Star Trek: Lineage Ch. 01


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She pressed a button on the access panel, and a drawer slid out from beneath the locker. It contained a phaser pistol, holster, and spare batteries. Sahar attached the holster to her belt and picked up the pistol, examining it. She pulled the battery from the grip of the weapon, ensuring it was undamaged and charged. Sahar slid it back into it the base of the pistol, clicking it in to place. Next, she flipped a switch at the back, and the weapon came to life. Sahar checked the display on the side, ensuring it was functioning properly. She turned a dial, cycling the phaser through all of its settings, leaving it on the weakest. She flipped the safety switch, disarming the weapon, and slid it into the holster. From her other uniform, she retrieved her communicator. Sahar grabbed her helmet and closed the locker.

It's a little tight, Sahar thought, adjusting her jacket. She placed on boot on the bench and tucked the cuffs of her pants into the boots. As she was looking down, another pair of boots silently entered her field of view. Sahar looked up to see a tall woman in full armor, her helmet resting under her right arm. Sahar was immediately struck by the woman's near total lack of hair. With the exception of small eyebrows, she seemed to be to completely hairless. A Deltan, Sahar realized.

"Senior Chief Petty Officer Zula reporting, sir," she said, standing at attention.

"At ease. Ensign Sahar Tehrani. Good to meet you, Chief Zula" Sahar extended her hand.

"Thank you, sir." Over Zula's shoulder, she saw two men approaching.

"Crewman Black and CPO Sedaris, reporting."

"At ease. Since that's all of us, let's get going," Sahar said. They exited the Armory and entered the turbolift. "Deck 15," she said. The turbolift began to move, and she turned to face the others. "We have one of the most important areas on the ship: the Main Torpedo Bay and Upper Launchers. Black, Sedaris, I'm putting you two there. I want one each at the entrance to the launchers. We will patrol the rest of the area, and will relieve you after two hours. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," Black and Sedaris said as the door opened.

"Go to it," Sahar said. The men nodded and left the turbolift, putting their helmets on. Sahar and Zula followed, stopping just outside the turbolift while Black and Sedaris continued to their posts. "Shall we?" she asked, pulling her helmet on.

"Aye, sir," Zula said, already having put her helmet on, "Although..."

"What?" Sahar asked.

"Well, we aren't actually on duty until after we launch. We could go down to the Aft Crew Lounge to watch." Sahar thought for a moment.

"Alright. Let's go."


Deck 15, Aft Crew Lounge, 0755 hours

The lounge, located on the aft-most section of the ship, consisted of a bar, a handful of tables, and a large window taking up one wall. It looked aft, providing an unobstructed view of Mars. Around a dozen crewmen had gathered to watch the ship depart.

"All hands, this is Captain Lowe," said a voice over the intercom. "Stand by to decouple from space dock. Control, Athena requesting permission to depart."

"Granted. Decoupling docking arm. Good luck, Athena."

"Here we go," Zula whispered to herself. The ship shuddered, and then was still.

"Helm, take us out. Thrusters only." There was a gentle rumble, and the ship began to slip out of the dock. A hush fell over the lounge as the ship slid out of the dock.

"Captain, we are clear of space dock." A cheer came from the men and women in the lounge.

"Helm, one half impulse. Take us clear of the yard."

"Aye, sir." The rumble faded, and was replaced by a low hum. The lounge was again silent, and Sahar jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned, finding herself face to face with tall, thin woman, and Sahar's hand started to go to her phaser.

"Sorry," said the woman. "I didn't mean to startle you," she smiled warmly. While her expression was reassuring, her hand remained on Sahar's shoulder. But instead of unnerving her, Sahar found it comforting. Her body relaxed and she looked at the woman. She was a bit taller than Sahar, with tanned skin and platinum blonde, almost silver, hair. Her face was round and her brown eyes soft. She looked human except for a small mark in the middle of her forehead.

"It's okay. I'm just a little nervous," Sahar said.

"Oh, why is that?"

"This is my first assignment. I've never left the system."

"Well, don't be nervous. This is a new experience. You should be open to it," the woman said. Her voice was warm and sincere, and it comforted Sahar.

"I am. I just don't know what to expect, and I want to do my job well," Sahar said. "Most of my family was in Starfleet at one time or another. I want to live up to their expectations." Sahar was not entirely sure why she was saying this to a stranger, but those eyes were so full of compassion, and she felt totally at ease.

