Taking the Reigns


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"Sounds fair," she said slowly. She was curious about the number of men who had been fired but knew she would find out eventually, so she let him continue.

"Wednesdays are better for meetings, the long term employees would like the updates, and..." he paused shifting in his seat. "It will take a while for the older men to get used to the idea of a woman, especially a young pretty woman, owning the farm and giving orders." He seemed to be considering his words and she cut through his thoughts.

"Yeah I get that but it's the way it is, so they best get used to it," she snapped. She'd been treated like some stupid bimbo all day and by everyone, except maybe the man sitting across from her, and she didn't want him to start.

"Look," he said, "I know you understand how to run this place probably more than even you give yourself credit for. Your father made you learn every aspect of it, made all of us teach you. I do not doubt your ability, but to the jockeys and trainers, you will always be a woman first."

"Well it's not like I can change that, and I want to be involved. I can do the track work better than half those riders," the frustration was clear in Alyssa's voice, almost to the point of anger.

He gave a sly smile seeing her fire up. "About time you got angry," he murmured with a small smile.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Alyssa said.

"You have been grieving instead of stepping up and running this place. For the last six months Bob has been ruling the farm, he took over those two new horses like they are his own. Issuing the other trainers with the stabled horses." Lou didn't mention that Bob had all but ignored anything he had told him to do. "You own this farm, you wanna train horses or do the track work, you can, as far as I am concerned, but you're gonna have a fight on your hands with Bob and his cronies. With the stabled horses, you have to do what the owners want but those two new horses are yours."

"They're not mine, they are Marcie's," Alyssa said quietly. He looked at the woman who had hovered in the background listening in on the meeting feeling protective of Alyssa after the week she had had.

Lou blinked at Alyssa looking confused, "The stud bought them. It's in the books."

"Do you have anything, anything at all from Dad that says he meant the horses to be yours? Do you have a card or a letter, anything in writing?" Alyssa asked the older woman.

"Oh no, it was a gift, he bought them in my name so that they didn't have a paper trail I thought, but it seems I thought wrong. I was going to pay the stable fees from my savings," Marcie explained patiently again. "He did give me their paperwork to hang onto though. Does that count?"

Lou raised an eyebrow, "They have thoroughbred paperwork, proof of Sire and Dame?"

"Of course, why wouldn't they?" Marcie asked.

"I don't think Dad told anyone about their bloodline," Alyssa offered, "and let's keep that information between us for now." She looked at Marcie meaningfully then looked at Lou. "Best you don't know yet, then you don't have to lie to anyone." She took Marcie's hand, "If I paid the stable fees would you sell half of them back to me?"

"They'll be yours eventually anyway. I could never sell them to anyone else," Marcie said.

"I hate to interrupt but as there is nothing to say he bought them for Marcie they are Alyssa's legally already," Lou mumbled.

"She holds the paperwork and the proof of their bloodline so that's worth fifty percent to me," Alyssa said squeezing the older woman's hand, ignoring Lou's pursed his lips.

She looked at the two people across from her and realised maybe she had more people on her side than she realised. She had always relied on Tom's friendship, they understood each other, Alyssa grimaced inwardly, and she realised she would have to go and rebuild that bridge she had set fire to earlier this evening, if she wanted that friendship intact.

As if reading her thoughts, Lou mumbled, "Tom was plenty mad when he found out you were hurt, he's on a mission to find out who spoke to Kerrick."

"Yeah, I copped the brunt of his temper earlier," Alyssa said quietly.

"Cut him some slack. Bob won't slow down like the doctor's advised. He has enough worries without worrying about you having a run in with Kerrick. He just doesn't know how else to react when one of the people he loves is threatened," Lou mumbled gruffly as if he too was more than a little concerned about the events of the day.

"I best go build a bridge then before it gets any later. I pretty much kicked him out of the house earlier," Alyssa said softly, regretting the scene that had occurred in her bedroom even if Tom was acting unreasonably.

"Can you come for dinner Sunday night, Lou. I have guests arriving in the morning but we will make a plan on how to move forward once they leave. You're right, it's time I took back the reigns of the actual running of the farm, not just the business end," Alyssa smiled lopsidedly. "Not that I have done that very well either."

Marcie cut through her thoughts, "Guests, here? How many and when will they be here?"

