Taken - Sonja's Story


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Sonja watched them, speaking up for herself. "YA - Zon'aa. I ya nikogda ne vystupal protiv sem'i. Dimitri byl moim d'adej brakom. Vy dumayete, chto ya vystupil by protiv moyej sem'i? I eto," she said, sliding the bag in front of her, digging out the DVD, then handing it to Nicolai's brother, even though she didn't know his rank yet. "Eto - dal'nejsheye svidetel'stvo moyej nevinovnosti. Oni skazali mne, chto sluchilos', kotoryj ya znal, byla tol'ko lozh'. YA byl dazhe ne na stende. Oni vykupili drugih 'svidetelej', kotoryye budut svidetel'stvovat' o sposobe, kotorym oni hoteli. No iz-za tipa suda i ih nepravd, oni skryvali men'a."

Nicolai's brother remained standing next to him as she started off into her speech, handing him the DVD and insisting that she was completely innocent of any charges. From time to time as she spoke, he glanced over at Nicolai with what could only be described as amusement of her attitude. He took the DVD though and turned away, walking back to his desk and setting it down. When he turned his back, Nicolai hissed, "Shhh! Vy ne dolzhny govorit' s bossom v etoj manere! Dazhe yesli on - moj brat, on - vse yesche samyj moschnyj chelovek vokrug! My mogli oba byt' ubity!"

From the desk, his brother laughed and turned, "Ves'ma zl'uschij Vy imeyete zdes', Nicolai! Ona - konechno zhenschina, dostojnaya Vas." He stepped back across and caught up her free hand in his, kissing it. "YA- Sergej... i ya dolzhen prinesti izvineniya vam oboim dl'a etogo obmana." He smiled at both of them.

Sonja gave a laugh at Nicolai's words, replying, "YA govoril s Dimitri kak eto. On rekomendoval mne govorit' moye mneniye vokrug nego. No iz-za moih chuvstv dl'a Vas, Nicolai, ya budu boleye pochtitel'nym vokrug vashego brata." Then she stilled at Sergei's words; a deception? What did he mean? She gave Nicolai a quizzical look, then said, "Obman? CHto vy imeyete v vidu?"

"Vy vidite, Zon'aa, Nicolai... YA znal sovershenno horosho, chto Vy nikogda ne budete govorit' prokuroru nichto. Vse yesche ostavalos', hot'a, chto, v to vrem'a kak ya znal eto, nikto bol'she ne sdelal ... i takim obrazom ya pomeschal vyrazhennyj protest v Vas, i celenapravleno pomeschal Nicolai v rabotu. Proshu proscheniya, no ya dolzhen byl zastavit' eto kazat's'a real'nym, ili v sem'e byla by nepriyatnost'..." He shrugged and bowed his head a bit, then settled back on his desk.

Nicolai blinked at him, then turned to Sonja and said, "YA kl'anus' Vam, Zon'aye, ya ne znal ob etom... YEsli by ya imel, ya nikogda ne pozvol'al by etomu sluchat's'a!"

Sonja grew furious at the deception, not because it was against her, but because Sergei hadn't told his own brother the truth. Rage flowed through her veins, bringing out her inner Russian spitfire. Her body trembled as she held back; having promised Nicolai moments ago that she would be respectful of his brother. Turning to Nicolai, she reached up, her hand, still trembling, resting on his cheek. "YA znayu, moya l'ubov'. I ya ne obvin'ayu Vas v tom, chto sluchilos'. Vy tol'ko sledovali za zakazami, dannymi Vas."

Looking into Nicolai's eyes calmed her enough that she could face Sergei without flying off the deep end. She turned to face Sergei, giving into her original teachings from Dmitri. "Razve Vy ne mogli dover'at' vashemu bratu dostatochno, chtoby skazat' yemu pravdu? Sekonomit' men'a ot nalichiya Ivana i Trevora, ispol'zuyuschego moj rot? Vse moye stradaniye segodn'a vecherom, vozmozhno, bylo by otlozheno, yesli by Vy skazali Najkolej pravdu. Byt' s Najkolej bylo odnoj iz dvuh horoshih veschej, chtoby sluchit's'a segodn'a vecherom. Drugoj ... horosho, davajte tol'ko govorit', Vy luchshe vsego privykli by k moyej otkrovennosti, Sergeyu. YA budu ispol'zovat's'a ochen' chasche teper'."

