Reminds Me of Hel

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An angsty Scion has a violent run in with her brother.
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*So this story is based off Scion: Hero, another tabletop rpg by White Wolf. I know I cut it off a little early but I'll write a sequel addressing the rest of Ria's story. This was just an intro and I wrote it a while ago. I wanted to publish it before writing the rest. I particularly like the sex scene in this story. My love of science peeks out. Enjoy, Kileka*

I remember the first time I met my mother. It wasn't like some awkward "Oh Hey. By the way I'm your mother." I never thought about what she may look like or why she left. My father's mourning over her stopped me from wishing for her presence. As soon as he got home from his nine to five job, he drank himself to a stupor until he passed out on the lazy boy in the front room. Then he would dream, thrashing and moaning a name I could never make out. I hated the woman who made him that way, who just happened to also be my mother. He never said her name or showed me a picture. Not a single phone call or birthday card from her. So I never thought about her until the day I met her.

I was taking a bus from UW. Oh, yeah, I live in Seattle. And UW is the big, popular university there. I was heading to work, which was the city morgue. Well, the buses in Seattle are green but otherwise look like every other public transportation vehicle in the country. One can tell that the city has used the same buses for a very long time, considering the peeling paint. There was the usual crowd of people on the bus for this late at night. A couple of retail workers going in, a couple of bums and a goth or two. The retail workers were in the middle, the bums were in the back and a goth girl was up front with me. She looked pretty hardcore with shredded clothing, lots of bulky jewelry and neon hair. I didn't pay very much attention to it all as we drove down 1st ave.

Things didn't get weird until the goth girl looked at me. Her gray eyes met mine and widened. The bus stopped, four more people got on and she stood. She looked out the front of the bus. She knelt in front of me. I couldn't see the right side of her face behind her hair. She cocked her head to the side and murmured, "Ria?"

'How did she know my name?' My mind reeled at her actions.

She asked, "The daughter of Yataru?" She had a sad look in her eyes as she said it.

'How did she know my father's name?' I said to her, "Listen girl, you're freaking me out. I don't know how you know me or my father but..." I didn't get to finish.

She interrupted me, "In approximately one and a half minutes, this bus is going to hit a delivery truck on the freeway. The bus will be going so fast, it will kill the driver of the truck and everyone on the bus."

'What the fuck? First a psychic, now a divinator?'

She continued, "I did not recognize you until now and considering your presence, I cannot permit such an event to happen." She stood. My mind was still reeling.

I only thought to say one thing, "Why?"

She looked back at me. I saw the right side of her face. It was skeletal, completely missing muscle and flesh. I felt my mind shut down. She said, "Because, silly, you're my daughter."

She underwent a change then. Her tattered clothing changed to a long ancient looking gray robe. It had black feathers at the shoulders and a hood. Her right hand and foot were skeletal. She spoke then in a language I didn't understand. It sounded, almost german but much less refined. I stood looking out the front of the bus. Nobody else on the bus had noticed what had happened. I saw the delivery truck she was probably referring to. She had finished speaking. Soft green strands of light had worked their way around her now uplifted arms. They wound up her arms and clamped down. The bus then stopped. Right in the middle of the freeway. It just died. She had just stopped the deadly fate of all 8 people on this bus. What the fuck? Better question was who the fuck was this woman?

She later revealed herself to be Hel, Norse god of the Underworld.


I had started carrying a weapon after that. Hel had warned me of other beings that despise the gods, Servants, who would want me dead. The powers of my heritage had always been with me, I've just ignored them. Strange sights and occurences had become more commonplace. I had actually been attacked by a few Servants, disgusting creatures. I had done ok, but I bought a kusari-gama. What? They're awesome and I have a thing for chain weapons. I hadn't met any other Scions though.

This god shit was far worse when I first met my brother. I had just gotten out of my night class and left out the side doors into the courtyard. And into a crowd of zombies. The flesh eating undead were fucking everywhere. Okay, maybe not everywhere but had jumped me for sure. It wasn't my fucking day. I was busy being mobbed by the scratching, biting things around me. That's when I heard a voice that said, "It hurts doesn't it?" My kusari-gama was in my bag, on my back. I couldn't reach it. My hands were too busy pushing off the zombie things. I felt a sharp pain on the back of my neck. That's when my brain started to become numb and darkness flooded my vision.

