Rising Tide: CATU Book 3 Ch. 05


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"It's settled. When do we leave?" Spencer asks.


Halt! No unauthorized personnel beyond this point," the young National Guardsman says as Grines comes within a threatening distance. He didn't speak but he keeps the soldier's gaze as he continues advancing. "I said halt!" the man yells this time adding more authority to his voice. When Grines continues to not show any interest in stopping, the young man begins to pull the riffle from his shoulder.

Grines takes a few more steps and decides it is time to play his card. Before the soldier raises his gun at him, Grines produces a badge and holds it up to the man. "Deputy Director Daniels of National Security, I have clearance to be here," he says with a grin.

Now let's hope this works.

The soldier quickly shoulders his riffle and stands at attention. "Sorry sir, you're clear to go through, sir."

"Good job soldier," Grines says with a curt nod. He strides past the soldier; the man focuses his attention forward and not once does he look in Grines' direction.

Grines is stopped only once more by another soldier, this one more thorough than the prior. The soldier does everything to make sure the identification card Grines presents is real except make a phone call to verify Grines was who he said he was. "Sorry sir, in light of the attack, we have to make sure everything is in order," the guard passes him through with a courteous apology.

"No problem soldier," Grines says smiling. "We need more disciplined men to keep up the rules." The soldier stands to attention a little straighter at the comment.

Grines doesn't need to ask for directions to where the President is being kept since Roger had provided a detailed map of the White House including all the places only the Secret Service know about.

Making sure his badge is displayed for all to view; he walks through the halls making it look like he belonged there. He passed personnel of every sort including contractors that he assumed were there to fix the mess made by the assassin. After a few turns and several minutes, he found the door he was looking for. Without knocking, he walks right in.

"Good afternoon gentlemen," he says looking around the room. "I take it we're secure here?"

The room only contains the President and Director Nichols; both are sitting at the only piece of furniture in the room aside from the chairs. Grines is only a little concerned with either man's reaction. If it came down to having to fight his way out of here, he just might have to. But as it stands, neither man shows anything other than a welcoming smile.

"Michael Grines, correct?" Nichols asks standing up and extending his hand out.

"Call me Mike," he says taking Nichols' hand and shaking it vigorously.

"This, I'm sure you know is President McKinsey."

"Yes, I know of him," Grines says extending his hand to the President.

McKinsey stands up and accepts the gesture. "Please have a seat Mike."

"To answer your earlier question, yes the room is secure," Nichols says.

"I expected someone to eventually show up here," McKinsey states.

"Sorry it had to be under these circumstances," Grines says with a lopsided grin. "I witnessed the attack. It seems Roger had a hunch you might be attacked and made sure I was set up to keep an eye on you."

"Yes, everything has gotten out of hand. Not just here but in all parts of government. I pushed the Information Act to keep things like this from happening, but it seems everyone wants to still keep secrets. It seems I can only trust a handful of people and organizations right now. Unfortunately from a political standpoint trusting you or CATU is suicide. But as President I cannot sit back waiting for this nonsense stirred up by Rustlin to go away.

"Now in order to save face with the American people and keep them protected at the same time, I am announcing to the public the shutdown of CATU. Officially it will no longer exist, unofficially it will. Keeping secrets like this from the American people and then lying about it is what I dislike having to do. But if the people are to be protected against outside threats, it's something that will have to be done."

"It's going to be a tall order. What about funding and the circle that knows about us?" Grines asks. He is now sitting comfortably but still prepared for that moment if Secret Service agents would come busting in and haul him away.

"The funding can be hidden just as any secret organization being run is. The trick we face though is Senator Rustlin wanting to run for president and him possibly getting it," McKinsey explains.

"He is well liked and in light of the current crisis and investigation, he has made the President look bad," Nichols adds.

McKinsey stands up out of his chair and begins to pace the room. With his hands behind his back and remaining silent he paces for several long seconds lost in thought before he finally breaks the silence. "I'm going to take a bold step today that will most likely piss on a few peoples parade, but it is a necessary step. In the meantime I need you to track down this assassin before she claims the lives of anyone else."

"That's not a problem sir," Grines replies.

"You will have what support I can give you without compromising you or CATU," Nichols offers.

"I appreciate the offer. What information do I have to work with?"

"The assassin said her name was Tsyr Ker. We ran it through our data base and came back with nothing," Nichols says opening up a folder in front of him. "Her name in Chinese means assassin which doesn't really help us either."

"You're right it doesn't," Grines replies. "We do have a pattern though. First, Attorney General Golding was murdered and now the Secretary of Homeland Security."

"We have a full detail on all cabinet members in case of another attack," McKinsey states.

"I don't think any kind of detail is going to keep this assassin from completing her tasks," Grines says frowning. "Have you thought about the attacks originating from Senator Rustlin?"

"Before today's attack we had our suspicions," Nichols says.