Nicolai looked down at her as she held her hand on his cheek, profoundly glad that she loved him as much as he loved her. He stepped behind her and put his hands on her shoulders as she spoke to Sergei, who seemed to be taking this very well. In fact, he found it amusing to a great extent, and refreshing as well. It was so rare to have a beautiful woman such as her. He had no doubts that Nicolai and Sonja would be excellent and valuable assets to the family in the future. He inclined his head, "YA uzhe prines izvineniya Vam oboim, ya mogu sdelat' bol'she net. Odnako, horosho, chto Vy oba - zdes'. YA dolzhen otoslat' Nicolai na drugoj missii zavtra utrom pervym delom, i Vy mozhete ostat's'a so mnoj, Zon'aoj, poka on ne vozvraschayets'a."

Sonja didn't like that Nicolai was being sent out so soon after they got together, and her displeasure showed in her eyes. "I kakova missiya na sej raz, Sergej? CHto Vy imeyete moyu l'ubov', delayuschuyu teper'?" She looked over her shoulder at Nicolai, a wicked grin crossing her lips. "Vy dumayete, chto Vy budete do ostavleniya pervuyu vesch', Nicolai? Posle, chto sluchilos' mezhdu nami raneye, Vy dumayete, chto Vy budete gotovy ostavit' men'a tak skoro?"

The boss smiled and answered her question, " Eto - koye-chto kak to, chto Vy tol'ko proshli ... hot'a na sej raz, net nikakih chlenov sem'i, vovlechennyh, i on ne imeyet nikakih sv'azej s l'ubym iz nih ...., kak Vy znayete, Dimitri posylali gazovoj kamere iz-za suda. Sam prokuror imeyet krasivuyu moloduyu doch' ..., i mest' pobezhala gluboko v Sem'e."

He chuckled, the sound coming out quite evilly, "Nicolai - yedinstvennyj, kotoromu ya dover'al by, chtoby byt' v sostoyanii vozglavit' missiyu kak eto. Doch' i yeye luchshij drug vozvraschayuts'a na samolete Poludn'a iz sokrytiya yeye otca, poslal yej. YA namerevayus' prinesti im v nashu nebol'shuyu organizaciyu ..., potomstvo toj zmei dolzhno sdelat' prekrasnoye domashneye zhivotnoye i igrushku dl'a men'a neposredstvenno... No ya znayu, chto ya ne budu poluchat' yeye nedosazhdennyj, yesli Nicolai ne idet, chtoby derzhat' yeye sejf, v to vrem'a kak mal'chiki nasiluyut yeye druga."

Nicolai waited for his brother to finish speaking before he answered his love, smiling back at her look, knowing that she would be able to hold her own in bed this evening, "YA ne zhelayu ostavit' Vas Zon'aoj ..., no yesli to, chto on govorit, budet verno, to ya vozvraschus' k Vam v nashem glavnom mestopolozhenii, do zavtra otsutstvuyet ..."

Sonja shook her head in denial. Dimitri? Dead? The FEDS had kept her without television or internet while they hid her from the family. She stumbled back a step, leaning against Nicolai for support. "Mertvyj Dimitri? Eto ne mozhet byt'. Kak yego sem''a derzhit? Ekaterina? Stasziya? Yvgeny?" She whispered to Nicolai before looking to his brother again. "YA ne znal, Sergej. Dom, gde ya byl to, kogda Nicolai pribyl segodn'a vecherom, byl odnim iz p'at', chto ya byl peremeschen v nachinaya s celogo nachatogo cirka. Drugiye ne imeli nikakogo televideniya ili Interneta dl'a men'a, chtoby derzhat' modernizirovannym na tom, chto prodolzhalos'."

Nicolai took Sonja's shoulders as she leaned back against him. He let her rest there, against his strong chest, answering her words, "YA zhal' Zon'aa, my ne ponimali, chto Vy byli pod takoj strogoj izol'aciyej ..., on byl kaznim v proshlyye vyhodnyye. Ekaterina probuyet podderzhat' ..., kotoryj my prinesli yej blagopoluchno k mestu zhitel'stva Sergeya. Bednyj Yvgeny byl arestovan nar'adu s Dimitri, posle togo, kak Vy byli skryty, On ne byl osvobozhden. Stasziya polnost''u ischez. Ona ne byla, nahod'at l'ubym Federal'nyye banki, ni nashih muzhchin," He leaned over to kiss her neck, even as Sergei finished answering her.

