Sweet Angel


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Trying to lighten the mood a bit, Toni teased Marie ruefully. "Well... That'll teach me not to just barge in your office and announce things loudly! Sheesh!" The two women laughed at that.

"Ah well... Guess it was meant to happen that way so we could finally have closure of some sort." Marie sighed.

"Hope you don't mind my asking, but if she had asked you if you would try again, would you have agreed?" Toni asked.

"No... Yes... I mean I don't know! But geez! Friends?! I really don't think so! Again... I know it sounds stupid but after what I more or less shared with this woman for a year, being 'just friends' just won't do! It was a relationship for me... She was my girlfriend."

"Do you still have feelings for her? You seem to be still affected by her."

"I could just deny it but it's pretty obvious that I still do... God! To finally see and hear her live... To see her eyes... Lips... Chin... Curls in her hair... And damn that British accent! Do you know how many nights I dreamt of seeing her in the flesh? I had to get out of the coffee shop fast or risk making a complete fool of myself!"

"Hmmm... What's with the chin?"

"She used to ask me the same question every time I would focus on that... Wanting to nibble on it... Kiss it." Marie reminisced. "I really can't explain."

"Okaaay...we seem to have a chin fetish going on with you." Toni teased.

"Only with her apparently." Marie whispered.

Toni looked at Marie thoughtfully. "Marie, I really appreciate you sharing this with me. And I promise you that I will keep this confidential. If you ever ever need someone to talk to or need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here for you."

"Thank you, Toni. That really means a lot to me." Marie said with wet eyes.

"Phew! Now that that's settled how's about we go head off to my sister's find out what her good news is and enjoy her scrumptious home-cooked meal! Laurel will be meeting us there." Toni said, standing up from the chair.

"I'm all for that! Let's go." Marie said.


"I see Laurel is already here." Toni pointed at her lover's car parked at the front of the house as they walked up to the front door.

"Whose car is that in front of Lauren's? Could that be the good news Liz is talking about?" Marie noticed the brand new red Fiat 500 with no plates. "Kinda small for her family, don't you think?"

"Let's go ask my sibling then! Cute car though." Toni said as she rang the doorbell.

"Hold your horses!" Liz hollered as she opened the door to the two women. "Well! If it isn't my late sister and sort of adopted sister. It's about time you guys got here. We're starving!"

"Hey sis! Is the new red car in front your good news?" Toni asks. "I agree with Marie - it's a bit small for your growing family."

"I wish! But no, my sisters. That's my doctor's new baby." Liz replies. "Hope you don't mind my asking her to join us? Seeing as she was the one who gave me the good news I figured why not have her celebrate with us." Walking in front of the two women, she led them to the dining area.

"Alright! The cavalry is here so if we could all have a seat, I can share my announcement and finally get to eat this scrumptious meal I slaved away at!" Liz said excitedly as she headed to the front of the table. "Sis you sit beside Laurel on this side. And sorta adopted sis you sit on this side beside...." And before she could finish, both her guest and Marie whispered each other's name.



The three other women in the room all had different reactions to what had just happened between the doctor and their friend. The two women looked at each other while the rest were looking from one to the other trying to figure out the situation.

"Hey!" Liz said loudly.

"Uh oh!" Toni said softly. Suddenly realizing that this was the 'doctor' that Marie had been telling her about.

"Oh!" Laurel whispered.

Liz leaned closer to Toni. "Uh oh? What do you mean by 'Uh oh?' Is there something I should know?" She asked, still looking at the two other women.

"Just try to act normal and get this show on the road and I will tell you when we go to the kitchen to get the dessert later." Toni whispered as she gave Laurel a wink, telling her silently that she would explain later. Lauren smiled back at her.

"Right! Well... alright then... Ummm... Where was I?...." Liz fumbled as she attempted normalcy.

"Seating arrangements, honey." Ed said, speaking out for the first time and patting his wife's hand helping her out.

"Oh right! Right! Marie please sit on this side beside Jasmine. She's my doctor...if I haven't already said that." Liz says.

"Hi." Both women whispered to each other as Marie took her seat beside Jasmine.

"So... now that everyone is seated and hopefully comfortable... I would just like to announce my good news!" Liz said loudly getting all excited again. "You guys know I'm pregnant but apparently I'm not carrying just one but TWO!"

