Summer is Hot in Cozumel Ch. 03


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"Summer, we'll be seeing each other a lot. Count on it," John said, nuzzling her shining hair.

Smiling brightly, she kissed his arm while snuggling into him.

"Yeah, I know, it'll be a lot, or at least a lot more than we used to see each other," I agreed. "Still, this brief bit of time we have here with Summer is clearly a special occasion. The one thing I don't want to see is for these three weeks to get ruined by everyone arguing about what to do and where to go."

"We wouldn't—" John started to say.

"Yes, we would," Aaron admitted, cutting him off. "We always do. We were starting to do it again, just a half hour ago. That's probably what prompted this talk we're having now, isn't it?" he asked, turning to me, then to Summer.

"Yes, it was," she answered. "Jake recognized the signs. Before it got out of hand, he came up with an idea that would make everyone happy. My first reaction was that it wouldn't be fair to him, but when he put it in the big picture for me, I saw how it made sense. Now I'm excited about it."

Setting my hand on Summer's knee, I added, "I'm trying to make sure that none of you become all bummed out over not getting to do what you want, or from having to spend time doing things you'd rather not."

"That's just what we do. We always bitch and moan about the stupidest shit," said Dave.

I answered, "Yeah, well, not this time. Hear me out, then we can talk about it. My idea came from Summer's Christmas gifts to each of you. Since those worked out so well, you know we sort of borrowed them again for our wedding vows."

"That was very cool, I gotta say," John said.

"It really was. You got my part exactly right," added Aaron, turning to Summer, who gave him a beautiful smile.

"I was shocked that you included me that way, especially with the word you used," Dave said, a bit bashfully.

"It was the right word, wasn't it?" I grinned.

Dave looked over at Summer. "Absolutely."

"Ooooh, are you going to get it..." she said, smiling fiendishly at Dave. When she sensed the sudden silence in the room, she grinned before giggling to me, "Oh, sorry. Carry on."

"So, yeah," I continued, returning her grin, "the idea of each person having their own thing seems to work great with us."

"Okay, but what does that have to do with anything here?" John asked, looking at Summer.

"Jake's idea is to let you guys sort of repeat your gifts, although it'll be a bit different this time, at least for you and Aaron," she answered.

"But not for me?" Dave asked.

"Not as much, no," Summer said. "See, what we're going to do is give each of you some 'alone time' with me, up to three days per person. It'll be like our own little honeymoons. You'll get to do exactly what you want, without having to worry about anyone else. With three days apiece, that should allow you all to do the things you were saying you want to do. Then, once our honeymoons are over, we'll still have lots of time for everyone to be together."

Grinning at the guys, she added, "Who knows, you may grow so sick of me that you might not even want the whole three days. The point is, it'll be like David's Christmas gift. You will each get to design your perfect three-day honeymoon, and I'll be your eager, happy wife. I'm going to love you and treat you as my husband, and we'll do everything you ever wanted. The best thing for you guys is you won't have to deal with any of the real-life issues of being married to me; only Jake has to suffer through such a curse. You get all the fun, with none of the hassle!"

"You're really okay with this?" Dave asked, looking curiously at me.

"Of course I am," I answered.

"Dave, weren't you listening? He's the one who came up with the idea," added Aaron.

I said, "Look, what's the difference? Summer is going to be with you anyway, so does it really matter whether it's here, back home, or on these separate little honeymoon trips? She already gives her love to you, and you all know she considers herself to beyour wife, too. Regardless of what we decide to do here, she's not going to treat you any differently. This is just a way to let each of you have your own special time with her, without having to squabble amongst yourselves."

"What about you, though?" asked Aaron.

"Okay, yeah, by doing this, Summer and I give up nine days or whatever of being together. We'll manage. We have our entire lives to be together. You guys, though, you've given us so much, even including this time here. We want each of you to have a perfect vacation, where you get to do exactly what you want, completely guilt and hassle free."

"Any ideas on how this will actually work? None of us have anything booked. We won't have time to come up with anything elaborate," Aaron said.

"Aaron, look at me..." smiled Summer, gesturing to her threadbare yellow tank top and barely-there panties. "I don't need elaborate. Do you, to be with me?"

"Fuck, no!" John laughed. "Who cares about the details? No matter where we go, no matter how awesome the place, it'll pale in comparison to being with you. I don't need any big plan. I'm sure we'll figure something out."

