Sammie: Alone in the Hood

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Danger lurks in the shadows after dark.
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It was nearly mid-night as Samantha Ablebody stepped into the deserted street. The heat and humidity of mid-summer South Carolina hit her like a ton of bricks. Looking around the rundown neighborhood, Samantha was taken back by how much more dangerous it looked in the darkness than it had in the afternoon sunlight when she had arrived to visit her girlfriend. The few street lights that weren't broken cast dark and ominous shadows up and down the empty street.

Samantha began to silently curse herself for having let her visit run so late and for having parked several blocks away. As she began to walk in the direction of her car, the only sound that broke the eerie stillness was the clicking of Samantha's high heels and the shrill screech of a far away police siren.

Samantha surveyed her surroundings. All the houses had chain link fencing around their yards and bars on their windows. No one was outside on their porches, and none of the front doors was open. She wanted to pick up her pace, but what passed as sidewalks were cracked and broken. Her heels and the very uneven and mangled walkway made hurrying impossible. She kept looking all around as she was sure someone would jump out from nowhere and mug her, or even something worse.

She came to an intersection of the street and an alley. She peered into the stark darkness of the alley but couldn't see more than ten feet. As she crossed it, she was sure she heard something stir. She refused to look back and did her best to walk faster. A very tall and thick bush obstructed her view to the left and she veered away from it. Suddenly a cat jumped from the bush and scared the daylights out of Samantha.

She clutched her chest trying to recover from being startled. Her heaving breasts pumped in and out as her heartbeat raced, and she continued on. She looked for any signs of light, but as she continued down the street it actually got darker. As she continued, her pulse raced faster. She noticed a pool of liquid on the ground and she stepped around it. She couldn't tell for sure, but she thought it might even be blood. How could her friend live in such a place?

'I am way to white to be in this neighborhood.' Samantha thought to herself.

She tried not to be racist in her thoughts, but situations like this really scared her. Some yelling came from one of the houses from some sort of domestic squabble, causing Samantha to try once again to speed up. She had only been walking for a couple of minutes, but it seemed as though she would never get to her car. Sammie felt quite vulnerable in her revealing short skirt and sexy silk blouse with its plunging neckline. She clutched her coat tightly around her body and hurried as best she could in the direction of her car. She had never been so scared in her life and all she wanted was to reach her car and get the hell out of that place.

Samantha was a vibrant young woman of 34 who possessed considerable sex appeal. With long auburn hair below her shoulders and blue eyes she was nothing but a total fox. Her classic Marilyn Monroe figure and 5'7" height only added to her sexual allure.

Samantha exited the neighborhood and now walked passed abandon buildings covered in gang graffiti.

Sammie, as her friends called her, nearly jumped out of her skin as a shrill cat scream pierced the night air from somewhere behind her. Without looking to see where the noise had come from, Sammie quickened her pace. Fear gripped her soul as the shrill scream was repeated from somewhere across the street. Sweat formed on the cute features of Sammie's face as she again stepped up her pace. Behind her, Sammie heard the frightening sound of foot steps as a screech from another cat rang out somewhere in front of her. With her car still two blocks away, Sammie broke into a jog. The foot steps behind her kept pace.

The dainty buckling ankle strap on Sammie's four-inch high heels kept her from kicking them off so she could run faster. Another whistle from across the street and behind her caused Sammie to break into the fastest trot her high heels would allow. Sweat now drenched her body.

Suddenly two black men appeared from the shadows ahead of Sammie. Terrified, she stopped in her tracks. A split second later Sammie began to cross to the other side of the street when two more black men appeared on that side of the street as well. Without hesitation Sammie turned and began to run in the direction she had just come. Looking over her shoulder, she could see the black men begin to casually follow her. She dropped her coat which she felt slowed her down. Then, 30 feet in front of her, a tall black man with a shaved head stepped from the dark shadows of a recessed doorway. Instinctively Sammie turned 90 degrees to cross the street only to find two black men crossing towards her to block the way.

Turning back towards the single black man Sammie slowed to a walk again. Her heart was racing as the man asked rather cheerfully, "What's your rush, white mama?"

Sammie remained silent trying to walk passed the black man until he moved to block her path.

"Please, let me pass. I don't want any trouble." Sammie said, hoping her words sounded bolder than she felt.