"Performance anxiety, huh?" the woman laughed softly. "Don't worry. These people, everyone around you, are your friends. You can trust them. They won't hurt you," she smiled at Sahar. She began to feel warm under her armor. Then Sahar noticed that the woman was wearing a civilian jacket and skirt instead of a uniform.

"Why aren't you in uniform?" she asked.

"Oh, I'm not with Starfleet. I'm a passenger. I'm on my way to Betazed for a conference."

"What kind of conference?"

"It's a Psychology symposium. It's on new therapy methods for individuals suffering from emotional or psychological trauma."

"Why are you traveling with us? Isn't there another, more comfortable way to get to Betazed?"

"I'm in a hurry. I had to delay my departure because of a technical problem at our clinic."

"Captain, we are clear of the yard," said a voice on the intercom.

"Very well. Take us out of the system, warp 2."

"Warp 2, aye." From all around them, a loud hum built and faded quickly. Mars fell away and stars seemed to streak by. "Warp 2 achieved, sir."

"Very well. Crew of the Athena, we are under way." The room filled with the sound of clapping and cheering. Everyone was caught up in the excitement, except for Sahar and the woman in front of her.

"Welcome to Starfleet," she said as she hugged Sahar. Sahar was surprised, but quickly relaxed and embraced the woman. After a moment, the blonde pulled away. "Well, you should get back to your duty, Ensign... uh, what was your name?"

"Sahar. Sahar Tehrani."

"I'm Leena. Pleased to meet you."

"Me too, Leena." Sahar started to leave, but Leena gently grasped her arm.

"Hey, when you get off duty, you should come by and have a drink with me," she said.

"Sure. See you then."

"Bye." As Sahar stepped out of the room, she noticed a smile on Zula's face. "What?"

"I'll tell you later," she said, still smiling.


Deck 14, 0900 hours

Sahar stepped out of a storage room on deck 14. "What's in that one, sir?"

"All of the socks in the Alpha quadrant," Sahar said. Zula smiled. "We'll check out the Exobiology Lab next," Sahar pointed down the corridor.

"Aye, sir." They walked down the corridor and Sahar reached for the door, but Zula stopped her. "Sir, before you go in there, you should know something."

"What's that, Chief?"

"Well, sir, these people, Exobiologists, they tend to be a little... off."

"How so?" Sahar asked.

"They can be a bit... enthusiastic. And they have a kind of dark sense of humor. Just be ready for anything when you step through that door."

"Understood. Thanks, Chief," Sahar said. She pressed the control panel and the door opened. Sahar was completely unprepared for what was on the other side. In front of her was Casana who was staring with rapt attention at a specimen container she was holding. The jar appeared to contain an unusually large shrimp. "Casana?" Sahar said in surprise.

Casana looked up in surprise. A look of excitement spread across her face. "Sahar!" she cried. Casana put the container on the table she was standing next to and threw her arms around Sahar. "I am so glad you're here! Take a look at this! It's a new species of crustacean from a system outside of Federation space. I call him Tom. Dr. Collins received it from a friend on the Copernicus. He got it from a Cardassian trader. According to the trader, it's a common food in its home system. They're supposed to be delicious," Casana said excitedly. "Wait, why are you here, Sahar?"

"I'm on duty. I was assigned to decks 14 and 15." Casana's eyes lit up as she heard this.

"Really? That's great! I'm kinda busy right now, but I can show you the lab later. Who's your friend?"

"This is Senior Chief Petty Officer Zula. She's on my security team. Chief, this is Ensign Casana Olan. We're quartered together." The shook hands, and Sahar turned to Casana. "What are you doing?" she asked before she realized what would happen when she did.

"I'm so glad you asked! Dr. Collins wanted me to take a tissue sample and run some tests. Genetic sequence, blood chemistry, neurotransmitter profile, that sort of thing. Well, I went to take the sample, but when I opened the incision in the carapace, I saw eggs. She's pregnant!" Casana grinned.

"Wait, it's a she?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Then why did you name it Tom?"

"It's my mother's name. It's short for Tomizia," Casana said with a confused expression on her face. "Anyway, I told Dr. Collins, and he asked me to set up a tank for Tom to lay her eggs in. So I was just doing an electrolytic analysis of the water in its tank to get an idea of the kind of chemical environment it would do best in."

"Casana, isn't this your first day?" Sahar asked.

"Yeah, so?"

"And Dr. Collins is having you set up a breeding tank for the only known specimen in Federation space of a new species?"


"Why? I mean, why you? Isn't there someone more... qualified?"

"Oh, I have Premier Distinctions in Exobiology, Organic Chemistry, and Military Sciences from the Trill Science Ministry," Casana said casually.

