The Chosen One Ch. 07


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Laura hung her head, embarrassed of her previous reaction. "I can't help the way I feel. It's as if the baby changes my mood from one minute to the next. I don't mind, Kevin and I'll try to control my feelings."

As they neared the old bat wings style door, they saw a young couple exit. They both had cameras hanging from their necks as they chatted about the pub. One of them, a woman in her mid-twenties with short red hair, stepped forward and stopped the small group. "Excuse me, but would one of you take our picture in front of the pub?"

Kristine smiled and stepped forward to take the camera from the young woman. The couple stood close together, wrapping their arms around each other. "We're on our honeymoon and we're trying to get as many pictures as we can," the red haired beauty said with a big smile.

Kristine reviewed how to operate the camera, returned the smile and held the camera to her eye. "This is a nice place to spend your honeymoon. Okay, castle on three."

The newlyweds listened as Kristine counted down and then smiled brightly. After retrieving her camera, the red head took full notice of Kristine's companions. Looking at Kevin brought a start of recognition and she cocked her head as she tried to remember where she had seen him.

As the memory clicked, she pointed at Kevin with an astonished look. "Wow, you know, you look like that guy in the painting at the castle."

Kevin laughed as he tried to brush the comment away. "I've heard that before. I guess we'll have to take the tour and see this painting."

Adam watch the young couple walk down the street to a small boarding house on the edge of town. He gently grasped his wife's hand as they entered Crook's Creek Pub. He quickly studied the room of round tables and the long bar on one side of the room. After spotting an empty table in the far corner, he led the group through the maze of tables and patrons.

Once everyone was seated, Kristine saw Alina coming out of the back room with a large tray with another table's order on it. She served the food to a nearby table and then looked around to see who else needed service. She instantly saw Kristine waving her hand and moved quickly to the table.

She smiled at Kevin and Laura as she pulled out a small notepad. "I'm so glad you decided to stop by. May I get you something to drink?"

Everyone placed their order and the young girl walked back to the bar. Kristine began searching the room for anyone she might know. She soon deduced that most of the people were tourists, happily drinking and chatting about their explorations of Predjama.

She sighed and returned her gaze to her husband. "I guess everyone I remember is either dead or staying in tonight."

Adam patted her hand and smiled at her. "Hey, you got us to hang out with. Who needs more than that?"

The group chatted about what to do for the next two weeks. Laura was the most active in the discussion when it came to the castle. Her bright eyes gleaming as she talked about exploring the caves below and the secured chambers of the upper level. Kevin and Adam just stared at each other trying to hide their smiles and not let the cat out of the bag about the plans they had made for the next evening.

Kevin leaned over to whisper in his friend's ear. "Are you gonna let Kristine in on it?"

Adam nodded his head. "Yeah, later tonight when we're alone," he whispered back.

The conversation was interrupted as Alina returned with the drinks. She placed two cold beers in front of the men and then Kristine's large wine glass in front of her. The last person to be served was Laura, who seemed to get another twinge of jealousy as she stared at the younger woman.

The look did not go unnoticed by Alina. "If it would please you, Miss, we do have a fine selection of non-alcoholic drinks. My boyfriend enjoys them when he gets a chance to visit me."

Laura was taken aback at the revelation. "You have a boyfriend?"

"Yes, Miss. I love him so much and he said after I finish my schooling, he'll marry me and we'll live happily ever after."

Laura smiled at Alina and realized her jealousy was foolish. This young woman was no threat to her happiness with Kevin. "So you're not even out of school yet. That means you're not eighteen yet."

"That's right, Miss. I just turned seventeen a few months ago. I hope to start my own bakery in town after I'm done to help support us." She felt sure this information would put Laura at ease. Nothing could short a girl of a good tip more than a jealous girlfriend.

She told the group that if they needed anything else to let her know. As she was about to leave, one patron in the pub caught Kevin's eyes. It was a stunning blonde haired beauty sitting on the other side of the room. She was looking at the group with disapproval while impatiently shaking her empty wine glass at Alina.

Kevin touched the young woman's arm as she turned. "Um – Alina, I think that woman over there needs your attention."