"Three, I think, they'll be here tomorrow morning, early. I just got the call. I had totally forgotten I had invited them when I was in the city last weekend. I am so sorry Marcie. I'll take them to the pub in town for dinner. Don't worry," Alyssa offered.

"Don't be silly it's been ages since this house has had real guests. I will make something nice for you and your friends," Marcie said, standing up as if she was about to start right there and then. "I best be checking what we have in the pantry though." She gave Alyssa a big smile and patted Lou on the shoulder. "You come up for dinner tomorrow night too. I will need some company my own age with all the young ones around."

Lou grunted but didn't agree to come. He too, stood up. "I'll be going then. Thanks for the coffee, Marcie. Remember what I said and cut the boy some slack, Alyssa."

"Okay, Lou," Alyssa smiled genuinely, realising, for the first time all week, she didn't feel so alone. Lou had really shown his loyalty to her as well as to the farm that day and Marcie, as always, had reminded her that she thought of her like a daughter. They walked from the big house together down towards the worker's cottages in silence.

Tom, having seen them approach, walked out to meet them. "Make sure he walks you back," Lou mumbled to Alyssa while looking at Tom. "Don't wanna take any chances."

"I'll be fine, Lou, but thanks," Alyssa smiled and impulsively hugged the gruff man.

Tom said nothing as he moved closer. Alyssa watched Lou go and turned to Tom holding up her phone. "I answered when it rang. Harry will be here in the morning."

"Shit I forgot the circus was coming to town," Tom scratched at his stubble as he spoke. "Thanks for letting me know. I will walk you back."

Disappointed that he had dismissed her so easily she said softly, "It's okay. It's only a few hundred meters. I'm sure I can make it."

Tom saw her face fall, she was easier to deal with when she was with Justin. The possibility of anything more between them had never been a realistic idea until last weekend and he found he was constantly torn and frustrated, which seemed to make everything come out wrong, no matter what he did. Despite her protestations, he walked along with her stopping within the trees he usually stood under late at night. He took her arm making her stop, and she whimpered. "Oh gosh, I am so sorry. It's bad huh?"

"Only when someone grabs my arm," she smiled. "Look, I don't know why you seem to be permanently mad at me this week but can we just forget today and start again in the morning? I need you. I need your friendship and advice now more than ever."

Tom wrapped his arms about her. He wanted to make everything alright for her. "I am sorry. I was just so worried when you were hurt and the fact that you never close your curtains..."

Alyssa looked up wide eyed.

He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialled. He had kept one arm around Alyssa as he listened and then spoke, "Hi Marcie... yeah... no, no, it's all good, I just need a quick favour... Can you go up to Alyssa's room and turn on the light and open the curtains and window for me?... Yeah great... thanks... Alyssa will explain when she comes in... yeah, see ya."

"Watch," Tom pointed to the left window at the top of the house. Alyssa looked up and saw the light go on. From the darkness she could clearly see the far wall in her bedroom and the mirror there. Marcie came into view and she could understand how much could be seen each night as she flirted with exposing herself to someone below. She felt herself blush deeply. Tom must have seen her during one of those times.

"You have a great body, and I for one am glad you are not inhibited about it, but here, after your speech today, you need to be more careful," Tom said softly. "I mean I will be disappointed of course but you probably should close the curtains when you are changing in there," the darkness hid his smirk as well as it hid her blushing features.

"Isn't that a bit like perving on your sister?" Alyssa protested.

"I stopped thinking about you as a sister when you grew boobs," Tom admitted with a chuckle enjoying her gasp of surprise. "Go to bed. Harry is going to wear you out this weekend. I'm sure she has a whole agenda behind the visit, especially if she is coming early."

He leaned down and kissed her lightly, testing her reaction. His biggest fear was that she would reject his advances, being so soon after her break up with Justin and the death of her father. While she didn't pull away, she did stiffen and he didn't press further but rather took her hand and walked further toward the house without saying anything more. As they reached the stairs he grinned, "Don't forget to tell Lou I made sure you got home safely, he was a bit tough the way he cut jobs and threatened people after you left. I don't wanna be on his hit list."

Alyssa laughed, "I don't think you have to worry about Lou, but thanks for walking me home." She hugged him hoping that everything was back to normal for them regardless of their strange conversation and the feelings it evoked. She couldn't quite work out if he was serious or not but the kiss, though chaste, lingered in her mind. She really didn't want to analyse it, she had other bigger problems to deal with so she ran up the stairs and into the house waving as she shut the door.