"Wait, you have three doctorates? How old are you?" Zula asked.

"24." Casana said. Zula smiled knowingly.

"When did you join?"

"What?" Casana was clearly taken by surprise. Sahar saw that she was clearly nervous, and Casana began to blush heavily. Casana's embarrassed?

"When did you apply to the Academy?" Zula smiled.

"Oh, umm, I, three years ago," Casana stuttered.

"Hmm," Zula said, still smiling. Then, turning to Sahar, "We should get back to our patrol, sir."

"Right. Okay, Chief, let's go. See you later, Casana," Sahar said, looking back and forth between Zula and Casana.

"Yeah, see ya," Casana did not take her eyes of Zula. "Good to meet you, Chief Zula," Casana said, speaking much more formally than Sahar expected.

"You too, sir," Zula said as her smile continued to grow. They turned to leave, but on her way out, Zula looked back at Casana. "Hey, Casana."


"I'm sure you will impress your... supervisor," Zula said, emphasizing the last word. She was still smiling, but it had become more reassuring and less devious. Casana smiled back warmly.

"Thanks," she said. Sahar and Zula left and returned to their patrol. As soon as the door closed, Sahar turned to Zula.

"What was that all about?"

"What do you mean, sir?" Zula asked innocently.

"Oh, no. Something just happened between you two, and I want to know what it is."

"I don't know what you are talking about, sir."

"Casana's my bunkmate. Until a moment ago, I was pretty sure she was physically incapable of not sharing every thought she has with everyone she comes across. But back there, I saw her flustered and embarrassed. And about what? The date she applied for Starfleet Academy? No. Something else got to her, and you know damn well what it was. So spill, Chief." Zula stared at her for several minutes. Finally, she spoke.

"In my 30 years in Starfleet, I have met hundreds of intelligent species. But the Trill are, by far, the most interesting to me. They are very open, confident, and outgoing. But they also keep a big secret."

"What is it?"

"Oh, I couldn't tell you. I only found out by accident. I can, however, tell you this: Keep that girl close. She is special, and if I'm right about her, she is going to become VERY special. When she does, you are going to see a whole new person, and that person will be one of the most valuable friends you could possibly have."

"How do you know so much about the Trill?"

"Because Curzon sometimes talks in his sleep," Zula snickered.


Deck 14, 1200 hours

Three hours later, the excitement of leaving space dock had been replaced by the mind-crushing boredom of guarding a door for two hours. Sahar was still thinking about Leena. Out of everyone she had met, Leena seemed to be the only one who was relaxed. The experienced crew members were anxious to get under way, and the greener ones were nervous. Well, not Suvak. But Vulcans don't count, Sahar thought to herself. She wondered what her friend was doing. Sahar had never actually asked Suvak what her job was, and it made her curious.

"Sir, I am ready to relieve you," Sedaris said as he came around a corner.

"Very well, Chief Petty Officer. Report."

Sedaris chuckled. "We took a look around. Got to know the layout of the area. We noticed some small equipment issues in one of the storage rooms and reported it to Engineering. Also took a peek inside the Exobiology Lab."


"Well, sir, I think one of the techs, Ensign Olan, I think she likes Crewman Black. They are going to meet later in Forward Observation after their shifts end," he said.

"Lovely," Sahar sighed. At least Casana has someone to focus her energy on. Poor bastard. "Carry on, Sedaris," Sahar said as she saw Zula approaching.

"Aye, sir."

"Ready, Chief?" Sahar asked Zula.

"Yes, sir."

"Let's go then." As soon as Sedaris was out of earshot, Sahar looked at Zula and asked "You hear about Black's date?"

"Yes. He was very excited. Poor kid is in over his head," she smiled.

"Casana is going to talk him into the ground," Sahar said.

"Wasn't the verb I would have used, sir."

Sahar stopped. "What does that mean, Chief?"

"Trill tend to be sexually... confident." Zula was clearly choosing her words carefully.

"Aggressive?" Sahar asked.

"Not really. Just... in control. If he is expecting a simple conquest, he is in for a surprise," she said. "They can be slow to enter a relationship, but when they do, it's intense and passionate."

"You speaking from personal experience?" Sahar asked as they continued their patrol.


"That was easy," Sahar marveled. "Usually, humans are kind of evasive when asked that question."

"Sexuality is a very important part of Deltan society. Every social interaction has at least a minor sexual component."


"Yes. And we aren't the only such culture. You'll see," Zula smiled.