"YA takzhe, dolzhen prinesti izvineniya za to, chto predpolozhil, chto Vy znali by. I bez togo pr'amo sejchas, ya vse yesche probuyu polnost''u sobrat' chasti ot togo, chto Federal'nyye banki sdelali k sem'e ... eto - bespor'adok, ya dazhe dolzhen byl pozhertvovat' nekotorymi yachejkami, chtoby cekonomit' drugiye. No my vyjdem iz etogo, i my budem imet' nashu mest' na nih... Segodn'a vecherom otdeleniye policii v dalekij yuzhnyj konec pereneset tragicheskij 'neschastnyj sluchaj' v techeniye izmeneniya izmeneniya... Zavtra, Nicolai zahvatit doch' prokurora, i my prevratim yeye v nashu samuyu novuyu shl'uhu..."

Sonja trembled, ashamed that she hadn't heard about Dimitri or Yvgeny; but she had an inkling of where Stasziya might be. She would talk to Nicolai about it after he got the new mission done. She didn't want to distract him from what he already had to do, and she knew that the only way Stasziya would let anyone in would be if it was her blood family. "Bylo by v por'adke, yesli by ya provodil nekotoroye vrem'a s Ekaterina zavtra, togda? YA hotel by pozvolit' yej znat', chto ya ne imel nikakogo otnosheniya k tomu, chto sdelali isporchennyye sever'ane. I poskol'ku ya skazal, chto DVD - dokazatel'stvo etogo. Eto pokazyvayet agentam FBR, probuyuschim skazat' mne, chto skazat', i probuyuschim vynudit' men'a svidetel'stvovat' protiv Dimitri."

Nicolai knew it would be up to Sergei to decide if she could go to see the older woman. Ekaterina had been like a mother to both him and his brother after their own parents died, and they both treated her with respect. Sergei nodded readily, " YA ne vizhu nikakoj prichiny, kotoruyu Vy ne mozhete ... my byt' ostavl'at' segodn'a vecherom, Vy i ya, i idti v moye mesto v gorode, tot, gde devushki obuchayuts'a takzhe. Ekaterina zhivet v ih starom penthause. YA ostavil eto k nej, v to vrem'a kak ya beru nemnogo men'shuyu komnatu nizhe. YEst' bol'shoye kolichestvo komnaty dl'a Vas, chtoby ostat's'a s neyu do dohodov Najkolej. I eto bylo by horoshim dl'a neye, chtoby znat' to, chto Vy skazali mne, ustanovili yeye mneniye neprinuzhdenno ... pl'us eto, byl by horoshim dl'a neye, chtoby imet' druguyu zhenschinu ot sem'i vokrug, chtoby govorit' s."

Sonja listened, then replied, "Nicolai idet s nami takzhe. On mog uyehat' v yego missiyu ottuda. YA ne dumayu, chto eto byla by horoshaya vesch' dl'a nas, chtoby byt' obosoblenno segodn'a vecherom. My dolzhny mnogo vremeni vospolnit'." She turned to look up at Nicolai, lightly kissing his jaw. She turned to face him, her arms slipping around his neck as she stretched up on her toes and kissed his lips softly before laying her head against his shoulder, whispering softly against his neck, so only he heard her words. "Net nikakogo sposoba, kotorym my spim obosoblenno segodn'a vecherom, moya l'ubov'. YA hochu chuvstvovat' Vas vo mne snova, vashe nalozheniye tela na moyej vershine, vasha grud' protiv moih grudej."

Sergei chuckled and nodded, "Konechno, Zon'aa .... Vy - para tom'aschihs'a ot l'ubvi golubej." He turned away and walked to a door at the far end of the room, giving them some privacy as he ordered his car brought around. Nicolai eagerly returned her kisses and smiled at her words, "YA ne imel by eto nikakim drugim putem, moj dorogoj ..., Vy prinadlezhite mne teper' ... i ya hochu chuvstvovat', chto Vy obertyvali vokrug men'a, poskol'ku ya zapoln'ayu Vas snova."