She glanced across the room and then back to Kevin. "Oh, her. I don't like to wait on her. She reminds me of the strange man who sat down with you that night a few years ago. And even though she's well spoken, she's condescending and very demanding." With much trepidation, she went over to tend to the irascible woman.

Kevin's mind flashed back to that one fateful night when the evil werewolf, Viljem Kordic, met him and challenged him to a fight. He, too, had been well spoken and demanding at the same time. He tried hard to sense any danger from the woman, but he found he couldn't.

Adam saw his point man get that worried look when danger was near and touched his shoulder. "You okay, Kev?"

"I'm fine, Boss, just an over active imagination."

Kristine flashed a look at the woman across the room. She appeared to be lecturing Alina. As she was about to voice her opinion of the blonde haired patron, an old women walked in and took a seat near the front window of the tavern.

Kristine excitedly tapped Adam's arm. "Honey, look, it's finally someone I know."

Adam followed Kristine's pointing finger and saw an old woman sit down next to a window, placing her large cloth carry bag on the table. She reached in, pulled out a small book, and began to read as she waited for a server. "I assume you're talking about that old woman over there. Who is she?"

Kristine turned to her husband and kissed him softly on his lips. When she pulled away, she wore a big grin. "She's the one who told me about you."

Adam couldn't understand why his wife would say such a thing. When they had first met, he had been undercover in order to complete a SEAL mission. Kristine and Kevin had been the only ones who had been privileged with knowing about the mission and his identity. In theory, there was no way this little old woman could have known anything about him.

He gave the new customer one more glance and then looked at Kristine with puzzlement. "That's impossible, honey. I was undercover and I never met her."

His wife giggled softly. "Not that way, silly. She's lived here all her life and to make a little money, she reads palms. She's pretty popular with the tourists."

Elatedly, Laura leaned over to her friend. "That sounds fun. I've never had my fortune told." With a pleading look and tone, she leaned into Kevin. "Can I try it, Kevin, please? I have some money."

Kevin took a sip of his beer and slowly put the bottle on the table. "None of that is real, Laura. They look at your palm and tell you you'll live long and have a bunch of kids. It's just a carney act."

Laura looked over at the old woman quietly reading her book. "Maybe she can tell us what sex the baby will be?"

"Christ, Laura; she's got a fifty, fifty shot at the right answer. Hell, give me the money and I'll take a shot in the dark."

Kevin's harsh words stung her. "I thought you promised me this was going to be a fun vacation? Now when I wanna do something fun for the first time, you call me stupid!"

Kevin knew his lover was upset, but couldn't tell if it was genuine or hormonal. "Easy baby; I didn't mean to sound like I was calling you stupid. If you want to have your palm read, then we'll do it, but understand I don't believe in it."

He kissed his mate on the cheek and then turned to Kristine. "Since she's your friend, would you mind introducing us to her?"

The group got up and maneuvered around some of the tables, taking care not to disturb the patrons as they drank and chatted about their stay. When they reached the table, Kristine cleared her throat to get the old woman's attention. "Excuse me, Vesna, do you remember me?"

The old woman placed a marker in her book and looked up at the small group standing before her. She studied each person in turn and then rested her bright blue eyes on an old friend of whom she had lost track. "Kristine! I am so glad to see you again! It's been, what, about two years since you left so suddenly?"

"I should have said goodbye to at least you, Vesna, but my work took me elsewhere." Kristine turned and looked at her companions. "I would like you to meet my husband, Adam Dawson. He's the dark and mysterious man you told me about."

Adam reached out to Vesna to say hello and the old woman grabbed his wrist and turned his palm upward. She searched his eyes and then returned her attention to the callused palm of the Navy SEAL. "Well, Kristine, I see you will soon have your hands full. He is a very vigorous and strong willed mate. I see many children in his future."

After releasing his hand, Adam smiled at her. He had seen the same trick back in Virginia Beach on the strip. He looked over at Laura who was looking at the woman with childish anticipation. He knew he couldn't spoil her fun. "Wow, you really can read palms, huh?"

Kristine gestured to Laura, who was eagerly awaiting an introduction. "This lovely creature is Laura. As you can see, she's very eager to meet you."