Having come to a stop, five black men quickly surrounded Sammie, effectively blocking any possible escape route.

The shaved headed black man grinned broadly, "Did you hear that, guys? White mama, don't want no trouble."

The others chuckled menacingly as he continued.

"We don't want no trouble either, girly. It's just that you are on our street." Then he asked with an evil leer, "What's a sexy white bitch doing on our street after midnight?"

"Are you a cock tease?" One of the other men asked rudely.

"NO!" Sammie snapped with indignation.

"Are you sure, girly?" He replied, "Because you're sure dressed like a cock tease."

"Please, really, I don't want any trouble," Sammie restated the obvious as she tried to again walk passed one of the black men, only to be shoved back into the center of the ring formed by them.

Leroy moved to stand right in front of Sammie and nearly spit in her face as he hissed, "My man Dawg here asked you a question, girly." Then he violently slapped Sammie across her left cheek knocking her to the ground with a high pitched shriek.

Sammie screamed for help as loud as she could, which seemed to delight the gang of black men surrounding her.

"Go ahead snow flake, scream all you want. No one cares. We own this neighborhood," Leroy grinned revealing a gold front tooth.

Looking up at the men surrounding her, Sammie tried to regain a little composure as she offer up her purse, "Here take it. Take it all just please don't hurt me."

Someone snatched the purse from her hand as Leroy, who seemed to be the gangs spokesperson, taunted, "That's fine, sugar, but what about the tax?"

All the men in the small circle began to laugh out loud. At the same time one of the men grabbed a hand full of Sammie's long auburn locks and dragged her back to her feet.

"Yea," another snapped, "the tax. There's a tax for walking on our streets after mid-night."

In the darkness, a black hand reached out and grabbed Sammie's tight little bubble of a bottom and squeezed. Sammie spun around trying to ward off the perverted attack. Another man behind her grabbed her wrists and forced them behind her back. Large black hands then roughly mauled Sammie's prominent breasts.

"That's right," another said, "you strut your stuff on our street you gotta pay the tax."

Sammie thought she understood, "No ... no you don't understand. I'm not a prostitute."

"No, sugar, it's you that don't understand." Leroy snarled while the others ravaged Sammie's hot body. "You white bitches come strutting onto our ground thinking you're something special, like your the queen of Sheba."

"No ... please don't," Sammie struggled, twisting and turning, in a vain effort to avoid the black hands crudely fondling her body.

"Yea," Leroy continued, "you all flaunt your white asses and look down your noses at us niggers like we still be your slaves."

"She does have a bodacious ghetto ass," someone announced as others clamored their approval.

"Let's see if see knows how to work it," another suggested.

The one called Dawg responded, "Oh she knows how to use it alright. For sure she knows how to put her backfield in motion. I was watchin' it"

The others chuckled with amusement.

"Shit, I missed it," a short chubby black man complained.

"Well, sugar," Leroy said, "Why don't ya show all us what ya got?"

With that, the hands that had continued to assail Sammie's body withdrew, and the circle around her relaxed a bit. Sensing an opportunity to escape Sammie remained silent.

"Well, bitch, show us how you can wiggle that mother fuckin' white ass you got. We aint got all night." Then with a laugh meant more for Sammie than any one else, "Ohhh wait we do have all night don't we? All fucking night. Now move it, white mama."

The ring of gang bangers surrounding Sammie fell back a little more. Swallowing a lump in her throat Sammie began to nervously walk past the young men. All their eyes focused on Sammie's ass as she slowly walked away. She added an extra bounce to her step and swung her hips confidently as she fought to overcome the gnawing fear swirling in the pit of her stomach. Outside the circle of men she continued her measured yet very sexy gait while she was rewarded with a cat call from one of the men.

"That's it, mama, shake that ass."

The comments that filled her ears were both rude and crude.

"Work that ass, bitch."

"Told ya she knew how ta work that ghetto ass."

"Ohh, lordie, I'm just gonna love fucking that thing."

"You and me both, bro, that there is a white ass that was just made for fucking."

Denying the reality of her situation, Sammie sensed her chance to escape had come and she took it. With her body trembling with fear and her heart pounding Sammie broke into a run. Sammie moved as fast as her pumps would allow, much to the amusement of those she left standing behind her.

