The Church Lady Comes to my Door


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"Reyna?" She whispered, "What are you doing?"

Before covering her mouth with mine, I slipped my left hand under her bra and gently pinched her erect nipple. Then I murmured, "Exactly what you want me to do," before lowering my mouth to hers.

She moaned into my mouth and thrust her tongue into my mouth. I pulled my right arm out from under her back, and sat up. She followed my lips with hers, not wanting to break contact.

I finally broke away and sat up completely. She moaned in disappointment. I took her white, delicate bra in my hands and tugged it from her body, tossing it to the side. She blushed cutely and covered her breasts with her hands. I pulled my crop top over my head and we were both topless.

"Don't cover yourself." I whispered, pulling her hands away, exposing her perfect B-cup breasts. "You're incredible. I love your big, pink, puffy nipples."

I leaned forward and took one in my lips, gently sucking it into my mouth, scraping it with my teeth. My eyes never left hers. She thrust her chest at me in wanton desire. Then, as she was about to lose all control, a cloud came over her eyes.

She pushed me away and covered her breasts, again. "We can't do this! You're too young! I'm not a pedophile!"

I gently pulled her hands away and said, "No, you're not. I'm twenty two. This is my apartment."

Confusion took over the concern in her eyes and was quickly replaced with a touch of anger.

Before she could speak, I said softly, "I haven't lied. Everything you think you know about me was implied and you filled in the blanks by assuming."

This was the breaking point, either her hormones would win, or her rationality would. I pushed her hands from her breasts and waited, stroking her nipples while she considered her options. Her hands were loosely on my wrists, not impeding me in any way. After several long moments, her eyes slowly closed and she pulled my hands tighter against her chest.

'She's mine!' I thought triumphantly.

I leaned back in and brought my lips to hers, softly, gently. Her hands left my wrists and went to the back of my head, pulling me deeper into a kiss. Her lips were soft but insistent, her tongue active. I teased her nipples and she moaned as I increased the pressure on them and on her lips. Her hands left my head and found the naked skin of my shoulders and rubbed gently, but tentatively.

I knew she wanted to explore, but was unsure of herself. I sat up, reluctantly breaking our tender kiss. Once again, she moaned in disappointment, but I needed her to touch me. Gently, I took her hands on placed them on my breasts. Her eyes got wide and she didn't pull them away, but left them still. My nipples hardened further into her palms and her eyes widened as she felt them. I pulled my chest back a little, and then rotated my chest causing my nipples to drag in circles in the palms of her hands. She gasped and started moving her hands in the opposite direction of my rotation. The friction on my nipples was delicious.

While she was engrossed in the sensations of feeling breasts not her own for the first time, I started squirming around to get my skirt off. I was careful not to pull my breasts away from her tender exploration. I got the little skirt over my hips and then down my legs. Finally, the skirt was across my feet and I kicked it to the floor.

Completely naked, I swung my leg over Belle and settled my hot, dripping pussy on the soft, warm skin of her tummy. I watched as her eyes shifted from watching her hands caressing my breasts to my bald pussy writhing on her firm stomach. Her eyes widened as her hands stilled. She watched as I rocked my hips and left a wet streak on her stomach. Her hands left my boobs and started to drift to my pussy. Suddenly she stopped and a panicked expression overtook her face, obliterating the look of desire that had been building there.

"What is it baby?" I whispered gently.

She choked out, "I don't know what to do..." Her eyes were pleading with me.

I smiled at her and said, "Just do what you do to yourself."

She flushed again, this time she turned lobster red. With downcast eyes she whispered, so quietly that I could barely hear her, "I don't touch myself, I've never touched myself, and I don't know what to do..."

I was stunned. "You mean you've never masturbated?"

I didn't think it was possible for her to get any redder, but she did. She shook her head violently. She didn't utter a sound.

I pulled her up and hugged her to me. "It's OK, baby. Let me help you, let me show you what to do."

I climbed off of her and crawled behind her. I sat on my feet behind her and pulled her up onto my lap. I kissed her shoulder and her neck to reassure her while I moved her around into the position that I wanted her. She was sitting on my lap, but her legs were bent so that her knees were on the bed. I spread her legs so that both of us could see down to her pussy.