When I awoke, my brain was still numb. The room was dim, the only light from the sun setting outside through thick yellowed blinds. My mouth felt like it was filled with cotton balls, and my eyes were irritated. I was laying down and when I tried to sit up, I realized my arms were bound. They were bound to the bed with large leather straps. Only then did I realize I was in the type of bed they use in asylums. My legs weren't bound and neither was my torso. I looked around further to realize that the room was very small, but seemed like that of an ordinary bedroom. Other than the bed, which had no coverings, there was nothing else in the room. The walls were also bare, with no pictures or art. The voice and the zombies, that was right before I ended up here. As my eyes scanned the room I noticed I wasn't alone. It was a man sitting slumped over on the floor, which was carpeted. I only saw his profile, the black of his messy hair, the white of his face and hands and the dark color of his clothing.

Finally the deep, resonating voice of before, "You deserve to be punished. Beaten, tortured and brutally raped." Quite a shocker, I know. I let him continue. "I have served her for years, only to have her find you. She favors you, you know," He continued. He didn't look at me as he spoke though I could barely see his face.

'Give me your sob story before you molest me, sado loser.' I thought. I didn't say that of course, instead resorting to a more self preserving tactic, "Who?"

He snapped like a dog at a bone, "Don't act stupid, you ungrateful whore! You know very well who I'm talking about." Damn, I actually flinched. I think he was talking about Hel. My face went suddenly red with anger. I wanted to let him have it but he beat me to it. "All she ever talks about is you. The most ungrateful daughter she has ever had. You do nothing in her name, instead choosing to fuck about in some repetitive, menial existence." He was raving, rather loudly. 'My existence is not without the presence of the gods, nor menial. Just because I didn't serve the gods doesn't mean my existence is not founded. If who he's talking about is Hel, why isn't she stopping situation?' I thought vividly. I was under the impression he was another spy of hers. Probably undead, like the rest. I smiled and giggled under my breath. 'Here zombie, zombie. Come closer so I can mind fuck you.' Any more thoughts like these and I was going to end up laughing out loud.

"I hate you, even if we are related." He finished.

My mind's sick humor came to a screeching halt. 'Related?' "What do you mean, related? Don't tell me you're a child of Hel as well." It came out before I could stop it. He got up. I realized then he was wearing a hooded jacket, much like mother did on the bus. 'Oh shit.' My mind did not like where this was going.

"What do you think, little miss scientist?" He asked with scorn in his voice. A servant of a god I could handle, another child of a god is a whole other story. He came closer until he was at the side of the bed. "I can see why she favors you though. You're so beautiful." That last word was so filled with venom, it gritted in my ears. His hand darted down to the first button on my shirt. He twisted that button before ripping it off. As I looked up at him, I realized I could only see the left side of his face. His right hand was pale flesh, however, and that fact only worked to confuse me more. 'Would he?'

"You got mother's not so beautiful side, I take it." I said, pushing him to act further. I heard a 'humph' but nothing else. "You can't surprise me. I dissect dead bodies all day." He cocked his head at me, still not revealing the right side of his face. He was hot as far as I could tell.

"Even she cannot stand the sight of me. I'm a reflection of her own putridness." He said.

"She's not that gross. It's only muscle and bone without flesh. There's no decay, no rot. Nothing puss like or sticky. Honestly." I said that last word with disdain. I was flabbergasted at my mother's obsession with her appearance. "She's just jealous because she doesn't look like Sig."

"You know nothing. Not that you would care for our mother's well being." I had intended to offset his violent mood, but apparently didn't do so with my previous statement. Of course mother's failure to mention this sibling of mine had me quite a bit agitated with her. He plucked another button off as I fumed.

