Teacher Ch. 01

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His teacher is caught in her underwear.
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This first chapter is not so exhibitionist as the second chapter – it was just difficult to know which category to place it in.

Denis was on the way to class when he stopped to answer his phone. He was surprised to hear a teacher sounding nervous and angry.

"Denis I need your help," Miss Andrews blurted out in one long string of sound.

"Yea, sure. What can I do for you Miss Andrews," he said.

"Just turn around and you'll see my car. It's the blue Ford parked two rows back."

"Yea I see it. Do you want me to fetch something for you?" Denis asked, casually.

"Just do as I say, OK!" Carol told him, sounding cross.

"Is this a joke or something?" he asked, wondering if it was a friend imitating her voice. He looked around expecting to see the guys setting up some lame joke. Maybe they had written something on her car and were trapping him into taking the fall.

"Just walk over to the car," she ordered. Trying to regain some control she relaxed a fraction seeing him comply.

"When you get here just get in to the driving seat. You can drive can't you?" she asked, worried she had picked the one eighteen year old in college that couldn't.

"Of course I can! What's this is all about? Where are you?" He was feeling nervous at the tense tone of voice, it didn't sound like the usual confident teacher he knew in class. He hesitantly stepped in the right direction, though becoming more convinced it was some kind of lame trick.

He was right by the car so she tried to calm her voice so as not to spook him. She just hoped he wouldn't look in or attract attention if he saw her on the back seat.

"Please Denis, just get in. It's OK nothing's going to happen, I just need you to drive the car somewhere," she pleaded. She was conscious of her voice changing from commanding to pleading but couldn't help it.

He opened the door allowing in the sounds of noisy students reluctantly moving toward class and cars cruising looking for a space.

"You don't need the phone now I'm in the back here. No! Don't look, just start the car and drive," she told him.

Denis stared at his teacher lying on the back seat in her bra and panties. Hell! He hadn't seen a woman up close like this and for it to be her was some image to get used to. He couldn't help staring.

"Denis! Denis! Just drive, please." Carol said, with an urgent pleading voice.

"I've got a class in ten minutes miss," he said, trying to crawl back to reality.

"You can cut class this morning. Just drive, damn it!" Carol hissed urgently.

In the mirror she could see the campus patrolman walking along a line of cars inspecting passes, getting closer. The very person she didn't want to see right now. She could take the creeps innuendo's and smirks most times but right now she dare not think what he would say; more importantly what he would tell others.

Some story would make the rounds becoming more exaggerated in the telling until the principle heard a garbled tale. She would have to explain why she was half naked in her car with a student. Old people sensibly kept a rug in the back of the car which right now seemed such a wonderful idea.

"Just drive, get me out of here," she pleaded with him.

Denis concentrated on driving the unfamiliar car through the car park onto the main road. He angled the mirror to get a better look making sure she was really there. Miss Andrews was a beautiful blonde that any young man would kill to have naked on the back seat of their car.

It wasn't his car and she wasn't completely naked but any man would revel in such a sight.

"Concentrate on the road, Kevin," she told him.

"Where to?" he asked.

"Home, get me home, please, quickly," she urged him on feeling an urgent need to pee. Her tone was taking on a higher more desperate pitch too.

"What happened? Was it a dare?" he asked.

"No. Just a stupid day," she sighed. "I was up late last night and was late this morning, rushing to class. I slammed the car door on my dress. In a temper I tore it free and there I was standing in my underwear. I was fumbling with dress and purse getting the key when the damn dress blew under a car. I just leapt into the back seat before anyone saw me. I was terrified," she added.

Just thinking about it brought her out in a cold sweat. To calm herself she thought of being safely home. The first thing she would do is pee, refresh her makeup and get dressed.

At last they pulled up outside her home. She hadn't bothered telling him not to look in the mirror again for it seemed an impossible task not to. Just the once she had anxiously reminded him the lights had changed to red.

The house was so close yet so far away. A neighbour was out mowing an immaculate lawn. She dithered on making the decision to make a break for the front door. Wanting to pee and not wanting to be seen became an agonising moment.