Everyone broke out with excitement over the news and congratulated the couple. It helped ease the slight tension in the room and made dinner a light and enjoyable affair. As dinner was done and dessert was to be served, Liz stood up and called on Toni to help her in the kitchen leaving behind her husband and Laurel with Jasmine and Marie.

"Alright! I've been patient enough... Spill!" Liz demanded as she and Toni entered her kitchen.

"You don't waste time do you?" Toni laughed. "Ok... Remember when you first met Marie you said that there was something there? That you felt that the reason she was the way she was because someone had hurt her?"

"Yes... I remember... I'm pregnant not old, Sister." Liz reminded Toni.

"Well... I was able to make Marie open up to me before coming here. And you're right - she did get hurt by someone. A doctor... apparently your doctor from what transpired back there with your guest and our friend." Toni explained.

"Oh! Uh oh!" Liz reacted.

"I know, right? We have a situation... well... they have a situation. I can definitely see that Marie still has feelings for Jasmine but just can't seem to move forward and give it another try for fear of... Something I don't know." Toni said.

"So what do we do?" Liz asked. "It's pretty obvious with what happened early this evening that whatever it is with the two of them is very much alive."

"What do you mean by what do we do?" Toni asked. "Sister! You let them handle this for themselves." She warned her sister, knowing the gleam in her eyes all too well.

"What? What? If I remember correctly had I not 'handled' YOUR situation with Lauren the two of you would not be here now. Hmmm?" Liz reminded her sister.

"Ok... Ok... Doesn't matter what I say... You'd just do what you want to do." Toni sighed.

"Exactly!" Liz said, giving her imitation of a Cheshire grin. "Now let's go serve dessert!"

An hour had passed since dinner had finished and Jasmine had already left, leaving behind the four women sitting in the family room. All three pairs of eyes directed at Marie as she told her history with their dinner guest.

".... So there." Marie finished as she sighed deeply.

"What do you mean by so there? Are you not going to do anything? It will just end with Jasmine leaving here after dinner?" Liz asked incredulously.

"Sis..." Toni tried to warn her sister.

"Don't sis me!" Liz gave Toni a look that said she meant business. She then continued with Marie. "And you Marie, you can't just sit there and tell me that you no longer have feelings whatsoever for Jasmine because it's clear to anyone with eyes that you do!"

"But...I think it's better this way. We've already spoken and I believe we had our closure. Besides, I don't think we could ever have again what we had." Marie reasoned.

"Exactly what did you have? You had two people who met and corresponded on the net, with the plus of getting each other off with flashes of skin and talks of sex. I understand now why you don't want to go further in the real world. You never really cared for each other. It was all an excuse to make what you were doing acceptable." Liz taunted the smaller woman, not liking herself for doing so but wanting to push Marie's buttons to get her to see the truth.

"Stop! Stop that! Don't say it like that!" Marie raised her voice shocking all three women.

"Marie, I don't think..." Toni tried to soothe her.

"No! It wasn't like that! It wasn't just about the sexual part it was everything! The way we would share everything about each other's lives... The good and the bad... It meant something to me! She means something to me! I love her! I love her with all of my heart! I just don't want to have to lose her all over again, because this time I know it would totally devastate me, especially since it would be for real now!" Marie started to cry as she dropped her head to her hands sobbing.

Toni tried to stand up from the couch to try to get to the smaller woman, but Liz stopped her and instead wrapped her arms around her adopted sister rocking her.

"I'm sorry kiddo. I'm sorry." She said, kissing the top of her head. "Knowing what I know about you it was most definitely not what I said it was. And seeing the way Jasmine was looking at you tonight I'd bet my life she feels the exact same way you do. I was just saying that to jolt you into accepting what you really feel for her. Forgive me?" Marie couldn't speak so she just nodded her head in answer to Liz's question.

"Marie, may I say something here?" Laurel asked as the smaller woman nodded again. "I agree with Liz when she says that both you and Jasmine still have strong feelings for each other. Deny it all you want but it was very palpable to all of us. I can't speak for Jasmine but I do know how it feels to hurt when you've hurt the one you love and want to fix things and have the person back into your life." She grabbed hold of Toni's hand as she said this. "I know how it is to want to say and do the right things but end up fumbling it. I'm just very thankful I got to have another chance with Toni." Lauren finished as Toni kissed her and put her head on her shoulder.

