Rise of the Roxo Girl

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After a grinding start it begins to happen for this actress.
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Out of work actress Beau Brooke (24) learned what it was like being a battered woman. The guy she'd been living with arrived home drunk late just after 10:00 and reacted angrily when he found his dinner in the trash bin.

He pulled Beau out of bed and mauled her. Responding to her screams two men in the next apartment rushed in through the open door and their intervention saved the young woman from possibly severe injury.

Beau was taken to A&E by ambulance and the police were called and arrested the drunk. Beau, who left town next day with a head wound bandaged and her left arm in plaster, had refused to lay a complaint when questioned by police. She headed to a much larger city four hundred miles away to disappear from the cowardly Max Ritter. Months later she learned her first real lover had been killed in a fight over a woman.

She shed no tears for the late Max Ritter.

So far Beau had experienced mixed times in life. She was born a sickly child but gradually grew more robust and aged eleven was runner-up in the regional junior gymnastic championships and rarely had a sick day again. Beau dropped gym and became an age-group tennis champion and also began to excel in drama, taking child roles at the city's Little Theater. About that time she began emerging as a top-stream student. Graduating from Pero College and receiving the President's Scholarship Award, Beau was declared by popular vote of the 247 seniors graduating as the student most likely to succeed with highest honors.

Now on two agents' books as an experienced actress available for TV ads and about to be auditioned for second female lead in an upcoming production at the Academy Theater in Sean City, Beau sighed and thought the confidence those graduating seniors voting for her had been so misplaced. She was all but washed up, struggling to establish a career that had seemed to be beckoning her at college and university where she gained major acting awards over four years. If it hadn't been for those awards and graduating MA in Theater Arts, she may well have been washing dishes in a restaurant.

Gina Livingston her roommate was day manager at a restaurant. She arrived with some salmon fillets and a container of potato salad and mixed lettuce salad from the restaurant kitchen. Neither of the young women liked cooking.

"Why the wry smile honey?"

"I was thinking at high school I was declared the senior most likely to highly succeed."

"Well just be patient and do something about it."

"Like what?"

"Make the right contacts should be a priority."

"Yeah, we were taught that. Can we talk about something else?"

"I'll prepare dinner while you get the Martinis."

When they were eating Gina said, "Denis thinks you ought to get out more. He wants me to bring you to a restaurant Saturday night and he'll organize a pal to make it a foursome."

"Denis knows why I'm off men."

"This guy is older, creative director at an ad agency, married but his wife is having time out with her mother. I was told he'd pose no threat to you."


"So just like that, no fight to get you to say yes?"

"God back off will you. I did say yes."

"Oh, so you did. I'll call Denis with the good news later."

* * *

Gina sent Beau back to her bedroom to change into something sexy. "You look like an old woman dressed in jeans, shirt and that poncho. And put on more make-up."

"We'll be late."

"These men are old enough to know they have to wait for women."

"You ought to be in theater Gina, comedy."

They both laughed.

Gina licked her lips when her roommate re-emerged. "Oh I say, if you do it with women I'm available. You look quite beautiful when you wash up."

"Don't trip over your pile."

"Pile of what?

"Pile of bullshit. Didn't you see that one coming?"

"I was still awestruck by your beauty."

Taking her pal by the arm Gina said, "Come on dummy. When you're being fucked tonight please shove a pillow over your head to muffle the screaming."

"I'm not noisy when having sex."

"Oh yeah?"

Denis nudged Gerald on the shoulder as the two women entered the restaurant. Denis was still gaping when they reached the table and the men stood.

"What?" Gina asked. She and Gerald had met a couple of times at bowling.

"The Roxo Girl."

"Beau, Gerald here is confusing you with someone else. Beau Brooke this is Gerald Setter.

"Hi, what do you do Beau?"

"Nothing. Currently I'm out of work."

"She's an actress. I told you that," Denis sighed. "You're looking really great tonight you two. Where are my kisses?"

They both kissed him and Gina kissed Gerald while Beau slid into the chair beside him.

"Can you come in for a screen test in the morning?"

Beau looked at Gina who said thoughtfully, "Something's come up. He's talking possible ad work."

Beau said he should tell her more.

"How do you feel about condoms, I mean talking about them, um publicly?"