"Get your key ready and make a break for it when he turns around," Denis suggested.

"The key! Damn it, it's in my purse in the car park. I dropped it when leaping into the car."

"I'll drive back and get it," he said, putting it into drive.

She watched her house and neighbour pass by with eyes peering just above the door panel. "No, not back there! Somewhere else," she said, her voice tailing off, wondering where to go.

"I could take you back to my place," Denis suggested.

Carol grimaced at the thought. An alternative hadn't occurred to her so she agreed. "OK. Slow down! I don't want to be caught like this by the cops." In the mirror Carol could see a big grin on his face. She grimaced again.

With a figure like hers she was used to being ogled by men but he was a student. At twenty nine with large breasts fending off men had become an art form. So this young guy wouldn't be much trouble. The trouble was, being driven further into a bad day that was becoming worse by the minute.

Racking her brains for an idea didn't help. She was stuck with him until either she had some clothes or she thought of an escape route.

She considered sending him into a store for clothes but her purse and credit cards had probably been handed in to lost property by now. He didn't look as if he had a bean in his pocket and thinking about the ghastly clothes he might bring back killed that idea.

At least this time there was no-one in sight. He led the way up to the front door with key in hand. Without fumbling the door was open and she was inside safe from the outside world. Still in a crouch trying to hide her nakedness she followed him to the stairs. A sudden burst of laughter was joined by others. Carol froze in fear with a foot on the first step.

"Quick, upstairs to my room," he whispered. Taking a hold of her hand he led her up two flights of stairs at a run to the attic rooms.

Safely in his room she breathed heavily from the panicky escape. "Who was that?" she gasped.

"The guys who share the place, I thought they would be in class," he shrugged.

Carol looked around the room. There were no sheets on the bed and only blinds up at the windows. "Do you have a towel or something?" she asked. Still holding herself defensively she looked around again, desperate for anything that might cover her embarrassment.

"It's Friday, nothing's back from the laundry," he shrugged.

It was a typical students' room though not as untidy as hers had been. It was larger too, running the whole length of the building under the roof so that the ceiling sloped along one edge.

"Do you mind not looking at me like that," she said. The look of a predatory wolf after prey came to mind. She couldn't blame him for a look anyone might give her in a nightclub and under these circumstances it was understandable, though more uncomfortable.

She was going to have to do the thinking for both of them "Do you have something for me to wear, please," she asked, trying not to sound too bossy or sarcastic. It was necessary to keep him sweet as she still needed his help to get out of this mess.

He produced a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. From where she stood it was obvious there was nothing else in the wardrobe. Why had she picked a damn minimalist? Struggling with them she found they wouldn't pull up over her bottom. "Damn! My ass is too big. My breasts are too much for that t-shirt," she said, thinking out loud.

"No. Your ass is nice. I think your," he began.

"Don't go there Denis. You are way out of your depth," she was thinking of married friends who teased their husbands asking what they looked like in a new dress. The sensible husbands declined to even look.

"A piece of advice about women is to leave their butt alone. It's not a safe route to take," Carol stated. 'Hell! Did I just say that?'

"I wasn't thinking of your ass like that Miss Andrews," he stammered. The look of apology on his face was amusing but she didn't notice while thinking of something more urgent.

The sexual tension was working on her too after the panic and excitement of running upstairs. The flight from danger of discovery had been exciting. He too was looking keyed up and the last thing she needed right now was an over excited young man.

"We need to think of a way out of this. Just take a deep breast, breath!" she quickly corrected herself. "Relax and breathe in."

Too late she realised the bra was too tight to be expanding her chest in front of a young inexperienced lad like this. With the intake of breath her fleshy white breasts overflowed the little cups almost bursting free. It was just making it worse for the poor fellow.

She plonked her body down on the edge of the bed and looked up at him. He was watching her breasts bounce. "Damn!" she complained. "Is there anyone out there, I need the bathroom."

With the door open a crack they froze on hearing a whistling grow nearer then a door slam.