"You've already lost a whole year. Do you really want to lose another year without her in your life? I won't give you any guarantees that you won't get hurt along the way but heck no relationship is perfect. You'd both have to work at it." Toni spoke out finally.

"No I don't want to lose another moment without her in my life. You guys are right. I still do have feelings for Jasmine and I want so much for us to be able to work things out." Marie replied. "But how do I go about doing that? Where do I start?" She asked.

"She reached out to you this morning and asked to meet with you to talk things out. Why not do the same? Only this time don't let your hurt and pride get in the way. Take the plunge." Liz said.

"Yeah I agree with Liz. But do it differently. Go to her and talk things out. Tell her how you really feel." Toni added.

"Ok... Ok I will!" Marie said with a bit of a smile.


It was mid-morning Saturday and Marie was sitting at her bay window drinking coffee, staring at nothing in particular outside. She knew that she would have to talk things out with Jasmine if she ever wanted them to make a go of things, but had no idea how to go about it. She didn't know her home address and no way was she going over to her work. Her phone alerted her to a new message and upon opening it she saw that Liz had forwarded Jasmine's cell number.

Shaking her head in wonder and saying out loud "Geez Liz! It's like you have eyes all over!" she took a deep breath and sent a text message to Jasmine. 'Hi Jasmine. If you're not busy, could we talk? Marie." Putting down her phone she waited anxiously for the response. After less than a minute she received a text from Jasmine. 'Hey! Yes am ok to talk. Skype?' Smiling at the positive response, she agreed and booted up her laptop.

As she waited for Jasmine to go online, Marie checked herself in the small mirror on the table, her heart beating hard and fast. 'What if she doesn't want to work things out? Especially after what I said at the coffee shop when she asked if we could be friends! What if she only wants to be friends?' With her thoughts running wildly around her head, she jumped as her laptop alerted her to Jasmine ringing for a video call. Exhaling slowly, she answered the call.

Both women's breaths hitched at seeing each other on the screen. It never failed to surprise them how in that entire year that they were corresponding, every time they got to talk on the phone or do video calls the sight and sound of each other gave them that hot, tingly, breathless, flustered, 'goosebumps on your goosebumps' feeling. This time was no exception.

"Hi." Marie greeted Jasmine waving her hand on the screen.

"Hi back." Jasmine greeted her the same way.

"Ummm... Thank you for responding right away." Marie smiled.

"No... I should thank you for wanting to talk to me." The taller woman smiled back. "Is everything alright? Are you ok?" She asked worriedly.

"Yes. Yes I'm fine. I just..." Marie stopped mid-sentence not knowing what to say.

"Hey, I just want to tell you that I didn't know Liz is your friend. I was as surprised as you were that night. Don't worry though I won't say anything." Jasmine explained.

"Ummm.... No it's alright... They know about us. What happened and everything." Marie said. "I had to tell them because they more or less figured it out when both our actions that night spoke louder than words ever could, apparently."

"Oh dear! I'm guessing Liz will be wanting a different doctor, huh?"

"No, of course not! Believe it or not all three women, who I consider more like sisters than friends, were not taking any sides. In fact, it was because of them I'm reaching out to you now. I would like to say that they showed me the light but they more or less bopped me on the head with it... figuratively speaking." Marie explained.

"They did? Ummm.... May I ask what they said?"

"In a nutshell, they said that yes, shit happens... people get hurt... but if you really... ummm... care and have strong feelings for the person you would work things out."

"Do you?"

"Do I what?"

"Do you... care and have strong feelings for me?"

Marie paused for just a second then responded right away. "Yes. Yes I do. I never stopped. Do you know that even now I still sleep with the shirt you gave me for my birthday two years ago?"

"You do? God! We are such a pair! Do you know that to this very day I still sleep with the shirt you gave me?"

"Did you really just want us to be friends?" Marie asked, cutting to the chase.

"No. I was just all flustered seeing you standing there in front of me for the very first time that I ended up saying the wrong words. I meant to ask if we could work things out. Be friends and lovers again." Jasmine voice broke a little at saying this.