After I was done arranging her, I let my hands play over her belly and down to her thighs. I kept clear of her pussy, because I didn't want her to freak out. I kissed and licked and nuzzled at her neck, making her feel comfortable and loved. I could feel her relaxing in my arms. I moved up and down her shoulder with my lips and tongue, softly caressing her skin. She started making soft cooing and moaning sounds and I knew she was fully back into my soft lovemaking. Her head lolled back and she was totally relaxed.

My hands drifted back up across her soft tummy and I gently cupped her breasts. She raised her arms and caressed the back of my head and pulled me tightly to her. I kept gently massaging her breast with my left hand and moved my right hand down to the fabric over her pussy. She hissed; a sound of surprise mixed with desire. I rubbed gently over her mound as her hips starting rocking in my lap. I knew she wanted something, even though she probably didn't know what she wanted. I reached over and took her hand in mine, guiding it to her pussy.

"Oh!" She squeaked quietly, resisting the motion.

"No, you need to do this, Belle." I encouraged softly. "In order to learn what your own body likes and wants; you need to touch yourself."

"But...OK," her whisper was so soft that I barely heard it.

I put my hand on top of hers and guided it to her pussy. We rubbed softly over the soft lace of her panties, the moisture behind the fabric becoming evident. She was content to continue rubbing and I removed my hand from hers and enjoyed watching her small hand rubbing herself for the first time, ever. Soon, I knew it was time to take the next step.

"Belle," I whispered in her ear, "you need to touch yourself."

Even though I couldn't see her face, I could hear the confusion in her voice. "But, I am."

"No, Belle," I continued to whisper, "you're touching your panties. You need to touch yourself, inside your panties."

"Ohhhh..." she moaned.

Gently, I removed her hand from the front of her panties, and pulled the waistband out. I peered over her shoulder and she averted her head and eyes, embarrassed that I was looking. What I saw made my heart beat faster. She was almost bald, but not from shaving. She had just a tiny bit of what looked like gossamer silk, white blonde hair covering her mound, much like a young girl.

"Oh, baby," I cooed in her ear, "your pussy is just as beautiful as the rest of you. All delicate and tiny with pretty blonde hair. I love it."

My cheek was against hers as I was leaning over her shoulder. I felt her smile and I smiled, too.

"Now, put your fingers down there and feel what an excited woman feels like. " My voice was low and sweet, I didn't want to make her nervous.

She pushed her fingers down into her panties and gasped as she made contact with her pussy. "Ohhh, it's so wet. Is that right? Did I wet myself?"

I could feel the flush of her embarrassment from the contact of her skin against mine.

"No, baby," I whispered, "you didn't wet yourself, that's your body reacting to being sexually excited, and I'm guessing that it's the first time ever. Now, feel around down there. Do you feel a little hard bump? Touch that and rub around it."

She jumped as she touched her clit for the first time. "Unghhh..." was the only sound she made.

"That's your clit, baby and that is part of what makes sex feel so good." I continued to explain. "If you keep rubbing and playing with it, the good feelings will only keep getting better and stronger."

I stopped talking and kissed the soft skin of her neck. My hands drifted back up to her breasts and her big, puffy nipples had hardened into little bullets. I held her breasts, I caressed them, and I kissed her while she learned a little about her womanhood.

"Oh, oh, ohhh..." she murmured, "what's that... what's h-h-happening? Aaaaaeeeeeiiii!" She shrieked as she experienced her first orgasm.

I held her as she shivered and shook and finally slumped in my lap. I slid her over and lay her on the bed. I just had to get at her pussy, so I hunched over her, unsnapping the garters from the hose. I wanted to leave the hose on as well as the garter belt so I started tugging on her boy shorts, trying to get them off. She lay still without helping and finally raised her hips, perhaps not wanting to acknowledge that she wanted this. I pulled the panties off her feet and threw them on the floor.

I scooted back up and started hooking up the stocking to the garter belt again. Belle picked up her head and looked down at me.

"What are you doing? Don't you want me naked?" Her voice was trembling a little. "I thought you wanted me naked like you."

"No, baby," I cooed, "what I want is you, looking all virginal and sexy in your bridal white stockings and garter belt."

I leaned down and kissed her, softly and gently, reassuring her that it was all OK. She melted into the kiss, her arms stealing around my neck, once again. I started to sit up and pull away, but she was having none of that. She followed me and ended up on my lap, once again.

She pulled away from the kiss, looking into my eyes and blushing. "Was that an orgasm?" She asked shyly.

"Yes, baby," I answered quietly, "that was an orgasm. Did you like it?"