Vesna ran her eyes up and down Laura's body and then searched her eyes. When Laura stuck her hand out, she didn't take it right away. She just stared into her equally blue eyes. "You are with child."

Laura's mouth dropped open and she stared with amazement at the woman. Kevin was standing behind her and tried hard not to laugh. Her condition was so obvious with the baby bump she sported. Laura pulled out the empty seat across from Vesna and sat down. Pulling her hand back, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a few bills. "If you would please, could you tell me my future?"

Vesna reached out and retrieved the money. After placing it in her cloth bag, she took Laura's small hand and traced her slightly boney finger around the lines in the skin. She continued to look over the petite hand as she nodded her head. "I see you are about to marry a very special man."

"Oh my God, yes! Kevin is standing right behind me!"

The old woman looked up at the disbelieving man as he shook his head and looked as if he was about to start laughing. She returned to the palm and chuckled. "Your mate does not believe. I see a daughter, a smaller version of yourself ahead." She looked closer at one of the lines. "I also see a son. He will follow soon after your first."

"Oh my God! I had a dream about two children playing with me on the front lawn!"

"Yes, my child. I see your dream coming true," she said as she released Laura's hand.

Laura stood up and thanked Vesna for her time. The group was about to leave when the old seer locked eyes with Kevin. "You are a very strange man, Kevin."

The point man for SEAL Team Six knew that Laura had spoken his name. He had watched as the old woman had scanned his lover's body. He also knew that he didn't want to ruin Laura's fun and her first night in Predjama. "I mean no disrespect, Ma'am, but I've been called worse."

"I sense something is troubling you, my young friend." The old woman continued to lock eyes with him.

"I think it's time to return to our table and leave you to your book. Thank you again for doing a reading for Laura." Kevin turned and was about to walk away when the whispery old voice caught his attention.

"I have a feeling Baldomr would have tried."

They all turned and stared in awe at the old woman who was now smiling at them. Kevin was almost ready to believe in her talent when he remembered the painting in the castle. He, himself could not deny his striking resemblance to the past owner of the castle and knew Vesna must have taken one of the tours.

Kevin moved slowly toward her and placed his hands palm down on the table. "You know that from the castle. I usually respect my elders, but nice try, Vesna."

She kept her smile and her gaze on the young man across from her. "If you do not believe, then you have nothing to lose by sitting down. I will ask for no money in exchange, just your hand."

Kevin straightened and looked at his friends. They all stared at him with an approving glance. When he looked at Laura, she nodded her head toward the table and he smiled back.

Kevin turned and pulled the chair out once again. He sat down and smiled at the woman who sat across from him. "Okay, Vesna, you win. What does my future say, oh wise one." Kevin's tone was harsh, but the woman took no offense as she watched him turn his palm up.

She continued to smile as she reached out to hold his wrist. She pulled his hand closer and looked down. Suddenly, she released him and shrank back into her own chair. There was a startled looked of fear surging over her aged face. "I mean you no harm, Sir. Please, I am just an old woman."

Kevin was shocked at the old woman's reaction. His first thought was to get up and leave her to her fears, but the look of dread was causing him to rethink his actions. He knew he had to defuse the situation before it got out of hand. "Vesna, I don't know what's wrong, but I promise, I'm not here to hurt you."

Kristine stepped closer with concern in her eyes. "Vesna, calm down. Kevin wouldn't hurt you, honey."

The old woman looked at her and then back to Kevin. "Forgive me, my lord; the gift is strong in you. I fear you mean me harm."

Kevin realized at that moment, that the secret he kept hidden from others had revealed itself to the now fearful woman. He quickly looked around the room to see if anyone else was aware of the conversation. Only one person appeared to show any interest in the foursome's interaction with the elderly woman. The blonde was watching intently as she finished her wine.

He looked back at the startled woman. "I mean you no harm, Vesna. The gift does not allow me to harm, only to help. I really need you to calm down right now." He looked at Kristine. "Sit next to her and try to calm her down before this gets out of hand – she knows."

Kristine moved quickly and wrapped her arm around the trembling woman. Even as she tried to calm the woman down, she never took her eyes away from Kevin. With a slow, cautious movement, Vesna reached out to the werewolf across from her.

