The Benandanti


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There was a general chorus of assent. Violet nodded.

"Good. That gives us a year to prepare to destroy the thing once and for all."

Marcus shifted in his seat, then cleared his throat. "Do we actually have a plan for destroying this thing?"

Not yet," Violet said. Her voice was steel and there was the look of death in her eyes. "But mark me, we will find one. Even if it's ripping the cursed thing from limb-from-limb."


Not a week later, the elders came. Two of them, their intent obvious. Decorum and custom demanded they be seen and attended too. A sumptuous dinner was prepared, and afterward they retreated to the library with Violet, Ballard, and Socorro. Everyone was seated and Ballard served them brandy.

The first elder, a Benandanti of many years and greatly respected throughout the packs, began to speak.

"First of all, Violet, let me tell you how terribly sorry I am for the loss. Not only to you, though your and your pack bear the greatest brunt of it, but to all the Benandanti as well."

Violet nodded her head in gracious acceptance. "Thank you for your condolences. Aidan is greatly missed." She waited to see if this was sincere, or just the formalities before the demands.

"Of course. But we trust you realize that given your rank and position, another mate must be found for you. I know you must feel as though you've scarcely mourned Aidan, but the needs of the pack must take precedence."

Violet kept herself from smiling. Demands, yes, but with one serious misstep that would play well to her advantage.

The second elder spoke up as soon as the first stopped speaking. "Understanding that considerations for a new mate must be the farthest thing from your mind, we've assembled a list we think you should look over. The males listed are amongst the best of the Benandanti available at this time."

Violet took the proffered list and set it aside without looking at it. "Gentleman, I'm glad you're so concerned with the needs of the pack. That is my concern as well. For you are correct, I haven't been considering a new mate. I've been considering the monstrosity that killed my former mate. As you and all the other elders have been told, the creature was not killed. In fact, according to my lore keeper there is every possibility, if not probability, it will come back next Halloween. So you see, this hunt is not over, only postponed. And introducing a new alpha male at such a time will pull necessary attention and resources from finishing this hunt."

The elders looked to each other, then to Ballard. "Surely, you must understand the importance of this," the second elder said.

Ballard cocked his head. "The importance of destroying a dangerous creature that seeks death and destruction as its meat and milk? Certainly, I understand the importance of that. It's what the Benandanti exist for."

The second elder began to protest, but the first silenced him.

"Very well," he said. "You have your year. Use it wisely, for at the end life will continue regardless of whether the creature is destroyed or not. You will be expected to take a new mate at that time." He smiled at Violet as he rose. It was a surprisingly warm smile.

"Hopefully, the creature's death can be the first celebration of your new mating."


"Does anybody else find this whole list thing skeazy?" Marcus grumbled, his arms crossed.

"Is 'skeazy' even a word?" Socorro asked with a laugh.

"Sure it is," Marcus confirmed. "I said it, it's a word. That's why it's called 'the spoken word.' If it were some other type of communication it would be called something else."

"The telepathic word?" Tobias ventured.

"The word's origin notwithstanding, the situation is skeazy," Ballard said. "It's also the way of things. The best thing to do is focus on the matter at hand."

So began the training. Violet drove them hard, morning to evening and well into the night. She was determined to not lose any more of her pack to the Nuckelavee. Autumn finished its turn to winter.

One night, long after the rest of the pack had retired, Violet lay awake in her room. She was buried in her blankets. The bedding had been washed, but Aidan's scent still lingered. She buried her head amongst the pillows and inhaled deeply, pulling in as much of what remained of her beloved mate as she could. She immersed herself in her memories.

Aidan had been a handsome man, and wolf. He had a quick wit and loved to tease. Never too far though, and his wit could turn sweetly depreciating. He had a solid build and was a powerful fighter. He knew how to be soft, and when he caressed her, Violet would melt. He would rub her shoulders, then work his way down her back until all the tension was gone. Of course, it didn't take long for him to bring a new tension to her body.

Violet felt a growing need as her body responded to her memories. She felt empty. She knew what she required, what the wolf required. She reached her hand down and cupped her needy pussy. She worked her fingers up. As she began to see her to body's hunger, an image of Aidan lying broken his eye staring into the mystery of whatever came next exploded into her mind. The wracking sobs shook her body long into the night.