"Ohhh, yesss," she hissed, "Can I do that to you? I want to touch your, your..." she stopped, embarrassed.

I grinned, "My what?"

"Your vagina!" She said proudly and a little defiantly.

"Vagina?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Isn't that a little clinical? Maybe Victorian?"

She huffed, seemingly exasperated. "Well, what do you call it?!?!"

"A pussy." I said simply.

She flushed a bright red. "That's nasty!"

"No, it's not," I explained patiently. "It's a normal expression, like cunt, twat, slit, muffin, slash, or gash, whatever. They're just words. Now, I want you to say it. Tell me what you want to do."

"I, I, I want t-t-to t-t-touch y-y-your p-p-p-p-pussy." She stammered, blushing harder than ever.

"Again," I said softly.

"I want to touch your p-pussy!" She said with a lot more confidence.

I kissed her, "I want you to touch it, too."

Softly, slowly, Belle trailed her fingers down my tummy, reaching between us. I watched her hand, but glanced up to watch her eyes. Her eyes were so expressive, I just loved watching them. Her eyes widened again as her fingers reached the soft skin of my lower tummy, just above my slit. She slowed again and the slowness had reached an excruciating level. My leaking pussy was fairly howling for attention, but I didn't want to frighten her by expressing my need. Her fingers stopped shy of my pussy and she just rubbed back and forth. The slight pressure that she was putting on my belly was transferring to my clit and my hips pulsed with every motion.

Finally, she slowly moved her hand down the last few centimeters to my soaking slit. My hips involuntarily jerked, my body desperately seeking more contact.

Startled, Belle jerked her hand away. "Did I..."

She stopped talking, interrupted by my howl. "Nooooo...., pleeeease don't stop..."

Belle giggled, "OK, OK..."

Slipping her fingers back to my needy, greedy pussy, she kissed me gently. "Is this OK?" She whispered in between soft, sweet kisses.

"Ohhhh..." I breathed, "Belle, baby, sweetie, that's, that's, ohhhh, ooooh, that's p-p-perfect..."

Her touch was as soft and sweet as her kisses. The sweetness was what got me, the tenderness, and the loving softness of her touch. She claimed she hadn't done this before, but if she hadn't she was a natural. She touched me in the way I loved to be touched. Her fingers fluttered at the tip of my clit and along the edges of my lips. I could feel the tidal wave of orgasm building deep within me. But, I also felt tingling in my fingers and toes. There was a growing dull roar in my ears and I closed my eyes to enjoy the crescendo of sounds and sensations that were converging on my center, brought on by those teasing, dancing fingers. Suddenly, the waves crashed over me and I crushed Belle to me in a loving, searching kiss. Her slight tremble showed that she was startled, but recovered and threw her passion into the kiss, her fingers never hesitating, sweetly flickering over my straining flesh. Finally, the most incredible orgasm of my life started to wane and I briefly pulled my lips from hers.

"Oh, Belle, that was w-w-wonderful, b-b-but," I warbled, "I, I, I...sensitive."

She pulled her hand away, understanding. She leaned back in, her soft, sweet lips brushing mine. She climbed off my lap and I lay down. Well, lay down implies way too much control...I fell over.

Belle snuggled up to me, her breasts touching mine, nipple to nipple. Mine were very hard and very sensitive. Hers were almost as hard and sent sparks through my body when they touched mine. I opened my arms and rolled on my side. She slid to my side and laid her head on my shoulder. I took a few moments to recover before turning and placing my forehead against hers, looking deeply into those pools of blue.

"Wow," I murmured, "are you sure you've never done this before?"

Her eyes crinkled up in a smile. "Yes, I'm sure I've never had my fingers, uhh, in, uhh, another woman's, uhh, stuff."

I started laughing, "Yep, I believe you...stuff?"

She turned bright red and it was so cute I had to kiss her again. Her lips melted into mine, communicating a passion that was real and more than a little surprising, given her circumstances. Our lips parted, with reluctance, and we gazed into the other's eyes. I couldn't resist her sweet disposition, or body, for long. I leaned in for another kiss, before rolling over on top of her and lightly rubbing our breasts together. Her nipples bumping roughly against my own nipples shot sparks of excitement straight to my pussy.

"Belle," I murmured, "what are you doing to me?"