"And she confirmed it?"

"I was told to back off the Senator or she would return to finish me off."

"And with only a mysterious assassin without any attachments to any government or organizations and a statement that can be ruled out as a means to throw us off, there is nothing we can do about Rustlin," Nichols says with his voice trailing off in resignation.

Grines never cared for the political world and the laws created from it didn't make sense to him half the time. He decided long ago if he was in charge things would run differently, starting with arresting suspects and asking questions later. "So you would like me to find and stop this assassin," Grines states. "No problem there, but what about any of my agents still in the field hiding or any overseas?"

"I highly doubt any agents left in hiding are in any danger, considering how Roger made sure you'd make it here," Nichols retorts.

"True enough."

"As for the agents overseas," the President pipes in. "I know who you are referring to and as soon as an opportunity arises, I will see that they are placed in good hands."

"No disrespect, Mr. President, but like Roger my agents are like my children and 'good hands' doesn't cut it," Grines says with fierceness hinted in his voice.

McKinsey doesn't show any anger or surprise at the retort from Grines. In that instant Grines gains all the respect and trust he would need from the President. In fact, McKinsey knew right then he had selected the right man for the job. Grines carried the qualities that Roger held so dear.

"No disrespect taken. You are just what we need right now," McKinsey says with a smile. "Nichols will brief you with the details and supply you with whatever gear is necessary."


Tsyr Ker drops from the opened skylight onto the ground of the empty warehouse. With the exception of the skylight, the warehouse is cast in darkness. Darkness isn't a concern of Tsyr Ker since her blindness allows her to see a different spectrum than normal people.

Standing up slowly, she moves to a lone stand and quietly removes her sword and places it, still in the sheath, onto the stand. The presence of a demon lurking in the shadows nags at her. She knows who it is, but she continues to ignore the feeling and goes on about her normal routine. It was her one way to defy her master and keep her freewill.

After stripping off her equipment and the stealth suit, she is left standing naked. The light basks over her curvaceous body and left her hair shimmering. She stands there for several minutes enjoying the comfort of the light and open freedom.

No matter where she stayed, her routine always ended with her standing naked and thoughts of the past flowing through her mind. She never regretted the past.

What's done is done

Dwelling on the past was a sign of weakness and in this world there isn't room for weakness. Tsyr Ker smiles to herself. The demon had patience; she had to have it or else her plans would never grow into fruition. Nothing brought more of a smile to Tsyr Ker's face than stretching that patience to its limits.

"What graces me with your presence my master?" she asks without turning.

The demon walks out from the shadows. A crooked smile curves across her face. Talilith plays this game at every meeting she holds with her pet assassin; more for her own amusement than Tsyr Ker's. Of course Talilith allows her to believe she is in control; it is after all a good way to keep a servant motivated. Your mission was a success?

"We will know soon enough, I suspect," Tsyr Ker replies.

Yes. She says seductively. Soon enough.

Talilith begins to slowly walk toward Tsyr Ker, who remains motionless. Talilith's hand stretches out and brushes across Tsyr Ker's stomach causing ripples of ecstasy through her body.

"You have done well and you deserve a reward," Talilith whispers into her ear.

A flood of euphoria rushes through Tsyr Ker's body. Chills ripple across the surface of her skin as her breathing comes on heavier and deeper. She hasn't felt closeness like this since her time in the Black List.

Sean de Lennet was assigned her partner when she had joined. He had shown and taught her everything she'd need to know about being a member of Black List. After many months of working close together, their relationship grew beyond the scope of the job. He provided her with the closeness she needed but was denied when her parents died.

"Soon everything we have worked toward will come to fruition. But now let's focus on the now," Talilith says in a whisper as she begins softly kissing Tsyr Ker's neck.

Talilith turns the assassin around to face her. She runs her lips over her cheek and neck and then slowly moves her hand up then down to her breast. She brushes her hand around the mound and then palms it and begins stroking. She caresses the mound with the palm of her hand and rubs the nipple with her thumb.

The assassin feels her breasts growing warmer by the second. Her nipples are rigid and stuck up firm like pellets. She moves her head around, stroking her cheek with Talilith's. Her breath is almost hot now.

Talilith briskly rubs her own breast. She can feel it swelling and growing hot. Then she goes to Tsyr Ker's other breast and strokes it. "Ohh," she breathes out.

Talilith dips her head down and runs her mouth over the breast and then circles in and concentrates on licking the nipple and sucking the mound. Tsyr Ker moans again. She goes from one to the other, licking and sucking and rubbing them. "Ahh," Tsyr Ker breathes out hotly. She places her hands on Talilith's head and brushes them around her neck and cheeks.

Talilith gently pulls her down onto the ground and slides atop her. She slowly rubs her body on the other, brushing her breasts upon hers and stroking her ass. Tsyr Ker wraps her arms around the demon and begins moving her body under hers.