"Unfazed I would suspect but I lack real world experience in such conversation."

"We have searched far and wide, spending hours and hours looking at mugshots, film clips and talking to agents about upcoming potential faces of note and we are frustrated with what we've hauled in so far."

"So you want me talking condoms while you have me photographed?"

"God you have brains as well. Both still shots and screen tests. Our major client is preparing to launch a Roxo Girl marketing thrust to go nationally. Roxo is a name change for one of its brand of condoms and the Roxo Girl will aim to encourage guys to pack Roxo wear."

The girls giggled and Gina said, "Roxo wear? Actually that's quite catchy."

"We think so too Gina and thank you for that piece of unsolicited market research."

Beau said in a fruity voice, "My man never goes anywhere without his trusty Roxo pack."

Gerald threw her a startled look, pulled out a pen and wrote on his napkin.

Beau said, "I'll front up tomorrow Gerald providing we quit this topic now. Half the restaurant is listening to us."

Gerald looked around and nearby diners looked away, most of them smiling.

Later standing outside the closing restaurant Gerald gave Beau his business card and said 10:00 would be fine and asked her to wear jeans, boots and a sexy top. He kissed her, kissed Gina and said he was off.

Walking the half-mile home with the women Denis said, "If you won the contract would being associated with condoms harm your career?"

"Not unless I wore one over my head and breasts," she said. She and Gina screamed in laughter.

Beau recovered and said, "That was a very sensible comment Denis and I thank you. If the campaign really took off and I was the Roxo Girl known throughout the land I'd think I'd be halfway to becoming a celebrity. TV and newspaper and radio interviews and being paid to be guest speaker at the Condom Annual Convention and other stuff like that. Perhaps I could make a million by endorsing the Beau Brooke Slim Line Condom... no just joking."

Denis persisted. "So you think such a contract will produce career-enhancing opportunities?"

"Yes and if it really takes off Gina I'll ask you to be my manager."


"You have a bachelor's in business and that study gave you some marketing insight. I could employ someone to coach us on marketing."

"You are really serious about this aren't you?"

"Yes Denis. I'm not saying it's going to happen. I'm discussing possibilities. But first I need to win a contract. I ought to have gone home with Gerald tonight and allowed him to practically go blind banging me."

"Hey slumbering Beau is coming alive at last," Gina laughed. "I sensed you possessed considerable potential darling. Gerald has pushed your button."

* * *

Gerald was at a management meeting when Beau arrived at his office. His well briefed PA said good morning, introduced herself as Cilla and after taking a searching look at Beau led her through to a studio. She'd muttered, "Great choice."

Beau absolutely loved it. The photographer, cameraman and director were all guys and they teased her no end. She hadn't enjoyed male company like this for such a long time.

They had finished and were drinking coffee when Gerald arrived. He greeted everyone and went straight to Beau and kissed her like an old friend, the other three guys watching closely.

"Were you treated well?"

"Yes they guys are great... clowns but appear to know what they are doing."

"Through to the screening room everyone," Gerald called reaching for his phone.

Two male senior executives and a beautiful female vice-president entered and Gerald introduced them to Beau. They scrutinized her and she almost squirmed.

"Let's have samples of the stills first," Gerald called.

Beau knew instantly they were the best photos ever taken of her. She now realized why the director had fussed so about the way she'd sat or stood, the angle of her face and position of her shoulders and especially her hands and the time they took with the lighting.

When the shot was screened of her with her thumbs hooked into the top of her jeans and a fan blowing her hair untidily she heard the VP say, "Jesus."

When the video footage ran the director called, "This woman is an actress. I decided to let her follow instructions unrehearsed.

Beau appeared inconspicuous when she faced the camera and turned both ways for profiles and when walked away showing little swing and a great butt, something not all women can pull off in tight jeans.

The static voice tests and a few hand gestures then followed but everyone politely didn't yarn.

Charlie the director said casually, "Now folk I believe this is what we have been looking for. Once again I simply gave full instructions with no rehearsal. I wanted us to assess Beau's potential. Here goes."

Beau walked on-camera and with a big smile, "Even astronauts and top FI drivers feel something's missing without a pack of Roxo Girl in their breast pocket."

