Retraining Ch. 05

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Kelli meets Jason. Jack finally confronts Bill.
3.9k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/18/2022
Created 01/05/2012
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As the days passed, Kelli's bruises slowly disappeared. Jack was still worried about her emotional bruising and made sure she scheduled appointments with a psychotherapist. He insisted on driving her to each appointment. In fact, they were never apart. Jack loved being with her, but he also thought it had been too easy with Bill. They had heard nothing from Bill.

The assistant district attorney who was handling the case against Bill contacted Kelli to discuss what would happen at trial. The attorney was a female and Kelli found it easier to discuss everything with her. But she was still very anxious about testifying.

Kelli also searched for and found a lawyer she thought she would be comfortable with. It didn't take her long at all to decide that her divorce from Bill would start a new life for her. Her new lawyer was not entirely happy with Kelli's wishes. Kelli was willing to walk away with nothing as long as Bill left her alone. She said the same thing to her lawyer that she had said to Jack many days earlier. There was nothing she wanted or needed from her life with Bill.

Jack fully expected to see Bill again. In addition to being charged, now he was being served with divorce papers. He had to be angry. But it had been quiet.

Despite all of that, Jack would wake up every once in a while, to hear Kelli having a bad dream. He didn't try to wake her. He simply pulled her into his arms and held her. She almost always woke up when he did that. She would cry a little and then feel guilty that she had kept Jack awake. But Jack always told her that there was nothing to apologize for. He would hold her until she fell asleep again.

Sex was fantastic. They had both missed the pleasure of such passion. Sometimes, they would romantically make love. Kelli had forgotten what that was like. She even teased Jack now and then because he was such a romantic. And then there were other times where they enjoyed lust-filled fucking. Neither of them could get enough. To Jack, it seemed like decades since he had this much sex. He joked with Kelli that he was beginning to feel old and worn out. But the truth was that Kelli made Jack feel young again.

The fact that Jack worked at home made things easier for both of them. Jack never pushed it, but he was glad that Kelli started to talk about finding a job. He wasn't worried about the two of them financially. But he believed it was healthy for her to restart her career. It was a definite sign of Kelli moving on with her life.

That very morning, Kelli and Jack were sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee. Kelli was circling ads in the paper for retail marketing positions. Jack was teasing her a little.

"You know you might do better if you stepped into the 21st century," said Jack.

"What do you mean?" asked Kelli.

"I mean that you'll do better if you create your resume and build a profile on a job search site." Jack didn't realize that his teasing was hitting a nerve.

"I have been so out of the loop for so long. I don't even know how to search for a job. And build a resume? That will be a joke. I'll have the shortest resume employers have ever seen." Kelli put down the pencil. "You're right. This is a waste of time."

"Kelli, that's not what I meant. I won't allow you to give up so easy. I'll help. We'll work on the resume first. Once we're satisfied with that, we'll create you a profile on Employment contractors and head hunters have searches set up on sites like that from all over the place. But you have to think positive and you have to be confident enough to sell yourself."

Kelli watched Jack talk and slowly started to smile. "Your optimism is contagious, Jack." She got up from her chair and leaned over to kiss him softly. "I love you."

Jack smiled. "I love you too, Kelli."

This was not the first time they had used those three words for each other. But once they each had the courage to say it, they seemed to say it a lot. Jack couldn't remember who said it first. But if wasn't really that important to him. He only knew that she was the woman he fell in love with and never wanted to lose her.

The doorbell interrupted his thoughts. He stood up and said, "I'll get it."

Kelli sat down again and decided to read the rest of the paper rather than look at ads. But she looked up in surprise when she heard, "Hi Dad!" She smiled and got up to meet Jack's son. And then she realized she was dressed in nothing but one of Jack's t-shirts. She wasn't wearing any panties either. "Shit!" she muttered. And she sat back down, not knowing if she should try to run to the bedroom or just wait it out.

Jack was giving his son, Jason a hug. "God! It is so good to see you, Jason. You must think my social skills suck. I'm sorry I haven't called."

"Hey, it's ok. I know you're busy, although an e-mail now and then wouldn't hurt." Jason loved to give his dad grief. And then he looked at Jack's face and realized his dad was trying to think what to say. "Dad? What is it?"

"Ummm .... Jason, I have a woman here."