Sammie recognized Leroy's voice as he scolded, "Now look what you done did, Hot Rod. You done scared, White Mama." Then added with more urgency, "Well don't be just standing there nigga, go get her."

With that, the one they called Hot Rod began to chase after the fleeing Sammie. He was a tall dark skinned black man powerfully built and it only took him a few seconds to catch up to the terrorized white woman. Sammie redoubled her efforts to escape as she heard Hot Rod's approaching foot steps. Jogging just behind Sammie, the black man reached out and grabbed a hand full of Sammie's flowing auburn mane.

"Going some place, bitch," Hot Rod taunted.

Like a trapped animal, Sammie whirled and tried to fight off her attacker. Her pathetically weak effort only seemed to arouse her tormentor.

"Let me go," she whined. "Please, let me go ... I won't tell anyone."

When the other black men caught up, Leroy ordered, "Enough of the games. It's time to start the party."

Leroy's words were met with eager assent. "Ohhh fuck yea let's parrrr ... tayyyyy with the white puss ... sayyyyyy."

"Yea, I ain't had me no white pussy in a month."

"MMMMM I'm going to party the fuck out of her mouth."

"Not me, man, I'm going you fuck her ass so deep that my black dick will be tickling her tonsils."

Sammie continued to struggle, flailing her arms about wildly trying to free herself from the hand holding her hair.

"Please," she tried to reason, "please you don't have to do this. I won't tell ... honest I won't."

Leroy who had turned to lead the group towards a nearby ally spun and again used his open palm to bitch slap Sammie hard across her left cheek "Shut the fuck up, Mama."

Sammie's head snapped to one side as she whimpered, "Don't hurt me ... pleaseee ..."

She was cut short when Leroy bitch slapped her again as he hissed, "I said shut the fuck up, Cunt, and I meant it." Then to the others he added, "Come on let's go." He then walked into the ally as the others followed with their prized white bitch in tow.

The dark ally stunk of rotting garbage. Hot Rod continued to keep a firm hold of Sammie's hair as another man had grabbed one of her wrists to lead her down the ally. Leroy walked deeper and deeper into the narrow, sinister looking ally until he came to a door which he opened and walked through.

The others followed Leroy into the abandoned building shoving Sammie ahead of them. The door closed with a loud bang that echoed throughout what appeared to be an old warehouse. Still shoving Sammie ahead of them, the black men headed towards a corner of the warehouse about 100 feet away where a single naked light bulb provided the only light. Tears trickled down Sammie's cheeks as she stumbled along. After reaching the corner, Sammie couldn't help but notice the two double size mattresses that lay on the dirty concrete floor.

Hot Rod let go of Sammie's hair and one of the men holding her wrists spun her around and flung her onto one of the mattresses where she landed unceremoniously on her ass. In the next instant Leroy hauled her back to her feet. Sammie stood on wobbly knees trying to gather her wits as Leroy confronted her, "Now show us how you work that white ass."

Sammie, her head still spinning, paused for just a split second when Leroy raised his hand as if to bitch slap her again. That was all the incentive that Sammie needed as she reasoned that perhaps her best course was to obey the black men who had taken her as their prisoner. With her face turning bright red with shame she began to slowly walk through the line of black men which had formed around the mattress where she stood. As she walked away from the men she could feel their eyes burning her ass with there disgusting leers.

The callus cat calls were worse than they had been on the street as all the black men voiced what they'd do to her ass if given the chance. After she had walked about 30 feet Sammie was told to turn around and come back to the group. Without even thinking about the possibility of running Sammie turned around and was horrified to find that a couple of her antagonists had pulled their penises from their pants and were slowing stroking them to life as they watched her strut her white ghetto ass. Even in there semi ridged state Sammie was terrified by the size of the monsters.

After she got back to the group Leroy told her to remove her blouse as the others voiced their perverted approval. When she didn't move fast enough to please the horny men, a couple of them stepped forward and tore Sammie's blouse from her trembling body. Then without even asking another reached out and ripped her bra from her body in one powerful motion. The group of black men roared with laughter as Sammie tried to use her arms to hide her wayward D cup titties.

"Put your arms down, bitch," Leroy demanded.

Tears again leaked from Sammie's eyes as she slowly obeyed.

"Now your skirt, Mama," Leroy demanded.

