Sam's Spa Chronicles Ch. 25

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Amy's sex parties continue.
5.9k words

Part 25 of the 26 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/10/2006
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It is Thursday afternoon. All the local high schools, middle schools and elementary schools are closed for Spring Break. Veronica Rose, her sister Victoria Alisa -- who teaches math at a local high school -- and Vickie's sex slave, Tanya Marie, are all waiting at Tanya's house for David to pick them up for a nude photo shoot.

He is late. He was supposed to pick them up at 1:00 but it is now almost 2:00 and he still has not shown up. Veronica tried calling him on his cell phone but he does not answer it.

Veronica is angry. She cut a computer class for this shoot. Not that she needed the lecture. Her professor was going to discuss some picture enhancement information; something she already knows how to do. But she could have used the lecture to refresh her knowledge. Her college does not start Spring Break until tomorrow.

They are all in the den. Vickie is coddling the infant Erica in her lap; she loves Tanya's baby and frequently plays with her. Tanya is at the computer doing some research on the origins of Mardi Gras in New Orleans, her favorite city. One of her customers, a New Orleans carnival club, wants to include the information on their invitations to their next year's Mardi Gras party.

Veronica is playing a video game with Carolyn; she is losing. Tanya's husband, Eric -- who is the computer lab instructor at the same local high school -- and Vickie's son, Robbie are in the garage. He is helping the boy fix a flat tire on his bicycle.

The three women are in their bathing suits. Vickie has on her bright yellow string bikini with matching beach coat. Tanya has on her baby blue string bikini. She also has on a T-shirt and a large towel wrapped around her waist. Veronica has on her a gold thong bathing suit with a white beach coat. The coat does not cover her exposed cheeks, coming down to barely past her waist.

Veronica changed into her suit when she arrived at Tanya's just before 1:00. Tanya and Vickie also put on their bathing suits at that time. Since then the three of them have been waiting patiently for David to arrive.

Carolyn suddenly brightens the afternoon.

"I like your bathing suit Aunt Veronica. I'll bet my daddy likes it too. It shows more of your butt and he likes to spank my mommy's butt and Mommy Vickie's butt."

"Carolyn!" Tanya yells at her daughter. "That's not a very nice thing to say about your Aunt Veronica."

Vickie laughs at the child's brashness but Veronica tries to calm the situation. "That's OK Tanya. Carolyn, the only reason why your mommy or Vickie don't have a bathing suit like mine is because the store did not have their size when they bought their suits."

"My mommy bought hers last year. I don't know when Mommy Vickie bought her bathing suit."

"Bathing suits are expensive. But I'm sure the next time Tanya or Vickie needs to buy a new bathing suit it will be just like the one I've got."

"They better not because it will make my daddy spank them more."

Tanya again starts to scold Carolyn but Veronica stops her and again makes an attempt at calming the situation and helping the child understand.

"Do you know why your daddy smacks their butts?"

Carolyn just shrugs her shoulders.

"Well, your daddy is not really spanking Tanya or Vickie. It's his way of telling them that he loves them. It's called a love tap. Do you know what a love tap is?"

Carolyn shakes her head no.

"It's kind of like a high five. When two ball players smack each other's hands they are not trying to hurt each other. They are actually congratulating each other. The same is true when your daddy smacks Tanya or Vickie. He's really telling them that he loves them."

"Then why doesn't he smack me or Robbie?"

"Because you're not supposed to hit children."

"Does your boyfriend spank you?"

"Sometimes." She pauses. Then, "You may not understand it now but when you get a little older I'm sure it will all make sense to you."

"That's what my mommy said."

Suddenly the front door bell rings.

"That's probably David," Vickie says. "At least it better be." She goes to the front door to let him in taking baby Erica with her.

"I hope it is," Tanya adds. "We need something to change the subject matter away from Eyes-and-Ears and all her questions. Carolyn, you ask too many questions."

"Why can't I come with you mommy? I want Mr. David to take my picture too."

"David will not have the time to photograph us and you. I'll get him to photograph you with Robbie and your sister some other time. Now give me a kiss and go tell your father that we are leaving so he can watch Erica."

"Ok." She gives her mother a hug and a kiss then starts to run toward the kitchen and the door leading into the garage.