Late in January Violet met with Tobias.

"Have you determined anything further on the Nuckelavee?"

Tobias looked up from his book. He was concerned by the haggard, worn look that hung on Violet like a premature shroud.

"I'm afraid not much. There ware several sources that repeat in various ways what I've already found. There are references to the 'Sea Mither' who appears to be some form of local Goddess to the Orkney Islands who seemed to keep it in check but I am uncertain how useful that might be to us. It would appear to have been that the best method of dealing with it was avoidance, so it was avoided."

Violet dropped herself in the seat next to Tobias. "I wish that was an option for us."

Tobias regarded her drawn features and haunted eyes and felt a pang of sorrow. "So do I."

Violet leaned over and looked at his book. "'Sea Mither', eh? See what you can find out about her. Perhaps she's an avatar or deity form we can call on."

"I will do so," he said.


On a balmy April night, Ballard found Violet sitting in the library going over the list.

"Any names stand out?" he asked.

She tossed aside in disgust. "No. Aidan's scent is still in my bed and I'm supposed to just take someone else there. It's awful."

Ballard sat down and nodded in sympathy. "I know and I'm sorry." He laid his hand on hers. "I wish it could be different."

She looked up and the grief in her eyes was unbearable to Ballard. "You know what I wish? I wish I could just leave you and Socorro in charge. I wish I could just go away and live out my life alone with my memories."

"That's not the way it works." His voice was soft.

"Don't I know it? The damned elders won't leave me in peace, I'm certain."

"It's not just that. In time the wolf will want a new mate."

"I thought wolves mated for life." Violet looked away.

"Now, you know that's a misconception. Wolves are monogamous, yes. But if, or more correctly when, one mate dies the remaining one can, and usually does, take on another."

Violet closed her eyes as tears began to well. She knew the truth of what Ballard was saying. In fact, she had already begun to feel stirrings she couldn't bring herself to address. Every time she tried, the image of Aidan's battered body rose up in her mind and she broke down crying. Just as she was starting to now.

"I've got to go." Violet rose up from the table and ran out of the library.

She dashed through the house and to the outside. The night was cool, but the warmth of spring was in the air. Violet tore off her clothes and summoned the wolf. She launched herself headlong into her run, kicking up last year's fallen leaves along with some sod.

She ran heedlessly into the night, the cool air not felt for her fur. The forest the house was situated near rose up around her almost as if by its own separate will. She gave an occasional glance at the stars and the low-riding moon when she could glimpse them through the trees. The eternal night sky. She felt a lump rise in her throat. Eternal. She wished things were eternal. She skidded to a stop as an anguished howl was torn by grief from her throat.

She ran on. Soon she came to a spot where three pine trees grew together. This early in the spring they were the only trees with coverage. Life amongst the not quite alive of early spring. She curled up in the shelter of the trees and tried to will her heart to stop aching.

Soon, she heard another draw near her hiding spot. She could hear the crunch of pads in the decomposing leaves and the soft snuffling of a wolf snout following a scent. Her scent. She looked out.

An enormous black wolf stood there. Marcus. He had followed her. She whimpered.

He looked up and spotted her. He trotted over and touched his nose to hers, ears sideways with a soft whine.Are you all right?

Violet nuzzled back, a lick on the snout, a nip on the ear. Fine. He was very handsome, part of her thought. As Marcus turned away, Violet shook her head to dislodge the thought, but it was pernicious. Very well, then. Give onto the wolf what it wants, but in her own way.

Marcus turned to leave. He stopped when a human voice asked him to. Marcus looked over to see Violet, now very much human, laying on the ground amidst the pines. He cocked his head.

"Please, stay. I'm...lonely. I think I would like some company."

Marcus inhaled the scent that was coming off of her. He knew what it meant and every sense went into overload. He shifted, meeting her in the form she'd set.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

In response she leaned over, enveloped his head in her arms and kissed him deeply on the lips. All thought then left Marcus' mind. He kissed her back, hard. His tongue probed her mouth, his hands roved over her body.