Sonja giggled at Sergei's words, though he had already left the room. "CHto on ozhidal? Dl'a men'a, chtoby nenavidet' vas? YEsli by eto bylo kem-to drugim, chem vam, chto prishel, chtoby dostavit' men'a nazad, i sdelal to, chto ty sdelal, ya by nenavidel ih. No ... YA dolzhen skazat', Nikolaj, ya byl v teb'a vl'ublen v techeniye mnogih let. No vy vsegda byli devochki visit vse nad vami. YA ne govoril nichego, potomu chto ya ne dumayu, chto vy chuvstvovali to zhe samoye obo mne." She pressed herself against him, her soft breasts flattening against his hard chest. "Vy byli prichine ya vse yesche devstvennica raneye. YA nikogda ne vstrechal cheloveka, kotoryj shvatil moye vnimaniye, kak vy sdelali. YA hotel, chtoby ty byl stat' moim pervym. A teper', mne ne nuzhno budet nikogo, tol'ko ty. Nikolaj, kogda eto zakonchits'a, ya hochu imet' ot teb'a detej."

Nicolai had to chuckle at Sergei as well, but his attention was nearly immediately drawn downward as his girl, the only girl in his life that he loved, pressed herself into him. He felt her chest pressing into his and gave a low grunt as she whispered. He answered her back, "Vy vsegda byli yedinstvennoj zhenschinoj, kotoruyu ya l'ubl'u, Zon'aa ... iz-za moyej raboty i polozheniya, ya chasto imel zhenschin, kotoryye interesuyuts'a mnoj ..., no ni odin iz nih ne byl Vami." He leaned down to kiss her gently on the lips and run one of his hands through her hair and down her back, "YA hotel by, chtoby nikakaya drugaya zhenschina ne byla rudnikami i perenosila moih detej..." He smiled down at her, then motioned that they should follow Sergei, who had re-entered and was waiting for them by the door.

Sonja smiled at Nicolai, then turned to look at Sergei, blushing softly as she realized he'd seen the moment the two of them shared, even though he couldn't hear their words. Before picking her bag back up to follow them from the room, she whispered, "YEsli eto vash sposob prosit men'a stat' tvoyej zhenoj, moya sladkaya, sladkaya Nikolaj, to, da. YA budu vashej zhenoj. YA hochu provesti svoyu zhizn' s vami." Taking Nicolai's hand in hers, she picked up her bag again, then followed them both from the room.

As they walked across the room toward Sergei, the last thing he said to her was, "Moya L'ubimaya... Moya L'ubimaya, Krasivaya Zon'aa... Nichto ne moglo sdelat' men'a boleye schastlivym." Nicolai's brother appeared to be rather amused, a grin spreading across his face as they approached and he patted them both on the shoulder, then led them out the door.

A pair of armed guards led them down the halls and stairs to the opposite side of the club, where a black armoured limo waited for them. They piled in quickly before the driver expertly pulled away. In the outskirts of the city, the leaders of the family kept a mansion; no one knew who owned it except those few that lived there. The mansion itself was built exclusively for the comfort of the Mafia bosses and the families.

It was here that Dmitri and Ekaterina lived, and now where Sergei did as well. Because of the respect for his uncle, he let Ekaterina have the entire Master suite of rooms to herself, the ones reserved for the Mafia boss, until such time as she decided to move into another room. Because of this, he had taken a guest room, and Nicolai and now Sonja, would have another.

In the back of the property are the other buildings. An old barn, converted into a stable and kennels... a set of three large warehouses, and a 'block' house... a square building designed like an apartment building. These buildings all served the purposes of the Mafia...

The limo pulled up in front of the ornate gates, and was instantly admitted then it drove straight up the asphalt lane to the front of the spacious building. A butler met them, opening the door so that first Sergei, then Nicolai and Sonja could step out. Sergei led the way into the mansion, now their home, "YA predlozhu cenu Vas oboih l'ubleniye dobroj nochi, i budu zhelat', chtoby, yesli Vy sumeli spat' ... Vy imeyete priyatnyye mechty. Nicolai, ya budu videt' Vas utrom, yesli Vy mozhete sumet' t'anut' vashu zadnicu iz krovati ..., i ya skazhu Ekejtrine, chto Vy budete videt' yeye utrom Zon'aa..."

He walked away from them then, and the butler motioned for them to follow him. He led them up a grand set of stairs, and down a long hall to a pair of doors in the right side. At the far end, another set of doors would lead to the Master suite... across the hall would be Sergei's room. After they entered, the butler bowed. "I'll see that you aren't disturbed..." he said, in a thick Nordic accent and closed the doors.