Marie's eyes started to tear as she smiled what she always called her 'big stupid smile' which Jasmine always loved. "Oh good! I'm really... really... did I mention REALLY glad you said that. I would most definitely want us to be friends and lovers again."

"Oh god! Do you really mean that? I hope I'm not dreaming all of this." Jasmine said softly, closing her eyes her one hand on her heart trying to calm the hard beating going on there.

"Jasmine?" Marie called out.

"Yes." Jasmine opened her eyes as she answered.

"Tell me where you live and how to get there. I will show you that this time it's for real." Marie's face beamed with longing and confidence.


As they entered the room, Marie walked on ahead, stopping just at the foot of the big bed staring down at it. Her arms were wrapped around her middle trying to ward off the chill going through her while Jasmine looked at her as she closed the door. Jasmine could feel and see that the smaller woman was both nervous and shy.

'God! What if I disappoint her? What if I don't satisfy her? What if? What if?' Marie's thoughts roiled in turmoil.

'Oh God! What if I don't do a thing for her? What if seeing my naked body will have her running out of here? What if? What if?' Jasmine thought as she tried to calm herself, taking a deep breath and walking towards Marie.

Stopping just a few inches from the smaller woman, she leaned forward and whispered in her ear: "Hey...we don't have to do anything, you know." This had been the agreement between the two of them since they first started talking – that either of them could back out any time. She didn't touch Marie, knowing that if this was to happen it had to be Marie who made the first move.

The smaller woman turned around to face Jasmine. "I know... I just..." She faltered, biting her lower lip.

"What? You just what? Talk to me, Marie." Jasmine pleaded.

"I just...don't know where to start....or what to do...or if I'd be doing it right." Marie shrugged.

"I feel the same way too, you know. What if when you see me naked you run in the opposite direction?" Jasmine asked.

"You forget I've seen you already - well parts of you, anyway – you know, when we were corresponding and believe me, with what I've seen you'll have me running towards you and not away." Marie shyly said.

"Yes... but we are talking about seeing me live... where you can see every nook and cranny."

"It doesn't matter to me... It's still you." Marie simply stated.

"Ok... Ok... Hey, remember what we once agreed to do when we get to see each other live?" Jasmine asked.

"Of course I do. We said no expectations but that we would give each other a hug." Marie smiled at her, remembering.

Opening her arms wide, Jasmine looked longingly at Marie. "Well...here I am...waiting for my hug." Her voice broke a little bit.

Marie, with the exact same emotion on her face, closed the distance between them. She hugged Jasmine and did what she had been writing in their mails and texts since the very beginning - she buried her head in the neck of the taller woman and breathed in her scent. Both women held their breath as their bodies touched for the first time.

"God! You don't how long I've been dreaming of this." Jasmine whispered as her left hand cradled Marie's head while her right hand slipped to her back. Her body shuddered as she felt the tip of the smaller woman's tongue on her neck. She smiled as she asked. "Did you just do what I think you did?"

Marie giggled softly. "I did promise that when we eventually got to hug that I would sneak a lick of your neck." She lifted her head and looked at Jasmine. "Thank you."

"For what?" Jasmine asked.

"For reminding me... for making it ok." Marie replied, smiling.

"My pleasure." Jasmine smiled back. She brushed back the hair of the smaller woman and brought her hand down, tracing her full lips with her thumb. "Your lips have always reminded me of a perfect bow." She then lowered her head and kissed Marie for the very first time.

The smaller woman pulled Jasmine tighter to her body, arching her neck upwards as she pushed her tongue in; deepening the kiss. Neither woman knew how they got there, but they found themselves standing at the foot of the bed, still kissing. They moved on their knees, face to face in the middle of the bed taking each other's clothes off piece by piece. When they were both finally naked, Jasmine slowly lay Marie down on her back while she lay on her side, just staring at the woman beside her; not making any attempt to touch and before the smaller woman could make any movements she halted her.

"What is it?" Marie asked, wondering why they were stopping.

"Wait...give it a moment." Jasmine whispered in awe at the sight of the naked woman in bed with her.

"You finally get me naked in bed and you want to wait?" Marie asked incredulously.

"I just...I just want to relish this moment...have the vision of you naked here with me etched in my memory forever." Jasmine explained.