I kissed her, long and soft. Her soft lips and sweet taste made me tingle all over. I turned her head to the side to kiss her ear and down her, long, slender neck. Her skin tasted faintly of salty sweat, and yet, was sweet. I got to the hollow in her neck and licked and kissed to her apparent pleasure. She was squirming and moaning as I worked down her smooth skin to her smooth, soft breasts.

Her little buds were begging me to take them between my lips, and who was I to deny myself and Belle that little pleasure? I gently suckled the erect nipple on her left breast, and then nipped it with my teeth.

She arched her back, thrusting it deeper between my lips and teeth. "Ooooh, Reyna!" She groaned, "What was that?"

I scraped my teeth over it again while sharply pinching the right. "Ooooh, I don't care what it is, just dooooon't stooooop!!!" She was writhing all over the place beneath me and I was having a hard time staying with her.

Her hips had started bumping against my stomach and I could feel the moisture of her pussy slapping against my belly. I slipped away with my mouth, immediately replacing my lips with my fingers and Belle gave a little cry of disappointment. Kissing her ribs as I went by caused a little giggle and she scooted away a little. I found her tiny belly button to be soft and warm and very sensitive.

"Ohhh, Reyna," she murmured, "That feels sooo gooood! It makes my p-p-pussy tingle and that, that, ohhhh..."

Her whole body shivered beneath me as a small orgasm surprised her. I didn't stay with her navel, instead moving down to my real goal, her slippery little pussy. I didn't dive in right away, not wanting to frighten her. I kissed above it and her hips rocked up, seeking contact. I deftly moved to the side, gliding down the soft skin, feeling her silken pussy hair brushing my cheek. I drifted down the inside of her thigh, trailing my tongue along skin that was even softer and smoother. Her hands had found my hair, entangling her fingers and caressing my scalp. She wasn't trying to guide me; it felt like she was just trying to maintain some kind of contact.

At the top of her stocking, I switched sides and moved slowly back up towards her visibly moist pussy. My eyes never left her rosy red center. It was pulsing with every touch of my lips and every tiny lick of my tongue. I deliberately kept my pace slow, trying to build her anticipation and need. I finally reached my goal and paused, just looking at the tiny slit. I gently blew a stream of cool air and it twitched and opened a little. I blew again and it opened further. I had never seen a pussy react like this to stimulation and I was fascinated. I pulled my hands away from Belle's boobs to a little whimper of protest. The whimper turned into a yelp as I touched the blossoming lips with my tongue.

"Oh!" Belle cried. "Reyna! You're not gonna, gonna, ohhhhh, ohhhh, OH MY GODDDDD! Oh, I, ooooh, oh, I, y-y-you, ohhh..."

She dissolved into babble as my tongue laved from her lips all the way up to her clit. As I tickled her clit with my tongue, I slipped a finger into her tight channel. Her hips bucked off the bed as she pulled my head tighter to her body. I sucked on her clit as I slipped another finger into her and began to pump in and out. On an outstroke, I added a third finger, making a thick little cock with which I fucked her little pussy hard and as deeply as I could. Her hips were off the bed and she began to shake and suddenly the slippery wetness of her pussy increased as my hand and mouth were drenched. She didn't squirt, but I thought that she was wetter than any woman to whom I had made love.

I was startled to realize that, in my mind, I had gone from fucking this beautiful, delicate creature, to making love to her. That thought spurred me on to focus and make sure that she got my best. I withdrew one finger and turned my hand over, curling the remaining two, and seeking her G-Spot. After a couple a strokes, I must have found it as she started screaming.

"Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, Reyna, REYNA, REYNA, I, I, I'm COMINGGGGGG!!!!" Belle was shrieking and pulling so hard on my pigtails that I thought she was going to pull them from my head.

Finally, her hips collapsed to the bed and she held tight to the pigtails, effectively pulling me from her pussy. "N-n-no, m-m-more!"

I withdrew my fingers and she dropped my pigtails. I sat back on my heels and knelt between her legs, watching her. Her eyes were closed and her chest was heaving. After a few minutes, her breathing returned to normal and she opened her eyes. I took that opportunity to lick the remaining juices from my fingers and around my mouth.

Her eyes widened, and then she smiled and crooked her finger at me. "Kiss me." I leaned down, planting a big kiss on her pussy, making sure I licked deeply and wallowing around so that I got my face all wet.

She giggled, "Not there!" She pointed at her face, "Here!"

"Ohhhh," I answered with a grin of my own.