Sonja smiled at Nicolai as the butler closed the doors, a twinkle in her eye. "Tak, Vy hotite chast' etogo?" she said with a soft purr as she motioned to her slim body. She watched him step towards her, and held up a hand, the twinkle in her eye getting brighter. "Ah Ah Ah! YEsche, mal'chik l'ubitel'a!" she purred out. "Polosa dl'a men'a, Nicolai. YA hochu nabl'udat' Vas razdevayuschijs'a za mnoj snachala. Togda ya hochu, chtoby Vy zhdali na krovati men'a." Her tongue ran lightly over her luscious lips before she finished, "YA hochu dat' Vam shou, kotoroye Vy budete l'ubit'. I ya hochu nabl'udat' Vas, stanov'as' tverdym dl'a men'a."

He stared at her lithe and beautiful body as she asked him a question. His intent must have been evident, for she began to tease him, telling him to get over on the bed and lay down if he wanted to see a show and have her. He complied, in no way going to decline such an order... he wanted her, and he wanted her now... but he could wait that long, " Dl'a Vas, Zon'ay..." He stepped across to stand next to the bed and slowly stripped his clothing from his body. His hard and muscled chest came into view as he lifted his shirt off, then kicked off his shoes and pushed his pants and boxers down. His hardening cock came into view, and he crawled onto the bed to lay down and watch her.

Sonja watched as her man, her love, stripped for her, then lay down on the bed, letting her watch as his cock hardened. She licked her lips again then gave him a seductive smile. Her hands came up, slowly unbuttoning her top and freeing the tie, letting the fabric fall from her arms to bare her breasts to his gaze. Her hands moved to cup her breasts, hefting the C cup mounds in her small hands, her thumbs grazing over her pebbled nipples. Her eyes never left his body as she watched his cock harden even more. "Kak to, chto Vy vidite, moya l'ubov'?"

He gazed at her with appreciation of her beauty; no one was more perfect than her. Her breasts were the exact size and looked magnificent on her, "Kak mog ya ne l'ubit' to, chto ya vizhu ...., Vy boleye krasivy chem zvezdy v nebesah..." He breathed, huskily as he stared at her. His cock rapidly rose to meet her gaze, going from slightly hard to semi hard and further in the space of only a few moments. He was near being as hard as he had been when he had taken her the first time in her home.

Sonja purred and smiled at him, turning around, wiggling her ass at him. Her short skirt just barely covered her ass and as she swayed, the fabric swished, showing glimpses of her derriere. Bending over, she spread her legs, watching him through her scissors as her hands moved up to hook under the sides of her panties, slowly dragging them down and giving him a peep at her mound. The very mound he deflowered just a couple hours earlier. "I eto, moya l'ubov'? Vy tol'ko ne hotite pohoronit' seb'a v etom tugom nebol'shom otverstii? V konce koncov, Vy byli yedinstvennym v etom, i obrabatyvali eto, chtoby sootvetstvovat' vashemu petuhu sovershenno."

He couldn't drag his eyes away from her, not that he wanted to. As she moved to bend and pull her panties down, he swallowed. She was such a horrible tease... gods he wanted to ream her ass... and that was what she was asking as she gave him peeks of her flesh. His voice was deep with lust, "Vy znayete, chto ya hochu k... YA hochu zapihnut' moyu vs'u dlinu v oba iz vashih otverstij ..., zapoln'ayut Vas kak, tol'ko ya mogu..."

Sonja purred as she stood back up, turning back to face him, her eyes going to his hard cock, which had swollen even larger than before. "Rasprostranite vashi nogi, Nicolai." She watched as he spread his legs, then crawled up next to him on the bed, her skirt, stockings and heels still on her. She kept herself low to the bed, letting her hair brush along his legs as she moved up, then the outsides of her breasts brushed against his thighs. "Vrem'a dl'a razvlecheniya, chtoby nachat's'a, moyej l'ubvi. I Vy sobirayetes' poluchat' luchshuyu oral'nuyu stimul'aciyu polovogo chlena, kotoruyu Vy kogda-libo ispytyvali."

He groaned as she climbed up between his legs, her hair and then her breasts brushing his skin as he looked down himself past his rod that stuck straight into the air, at her. He couldn't believe that she was doing this, but there was no way he could or would stop her. He was rather at a loss for words after she spoke, but he managed to croak out, "Razvlecheniye ne budet zakanchivat's'a dl'a ostal'noj chasti vechera, moyej l'ubvi... YA dolgo, chtoby videt', chto Vy mozhete sdelat'..."