"Huh?" Sahar was confused again.

"Leena. She's Risian."

"I don't think that's what she has in mind," Sahar said.

"Oh, it most definitely is. My advice is to go along with it."


"Risians are not just sexually open, they are very skilled. Just make sure you ask about jamaharon."

"What's-" Sahar was interrupted by the intercom.

"Security to deck 14 Exobiology Lab!" It was Casana's voice, and she sounded desperate.

"Security team responding to deck 14 Exobiology Lab," she said into her communicator. They ran to the turbolift, slipping through the door as it was still opening. "Deck 14, Exobiology Lab." The trip took a few seconds, and when the door opened they ran towards the lab. They stopped just outside the door and Sahar looked over her shoulder at Zula. "Ready, Chief?"

"Yes, sir." Her hand on her phaser, Sahar stepped in front of the door. As it opened, something shot out of it directly at her face, just missing her.

"What the hell?" she yelled, swatting at the object. It avoided her arm, went past her head, and down the corridor. Before Sahar could turn to follow it, someone ran into her and she was knocked to the ground. She looked up to see Casana lying next to her. "Casana, what the hell is going on?"

"It got loose! I thought I had it sedated and dropped the containment field, but it flew away," she cried, getting to her feet.

"What is it?" Sahar asked as she stood.

"A fruit bat," Casana said as she ran off down the corridor after the bat.

"Great," Sahar said, looking at Zula.


Deck 19, Armory, 1600 hours

Sahar sat down on the bench in the armory. She was totally exhausted, but at least she was in her normal uniform. Catching Casana's bat had taken more than an hour. Sahar, Casana, and Zula chased it through deck 14 and into one of the storage rooms. Eventually, the bat was too tired to fly and collapsed on the deck. It was now back in the Exobiology Lab. Zula sat down next to her, having changed into her standard uniform.

"I kinda enjoyed that," she said happily.

"What, the bat thing? That was a nightmare," Sahar sighed.

"I thought humans loved animals."

"Some animals. Dogs, cats, the occasional bird. Bats, not so much."

"So, you like animals with fur, or animals that fly, but not both?" Zula laughed.

Sahar just laughed along with her. As they continued talking, Lt. Tokada approached. When they noticed him, both Sahar and Zula stood at attention. "At ease," the lieutenant said. "Ensign Tehrani, report."

"I deployed my team in two pairs, sir. One remained at the torpedo launchers while the other patrolled our area of responsibility. The pairs exchanged duties every two hours, with Chief Zula and me taking the first patrol."

"Any incidents?" he asked. Zula snickered.

"On their first patrol, CPO Sedaris and Crewman Black noticed some technical issues in one of the storage rooms on deck 14, sir."

"Anything else?" Tokada asked.

"Well, sir, at approximately 1200 hours, we responded to a request for Security from the Exobiology Lab on deck 14."

"Why did you not report this, Ensign?"

"It was a... well, sir, it was a bat."

"A bat?" Tokada said, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, sir. It had escaped from containment in the Exobiology Lab. As we entered, it flew past us into the hallway."


"We assisted Ensign Olan in capturing the animal, and returned to patrol. There were no further incidents, sir." Sahar finished. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Zula trying to suppress a smile.

"And how long did that take?"

"About an hour, sir."

"You spent an hour chasing a bat?" Tokada said, somewhat annoyed. Zula started to chuckle, struggling to maintain her composure.

"Yes, sir."

"What took so long?"

"It was extremely agile, sir. Much too fast to catch by hand."

"Then how did you catch it, Ensign?" Tokada asked her.

"We... pursued it into a storage room, sir. It was small enough that we were able to keep the bat from landing to rest. Eventually, it was too exhausted to fly, sir. When it collapsed, Ensign Olan recovered it and returned it to the Exobiology Lab."

"We ran that bastard into the ground, sir," Zula said, barely managing to get the words out.

"You just chased it until it gave up?"

"Yes, sir," Sahar said, looking at her feet.

"Why didn't you just shoot it?" Tokada said, clearly upset now. Zula was unable to contain herself any longer and began laughing hysterically.

"Sir, phasers are too powerful to stun the animal without killing it. A blast that weak would have almost no effect on a human-size target, so it was not designed to deliver one," Sahar said.

"Set phasers to 'Tickle'!" Zula said as she collapsed on the bench, holding her side.

"So?" Tokada said.

"Sir, I felt it was important to ensure the safety of the specimen."

"And you spent an hour trying to secure it, instead?" Tokada nearly yelled, ignoring Zula.