They pant and gasp in passion as they rub their breasts and pussies together. Talilith slides down the assassin's body, running and sliding her tongue down to her navel, then on down between her legs. She spreads Tsyr Ker's thighs and draws them back. Her pussy bare.

Talilith then grasps her hips and sinks her face down on her clit. The demon brushes her lips up and down the slit and blows hotly on it. Tsyr Ker groans and clasps the back of her head. Talilith slides her tongue slowly into her pussy.

"Ohh," she coos and moves her pelvis up. "Ahh."

Talilith swirls and flicks and jams her tongue in her pussy. The demon thinks she tastes so good—like musky cinnamon. "Ooh," she breathes out and began rotating her clit, pressing it upon Talilith's mouth.

The demon slides her tongue up and down and around her clit, licking the little bud and then begins sucking it with her lips. Tsyr Ker gasps and mashes her pussy upon Talilith's face and clutches her head. Without missing a lick, Talilith moves her body, scooting it around. With her legs she straddles her head and lowers herself down on her face.

Talilith feels the tip of the assassin's tongue touch her lips and then she slides it in. A shaft of wet fire stabs up her pussy, all the way to her breasts. Her heart thuds.

Tsyr Ker jabs her tongue in and out of Talilith's pussy, sending hot stinging barbs shooting up her channel. They thrash and wriggle and lick and suck, sending each other over the edge—to the peak of climax, of rapture, of orgasmic paradise


General Wei!" the young soldier yells as he bursts through the door of the general's temporary office. They were located in the now Chinese controlled Zimbabwe. China steadily continues to transport troops into Africa. Botswana has already fallen and in just another day or two, General Wei intends to have full control of Mozambique.

"What is it Captain Tong?" he asks with irritation lining his voice.

"The Russians have fortified their position on Madagascar and the Black Dragon is cooperating with us in Lesotho," the soldier replies hurriedly.

"You bothered me for this news?" Wei interrupts.

"No sir," the soldier says trying to add confidence in his voice. He stands straighter, preparing himself to deliver the more unfortunate news. "The Americans have amassed their forces and appear to preparing to meet our fleet."

General Wei stands up from his desk, slamming his fist onto it. "This can't be. I was told the Americans would not attack us!" Captain Tong remains motionless, knowing it is wise to remain silent. "What do the satellites show?" he asks once the rage and anger settles a bit.

"The Americans are approaching from the Northeast of Cape Town. We suspect they plan to engage our fleet there and penetrate to land their own troops."

It is General Wei's turn to remain silent. He turns to look out the window of his small mobile office. He has made it too far into this campaign to lose what he gained now. He especially was not going to lose to the Americans. He turns his attention back to the captain. A smile spreads across his face. "Move the 3rd and 7th Fleets to reinforce the 1st Fleet. I want the 11th Fleet to remain at Port Elizabeth and the 6th and 2nd Fleets moved there from Durban to provide support."

"Yes sir. What about the possibility of the Americans making it inward to land?"

"The Americans should not even have the chance to get that far!" He roars with anger. "We cannot fail Mother China. We are given the opportunity to make our country great and we will not fail her."

"I'm sorry General for my weakness," the captain apologizes.

"You have no need to apologize. You are only the messenger bringing the bad news. In fact China needs many more soldiers like you and I. We will prevail and provide her with glory!" General Wei smiles at the notion. "But you are correct in the assumption that the Americans might push through and make their landing. It is something they have been able to do time and time again. So not if it happens, but when we shall be at the ready. We will continue to push into Mozambique. In the meantime send the 56th through 72nd Divisions toward the coast from Cape Town North to the border of Namibia. I want the 32nd Division diverted into South Africa along the Namibia border to insure we aren't attack while our backs are turned."

"What of replacing the 32nd Division's post?" the captain asks.

"Spread out the remaining divisions to fill in the gaps until we received more troops. Once we have control of Namibia we will have hold over the southern portion of the continent."

"With the Americans attacking and the Russians withdrawing back, won't we have to fear that the remaining African countries might attack us to prevent invasion on them?" Captain Tong inquires.

"Strategy and vision is what you lack. Until you gain both you, will never move up in the ranks to my position. But you are still young and as long as you are eager to learn, especially from me, you will gain what you desire."

Wei lets the silence hang in the air as the thought of the captain's future entertains Tong. Wei moves to another table in the small office that has a map of Africa setting on it. "This is all the area," Wei says circling his finger around the southern portion of the continent, drawing the captain's attention to it, "we seek to gain at the moment. It contains the bulk of Africa's diamond mines. With them we can strengthen China."

"Then we can press into Africa—"

"Or anyplace we choose to desire. You are already learning," Wei beams.

"Yes sir," Tong says returning the smile.

"Good. Now relay my orders. We have much work to accomplish before the Americans decide to attack us with our pants down."

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