Seducing Jennifer Pt. 06

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Jennifer's mom takes Jack to lake house for sexy weekend
3.1k words

Part 6 of the 30 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 04/24/2014
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Out of the shower we dried each other off with fluffy towels. Mrs. C. spent some time brushing my long black hair. I in turn was fascinated with her pale blonde locks. Then before we got dressed Mrs. C. stood behind me at the toilet and held my cock while I drained my bursting bladder. "I always wondered what it would feel like to do that," she giggled happily. We crept back out into the living room to retrieve our clothes. I could not resist fondling each of her most irresistible parts before they were once again covered by clothing.

At the door she stood on tiptoe to kiss me goodnight. "I wish you could stay," she sighed, tracing the line of my shirt-buttons with her forefinger. "But I'm afraid things are going to be a bit awkward with Jennifer until she gets her jealousy under control. She'll get over it, don't worry."

I had my doubts about that, but guiltily realized that pacifying Jennifer was no longer my primary concern. "When can I see you again?" I rasped, holding her tightly against me.

"I think you better not come over again this week," she said. "But keep the weekend free. I'll try to arrange something...just for the two of us, OK?"

My head was spinning as she gently pushed me out the door and closed it after me. I walked through darkened city streets towards my parents' home, my feet barely touching the ground. I had actually done it! I had fucked a beautiful mature white woman, and satisfied her. And I had pumped my hot load directly into her tight pussy. Twice. I couldn't wait to do it again. Guilt washed over me when I thought of Jennifer's tear-stained face, contorted with horror as she watched me jetting my thick load over her mother's belly and breasts, my bronze body straining against her pale whiteness.

So I tried not to think about it. It's been said that a hard dick has no conscience. Somebody had figured that right.

The rest of the week dragged by. I was in torment. Jennifer avoided me like the plague. She did not wait for me after school, and I missed walking her home. I wasn't even sure she went to school, because I never saw her. I wondered if I would ever see either Jennifer or her mother again. I ached all over, like I had the flu, and when Friday came around I was in agony. I had not jerked off all week, even though dreams of Mrs. C's firm, compact little body filled my nights. I had told my parents that I would be spending the weekend at a friend's house, so I was covered if...Oh, who was I fooling? I hadn't heard anything from her since that fateful evening, and I suspected that she had regretted what we did and didn't want to repeat it. Or maybe her agenda had been merely to break Jennifer and me up. I wondered if I would ever have sex again. Maybe I should consider the priesthood. Or a monastery. Or just a long walk on a short pier.

After school on Friday I morosely started dragging myself toward home after waiting forlornly outside the school gates for half an hour, enduring abuse from other departing seniors. As the school's only native-American student, I regularly heard all the tired old racial slurs from the white crowd, and the black one too, for that matter. They thought it was the height of humor, and I mostly ignored it, although when one of the jocks shouted, "Whachoo waiting for, Chief? Is there a rain dance scheduled for tonight?" I raised my fist over my head and extended my middle finger. Fuck them. If they wanted to make an issue of it I was ready to take them all on.

It was truly over with Jennifer and her mother too. I had begun to wonder if I had just imagined the whole thing. Maybe I was insane. It was all too surreal to be true. I wanted to die. Just as tears of despair started to sting my eyes, a small car swerved to the kerb in front of me. "Get in quick, Jacky!" Mrs. C. hissed. "And keep your head down until we get out of town. We're on our way to a dirty weekend!"

I stumbled into the passenger seat of the car and laid my head on her lap. She was still wearing her work clothes; a white blouse and short black skirt. She had unpinned her normally severely coiffed hair and her lovely blonde locks cascaded over her shoulders. "Sorry I'm late, Sweetie. The little pervert decided he wanted me to take dictation at the last minute. Emphasis on the 'dick,' naturally. But forget that. I got us the company lake house for the weekend!" She combed her slender fingers through my wind-tangled hair and I catapulted out of despair straight into heaven.

Shyly I put one hand on her knee, and when she didn't object, stroked her slender thigh under her skirt. I worked my way up toward her pussy. I was somewhat disappointed to find that she was wearing pantyhose, but when my fingers sought out her hot spot she moaned and parted her legs further to allow me easier access. "So have you thought about what we might do to pass the time this weekend?" she asked. "We have two nights and all day tomorrow...whatever will we do to occupy ourselves?"

"We could make love," I said, blushing. I was still having trouble believing that I had actually had my cock in this gorgeous white woman's hot pussy only a few days ago.

"We could," she said, "but that doesn't seem to take long. So what else could we do?"

"I just want to hold you in my arms all night long," I mumbled. I had pushed her skirt up and was nuzzling her crotch, which was rapidly dampening.

"Well, I've prepared a few surprises just in case you get bored with that," she said. "But for now, what you're doing is quite distracting and I am having trouble keeping this car on the road. I think you better sit up now."