Jason's face grew into a wide smile. "Excellent! It's about time." And then it hit Jason. "Oh shit. Am I interrupting something?"

"No, no. You're not interrupting. It's just that it suddenly dawned on me. I have a lot to tell you."

"Well are you going to introduce me?" asked Jason. "Or is she not decent? You look like you just got out of bed." Jason couldn't help but grin.

"Well, now that you mention it, she probably would like to change before she meets you. Do you, ummm, mind turning around?" Jack was beginning to turn red.

Jason started to laugh and turned around. Jack stepped back into the living room so he could see Kelli and motioned to her to head to the bedroom. And she did, but not without a lot of giggling as she ran through the living room.

Jason, without turning around, said with a chuckle, "I think I like her already."

"Ok. The coast is clear," said Jack. "Come in and sit down."

Jason, still with a smile on his face, followed his father into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Jack pulled out another coffee cup and poured Jason a cup. Jason kept quiet. He wasn't going to ask. He figured if Jack wanted to tell him anything, he would. As he sipped his coffee, he looked at his dad over the lip of the cup.

"I know I should have told you I was with someone," started Jack.

"Dad, you are not obligated to tell me anything. But I have to admit I'm curious about this woman," smiled Jason.

Jack sat down at the table across from Jack and suddenly looked serious. Jack told him about Kelli. He told Jason about how they met and became friends. He talked about Kelli being married to an abusive husband. He described what she looked like after her husband had beaten her and that he took her to the hospital. Throughout the entire story, Jason's face also got serious, but he didn't interrupt with questions. He waited until Jack was finished.

Jack finished tell the story and waited for a response from his son. He was prepared for the worst when Jason surprised him. "She's lucky to have found you, Dad."

Jack's eyes got wide and he didn't know what to say for a moment. And then he found his voice and said, "You don't have concerns?"

"Of course I have concerns. But I would have concerns no matter what this woman's history would be. I'll always worry about you, Dad. It was tough on all of us losing Mom. But I can't imagine what it was like for you. So yes, I have concerns. I worry about you filling a void because you're lonely. If you really care about her, I hope it is for all of the right reasons."

Jack smiled. "You know how much I love you, don't you?"

"Wow! Like father, like son!" Kelli had overheard what Jason had said.

Jack and Jason turned to see Kelli. She was smiling and her eyes began to tear up.

Jason started to blush and began to stammer, "I'm sorry if I offended you. I ....."

"Oh my god. Don't be," said Kelli. "What you did was confirm the kind of man I believe Jack to be. He has clearly raised you into a young man who is intelligent and caring." She stepped forward and offered her hand to Jason. "Hi. I'm Kelli."

"Hello Kelli," said Jason as he shook her hand gently. He was still clearly blushing.

When Jason released her hand, Kelli stepped to Jack and bent over to kiss his cheek. "I'm going to the store. We need a few things." She looked at Jason with a smile and then bent over again and hugged Jack. "I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too, Kelli," said Jack. "Are you sure you are comfortable going alone?"

Kelli picked up Jack's car keys and said, "I'll be fine. It's about time I venture out alone." And before Jack could object any further, she was out the door.

Jack looked at Jason and took a deep breath. "This will be her first time by herself since I took her to the hospital."

"Really? So you two have spent a lot of time together." Jack nodded and Jason continued. "Is she divorcing her husband?"

"Yes. She's walking away from everything. She doesn't want a fight. No messy divorce. She simply wants out. She wants to go back to work too. She once had a career, but her husband was very controlling and wanted her at home."

"So she has kids?" asked Jason.

"No. She was not able to have children. I think that's why she loved hearing what you said; which really set my mind at ease too, by the way. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I love her Jason."

"I can see that, Dad. But you're going to have to tell Jim. And you should tell him sooner rather than later." Jason started to chuckle. "He's going to have a fucking cow."

Jack sighed. "I know. I'll make a point to get together with him. I can't tell him something like this over the phone."

"Do you want me to sit in on that conversation?" asked Jason.

"No. He might be mad that you learned about Kelli before he did," said Jack. Jack got up from the table. "More coffee?"

"Sure. By the way, Dad, Kelli is hot." Jason was grinning as Jack turned to give him a dirty look.