"Aren't you going to kiss Mommy Vickie good-bye?" Tanya asks her.

"Oh! I'm sorry," she answers her mother. Then she kisses Vickie and Veronica good-bye and goes to the attached garage to get her father.

While Veronica and Tanya get into David's van Vickie waits for Eric to come out of the garage. When he comes into the den she joins the others in David's van.

David apologizes for being late. He explains that he was on a photo shoot with a bride and her mother in the city park. There is a spot in the park with a fountain, a small pond and several shade trees. The scene makes a perfect backdrop for photographs.

He would love to do some nude shots there but it offers no privacy; it's only a few feet from the street.

The girl tore her bridal gown and it took thirty-five minutes to repair it. He would have called but he forgot his cell phone in his apartment. Nor did the bride to be have her cell phone with her and the mother, being old fashion, does not own a cell phone.

As they are riding in the van to the location of the shoot, Tanya comments to Veronica that she gave an excellent explanation to Carolyn about why Eric is always smacking her and Vickie on their asses. She is grateful to Veronica and wishes she could have thought of that way of explaining his smacking them to Carolyn long ago. She hopes that Veronica's explanation will stop Eyes-and-Ears from worrying about Eric's spanking of her and Vickie.

Veronica just shrugs her shoulders and says that she was only trying to be helpful. She too hopes her explanation defuses Carolyn's questions.

It takes them only about fifteen minutes to reach David's friend's house. Much to David's surprise -- and delight -- the house is at the end of the block. Its backyard borders the lake and there is only a tall wrought iron fence separating the pool and the yard from the lake.

Beyond the gate there is just a wide expanse of levee and grass. But with the pool and lake for a background he knows he will get some excellent photographs of the women.

He also realizes why his friend was so adamant that he not turn the photo shoot into a sex orgy. The backyard shrubbery offers enough privacy for a nude photo session but not for a sex orgy. Anyone who might happen to walk by on the levee can see right into the backyard.

David reluctantly agrees to sign a paper for Vickie and Tanya promising not to publish their photos on the Internet or to sell them to any magazine. They explain to him that such could harm both Vickie's and Eric's teaching careers.

They further remind him that they are not professional models and are not getting paid for posing for him, that the only reason why they are posing for him is so that they will have some nude pictures of themselves, and that the only reason why he's shooting them is so that he can get some experience photographing naked women and to have sex with them.

David acquiesces to their request because he knows that they are telling the truth.

But Veronica is of a different opinion and does not join in their demand. In fact, she hopes he does publish the photos of her on his web site. She thus reveals another side of herself that Vickie didn't know about.

David is able to get all the poses he was expecting, some shots with just one girl, some with two girls and some with all three women. He is even able to take the girls to the shore of the lake among the bric-a-brac breakwaters to get some great nude shots of them there.

While he photographs one girl the other two girls stand as lookouts. A young couple comes by on their bicycles; they stop and watch for a few minutes. But by this time he is finished with the nude shots and he is taking some shots of them in their bathing suits.

After photographing them David asks them if they want to go to his apartment for some more shots. But his question is really a hint at a sex orgy back in his apartment. All three decline. He then asks them if they want to do a photo session with him, Lori Brandi, Yvette Yolanda and Amy Michelle in two weeks.

Tanya reminds him that they already know about the shoot. She talked to Amy on the phone yesterday and Amy promises to turn it into a giant sex party as Richard, Jack and Eric are supposed to be there, which is why they decided not to go to his apartment today. David just smiles.

Vickie and Veronica look questioningly at each other. Neither wants to have sex with the other and they are both wondering how they intend to handle it. They resolve to discuss it further and come to a solution before the day is over.

When they get back to Tanya's house the three women all go to the master bedroom to discuss Vickie's and Veronica's "problem" away from the children. They both want to go to the sex party but they don't want to have sex with each other and Veronica is hesitant to have sex with any woman.

The only answer they can come up with is for the two of them to just avoid each other at the party. As for sex in Amy's hot tub, Veronica tells Vickie that after David photographs all of them in it, she can use it as she has their grandmother's hot tub in which she and Jack frequently have sex until they are both totally worn out.