Reaching her room, the light was still on. She switched it off and walked to the window waiting for her eyes to adjust. She barely made out the shape of Tom looking up at the window before disappearing into the trees. As always the thought that she could be seen sent a thrill up her spine. It was a turn on she admitted, that one of the men of the farm may have viewed her as she changed. Equally as fast she considered that the person who had seen her was Tom.

She had never considered that he thought of her as anything but an annoying little sister but tonight, he had hinted that he thought otherwise, as he had last Saturday morning when she had awoken naked and exposed beside him. As she crawled into bed she sorted through her confused thoughts for other hints that maybe the sibling connection had only come from her and she had in turn pushed that onto how she assumed he thought of her. She fell into a restless sleep thinking of Tom and the chaste kiss.

Alyssa came to, startled into wakefulness as Harry bounced on her bed and hugged her, "Oh my god! Could this place be anymore rustic?"

Alyssa groaned, "Hi, Harry, what time is it?" She struggled to clear her head as she blinked into the bright light of her bedroom.

"Come on, sleepyhead," Harry enthused. "That lovely woman downstairs is making us the biggest breakfast I have ever seen!"

Alyssa struggled to sit up and looked at Harry who, as usual, looked impeccable. Tall, gorgeous and as outrageous in her wardrobe as she was in her personality, Alyssa smiled. "Okay, just give me a minute," she said looking at her clock. It was four and once again Alyssa groaned and rubbed her eyes. Turning off her alarm she swung her legs out of bed and stamped into the bathroom shutting the door loudly behind her.

"Meet you down stairs then," Harry's voice sung through the door and Alyssa heard the footsteps move out of her room. She hurriedly washed her face and pulled on some old jeans and a flannel shirt before running down stairs to save Marcie from the antics of Harry and her friends. What she found though was a lively and laughing Marcie happily entertaining a troupe of seven men and women.

"Oh goodie here she is! Isn't she adorable?" Harry was addressing her friends, "Everyone this is Lady Godiva!"

There was a babble of conversation and questions Alyssa couldn't possibly keep up with and she looked at Harry with a confused expression. "I have totally changed the angle of my column because you didn't want to do a nude ride. We need all these people now. When Tom gets here, be a sweetheart and back me up or we will have to go back to the nude ride," Harry said softly, close to her ear. Harry began to introduce her crew, "Ash is the hair guy, Gina is on make up, Lana wardrobe and body paint, Gene is the driver, Al is the best photographer in the biz, and this is my awesome PA and girlfriend..."

Gwen laughed and got up to hug Alyssa. "You know me, silly," she smiled, "I tried to tell her she should warn you but you know how she is. Tom is gonna throw a fit I bet." Gwen laughed again and sat back down.

"Hello," Alyssa greeted everyone. She moved toward the kitchen, "Marcie, can I give you a hand?"

"Don't be silly," Marcie grinned, obviously in her element. "Go play with your friends. It's nice to have some laughter in the house again."

Alyssa had just sat down beside Gwen after making herself a sandwich from the toast, bacon and egg available when Tom walked in with Joe, the reporter Alyssa had met last weekend, looking like he was about to explode. "I said two friends," he growled at Harry.

"Oh I know," Harry said, waving her hand in the air before her as if waving the idea away. "But I had a fabulous idea and I knew you would love it so I brought all the things I needed to make it happen." She smiled brightly as Tom rolled his eyes at her, "You'll love it, I promise!"

Tom looked at Alyssa, "Did you get enough sleep? How's the arm?"

"I'm fine," Alyssa said quietly, glad she had chosen a long sleeved shirt and the bruise wasn't exposed to his view. In truth it wasn't very painful unless prodded, though it looked ghastly.

Gwen looked at them curiously but said nothing. Joe took the seat beside Alyssa before Tom could and helped himself to a huge plate of sausages, eggs and beans. He murmured as if he was trying to be secretive, "Can you take me to see Godiva's Girls?"

"How did you know?" Alyssa spluttered.

"You told me last weekend, though you were a bit under the weather. Too late, now I know and so does Harry," Joe grinned. "So how about it? Can I go down and see their track work?"

"Sure," Alyssa nodded still taking in his words, "but you won't have time to finish that lot."