I sat up, but kept one hand on her thigh even though she held her legs tight together to keep my hand away from her pussy. "So tell me the truth, Jacky," she said. "Did you think about me when you jerked off this week?"

"I didn't!" I protested. "Not even once. But I dreamed about what we did...every night."

"So I guess you have a super-big load saved up for me, huh," she said dryly. "I'm sorry to have to say that you're not going to be able to fill up my pussy with it. Wrong time of the month. And the pills are not yet effective, so whatever will we do about that?"

"It's OK," I said, my heart sinking like a lead slug into my stomach. "I just want to be with you. Even if we can't...."

She reached over and caressed my raging boner through my pants. "Just teasing, Jackie. Even if my pussy is off-limits, you should know by now that there are other ways we can satisfy each other. So why don't we start with you telling me how you imagined this weekend would go?"

"Well, uh, I wasn't even sure this was going to happen, so..."

"Well, it's happening, and I know you haven't been thinking about much of anything else, so tell me what you were hoping for."

"I guess I was hoping that we would," I gulped, "lock ourselves in a room somewhere and start kissing...and then we would undress each other and get in bed and...DO it."

She sighed. "Shows lack of imagination, Jack dear. Maybe that's what we would do if we were in a hurry. But we're not." She squeezed my dick. "Oh, I know YOU are. And you'll get what you want eventually. But here's the way I imagined it. First thing, we'll do a little review and mid-term exam. For that, I'm not going to be the teacher any more, OK? You'll take the lead and I'll just be your little virgin teenage girlfriend. And we'll see what you've learned about control and responsibility. You'll have to seduce me, and --" she winked at me and squeezed my hard cock again, "I'm not going to make it easy for you."

"OK," I said, intrigued. "When do we start?"

In reply she swerved the car off the road into a shaded picnic area. She shut off the engine and leaned over to nestle her head on my shoulder. "We're in love and we want each other desperately," she whispered into my ear. "We've messed around a little but not much, and I'm scared of going all the way. But I know there are other girls who will, and I don't want to lose you..."

I turned my head and kissed her until she timidly opened her lips and invited my tongue into her mouth. I groaned when our tongues touched, and put my hand on her breast. She gently removed it. "Not here, Jacky. Someone might see. I don't want to get a slutty reputation. We'll have some privacy when we get to Daddy's lake house, so why don't you get this car back on the road so we can be alone?" She pushed away from me, got out of the car, and walked around to the passenger side. I moved over to the driver's side as she got into the passenger seat, fastened her safety belt, and primly crossed her long slender legs. I fumbled with the keys, got the engine started, and nervously pulled out onto the single-lane road, fully aware that I did not have a driver's license and wondering what would happen if a cop came along.

I drove in silence for a few minutes, then reached for her knee. She slapped my hand. "Keep your mind on the road, Jacky," she smiled. "I'll tell you where to turn off." She started fiddling with the radio, finding a romantic oldies station, and humming along with the music.

We drove on for what seemed like an eternity, and I longed to take her firm body in my arms, but she wouldn't even let me hold her hand. "Mrs. C.," I said, "are you sure you know where this place is?"

"Yes, I'm sure, Jacky, and if this is going to work I think you had better start calling me 'Anna.'" She giggled girlishly and patted my thigh.

"Anna," I said, savoring the word on my tongue. "I love you, Anna."

"And I love you, Jacky," she murmured. My heart leapt in my chest. This was really going to happen!

At length she directed me to turn off onto a nearly invisible unpaved lane and we proceeded another few miles over the bumpy road through thick forest until a clearing suddenly opened up to reveal a large log house with soaring gables perched on a bluff overlooking the lake. It was beautiful and peaceful, but I had eyes only for Anna as we pulled up by the front door. I shut off the engine and jumped out, ran around to the passenger side, and helped her out. She came naturally into my arms and lifted her face to be kissed. The kiss deepened, but then her small hands were fluttering against my chest. "Let's go inside and explore, Jacky. We have to pick out our, uh," she blushed, "bedroom. We should probably sleep in separate rooms. But I get scared, alone at night out here in the big woods..."

I took her hand and led her to the massive front doors, which she unlocked with a key from her purse. The doors creaked open and I started inside, awestruck by the cavernous front room capped by an open-beam ceiling twenty feet or more above. Then I noticed that she was still waiting expectantly out on the porch. "Aren't you going to carry me across the threshold?" she asked, blushing again. "Make me feel like a bride, Jacky."

When I lifted her into my arms she felt so fragile and defenseless a tear came to my eye. "I'm afraid, Jacky," she whispered. "No matter what happens, you'll still love me, right?"