Tanya calls Amy to see if she has any better ideas about how the two sisters can come to a solution. They figure since Amy frequently has sex parties she must encounter this problem all the time.

Amy tells her that she has a seven bedroom house and that she is sure the two women won't be getting into each other's way. She is also understanding of Veronica's reluctance to have sex with another woman. Amy asks to speak with Veronica.

She tells Veronica not to worry about not wanting to have lesbian sex. She has a female friend who absolutely refuses to have sex with another woman but has no qualms about have multiple male sex partners. Amy also mentions that her friend is coming over tomorrow night.

While Donna and Richard are doing their thing in one of the bedrooms she, Elizabeth Ann and her friend's husband, Samuel, are going to be nude and relaxing and fucking in the hot tub. She does not mention that Samuel is also one of the owners of SAMS Spa.

Veronica is curious to learn whether or not Amy, Beth and Richard had a sex orgy in the back of Jack's limo but she does not want to come right out and ask Amy. So while they are talking, she mentions to Amy that her boyfriend Jack drives for a limousine service. Maybe he can borrow one of the limos to drive everyone to Amy's house.

Amy immediately remembers the incident whereby Beth left her heart shaped leather paddle in the backseat of the limo. But, thinking that Jack never told Veronica about her invitation to him to have sex with Beth the following Tuesday and not knowing how Veronica would react if she revealed it to her, Amy quickly changes the subject.

She invites Veronica, Vickie, Tanya and Eric over to join the sex party she's having tomorrow night with her friends. She also asks Veronica if she thinks Jack would like to come, suggesting that the two of them can use some of her sex toys in another bedroom.

Veronica tells her that she and Jack would be delighted to come over for an evening of sex and fun. But she cannot vouch for the others. She hands the phone to Vickie.

Amy repeats her invitation. Vickie covers the mouth piece of the phone and asks Tanya if she thinks the three of them can go. Tanya tells Vickie yes, that she can get either her mother or her mother-in-law to watch the children.

Tanya then takes the phone from Vickie and asks if it is alright if Eric's brother Paul comes too. Amy assures her that the more men that show up then the better it will be for the women.

Early Friday evening Eric, Tanya and Vickie drop the children off at Tanya's mother's house. Then they pick up Paul and go to a local seafood restaurant for dinner before heading over to Amy's house for the sex party.

After they eat while they are driving to Amy's house, Vickie calls her sister on her cell phone to determine when she and Jack are going to show up. Veronica informs her that she and Jack are almost there, that they are turning onto their street now. Vickie tells her that they will be there in another ten or fifteen minutes.

When they arrive they see Jack's car parked in the huge circular driveway. Mr. Bushings, Amy's neighbor, writes down the license plate number of Eric's car. Eric questions Amy about it but she tells Eric to ignore the old buzzard.

She tells them that Mr. Bushings is just a lonely old man with nothing better to do than to bother his neighbors. She further tells Eric not to worry about Mr. Bushings because she has a friend who works in the district attorney's office who told Mr. Bushings that if he interferes with her guests in any way, then he would put a restraining order on him.

Since then the only thing Mr. Bushings has done is to copy down the licenses plate numbers of everyone who visits her house. She didn't tell Eric that Luke is also an owner of SAMS Spa.

As Amy Michelle ushers her guests into the den she tells them that Donna and Samuel called up earlier and canceled. They did not give a reason but made plans with Amy to come over another night. Also, earlier this afternoon her friend Alexis Dawn called and asked if it was alright if she, John and their new sex slave Susan Cassandra come over for the evening.

Amy tells them that she told BlackVelvet that she was having a sex party and that the trio was more than welcome to join them. Alexis said that they would be over around eight this evening. It is almost eight now so they are expected to arrive any minute.

Amy then suggests to Eric that he and Paul put their wallets, the girl's purses and any valuables they have in the trunk of his car for safety. Since everyone will be naked there is virtually no way to keep track of the valuables. She explains to them that that is what her guests normally do when they come to one of her sex parties. Eric agrees that it is a great idea.

Once the group is in the den, Amy re-introduces Eric, Tanya Marie and Victoria Alisa to her husband Richard and her sex slave Elizabeth Ann. Paul introduces himself. Jack and Veronica Rose already having arrived were introduced earlier.