For the next scene she was squatting, something many women cannot do elegantly. She pushed back her brunette fringe and said, "I left Bozo back in the jungle when he confirmed he had plenty of ammo for his rifle but forgot to pack Roxo Girl. How stupid. I was uneasy, knowing we weren't fully protected."

The audience, including Beau laughed.

"Now for the final clip," Charlie said. "None of this was scripted. I'd just asked Beau to say something, anything, to allow us to test voice levels and for her to exhibit voice control. She decided to make it appear realistic."

Beau walked in on her high heels but dressed only on bra and tiny boy shorts. She turned slowly stroking a breast. "No honey, I'm not unlocking the door until you are packing Roxo Girl, even if you're my husband."

Those around Beau rolled about in laughter. Anxious that she might have gone too far she hadn't laughed but at that outburst of hilarity began to relax.

The lights went on and Gerald said, "Thanks Beau, well done. Go now and I'll be in touch. Pick up your casting check from my PA."

"Brilliantly done Beau," smiled the VP.

Cilla handed Beau her check. "You've done well. They are staying to analyze your testing rather than rushing off to their offices and they do most times."

Out on the sidewalk, her pulse-rate still high, Beau called Gina.

"Oh high darling. Have you signed your contract?"

"Um no but there is a meeting. How can you be so optimistic?"

"Because the casting is so you darling. I believe they all know that already. Come here for lunch on the house. I'll eat with you. We'll remember this day."

Their chicken salads arrived just as Beau's phone went.

"Oh god, Beau said. "You and mom are about the only two people who call me."

Gina had her hand over her mouth and he eyes looked huge.


"Hi babe, it's Gerald. We found you okay and have just had a response back from the client and his team. We emailed them the pix and clips. They want you sighed up without delay. Come in here with your attorney as soon as you can."

"I'll be there in an hour Gerald and will you please sit by me as my adviser. Thanks for everything."

Gina gasped, "Tell me. Tell me everything."

"I need a pee," Beau said, rushing off but shouting, "I'm in!"

Obviously Beau was on a mini roll because two days later she was told she'd won the part of Rebecca, an abandoned young mother of two and daughter of the heroine in the controversial play about a dysfunctional family. At the same time an agency placed her in a half-day role of a newspaper's circulation drive advertisement that netted her two hundred and ten bucks after the agency had taken it's bigger cut of the fee. That payment was welcomed because Beau had taken temporary work as second maitre d' during peak times of noon to 1:30 and 6:00 and 9;00 at the restaurant where Gina worked. Her $135,000 contact over nine months as the Roxo Girl wouldn't start for another two months.

A talent scout, allegedly representing a theater agency in New York, came into Beau's dressing room after a performance of the city's production of 'A Family in Crisis' that was enjoying runaway success following good reviews and word of mouth endorsement.

"Darling you are incredibly talented," said Martina Gates, handing across her card. "I think I should be sending you to New York for assessment."

"No thanks, I'm busy in this role and the restaurant wants me to stay on and I begin my major adverting promotion soon."

"Oh really, what kind of promotion."

"Sorry, can't say. It's hush-hush but you'll notice if you remember my face."

"But I'm not from this city. I'm just passing through."

"As I said, you'll notice me," Beau said. "But we should stay in contact. Take the phone number of my agent."

Gina was luxuriating in a perfumed bath reading a really hot paperback when her phone went.

"Hi its Gina Livingston."

"Oh hi Mrs Livingston. This is Martina Gates, a theatrical agent. One of your clients Beau Brooke has suggested I call you. I watched her performance tonight and was practically spellbound at times."

"My client?" Gina said, almost dropping the phone.

"Yes, do you have so many you don't recall all of them so readily?"

"No I remember Beau... a brunette with a wide mouth, cute breasts and ass and legs to die for."

"Yes that's Miss Brooke. Tell me what is so hush-hush about your client's promotional role."

"We have been sworn to secrecy."

"But you can tell me. What are secrets between women?"

"Oh yeah. Well confidentially just between you and me... oh oh, I promised Beau I'd not tell anyone. I'm afraid she will be too busy during the next nine months of the campaign to do anything with you. You have my number. I suggest you contact me in ten months.

"You mention nine months. Has Miss Brooke found she's pregnant?"

"That would be difficult because she's only occasionally dates just the one guy who is married and refuses to have sex with her, so pregnancy for my client would be rather difficult, don't you think?"