"Absolutely," said Dave again, grinning at Summer. "I don't give a flying fuck where we go, as long as I'm with you."

"You're right," Aaron responded, nodding as he turned to Summer. "Whatever we come up with, who cares? It's just details. You're all that matters."

Summer laughed, "Come on, just from listening to you guys, this should be super easy."

"Exactly," I added, nodding along with Summer.

"How so?" asked Aaron.

Summer answered, "You were all arguing over who wants to go where, so that's what we'll do. John, you were saying you've never been to Bourbon Street, and have always wanted to go there. That's what you and I will do. We'll take our honeymoon in New Orleans, in the French Quarter, or at least include it as part of whatever else we do."

"Hell, yeah!" he exclaimed excitedly. "We'll rent a car, and get a room. That's all we need. I'll finally be able to say I've been to Bourbon Street, and can you guys think of any woman who could ever be better to have with you in a party town like that? I sure can't. Summer, will you mind if we also maybe road trip a little?"

Summer squealed, "That sounds awesome! I love the idea of not knowing what's going to happen, and I've never seen the French Quarter either. Being there with you will be a total blast! You're the perfect guy for Bourbon Street!"

"See?" John grinned. "Piece of cake. The details don't matter. This one here, she's all I care about." He tickled her, making her jump and giggle. Spinning in his lap, she tickled him right back, and they both burst into laughter.

Once they were through with their tickle fight, Summer said, "David, you mentioned that you wanted to check out the Mayan pyramids at Chichen Itza. So take me there. How sexy will that be, just the two of us playing in the jungle?"

"Yep," he smiled, "that's the only touristy place I really wanted to see this trip. Works for me."

Summer grinned. "Works for me, too. Before I go there with you, though, you have to promise me one thing."

"What's that?"

Summer hopped down from John's lap and went to Dave. Standing before him with a hand on her hip, she playfully wagged her finger in his face. "No pagan sacrifices of your Summer! I expect to leave that place with my head still attached to the rest of me, got it? I don't want to see you getting so caught up in your kinky jungle maiden fantasies that our hot little honeymoon turns into a Mel Gibson movie. You can rape me all you want, and pillage me day and night. Those are okay. You can even strip me naked, cover me in tribal war paint, and make me dance by torchlight for an entire village. No beheadings, though, and no eviscerating me! When it comes to appeasing some stupid sun god by sending my severed head down a well, I'm sorry, but that's where I have to draw the line. Capiche?"

John laughed, "Whoa, hold the phone! Stripping Summer naked? Painting her up and having her dance by torchlight before an entire village? Umm, I'd officially like to say, fuck the French Quarter! I wanna see Summer as a sexy Mayan princess!"

Summer turned her grin to him, "John, I'll be a sexy Mayan princess, or a slutty Lara Croft, or anything else you want me to be when we're together. Let David have his own trip. You and I can always go there afterward."

"Yeah," I added, "I want to see Chichen Itza too, especially if it involves nonlethal sacrifices of Summer as a sexy Mayan princess."

Summer giggled, "Okay, it's a date! One way or the other, the three of us will go to Chichen Itza after everyone has had their honeymoons." Then she turned to Aaron. "Now, all you said earlier was that you didn't want to go to the Mayan pyramids, and you didn't want to go to Bourbon Street either. You never said what you do want to do."

Aaron shot her an ironic smirk. "Well, no, I didn't want to go to Chichen Itza, but that was before you guys made it sound like so much fun. Now I want in on that date too. I've already been to Mardi Gras twice, so I don't need to go to Bourbon Street again, especially not during this trip."

"Then what do you want to do?" Summer asked.

"Do I have to decide right away, or can I think about it and maybe plan something really cool?"

I said, "However you want to plan it is fine. Do you care, Summer?"

She gave him a huge grin. "Nope. Surprise me. Since you've just about killed me so far with your wonderful surprises, I think I'm probably not going to mind whatever you come up with this time either."

Staring knowingly at him, she fingered the silver bracelet on her arm.

"Do you guys care who goes when?" I asked.

"I wanna go first, just in case Dave loses his fucking mind in the jungle and cuts her head off!" laughed John.

"Screw that!" Dave countered. "I wanna go first, just in case you get so shitfaced on Bourbon Street that you accidentally sell Summer off into some crazy Albanian white slavery ring."