"I'll always love you, Anna," I said, stepping over the threshold. "Always and forever." I carried her to a massive leather couch and gently set her down, then knelt in front of her, holding her hands in mine. She leaned forward and kissed me. I eyed the wide couch. "This thing is big enough to sleep on," I remarked. "Maybe we should take a nap right here."

"Maybe we should save that for later," Anna said briskly, rising to her feet. I put my arms around her waist and nuzzled at her crotch. "Oh, stop, Jacky!" she giggled breathlessly. "You have such a one-track mind. Let's look around first. I want to give you the grand tour."

The grand tour I wanted most started and ended with her delicious alabaster body, but I followed her from room to room, holding her sweaty little hand in mine. The downstairs was mostly one big room, with a well-equipped kitchen at one end and a huge fireplace at the other. Upstairs there were four large bedrooms. The master bedroom featured an enormous four-poster bed and a Jacuzzi tub on the balcony overlooking the lake. I opened the sliding glass doors out onto the balcony and gazed out at the lake. "This is amazing," I exclaimed. Anna nestled against me, putting her arm around my waist. I turned toward her and kissed her. "But not as amazing as you."

When I started to unbutton her blouse, marveling at the whiteness of her skin, she pushed me away. "I really need a shower," she said. "Why don't you go get my overnight bag out of the car while I freshen up?"

"Why don't we freshen up together?" I retorted, trying to pull her back into my arms. My balls were already aching with desire.

"Don't rush me, Jacky. Give me time to relax, OK?"

I sighed and kissed her again, then sent her into the bathroom with a pat on the bottom and trotted back to the car to retrieve her overnight bag. When I got back to the room I saw her clothes in a pile outside the bathroom door, which was slightly ajar. I heard the sound of the shower, and steam curled out around the door. I dropped the bag and picked up her white cotton panties off the floor and held them to my nose, breathing in the scent of her pussy. So intoxicating. I peeped through the crack in the door, hoping to catch a glimpse of her naked body but the room was filled with steam and the glass shower enclosure completely obscured with condensation. I should just slip into the shower with her, and maybe one thing would lead to another... I was fumbling with my clothes when the shower stopped and a slender arm reached out through the partially open doorway, snatched the overnight bag, and withdrew. Immediately the door slammed shut and I heard the click of the lock.

"I'll be a few minutes," she chirped from behind the locked door. "Why don't you shower in one of the other bathrooms while you wait?"

I groaned in frustration. This was not going at all well. I realized that Mrs. C. intended to remain fully in character and if I wanted to get into her pants I was going to have to take charge. Or wait until this particular game was over. Maybe she wanted me to wait, showing how patient I could be. Or maybe she wanted me to just throw her down on the bed and fuck her. I peeled off my sweaty clothes and dropped them on top of her discarded skirt and blouse. I had trouble getting my underwear off because of my stubborn erection, and when I was naked I sat on the end of the bed and held her panties to my nose once again, inhaling deeply. I wrapped her panties around my cock and stroked up and down a few times, bringing up the vivid memory of us on the couch in her living room, with her above me, sliding up and down on my rigid pole. I could clearly see the way her little pussy was stretched around my rod, riding up and down it like an elevator. I could almost hear her moans of pleasure when I bottomed out in her tight sheath...the long moments when I was on the brink of coming...I stroked faster, breathing heavily. I knew I would come soon if I didn't stop. I should stop.

I heard the sound of a blow-drier in the bathroom. Damn! She was actually going to waste more time drying her hair? Then what? My vague hope that she would soon emerge damp and naked from the bathroom evaporated. It looked like I would have to be patient, but that was going to be impossible with this load of come boiling in my balls. Perhaps I could just relieve the pressure enough to make it through the next few hours...I licked the crotch of her panties, garnering a small taste of her, then held them over the end of my cock while I stroked energetically with the other hand. And found that I could not come.

I pumped faster, trembling with frustration, trying to recapture the feeling of Anna's hot, wet pussy grasping my cock. It wasn't working...I was close, but not quite there. I clenched my eyes tight and whispered, "I love you Anna, and I want to come in your pussy...I'm going to come inside you, lover...I'm coming inside you right now..." The come rose slowly in my shaft as I continued to fist it desperately, concentrating on pretending I was about to shoot my hot load into Anna's grasping pussy, and at last I was rewarded with a watery spurt of pre-come which I directed into the crotch of Anna's panties.

"Oh my GOD what are you DOING?" Anna screamed. Startled, I stopped in mid-stroke and opened my eyes to see Anna framed in the bathroom doorway, fully clad in a sexy little summer frock. A second shot of sticky come leapt from my cock and landed on her panties. Her eyes widened further when she exclaimed, "And are those my UNDERPANTS? Oh God that is SO disgusting!" She retreated into the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it again. "I want to go HOME!" she wailed from behind the door. "I want to go home RIGHT NOW!"

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