appeared on the screen, a portrait and profile of her face shown respectively on the large wall. "This is Shene Brians. She's in your English class at Clarisa Yates Collegiate." "Is she a Red?" Rett asked, slightly intimidated by her six foot one stature.