She met him kiss for kiss and touch for touch. She pushed him down and straddled him. Her hands slammed into his shoulders, pinning him. He looked up at her, marking every line of her graceful form. She sought out his mouth again and nipped his lip before kissing him.

Marcus felt himself grow hard. Bent over him, Violet's breasts were so close that Marcus could grab them even with his shoulders pinned. He began to massage them and felt her nipples grow stiff in his hands.

Violet arched her back up, pulling her breasts from his grasp but releasing his shoulders in the process. Marcus rocked his torso upright, seizing Violet around the waist. He laid back down, pulling her down on top of him. He reveled in the feeling of her body pressed against his. He almost rolled over on top of her but instinct warned him not to. So instead he laid himself out below her, surrendering himself to her.

Violet took him. She guided his shaft into her waiting pussy and rode him hard. She commanded his body as boldly in sex as she did in the pack, and he willingly, hungrily, submitted to it. But underneath was a desperation, a deep and yawning terror of loss, she was fucking him as though it were her last.

He came, his orgasm shuddering through them both as Violet's came with a cry. For a brief and shining moment, the burning demands of her loneliness and cravings were met just as bittersweet longings Marcus had never dared to voice were sated. Spent, both of them laid against each other and fell into sleep, the lingering heat of their joining and warmth of their bodies keeping away the spring chill.


It was to a chill that Marcus awoke. Dawn was just beginning to color the sky and he was alone. He rolled up to a sitting position and wondered at the events of the previous evening. As often as he tried to hide the fact from himself, deep down he knew he loved Violet. Much more than he wanted too. When he came to pack she was mated, and he liked and respected Aidan as a pack leader, a Benandanti, and a person. While he had become infatuated with Violet, her amiableness, her strength, her grace were as attractive to him as her aching and haunting beauty, he had known it was useless. She was an alpha female, and as deft a warrior and strong a hunter as he was, he was no alpha. He would watch her from a distance and if his love was unrequited, it was also contained.

But now... He curled into a ball. Now that he'd tasted her, held her, loved her, his desire burst forth within him until it threatened to burn him away from inside. He had recognized her need, and gladly filled it. Even at the time he was aware it was simply a need.

In the aftermath, he longed for her again. He wanted her scent on his body, her taste on his lips, her needs to be answered always and only by him. Hot tears pushed out from his closed eyes, for he was still not an alpha, and she would still take another mate. The howl tore from his throat before he even realized it.


Spring slipped into summer. Tobias researched what he could on the Nuckelavee and the Sea Mither. Violet continued to drive him and the rest of the pack hard. During the mock battles, she found herself watching Marcus far more often then she intended. The line of his body, both as a human and a wolf, sparked a heat in her she hadn't known for him before.

She had always liked Marcus, he was brash without being arrogant, light-hearted while knowing when to be serious, and confident in a way that took nothing away from the people around him. He was a strong fighter, keen hunter, and an asset to the pack. Violet loved him in the same way she loved all members of her pack, as a family with bonds forged in battle.

She saw something more. She saw something special, and more, she saw something she wanted.

"Ballard?" she asked, one night in the late summer when they were alone in the library.


"Do you suppose they'll allow me to chose a mate that is off their list?" She tried to keep her tone airy, just a curiosity, but Ballard caught the tension underneath. He had also noticed how often she was watching Marcus. They all had. It seemed only Violet and Marcus were unaware.

"Hard to say. I would imagine as long as you take a mate of some form, they will be happy."

"I see," was all she said as she walked out the door, so distracted by her thoughts that she didn't see Ballard smiling at her back.


The day had come. Violet closed the book as prepared to join her pack. She thought they were prepared, or as prepared as they could be. Halloween morning broke bright, the sun burning through the morning haze by mid-morning. She saw to one detail their lives may yet depend on. She drew Tobias aside.

"Do you have something prepared?"

"I have worked out what I could. The thing to remember is that the autumn is traditionally her time of ebb, and she is an ocean goddess being called far from the ocean. But I will do what I can."

"Do you know where he is coming?"

"Everything indicates the same place as last year."

"Does he know we'll be there?"

"It's entirely possible."