'Well I did always fantasize about having an older brother and fucking him. Of course I was under the impression that I didn't and this would never happen. I do hope he's older.' I thought as he plucked off the button above my diaphragm. I wondered if he was mulling the thought of fucking me over. 'Oh come on big boy. This is getting boring.' I didn't say it.

"Would you stay reserved if I was so ugly? Especially if I began lapping at your breasts?" He asked calmly. "Are you really as cold as mother? Or is that just an act?" My temper flared again. I sneered only to have him laugh at me. "You can't be as cold. You are human and thus can still feel." He grabbed my nipple and it immediately hardened under his touch. Bolts of arousal zipped through me, ending at the part that needed it most. My cunt pulsed. I kept a poker face regardless of what was going on downstairs.

'Any time now mother.' I beckoned. He grabbed my face, compressing my cheeks. He had let go of that attention-wanting nipple. Finally, he revealed his entire face to me. The entire right side of his face was covered in scar-like tissue. It formed ridges and indentations. His eye, nose and mouth still retained their general shape, but the flesh around them was malformed. Was the rest of his body like that? I honestly felt bad for him. People probably screamed and snickered at his presence. He's probably never had a date, let alone a girlfriend. The only reason he probably wasn't a virgin is hookers. I knew it showed on my face. I couldn't help it. I had the exact same problem, but I was ugly on the inside instead.

He didn't notice my pity as he climbed on top on me. He straddled me about the waist. I got a better look at him. His hair was black and short. It was messy in the way of not being brushed. His eyes were gray, just like mine. The hoody was black matching his Dickies. I wondered. He avoided my eyes, which meant he knew what I could do if I made eye contact with him. He jerked my head to the side and leaned down. His wet tongue followed the curve of my neck before he bit down. And it wasn't a nibble or a little teeth. He bit down with the intent to break skin. It hurt, but I only gasped on the inside. I didn't budge. I knew he would be looking for a reaction and, dammit, I would not give him the satisfaction. He kept his head down as he pushed my shirt aside. As though it was only an after thought, he took off his hoody. Oh, buddy, he was built. The shirt was tight and showed off a body that could be accomplished by countless hours at the gym. His right arm was a mirror image of his left. I noticed a black stone ring, most likely onyx, on that right hand. The mar was only on his face.

He continued his raping. He pulled out a pocket knife from a pocket in his pants and flipped it open. Carefully, he slipped the knife under the middle piece of my cotton black bra. I heard a rip sound as the blade split the fabric. The bra stayed where it was, only because of my tiny tits. He put the knife away. I prepared myself for the oncoming sensory sensation by looking away and distracting myself with listing off the elements on the periodic table by atomic number. Hydrogen. His hand covered my tits. Helium. He squeezes gently. Lithium. Beryllium. He squeezed harder, rolling them around on my chest. Boron. His thumbs came up and with his index finger, caught my nipples. Carbon. He rolled them between those fingers. Nitrogen. Oxygen. I listed them off faster. My cunt was pulsating regularly now. Fluorine. Neon. He pinched them, and fuck, it hurt. Sodium. Magnesium. It was so much harder to not move than anything else. Finally, he lowered his head. He kissed my sternum before kissing the top of my left breast. Aluminum. He started sucking. Silicon. Phosphorus. He was sucking hard enough to break blood vessels. I'm going to get so much more pissed the next time I look in a mirror. Sulfur. Chlorine. His tongue made contact with a nipple. I dropped a pool of liquid in my jeans. Fucking Argon. As his mouth surrounded that nipple, my teeth started gritting. Fucking Potassium. He moved to the other nipple, ensuring to give it equal treatment. Calcium. Scandium. Titanium. My brain started struggling, as next were the d orbital metals. They are always the hardest to memorize. It wasn't helping that my brother was giving my tits a thorough lapping.