"It's Blow. He'll be in there for ages," Denis explained. He rummaged around and found an empty bean can, held it up toward her, shook his head then threw it into the trash.

"Will this do?" he asked.

Carol looked at the old army helmet and gritted her teeth. "Needs must I suppose."

Without being told he turned around while she carefully balanced on the precarious potty with knickers around her ankles. It was difficult balancing but let it go, keeping it upright with her weight while leaning back against the bed.

Before she could relax the damn thing tipped and she landed on the floor with an exclamation not used in class. When he jumped round to help she swore again.

"I'll hold your shoulders," he said, trying to be helpful.

He was studiously looking across the room not down at her which was some small consolation. That she had been on her bare bottom with legs splayed either side of the damn helmet when he picked her up was highly embarrassing. She couldn't bring herself together enough to speak so gave in to the helpful suggestion.

He had a firm grip of her shoulders otherwise she might have shrugged him away. After an agony of waiting it hit the bottom of the helmet to make a terrible racket, swishing around, echoing loudly. This was such a bad day it just had to go on and on adding to the humiliation of a most humbling moment.

It didn't make it any easier that her face was inches from his crotch. It was no wonder he had a raging hard-on from what she had put him through. She felt sorry for him and herself too. If she hadn't panicked then maybe the damn dress wouldn't have been dropped and they wouldn't have been thrown together into this terrible situation.

Hurriedly pulling up the panties she wriggled into them while he held the improvised pot. Now his face was inches from her crotch, so close she could feel his breath over her thighs.

Plonking herself onto the edge of his bed she dropped her face to hide it in long blond hair. It was only a gesture but at least she had some privacy while trying to think. "This is terrible. What am I to do?" she moaned.

He moved back to her placing his hands on her shoulders. "It's OK! I'll get you something to wear so you can drive home. I'll find a way into your house and you can start the day afresh," he said, trying to mollify her.

The soothing concern in his voice was touching. If she had been in a bedroom with one of her friend's husbands she doubted sympathy would have entered the tone of conversation.

Right in front of her she could smell the scent of aroused male escaping from the tight jeans. He may be inexperienced but he was a man with a near naked woman in his bedroom.

"I've got to get out of here Denis. If I get caught like this, in a student's bedroom, I'd be dismissed. I wouldn't get another teaching job either," she sighed. A touch of desperation in her voice was picked up on. She could see it from the look on his face.

She was going to have to be careful. He must already be feeling feint from a lack of blood supply to his brain and his penis was probably starting to do the thinking for him.

Taking charge shouldn't be too difficult; after all he was her student. He stood there holding onto her shoulders looking down at her. It was probably the first time he had touched a woman dressed in underwear and a pair of sandals. Carol almost sobbed a laugh on thinking it was the sandals that did it every time.

"Sit down here Denis," she told him, patting the bed. "You're a nice boy," she said, emphasising the word boy. "It must be hard for you," she stopped on catching herself looking at his crotch. "You must try harder, I mean, try to get me out of this mess, please," her voice tailed off in confusion not knowing what to say.

"I will, Miss," he said. He put an arm around her shoulders. "You must do me a favour in return."

Before she could un-wrap his arm she froze. This is not what she wanted to hear.

"In class you give me a hard time, I know you're encouraging me, others have said as much," he began.

"I don't mean to!" she exclaimed. 'Damn!' She knew men looked at her like that but was so used to it she thought nothing of it. Surely he didn't think she encouraged the boys in class. What had she done? Was it the clothes she wore? What was the gossip if they were saying she had purposely made him hard in class? Had the gossip reached the other teachers?

"You do miss. I know it's for my own good but exams aren't the only thing in life," he said.

"Oh!" she said, feeling so very relieved. He was talking about being pushed to try harder. "You're right of course," Carol concluded in a sensible tone that belied the turmoil of emotion inside.

Jumping to such a silly conclusion made her wonder if she were being fired up from this stupid vulnerable position. He was a handsome young man so maybe he wasn't so interested in a woman her age. Whoever was being affected the most didn't matter, she must think of a way out of here and quick.

