Starlight Express

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Did I ever tell you that I was in the musical 'Starlight Express'? Well, it wasn't exactly the Broadway version. We were more off-Broadway. A long way off, actually - we were a travelling company. Although we did play some of the major cities.

What? You've never heard of Starlight Express? Ok, I'll educate you. Starlight Express the musical is the story of life - about loving, competing, winning and losing - as told by characters who were personified as trains. An odd concept, yes, but it worked. We almost always played to packed houses.

My character was Boxcar no2, known as 'Rocky 2'. You don't get it? Well, the lines went like this:

'I'm Rocky the BOXcar, there's lots like me.'

'I'm Rocky 2.'

'I'm Rocky 3.'

It's a pun, of course, based on the number of 'Rocky' movies that were around at the time. Now do you get it?

Even though my part was small, it was a fun show, with a great cast, and I enjoyed my time on the stage very much.

There were, of course, several pretty girls in the cast. The prettiest was Ingrid, who played Pearl, a 'brand new' Pullman car. Ingrid was German, with long blonde hair. She had a slight accent when she spoke, but she was a beautiful singer. There was no trace of any accent when she sang. I never did figure out how she did that.

Sadly my part didn't require me to dance with Ingrid, but I spoke to her offstage whenever I could. She was always polite, and graced me with nice smiles. I had noticed that she didn't hang out with the other lead players very much, mostly keeping to herself. I guessed that she was a little shy.

The show itself had one very unusual feature. Real trains run on wheels, right? Since we were supposed to be trains, we all performed on roller skates.

One afternoon, at curtain minus five minutes, the cast started to take their positions on stage for the opening. My part didn't start until about fifteen minutes from the curtain going up, but I was always ready offstage right from the start. Then Ingrid came rushing up the stairs to the stage. In her haste, she slipped and rammed one of her skates against the wall.

Ingrid picked herself up and checked her skates. "Oh no!" she cried. "One of the wheels is damaged."

Quick as a flash, I unclipped the front wheelset from one of my skates. "Here, Ingrid," I said. "Use this."

"But what will you do?" she asked.

"I'm not on for a few minutes," I said. "I can go down and get another set of wheels. Besides, nobody would miss me if I wasn't on stage, but they sure would miss you."

Ingrid smiled. She leaned against the wall and bent her leg up. "Will you fit it for me?" she asked.

"Of course," I said. I took hold of her leg with one hand, and quickly replaced the wheelset. I noticed how nice her leg felt in my hand. "There you go," I said when finished.

"Oh thank you so much, Steve," she said, giving me a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Glad I could help," I said. So Ingrid knows my name, I thought. That's a surprise. A nice surprise.

I was able to replace the wheelset of my skates in time, and the show went off smoothly.

After the show, I was changing out of my costume when Ingrid came into the dressing room. She was still wearing her costume, which included a very sexy short skirt. "There you are, Steve," she said. "I wanted to thank you again for what you did. You really saved me."

"Don't forget the part where I saved the show," I said, smiling. "It wouldn't have been much of a show without our prettiest carriage."

Ingrid smiled, and even blushed a little. Then she walked over to me, stood on tiptoe, and kissed me. It was a sweet kiss, but it held the promise of more.

"If you really want to thank me, will you join me in a cup of coffee?" I said. "There's a café just around the corner."

"That would be nice," she said. "I'll go and change. Call for me in about fifteen minutes."

I changed into street clothes, and fifteen minutes later I knocked on the door of Ingrid's dressing room. She opened the door and smiled at me. Even in casual clothes she looked stunning. "Wow!" I said. "You look great."

"Thank you," she said, taking my hand.

Over coffee we talked, telling each of our life's stories. Ingrid was 25, I discovered, just three years younger than me. She had been in a couple of stage shows, but this was her first major part. I really enjoyed her company. The cup of coffee turned into a second, and then a third. After the third cup arrived, I reached across the table and took her hand. She squeezed my hand in response, giving me another of her dazzling smiles.

Suddenly I noticed the time on a wall clock. "Ingrid, we have to get back!" I said. "The next show starts in 45 minutes!"

I paid the bill and we rushed back to the theatre. When we reached Ingrid's dressing room, she opened the door and led me inside. Closing the door, she threw herself against me, kissing me deeply. I was caught a little off guard, but I quickly responded.

"I had a wonderful time with you today, Steve," she said. "Can we do it again soon?"

"Very soon," I said, kissing her again.

Ingrid and I dated often, and soon our friendship became a relationship. She was a wonderful lover, sweet and a little shy, with a tight pussy that felt like liquid velvet to my cock.

Eventually the show ended, and we cast members went our separate ways. I went back to my home town in the Midwest, and found a real job. Ingrid was offered a part in Starlight Express in Germany, which she eagerly accepted. I understood that she was a bit homesick, and she wanted to see her family. Sadly, I never saw her again.

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