"Well these younger women these days Mrs Livingston, one never knows what their sexual habits are. Some do it in the back of cabs or sitting on bar stools."

"Sitting on bar stools? Are you sure?"

"Well I'm only saying what someone told me."

Two months later on her way to work Gina bought the just-out Urban Babe magazine and flicking through it while having coffee before starting work gasped, looking at the full page picture of Beau in bra and tiny boy shorts with her hair flying in all directions. The single line of text simply stated, 'Introducing the Roxo Girl."

She sent her coffee cup flying reaching for the phone.

"Wake up Roxo. Go out and buy a copy Urban Babe."

"I already have it," Beau yawned. "You had gone by the time I returned. I was told it would appear in UB mag first, twenty others to follow. A quarter page ad appears in all newspapers tomorrow morning.

"Gina wailed, "But darling they haven't included your name."

"No need according to Gerald. He says give the public a face and surround it with mystery people and why would they bother to try to find out who you are when they can sit back and wait for TV to do it for them. I'll see you in three hours. Bye baby. You like my pic huh?"

"Ohmigod Beau, if only you seduced women!"

Beau cut the call smiling.

Her phone went.

"Hi Miss Brooke. It's Gloria Meek of Channel 9. I did a profile on you for our Art and Theater program three weeks ago."

"Of course I remember you Gloria and you did me proud. How may I help you?"

"Well Miss Brooke..."

"Three weeks ago you were calling me Beau."

"Um yes Beau. Well there's a national TV alert calling for a WTF response and an image of you from today's UB mag."

"What does WTF mean?"

"Who the fuck is this woman?"

Beau giggled. "Oh I see. Okay the campaign anticipated this response but probably not so soon."

"Could you come to the studio for a brief interview? Our top interviewer will be called in. We need to get this onto networks in time for the midday news."

"Okay but you found me Gloria. I'll only be interviewed by you."

"But Miss Brooke, Miss Daly and our president will take my scalp if I attempted a coup."

Beau said patiently, "Gloria I've been waiting for my big break and perhaps it's about to happen. You found me. The very least I can do is to organize a break for you."

"But Miss Brooke... um Beau, you don't understand. There is mystery about this and you are very good looking with a great figure. This will be screened throughout the country?"

"I've been told to expect that. I'll bring the Ad Agency guy who discovered me."

"Ohmigod yes. I'll tell my boss of your demand and she'll probably call saying you have to be interviewed by Miss Daly."

"And I'll tell her if that's the case then I'm off to a rival channel, but leave that for me to tell her. It will have greater impact. We'll be with you in the hour Gloria."

"Please look sexy."

"Oh I shall Gloria. I've been fully briefed several times about my role in public. Oh we can only talk about me and my excitement, not a word about what this campaign is about."

* * *

Beau and Gerald sat in the studio facing Gloria who was having sweat removed from her brow by the make-up woman.

Smiling Beau called sweetly, "Relax Gloria, it's only TV."

"Oh god, you can't say that about national network."

"Yes I can Gloria," Beau urged. "Focus now. This is one studio with you talking to two people. Forget about those hangers-on and that woman in white..."

"That's Miss Daly."

"That woman in white is looking all screwed up because she's thinking she'd looking at you, her successor but keep relaxed about that otherwise it won't happen. Gerald and I will keep tension away from you Gloria because we're nice people."

The count down began and Gloria appeared barely nervous as she introduced herself and began, "Three weeks ago I happened to film a segment for an arts program we screened of a lovely woman who today media throughout America are itching to uncover. Here's what initiated the panic to expose the mystery. This advertisement appeared in today's monthly issue of Urban Girl Magazine but I understand this advertisement will soon be everywhere as TV spot advertising, in other magazines, in tomorrow morning newspapers and on roadside billboards. Allow me to introduce this woman of mystery. Hi who are you?"

"I'm a two-bit actress Beau Brooke who lives in Sean City, who has spent more time out of work than in it but that's changing. This man beside me is art director at one of our city's ad agency's, Gerald Setter. Mr Setter is being given credit for discovering me, not that I had to be discovered because I have been around for twenty-four years."

"Mr Setter, how did you discover Miss Brooke?"

"She walked into a restaurant with the girlfriend on a pal of mine."