Laughing, Aaron said to John, "He's got you there, dude. Before Dave would ever freak out and harm a hair on Summer's beautiful head, my money is on you getting so shitfaced that you completely lose track of her."

John answered, "Yeah, well, you can't go first either, 'cause we don't even know what you want to do. For all we know you two will run off and join the circus, or you'll kidnap her and take her to Bangkok or some shit, and we'll never see her again."

"I'm touched that you're only worried about never seeingher again. No, really," Aaron said, with another sardonic smirk.

"At least you said it, not us. You always were a little touched," laughed Dave.

"Okay, okay, pipe down. Closest to the number gets first choice," I said. After writing a number on a napkin, I handed them each their own napkin and a pen. "Between one and a hundred...go."

Once they'd written their numbers, Summer collected them and read them off...

"David's is fifty...Aaron's is also fifty...and John's is...sixty-nine," she giggled, and we all laughed.

"You are such a douche," Aaron grinned to John.

"What about you two dweebs picking the exact same number, and for the exact same egghead reason!" John said, smirking at them.

I showed them my number. It was ninety-nine.

"Yes!" crowed John. "See? Sometimes you just gotta go with your heart!"

"Picking sixty-nine as your number was definitely not your heart talking, you moron," laughed Dave.

"Sure it was," John chuckled. "With all my heart, Ilove a good sixty-nine!"

Grinning, Summer went over and crossed her arms around his neck. "Wanna prove it?" she purred, nipping at his lip.

"Okay, choose," I said to John, shaking my head in amusement.

"First, of course," he replied, with a confident smile.

"Okay, Dave and Aaron, same drill...."

Aaron won the next round. Smiling at Summer, he said, "I'll go last. That'll give me more time to come up with something good. Besides, it's like a debate. The person who gets the final word usually wins."

Having released John, Summer was quietly listening to the proceedings, her head resting atop her forearms. Bent at the waist, she lay across the kitchen counter in what was basically the same position she'd been in when Dave was molesting her far-too-tempting bottom out on the back porch. With her long hair framing her face, she smiled sexily at Aaron. "Oh, so now this is a competition? And what does the winner get?"

"That's easy," I answered.

Grinning, she looked over her shoulder at me. "I prefer to be called 'Summer,'" she said, playfully pulling down her panties. When she had them around her thighs, she shifted her hips back and forth, wriggling her bare ass enticingly.

Of course John smacked it, making her smooth cheek quiver.

"Eek!" she squealed, doing an adorable little hop. She shot him a pouting boo-boo face, holding her silly expression until he gave in by rubbing and soothing the spot where he'd smacked her. Cooing for him, she wiggled her bottom contentedly in his hands. When he eventually tugged her panties back up, he treated her to another wedgie.

Continuing her tantalizing ass dance, she turned her smile back to me. "I'm sorry, what were you about to say before you were so rudely interrupted? I think you were going to tell us what the winner of this new 'Honeymoons with Summer' competition gets."

"What I was going to say is that the winning prize is obvious..." I replied, smiling smugly as I held up my left hand. I waggled my ring finger, showing her my wedding band.

With a wide grin she held up her hand, showing me her wedding set.

"See? No matter what happens with these three clowns, I know I already won!" I laughed.

"Yep, pretty much," Dave added, with a thoughtful nod. "Nothing anyone could ever win would even come close to that ring. That right there is the ultimate prize. When she put that ring on your finger, you won the biggest lotto in the history of mankind."

"I swear, you guys are really not as smart as you think you are," Summer said softly, her eyes glistening. She continued her sexy ass dancing, stretching up onto the balls of her pretty feet. While moving her hips in mouthwatering circles, she arched her back and slid both index fingers along her pussy. Slowly she slipped them beneath the panties, brushing her flowering lips. Spreading her fingertips, she gave the panties a gentle tug. Her beautiful slit moistly adhered to the narrow strip of material before releasing it, then she smoothed the wispy covering over her shining petals.

Her sheer panties were soaked right through.

She ran her fingertips beneath the elastic leg bands and over her ass, smoothing out the rest of the tiny panties. Once they were back in place, she closed her eyes and again rested her head atop her forearms. Smiling dreamily, she continued, "If anybody ever won the world's biggest lotto, it's me. Do the math. There's only one of me, and I get to love all four of you. I win."