"Just watch me," Joe laughed. "Country air does wonders for the appetite." He began shovelling food into his mouth making Gwen chuckle.

Gwen leaned into Alyssa, "When you go, slip out quietly, I will cover you. Let Harry and Tom fight their battle on their own. It will be all smoothed out by the time you return." It was Alyssa's turn to look confused but she nodded, knowing she didn't want to be in anyone else's personal battles when she had enough of her own.

Kerrick rose up in her mind and she cleared her throat and raised her voice slightly, "I'm sorry, everyone. Do you mind if I have a quick word with Marcie and Tom before we decide what to do with our day? House-keeping stuff is very boring, I am afraid, but a farm works seven days a week." They all nodded and Tom and Marcie followed Alyssa to the study.

Closing the door behind them Alyssa said, "I don't want to be seen as a whiner, but I am going to ask Lou to put a couple of guys he can trust on the gate to stop Kerrick coming in. If he saw our arrivals..." She paused, "I really don't want a scene with reporters here no matter how friendly they are."

"Best idea you have had in a while," Tom mumbled, wishing he had considered it and Marcie nodded her assent. "We should also send someone shopping with Marcie if she needs to go out just to stop any questions that might crop up."

"That was my next thing," Alyssa nodded. "I am so sorry Marcie, I truly expected only two or three people not the crowd we have."

"Oh sweet girl," Marcie grinned, "I am as happy as a lark with so many people to fuss over."

"Well if you need to go to town, go and see Lou okay? He can send someone with a shopping list I'm sure. And after yesterday, no one will say a word about doing it," Tom backed up Alyssa's thoughts.

"Actually it would be great if someone could go for me," Marcie agreed. "I have a lot of beds to find for tonight."

"Maybe some of the guys given two weeks notice yesterday have left early. Then we could use their cottages," Alyssa said hopefully. "I will find out and let you know as soon as possible."

"I'm going to take Joe down to see the filly train," Alyssa said. "It'll be fine, I'll take Lou with me. Can you find out what Harry's new plan is please?" she asked Tom.

He seemed on the edge of arguing with her but Marcie cut in, "Lou can argue better with your Dad than you can, Tom. Do what she asks 'cause I am bursting with curiosity!"

"Promise you will take Lou," Tom said. He saw Alyssa nod and gave in. "Okay, make sure he puts people on the gate all day."

"I will," Alyssa smiled. "Thank you both for being there for me. I couldn't do any of this without you and Lou. I guess I haven't said that enough lately."

They walked back out to the kitchen and Alyssa smiled at Joe, "You ready?"

"Yep, all done," he grabbed his hat and followed her as she walked out the back door.

They walked down to the stables making small talk about the trip down and what time they left to get to the farm so early. Alyssa stopped to talk to Lou, letting Joe roam around the stables looking at the horses still in their stalls. Lou was still on his phone ensuring people he trusted were on the gates when they caught up to Joe and walked out to the track.

Bob rushed over, protecting his territory and demanded to know what they were doing on his track. Lou cleared his throat meaningfully and when Bob said nothing further growled, "You forget Miss Lance OWNS this track and that horse-flesh you're training." He looked at Joe and Alyssa, "Perhaps she should consider a new trainer for her own horses. She does own them after all. There are plenty of others stabled here you could spend your valuable time on, Bob," Lou said meaningfully.

Bob spluttered and Lou continued, "How about you show Miss Lance and her reporter friend what her horses can do?" Bob took a second look at the man with Alyssa and Lou. His narrowing eyes displayed his dawning realisation of exactly who had just witnessed his dismissal of Alyssa. He turned without another word, not waiting to see who followed, and bellowed orders at the track workers.

Alyssa realised at that point that she would always need a man with her to make any headway with Bob and she sighed more audibly than she meant to, making both Joe and Lou stare at her. As they approached the fence, the filly was coming into the home stretch. "There she is," Lou announced, "the untried filly. The mare is on the other side of the track," he said, pointing out at the fast moving animal coming around behind the filly.

Joe leaned on a rail, not saying anything, just looking at the horses as they made their way around. They stayed in comfortable silence for over an hour, watching the trainers and jockeys at work. "They look good," Joe said quietly. "When will you be trying them out?" Alyssa looked at him blankly, she hadn't actually thought that far ahead. "You gotta run them sometime soon," Joe said.