Violet went to Aidan's grave. The Benandanti were buried on the land of the pack they belonged, for even dead they were a member of the pack. If an entire pack were to die, the graves would be left as a reminder for the next pack to hold the land, and would become honorary members.

She didn't have much time, but wanted to say something, anything, to him before going.

"Aidan, beloved," she started, then faltered. She wanted to say something important, profound, and meaningful. She wanted to talk about her conflicted feelings, her torn longings. But the words fled from her tongue before she could say them. At the last, she could only water the grave with more of her tears, then rejoin her pack. The pack she was leading into a dangerous, and possibly fatal, battle.

Dusk was settling as the pack waited for their foe. Philadelphia joined them, but Wyatt had been left behind. Too young, it had been pronounced. Though he trained hard and did well, he was still too raw for this kind of battle. She said nothing, but Violet had wanted at least one member of the pack who would be guaranteed to go on.

As the dusk faded into full night, clothes were stripped off and set aside. The pack could feel the moon rising, waxing gibbous but not yet full. Human bodies transfigured into bipedal wolfen shapes. When the change was complete, Violet threw back her head and howled a challenge, and declaration, to the sky. The rest of the pack took up the call until the little glen rang with the sounds. Then, ever so faintly, a distortion began in the air and the wolves fur stood up on end.

"It's coming," Tobias confirmed.

Then the distortion was ripped open. An indistinct landscape could be glimpsed on the other side as the Nuckelavee barged through. The creature was as horrible as it had been the first time. The pack fanned out and prepared for the attack. Tobias moved to the back, a leather bound book in his paws. Now that the monster's arrival confirmed his auguries, Tobias set out to summon the Sea Mither. The Nuckelavee blinked at them for a few moments, then screamed out a challenge as it strode into their world.

The creature had replaced its club and swung it in a slow but forceful arc towards Violet. She dodged, then tried to double back for the hand. She almost had her teeth in it when the Nuckelavee jerked the hand away and back handed her with it. Violet tumbled over end and for a brief moment saw stars. As the stars cleared, she saw the creature's hand reaching towards her. She got her legs underneath her and lunged for it, burying her fangs deep in the flesh ignoring the foul taste.

With an enraged roar, the Nuckelavee shook its hand to dislodge her. Ballard and Marcus seized on the distraction and jumped on the creature. Marcus aimed for the throat, but the aimless movements of head and neck were not as erratic as they appeared. The head twisted out of his way and he got a mouth full of shoulder instead. Marcus clamped down and nearly gagged, but he kept his jaws locked. Ballard slammed into the midsection and focused his strength on toppling the creature over. Socorro and Philadelphia held back, protecting Tobias during his spell. They stood side by side, a black wolf and a gray with hackles up and fangs bared, determined to keep their lore keeper safe.

The Nuckelavee pulled its hand from Violet's jaws, leaving no small amount of flesh behind. She spat the revolting mass on the ground and prepared to go for the arm again. Then she felt the magic begin to gather. Amongst the varied smells of an autumn forest, the distinct smell of spring air wafted through, underscored by the smell of sea water.

The Nuckelavee noticed it too. Its entire body tensed for a moment, then it grabbed Marcus and pulled with all its strength until his jaws were torn from the Nuckelavee, again with its flesh still clamped in Marcus jaws. The Nuckelavee threw Marcus hard against the trees, forcing his breath from his body. He dropped to the ground and didn't move.

Next, the Nuckelavee turned its attention to Ballard who was still wrapped around its torso in an unyielding bear hug. He was pushing against the Nuckelavee, trying to topple the nightmare. The Nuckelavee raised both of its knotted, over-sized arms above its head, the muscles twitching and gleaming wetly in the moon light, and brought them down directly onto Ballards shoulders. The first blow he withstood, the second drove him down to his knees, the third laid him out on the ground.

Violet barely had time to react, the Nuckelavee had struck so quickly. Her heart hammered in her chest from the adrenalin of the hunt and battle, from the horror of the Nuckelavee, and from the rage of seeing her pack broken around her. She couldn't bring herself to look where Marcus had fallen and she realized it was because she couldn't bear to see another lover fallen. A slip of dread ran through her, but she shook it off. There was work to be done and she couldn't abandon it now.