He moved down, off of me and, oh man, I was really looking in my brain for V's name. He undid the button to my pants and pulled down the zipper. It really bothered me how paced his whole series of actions were. He was starting to pull my pants down when I had realized I went commando today. Vanadium. Yeah. I tried to cinch my legs together but he pried them apart with barely any effort. He yanked my pants off. Fuck. Chromium. Manganese. While keeping one hand on my legs, he took off his shirt. He shortly undid the button on his own pants. I was too busy ogling his chest to really notice. He was pale, duh undead mother, and built like Arnold Schwarzenegger. The scarring only reached down his neck and slightly down into his torso. It also went across to his shoulder but didn't proceed onto his arm. Looking down, I also realized I was only trimmed downstairs. I really shouldn't have been worrying about that in particular at the time. Especially since he was pushing my legs back up, revealing to the world. Wait, just him. It was bad enough. My brain had forgotten the whole periodic table mess when he leaned down into the crevice between my legs. Keeping an eye on me, one of his fingers caressed my slit. That whole area of my body lit up, warm and wanting. Restraint became three times as difficult as his tongue followed up his finger. I felt his wet tongue slide back up my slit, over my urethra and on to the flesh above my clit. His fingers were making their way into my all too welcoming cunt. My head flinched as two fingers spread me. That tongue had found it's place, tickling the spot above my clit. It coaxed at it, willing it come forth. I wouldn't be able to stay still and quiet if my clit came out. As his fingers pumped and his tongue played, the ire within me grew. Anger followed my growing arousal. My cunt clutched at his intruding fingers. Oh man, oh man, it just felt so fucking good. Fuck, this asshole was going to prove me wrong.

Finally I spoke but I doubt it was what he was looking for, "Could you just fucking stop?" I kept my tone even. A pause. When he looked at me, I realized we both inherited our tempers from our mother. He quickly yanked his pants down to his knees. He wasn't going to say anything, I knew by the expression on his face. He was just going to fuck me harder, no much harder, than he had intended. That is, if he intended to fuck me at all originally. He definitely intended to now as he poised his stiff cock against my girl. I clamped my jaw and relaxed my back. I knew what was coming. Putting a hand on my throat, he thrusted into me. It bottomed out painfully, hitting my cervix. I kept it in, barely. He pulled back out slowly, which was almost worse because it just felt so damn good. He pushed in roughly again. I was too distracted with how lose the shackle on my right wrist was to notice the next couple of thrusts. I shifted my wrist around a bit until I realized I might be able to get it loose. He shifted and began pounding by this point. I could hear the sound of flesh hitting flesh, and my cunt's wet noises of being intruded. He was obviously exasperated, as he was sweating and breathing heavily. I arched unconsciously to get the pain off my cervix. He just wouldn't stop, and the swell of air in my throat was starting to hurt. He pushed my legs up to where my knees were touching my abdomen. The angle was just so that his member was able to strike my cervix even harder. I gasped out in pain. I couldn't stop myself. It fucking hurt despite feeling damn good. I moaned and screamed as he pounded into me. He grinned than started to laugh as he raped me. His hand gripped my breast as his brow furrowed. His orgasm built quickly as he was working rather vigorously. I saw the expression that was the cue it was coming soon. Finally, he grunted and pulled out. Hot and heavy jizz covered the mattress. Dribbles landed on my thighs.

Then the motherfucker slipped up. He looked me in the eyes. His irises were my signature grey. I moved the ichor within me reflexively and paralyzed him with my gaze. I held him there, making sure he wouldn't move. The only trick was keeping eye contact with him or the power would break. I wiggled my left wrist all the way loose before carefully, slowly undoing the right one. I sat up, still pacing myself, as I grabbed my jeans. I put them on, moving awkwardly to keep my eyes on his. I got off the bed and backed up to the door. My flight instinct sets in as I move toward the door, I'm so mad at him but there was no doubt he was stronger than me. As soon as I get out the door and my eyes leave him, I dart for the nearest exit. I hear him crash about in the room as my feet pound the floor. I barely noticed I was in an abandoned hospital as I shouldered the front doors open. My lungs were on fire as I sprinted down the street.


So that's my fucked up family. I never wanted to see my mother or brother again. Unfortunately karma is not that kind, especially to me. But that's kind of another story, one I don't want to go over right now.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

That was awesome. Keep up the good work. I love the story.

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