Kelli was a little anxious at first, but relaxed as she drove the car. There was nothing to worry about. She needed to feel more confident. And she certainly didn't want Jack to be her baby sitter. No. Jack was no baby sitter. He was her lover. And he was very very good at it too. The thought of how he used his hands and his tongue made Kelli tingle between her thighs.

"Control yourself, woman. You're going to cause a car accident," she giggled to herself.

As her body had healed, Jack had become less anxious about hurting her. Their sex had become more passionate. Sometimes he was a little rough when they fucked. The orgasms she had when he was rough were explosive. She couldn't remember when she had ever experienced such climaxes. And he was very skilled with oral sex. She was getting wetter thinking about it.

Kelli almost missed her next turn to head for the grocery store. With a little difficulty, she forced herself to concentrate on her driving and her errands. She reached the grocery store and pulled into the parking lot. After parking, she got out and headed towards the doors. She noticed a familiar car. Her knees almost buckled when she realized it was Bill's car. The car door opened and Bill got out. He'd seen her. She was closer to the doors then she was Jack's car. She ran to the doors and got into the store.

She looked around. Where could she run? Where could she hide? She fought her panic, but she was slowly losing that battle. And then she saw the ladies rest room and hurried in before Bill had walked into the store behind her. She was shaking. She pulled out her cell phone, but had trouble finding Jack's number because her hands were trembling so badly.

She heard Jack's voice, answering the phone. She fought to keep her voice calm and not scream into the phone. "Jack! He's here! Bill is here!"

"Where are you now?" asked Jack. She heard his voice and knew he was trying to fight to stay calm too.

"I'm in the ladies room!"

"Stay there," said Jack. "I'll be right there."

Kelli hung up. Jack was coming. But it didn't seem to keep her heart from pounding any harder.


"What happened?" asked Jason. He could tell his dad was worried.

"Kelli's husband is at the store. Can I borrow your car?" The worry in Jack's voice was obvious.

Jason quickly made a decision. "No. I'm driving you."

"Jason, I don't want you to get involved," said Jack.

"Too late," said Jason. "Now let's go instead of wasting time here debating a subject you won't win."

Jack reluctantly followed his son out the door.


Kelli decided to stay in one of the stalls. She heard a woman come into the restroom, wash her hands and then leave. A few minutes later, a second woman came in to use the restroom. Kelli thought she was being quiet, but her fears were getting the best of her and she was close to tears.

She jumped when there was a sudden knock on her door. "Are you alright in there?"

Kelli's voice was a little shaky. "I'm fine," she said.

"Do you want me to get someone for you?"

"No, no. Please don't. I'll be fine. I'm just having a little anxiety attack is all," said Kelli, hoping that she sounded convincing.

"Ok honey. If you're sure."

And then the woman left and Kelli was alone again. The seconds seemed like minutes and the minutes seemed like hours. Kelli jumped when her cell phone rang. It was Jack.

"Kelli? I'm in the parking lot. Stay where you are until I knock on the ladies room and call your name."

"Ok. Please watch out for Bill." Kelli's voice was still shaking.

"I will, hun. Everything will be fine," said Bill. Kelli began to breathe easier. Jack's voice sounded steady and calm.

Several minutes later, there was a knock on the door and Kelli heard Jack calling out to her. She left the stall she was in and ran to the door. She opened it and literally jumped into Jack's arms. Then she noticed that Jack was not alone. She saw Jason looking around, watching for anyone watching them.

"Dad? Is that him?" asked Jason.

Jack turned to look and saw Bill approaching them. "Yeah. That's him. Jason, no matter what happens, do not get involved."

"Sorry Dad. I already am involved. If you confront him, I'll stay with Kelli and get her out of her." Jason seemed as calm as Jack did.

Jack turned to look at Jason, who was still watching Bill approach. He smiled. "Thanks, son." And then he turned to Kelli. "Stay with Jason. No one is going to hurt you."

Jack and Jason switched places. Jack stepped between them and Bill. Jason took Kelli's arm and gave her a reassuring squeeze.

"There are no police to protect you this time," growled Bill.

"Wrong. There are no police to keep you from being restrained," said Jack. Outwardly, he was calm. Inside, he was shaking with anger. He was fighting to put the things that this man had done to Kelli out of his mind. He did not want to lose his temper. Jack was not a violent man, but he wanted to break Bill's jaw.

Bill looked at Jason. "So you need another guy for protection."