Kevin watched as she waited for his hand. He had trouble deciding if he should let her see the future, or to call it a night and return to the castle. After a long pause, he slid his hand, palm up, across the table. "I think this is a really bad idea."

Vesna gently pulled his hand toward her and peered down. She studied the lines that covered his palm. Her hands trembled slightly as she knowingly held the human hand of a werewolf. "She will come in human form. Her attempt at the prize is fulfilled."

Astonished, Kevin leaned forward. "So she wins? That can't be possible."

The old woman continued to study the palm. "It is unclear, my lord. I see only what I see, nothing more."

Kevin was about to pull his hand away when Vesna twitched slightly. If he hadn't known better, he would have suspected that electric shocks were flowing through her. He looked down as the pressure of her grip increased. He tried to pull his hand free, but found that the grip was too tight. He glanced up at her with surprise, as the force grew greater.

Kristine gently shook her in an attempt to bring her around from the attack. The trembling did not subside and the blank stare focused on Kevin became extremely unnerving. In fact, the stare seemed to cut right through him. Her voice took on a spine-chilling monotone, "Embrace the light; the time is soon, for the boy who rules the moon. He has but to ask, for his saving grace. The deed be done, he sets the pace."

Kevin was shocked beyond words as he watched the old woman blink her eyes a few times and refocus her gaze. He could see that she wasn't sure what had just happened, as she jerked her hand away and cringed against Kristine. "What – what did you say?"

"I – I am sorry, my lord. I don't – I don't know what just happened." Her voice was full of fear and confusion as she stared at the werewolf.

Kevin stood up slowly and he saw the woman slide back further in her seat. He turned to his best friend and saw he was looking at the old woman with a strange expression. "Adam, I think it's time to call it a night."

Adam nodded his head. "I'm in total agreement, Kevin. I'll go settle up with Alina while you get the girls outside."

Adam moved quickly toward the bar where Alina was placing an order. When he reached her, he turned toward the others and watched as they exited the pub. His eyes shot over to the blonde woman in the corner and noticed she never took her eyes off the group as they walked out.


Adam walked down the large staircase after putting the bags in their respective rooms. He found it refreshingly quiet as stood at the bottom of the stairs and reflected on the peace the castle had to offer. He chuckled at the thought and then walked to the entrance of the lower study.

The Navy SEAL Commander stood in the doorway as he studied the equally quiet Kevin Dvorska. He held a bottle of wine around its slim neck as it rested on his leg. It looked out of place above the Desert Eagle now strapped to his right leg. He walked in and picked up a glass from a nearby table, then approached his point man. "You gonna drink all that, or can I have some?"

Kevin poured the room temperature wine into his glass. After it was filled, he put the bottle to his lips and took a long pull. He could only watch as his friend sat across from him. "The girls okay?" His tone was soft and had a hint of worry.

"Kristine is showing Laura around the upstairs. She's trying to get her mind off of what happened tonight."

Kevin took another drink then nodded his head. "That's a good idea. She wants to explore the place, so let her run around and look."

"I see you got the Eagle out. She didn't follow us, Kevin."

Kevin took another long pull and then placed the near empty bottle on the table next to him. He leaned forward and stared hard at his friend. "Remember what Candrea said?"

Adam laughed as he tried not to spill his drink. "She said a lot of things, Kevin. Some of them I should have punched her teeth out for."

Kevin shot up out of his seat and began pacing the room. "Damn it Adam, I'm serious! She told us about the last clue remember? The one who can truly see, holds the future's key."

"Okay, calm down will you? You think that little old lady had the final clue? Something about light and the moon, saving grace and he sets the pace?"

Kevin spun around and looked at the one man he trusted over all others. "I don't know what it all means. The answer to beating Nadia is all there, but I can't figure it out. It's driving me fucking nuts!"

Adam stood up and seized Kevin's arms. "Get a hold of yourself, Dvorska! We'll write down everything the old woman said and give it to Atsuko to figure out. What you should be focusing on is tomorrow afternoon. You ARE going to have fun for two weeks; that's an order, SEAL!


Kristine walked down the upstairs hallway with Laura right on her heels. She pointed out some of the various pieces of artwork that hung on the walls, but stopped when she reached the upper study. "I think you'll really like this room."