With her eyes still closed, she stuck her tongue out at us while giving her ass a provocative bounce.

"On top of that, you hold the keys to the world's sexiest missile shield defense system," Aaron said, making Dave laugh.

Opening her eyes, she gave us a warm, inviting smile. "No, I don't...not anymore. Haven't you guys figured it out yet? I gave you my keys."

John grinned, "When was this?"

"When Jake married me, and you still loved me," Summer said, turning to face us. Leaning back on her hands against the counter, her unrestrained breasts pressed forward spectacularly, showing right through her filmy, threadbare tank top. She peered down at her gorgeous tits, and her nipples were as erect as I'd ever seen them. She gently touched her beautiful tips, lightly pinching them one at a time.

Looking up with a soft smile, she leaned back again on her hands.

"As if we had a choice," John said, chuckling as he drank her in. "You married the lucky fuck. We have to support that, and we're all glad to. Loving you, though, that simply can't be helped. It's inevitable, Summer. Of course we all still love you."

"Did you really think it would turn out any other way? You are who you are, Summer," added Dave.

John continued, "We told you, this is for real. Between the four of us, you'll always have someone who loves you; someone who will do anything to protect you. Like we said, you're family now. Didn't you believe us?"

Summer looked down, not focusing on anything as she began to cry. Quietly, she spoke in a faraway voice. "None of you became jealous or spiteful. You didn't withdraw from us. I know you said you wouldn't, but...god help really didn't. You still love us."

She brought her hands to her face, covering her eyes. Following a long pause, she raised her head and spoke in a stronger voice. "You truly don't want to steal me from my husband...your friend. Do you know how much that means to me? Jake never had any doubts, but, come on, guys always try to steal girls. You three, though, you would all take me as your wife, and you know I'd marry you without a moment's hesitation, and still you don't try to steal me and make me your own. After you made love with me, none of you treated either of us differently. No one became possessive or moody. No one judged me. No one thought less of Jake as a man for allowing me to be with you. Instead, you let me love you, and you loved me right back. You kept loving me, even knowing that I am committed to being Jake's wife—first, last, and always."

"Summer, they love you, and that will never change. All they want is for you to be happy. Baby, you do nothing but love us. You don't deserve any bullshit head games," I said.

John added, "Summer, look, it's true, normally I would want to steal you. Who wouldn't? I would, and I'd try my damnedest to make you mine."

Summer stared appraisingly at him. "So why haven't you? You know I'm in love with you, and you also know how deeply I want you. If it weren't for Jake, Aaron, or David, I would gladly be all yours. Most guys, they see the boyfriend or husband as nothing more than an obstacle to overcome, even if he's their friend. Getting the girl is the only thing that ever matters."

"Summer, doesn't John already have you? Don't you give him everything, holding nothing back?" Aaron asked pointedly.

"Yes, he does have me, and I will always give him everything. Most guys, though, they wouldn't be satisfied with that. Men usually aren't happy until they have the girl all to themselves, so they can lord their ownership of her over their friends. The girl is merely a prized possession...a trophy. Why is John—why are all of you—willing to love me, knowing I've given my life to another man? That was the big question I initially had to wrestle with."

"Yet you say you gave us the keys, after telling us out on the porch what it means when you take down your missile shield. You said it's an open invitation to attack, and you're even encouraging attacks from multiple directions," John said, chuckling again at her sexy euphemisms.

"Yes," she answered simply, looking at all of us.

"During our Christmas together, you said weren't entirely ready for that," Dave said, with a gentle smile.

"I know. I wasn't ready then. Now I am."

John continued, "So that question you had to wrestle with, the one about why would we allow ourselves to love you, knowing we can't have you to ourselves? It sounds like you came up with an answer."

"I did," she smiled. "I couldn't fight it any longer. First there was Jake, who married me even after I had given my body and my love to all of you. He knew who I was, and still he wanted me for his wife, forever. When Jake married me, it set me free. Simply feeling it and living it every day, knowing deep down that this wonderful man truly loves me, that changed everything. Then, my god, look what you three have done. When you kept loving us, even though he was 'taking' me from you, I had my answer. You honestly love me, and you love him too. Maybe even more importantly, your friendship with him really means something to you. With you guys, it's not just convenient lip service. When push came to shove, you all proved your worth. You stood by his side and supported him. You didn't try to fuck him over. Not once."