Everyone still has their clothes on except Beth. She is naked, wearing only her slippers and a chain around her waist, which has an extra 70 centimeter length dangling down her left leg. She wears it as a symbol of her sexual slavery to Richard and Amy.

After the introductions Amy turns to Beth. "Beth darling would you get my guests some wine."

"Yes Mistress." She gets up and starts to walk toward the kitchen,

"Wait a minute Beth," Amy calls to her. "Please explain to everyone why you're naked with a chain around your waist. I'm sure some of them are curious."

"Yes Ma'am." Then turning to the guests she says, "Ladies and gentlemen, the consensual rules of my sexual slavery to Master Richard and Mistress Amy requires me to be naked at all times while I'm on her property. The only time I am allowed to wear clothes is when I leave the house to go grocery shopping or to the doctor or someplace or if Mistress Amy or Master Richard takes me out somewhere."

She pauses and gives everyone a demure smile. Then, "I also get dressed for church every Sunday morning. I wear the chain . . ."

"How long have you been a sex slave, how long have you been naked?" Jack interrupts her. He is thinking back to the time he returned her paddle to her and she answered the door naked.

She too remembers the incident. "I started living in the nude when I became a sex slave Sir, a couple of months before you found my paddle in the back of your limousine. Master Richard and Mistress Amy like to see me naked."

She gives him a sexy smile and continues, "Sometimes Mistress Amy also has me wear a pair of leather wrist cuffs on a 50 centimeter chain or a pair of ankle manacles with a 60 centimeter chain along with this chain around my waist. My Mistress sometimes has me wear these chains in order to remind me of my status as her and Master Richard's sex slave."

"That was what . . . about a year and a half, two years ago, wasn't it?" he asks her. "You've been naked all this time and wearing those chains all this time?"

Beth shrugs her shoulders. "I don't keep track of the time Sir. Besides, I don't wear them all the time, only when my Mistress allows me to do so. I just want to serve my Master and my Mistress. This evening Mistress Amy gave me permission to wear this chain around my waist. It is my joy to do so."

She pauses and then says, "I also love to go naked Sir and I love wearing my chains. In fact, I feel naked without them. Master Richard and Mistress Amy graciously allow me to live here where I can fulfill my desire. In return, I give myself to them for their pleasure."

"Don't you ever want to go out, to go to the movies or something?" Jack continues to question her.

"We often go out to eat or to the movies or shopping together Sir." Beth smiles as she thinks of the many times Amy has taken her to the show and masturbated her while the movie is playing across the screen.

"Other than that Sir, I have no desire to go anywhere. My only desire is to serve the wishes of Mistress Amy and Master Richard. Besides, after I finish my domestic chores I visit the world with my computer through the Internet."

"What about your future? How do you intend to support yourself when you get old and grey?"

"Master Richard deposits a small sum of money each month in a special account that he set up for me. It's mine whenever I want it."

"She also loves to fuck," Amy adds. "And Richard or I or sometimes both of us fuck her almost every night. We also have some friends who frequently come over here and fuck her during the week and on weekends."

Beth blushes and bows her head slightly. Then she turns around to go get the wine. As she is leaving the front doorbell rings.

"Excuse me Amy says. That must be Alexis and her friends."

"Unless it's Mr. Bushings complaining that we don't invite him to our sex parties," Richard jokes. Amy gives him a sour look.

As Amy opens the door to let in Alexis, John and Susan, Alexis complains about Mr. Bushings copying down her license plate number. She asks Amy when she is going to do something about the nosy old busybody.

Amy tells her not to worry about him as their friend Luke is on top of the situation. As a co-owner of SAMS, he's not about to let someone interfere with her sex parties -- many of which he attends.

Amy introduces them to everyone. She then tells Beth to get the three of them some wine.

When Beth returns, Amy suggests that everyone pair off with someone other than their normal sex partner in order to make the party more exciting. She informs them that there are plenty of condoms in the nightstands next to each of the beds.

She further points out that they can find several different types of triple X-rated movies in the movie rack in the den and that all the bedrooms have DVD players attached to the televisions.

Also, all of the bedrooms have spanking paddles of some type or another but not all the bedrooms have dildos or vibrators. If anyone wants to use a dildo or a vibrator, then they will have to search for them.