Hoping to save her skirt from being ripped to shreds like her blouse and bra, Sammie gritted her teeth, unzipped it and let it fall to the floor around her ankles. Sammie was left standing with nothing but her lacy black throng panties to conceal that which made her a woman.

The den of crude comments reached a new peak as the men voiced their approval of Sammie's near nakedness. Rough black hands immediately began to maul Sammie's full ripe titties as she closed her eyes. The abusive handling of her normally sensitive nipples sent passionate feelings of animalistic lust pulsing throughout her body that she had never felt before.

After several minutes of this rough mauling Leroy ordered, "Walk bitch."

Eager to escape the abusive hands, Sammie quickly turned and began once again to walk away from the ogling men. As she walked, Sammie felt like a fucking whore. The men laughed and made more ugly comments as they seemed transfixed by the provocative wiggle of Sammie's bountiful white ass.

"That's it, Girly, move your fucking ass."

"I'm going to rip that ass apart."

"Yea, she'll know what if means to be fucked in the ass when I'm done with her."

"Ohhh, yea, she'll be screaming my name and begging for more when I get done with the little cock tease."

When told, Sammie turned around again and walked back towards the group of black men. Her nipples were as hard as small steel ball bearing as her ripe perfectly formed tits swung from side to side and bounced up and down. As she neared the men once again, the one they called Ram Rod reached out and tore Sammie's throng panties from her well rounded hips revealing her cleanly shaven pussy.

Resigned to her fate and hoping upon hope that her cooperation would earn her leniency if not mercy, Sammie didn't even try to hide her sexual treasures. Sammie was now naked expect for the four-inch high-heels still strapped to her feet.

Cruel abrasive black hands once again began to maul Sammie's naked and defenseless body. A finger was forced into her mouth along with the command, "Suck it, bitch. Suck it like a dick, you cock sucking white slut."

Sammie did just that. She swirled her tongue around the intruding finger as if she were teasing a tiny dick.

As she did it, her black tormenters continued to ravage her most private feminine areas. Her shapely thighs were pushed apart as eager hands began to roughly explore her pussy and ass. A loud guttural noise exploded from Sammie as a thick finger shoveled it way right into her puckered ass hole. Sammie sucked harder on the finger which had invaded her mouth, trying her best to ignore the pain that gripped her soul as the finger in her ass fucked its way deeper and deeper into her depths. All the time black hands mauled Sammie's titties without mercy, squeezing them unmercifully. Her sensitive nipples were pinched, twisted and pulled in every conceivable manner.

The finger in Sammie's ass began a slow fucking motion as another began to toy with the opening of her love hole. The hands relentlessly mauling Sammie's right tittie were replaced by a hot steamy tongue and the sensation sent lusty sparks of excitement throughout Sammie's quaking and naked body.

Sammie's body betrayed her as it involuntarily flexed its hips trying to force the finger teasing its pussy deeper.

"Will ya look at that," an anonymous voice taunted, "the white slut is likin' this shit."

Sammie wanted to protest and proclaim her innocence, but couldn't deny the obvious. As much as she hated to admit it, her passion pit had been leaking its hot steamy juices for some time. The finger fucking Sammie's mouth was removed as another was shoved in. All the while, the finger in her ass continued its powerful assault.

The finger now in Sammie's mouth had come from her pussy, and was wet with her own feminine juices. Then suddenly the black man using his tongue to toy with her right nipple used his teeth to bite down hard on Sammie's stiff nipple. Her whole body convulsed as sheer unadulterated agony swept throughout her body.

"I gots ta have me some of that hot mouth." Someone grunted with savage intensity.

An instant later Sammie felt herself being forced to her knees. A moment after that, she felt a black cock pressed against her lips awaiting entrance into her world of oral delights. Sammie's sparkling blue eyes bulged wide open in disbelief as she realized how massive the fuck rod was, and it wasn't even completely hard yet.

"Open up," someone demanded while someone else emphasized the command with a powerful and painful slap to her defenseless ass. One slap was quickly followed by another even more forceful than the last. The noise echoed off the metal walls of the empty old room.

Sammie wanted to protest her ability to handle such a huge fuck tool, but realized that in the end it would gain her nothing. It was quite obvious that these black men were intent on taking what they wanted, and there wasn't a god damn fucking thing Sammie could do about it.