"Wrong again. He's here to stop me from breaking every bone in your body." Jack's hands tightened into fists. "I don't normally lose my temper. But what you did to her for years is causing me to lose control. I will hurt you and I will hurt you badly."

Bill hesitated. It suddenly hit him how angry Jack was. It matched and surpassed his own anger. Jack saw the hesitation and knew it was already over. Bill said nothing for a few seconds. And then he quietly said, "Fuck you!"

Jack let his hands relax. "Walk away from her, Bill. Make the divorce easy. You get everything. She gets her freedom."

Bill turned away and walked off. Jack let his breath out slowly. He was still shaking inside, but he was beginning to calm down.

"Nicely done, Dad," said Jason.

Kelli stepped to Jack and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you, Jack." She kissed his cheek and held on to him for a few seconds. And then she let go of Jack and stepped to Jason. She hugged him and whispered, "Thank you. Jack has done a wonderful job raising you."

"How about we finish the shopping you were going to do?" suggested Jack.

Kelli smiled and took Jack's hand. And then she turned to Jason. "Would you like to join us for dinner?"

Jason looked at his dad and grinned. "I think I will pass. Maybe another time. Dad, make sure you talk to Jim."

"I will," said Jack. "I promise."

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Kelli," said Jason. "I'm really glad you and Dad met.

"It was my pleasure, Jason. I hope to see you soon again," smiled Kelli.


When Jack and Kelli returned home with the shopping done, Kelli finally said something that had been on her mind since leaving the store. "I've never seen Bill back off like that."

"He's a coward, honey. I would be willing to bet that he has rarely been confronted. He suddenly felt fear when I didn't back down."

Kelli hugged Jack again. "My hero."

"No. I'm the guy who loves you." Jack kissed her softly.

Kelli stepped back a step and began to undress. She pulled her tank top over her head and then unhooked her bra to remove it. Her eyes locked on to Jack's. She slid her shorts and her panties over her hips, dropping them to her ankles. She stepped out of them and kicked them aside. Jack felt himself getting hard as he looked at Kelli's naked body. She stepped back to him and wrapped her arms around him. She kissed his neck and then whispered, "May I undress you?"

Jack smiled. "Yes, you may."

Kelli's hands moved down Jack's body to pull his shirt out of jeans. She lifted it up his body and over his head. She leaned in to his body and nibbled on his neck as her hands unbuckled his belt. After unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, she slid her hand inside his boxers. She was still nibbling Jack's neck, but smiled as her hand felt his erection.

She pulled her hand from Jack's underwear and pushed them and his jeans down his legs. She kneeled to pull his jeans and boxers off Jack's feet. And then she licked the underside of his cock. She looked up at him to see his eyes locked on her. She licked the head of his cock, holding it with her hand. Jack watched the head of his cock disappear in her mouth and felt her suck it. He bit his lower lip and suppressed a groan.

Kelli sucked harder and then slide her lips down his shaft. Her hand reached for his balls and caressed them, gently tugging them as the head of his cock touched the back of her throat. Jack couldn't suppress his groan this time. Hearing him groan, Kelli slowly fucked his cock with her mouth. Her eyes never left his.

Jack extended his hand to Kelli. She took it and pulled her mouth from his cock as he helped her to her feet. With her hand in his, he led her to the bedroom. At the side of the bed, she sat down on the edge and then moved to the middle of the bed on her back. Jack followed her, his body moving over hers. As they both moved, their lips touched and then touched again with gentle kisses.

Kelli looked up into Jack's eyes. "Fuck me. Make me yours," she whispered.

She spread her legs for Jack to lay between. He kissed her again, slipping his tongue past her lips. He tasted his pre-cum on her tongue as their kissing became passionate. His hands reached for her hands, moving them above her head and holding them against the bed. Her nipples rubbed against his chest, swelling more than they already were. She felt his cock head rub against her folds and raised her hips. Jack would not tease her. He penetrated her slowly, sliding his cock into her inch by inch.

He rested a moment and then withdrew partially to thrust back in. His hips rose and fell as he slowly fucked her. She wrapped her legs around his waist. Jack's tongue was will in her mouth as he kissed her deeply. Kelli moaned and squeezed his cock with each thrust. She shifted her hips slightly and felt his shaft rubbing her clit. Her body began to tingle as he thrust harder and deeper into her.