Catching her unawares he pulled her head onto his shoulder and wrapped both arms around her. He whispered something in her ear. The little tingling sensations whispered bliss straight to the pleasure centres of her brain.

Her ears had always been sensitive. Touching the backs of her knees did nothing for her. Stroking her thighs and even attention to her breasts could be resisted but breathing heavily into her ears did something. It was like being shot with a pleasure dart.

Sitting there in a state of acquiescence confirmed she must have been aroused all along otherwise she would be fighting him off. A part of her mind was telling her to give in, to give him what he wanted so she could get what she wanted – clothes!

It was just an excuse and she tried to convince the naughty self it was wrong but was failing dismally. She could hear her heavy breathing as though she had climbed another flight of stairs.

The excitement of danger from being discovered, the panicky flight up the stairs, had worked upon her emotions more than she realised. She was dependent upon this young man to get her out of here and that dependency was leaving her too compliant.

Denis had his teacher in his arms kissing her ears and neck. He had merely tried to reassure her by holding her tight and talking quietly. Feeling her press against him was an opportunity impossible to resist. He kissed her ear then followed her neck to her lips, kissing and caressing all the way.

When she opened her mouth he kissed her deeply. The last girlfriend had taught him well but he didn't think of her now, he was on automatic pilot following male instincts.

His hands pushed up the bra exposing a luscious pair of breasts for his fingers to explore. It was a rougher fumbling than it should have been but with their tongues entwined neither could ask nor give instructions.

So carried away Carol might have pulled the crotch of her panties to one side or it might have been him but at that moment she didn't care. It had been a long time since anyone had paid so much attention to her lips and neck and ears.

The sensations of pleasure were intense enough to break down the barrier between morals and desire. If the last boyfriend had been a better lover or if it hadn't been so long ago or Denis wasn't so strong and handsome then maybe she would have had a chance to resist.

On feeling a hardness press against an upper thigh alarm bells began to ring. An intruder alert was bringing her back to reality. "No. Stop!" Carol whispered hoarsely through gritted teeth. She couldn't fight him and herself. 'This is wrong, very wrong,' she thought, only half convinced. She hadn't even noticed they had fallen back across the bed.

He heard not a word as he manoeuvred over her. His lips found her nipples as he arched back sucking them away from her body thrusting forward with strong hips.

She felt a rod of iron entering her. It slid in leaving her feeling guilty at being so easy. It wasn't a coming together of two people in love or even the sad inevitability of a long term relationship. It wasn't her lover's cock it was just a hard shaft invading her body.

As she lay prone under him time seemed to stand still as the unwelcome thing penetrated deeper and deeper.

She sobbed from the indignity of being taken by this young man, her student. The frantic thrusts slowed and he began to tell her how wonderful she was. At first she felt even more disgusted for letting him do this to her.

They were the touching words of a young man in love. He was a virgin pouring his heart out to her. It should have been to a young girl his age and she began to feel privileged to be sharing his first time.

A slight shift in his weight changed the angle of his penis. It rubbed against her clit which brought a spasm of movement to her hips.

"Oh! Yes," he breathed out the words in obvious pleasure.

Carol lifted her hips in a gentle push to hear him utter some garbled gratitude. The accompanying squirm of his hips did something for her too. His movements were now hitting the right spot.

She began to thrust up with her hips, arching her back, listening to the murmurs of appreciation and feeling the enthusiastic response. It was irresistible. She began to take the initiative. The thought of fucking this young virgin began to build her to a climax.

She was ready for him. She needed him to cum. She desperately needed to feel him empty his seed into her. The sensation of fullness was no longer enough she needed to cum, now!

"Fuck me harder. Faster! Cum damn you!" she wailed. Her fists bounced off his hard flexing back. His strong legs pushed and heaved, pounding her hard. She felt as though he were about to pierce her entire body with the next thrust.

"I'm cumin!" he said quietly, as if she needed a warning.

"Oh! Yessss," she hissed. It felt as though he were filling her up with his thick potent juices. She imagined it filling her whole body. She felt as though she were nothing but his vessel of cum. She was a small thing in the universe completely given over to him.