The Condos

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Man sells Condo to Oriental beauty, they fall in lust.
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My name is Charles Murphy. My friends call me 'Chuck', unless they want to piss me off, then they call me 'Chucky'. That does piss me off but I never show it. I am very good at concealing my true emotions.

It was almost noon, on a bright sunny North Central Florida day, when I saw the old Rolls Royce limo approach the entry gate. It sat at the gate for about three minutes before the gate opened and the car silently drove to where I stood in front of the building. I was trying to catch my breath after a two mile run.

A chauffeur in a dove grey uniform hurried to open the door for the passenger. An attractive woman stepped from the car and approached me. She took in my sweaty T-shirt and running shorts, then looked coldly at me and said, "Please inform Mr. Murphy that Mrs. Carter is here to see him." I saw that she was a small woman with jet black hair, pale white skin and that she was exquisitely dressed in a lovely form fitting white suit and she was elegantly coiffed in an unusual style. She wore a large white hat and large sun glasses and very high heels.

I smiled coolly, "Mr. Murphy is not available right now, Mrs. Carter, and he was expecting you at 12:30. I am his assistant, how may I help you."

She said, "Please inform Mr. Murphy that I am here NOW and wish to see him immediately."

"Madam, I assure you I can act for Mr. Murphy. It was my understanding that you wanted to view one of our luxury condominiums, is that correct?"

"Yes, that is correct."

"Thank you Ma'am, you have three choices, You may return at the proper time and I will be in suitable attire. You can enter the foyer of this building and wait for me in one of the comfortable chairs in the cool air-conditioning while I go shower and change clothes. The third option is that I can show you the apartment like I am. It is your choice Ma'am."

She coolly looked at me for a moment. Then she said, imperiously, "Show me the apartment in question, now. Assuming you ARE familiar with all aspects the security system and the amenities associated with this condominium."

"This way Ma'am, and rest assured that I am adequately informed on all aspects of this condominium. It has never been occupied and is only available because of the death of the owner several months ago. The estate has been settled and the condo is now on the market. It is fully furnished, well equipped and professionally decorated. It has a master suite and four guest bedrooms, each with a bathroom. It includes formal living and dining rooms. A den and family room adjoin the screened patio and hot tub." I said all that as I led her into the building foyer and then to the elevator. I pressed my thumb on a glass fingerprint reader and the door to the elevator opened. I let her enter first, then pressed the button for the first floor. I explained that each condo had enclosed secure parking for two or four vehicles on the ground floor plus a storage room.

The door opened on a small foyer with two doors marked '1' and '2'. I tapped in a code on a keypad by door number two. A fingerprint reader was illuminated beside the keypad and I again pressed my thumb to the pad. The lock on the door clicked and I opened the door. I stepped aside so Mrs. Carter could enter. She walked into the foyer of the condo and removed her hat and placed it on a chair with her purse and sun glasses. She was stunningly beautiful. Her slightly slanted eyes were set in a flawlessly serene face. She looked at me for a moment, then said, "This is quite lovely, I am very favorably impressed. Please continue."

I showed her the rest of the apartment and explained that it was totally ready for occupancy, including toothbrushes and toothpaste, but not food or beverages. When we were through I was a little thirsty, having just run a couple of miles. I asked if she would like to join me in a glass of cold water. She smiled for the first time. It was a beautiful smile. I pulled out a chair for her at the kitchen table and got two glasses from a cupboard rinsed them and filled them with ice and water from the refrigerator door.

I handed a glass to her, she thanked me and pointed to the chair opposite her and said, "Please sit and tell me of any other amenities and about the security system." I told her of the Olympic swimming pool with a staffed bar, the club and restaurant with room service, the gym and exercise facilities, and the walking and running paths around the grounds. I explained the security system. She was very impressed with the system. Then I explained that the system was far more complex than I had mentioned. There were other aspects that were not common knowledge among the residents. The only constraint for the residents was that they not leave the concrete walks when outside after dark. I told her that she would have a keycard for the main gate and was allowed five additional cards for family and servants. Everyone using a card must stop and have the thumb prints recorded at the Security Office located in building 2 on the first floor next to the Club.

I explained that the Club, the restaurant and the Security Office took up the whole first floor in that building. The whole complex consisted of eighty acres of secure fenced land. She watched me carefully as I spoke.

She smiled, "You are not Mr. Murphy's assistant, are you?"

"No Ma'am, I confess that I was fibbing because you irritated me by being early for our appointment, I had a matter that came up this morning that required my attention, and I was running much later than normal, then you caught me at the end of my run."

She laughed, "Please forgive me, Mr. Murphy, I should have recognized you from the description I was given by my people. It says you are an attractive and very fit man. I find that was a serious understatement."

I felt a shiver run down my spine from her smile. Damn! This lady was super hot! My information on her was that she was extremely wealthy and a very iron fisted executive with ice water in her veins. It said she rarely smiled and was a self proclaimed man hater who only tolerated men if they were useful to her.

She studied me carefully, "Mr. Murphy, I am looking for a new home for my daughter and I. This seems to be ideal. My daughter attends the University of Florida in Gainesville and my offices are located in Ocala. This is half way between the two. Her grades have fallen off a bit because she has an apartment in Gainesville and is distracted by the lure of College social life. While I want her to experience all the aspects of college life, I do not want her grades to suffer."

"I understand Mrs. Carter, there are lot's of temptations up there for a young girl, or for a young male for that matter. I think the constant challenges for a male to prove to his buddies that he is a 'man' are the downfall of many a young man and I suppose the same pressures apply to young ladies. Unfortunately many of us never outgrow those challenges."

Mrs. Carter smiled, "Mr. Murphy, somehow I don't believe you ever feel the need to prove yourself, except now and then, like this morning."

I had to laugh at her. I remarked, "Ma'am, I believe I just responded to your mood in an appropriate manner."

She frowned, then giggled, "Touché, I was in a bitchy mood when I got here. I must give credit where credit is due. You, Mr. Murphy, have relaxed me. It is a pleasure to find a man who will stand up to me when I am in one of my moods and not feel threatened in any way."

I grinned, "Oh! I wasn't threatened, I was distracted because I just kept wanting to kiss you."


"Forgive me. You are a very attractive lady Mrs. Carter, I am sorry, I hope I didn't embarrass you. I can't look at you without getting that urge, I promise I will never act on that desire."

"Mr. Murphy, I have not kissed a man in twenty years, however I can say the idea of kissing you is not entirely repulsive. You are a very attractive man."

"Mrs. Carter, please permit me to run and change out of these sweaty clothes. You may look around this apartment at your leisure while I am gone. Then I will show you the rest of our facilities."

"Excellent, I shall await your return, Mr. Murphy."

When I entered the condo after a shower and clean clothes I wore khaki shorts, a golf shirt and boat shoes. Mrs. Carter smiled when she saw me. She laughed, "I just won a bet with myself."

"I guess you bet yourself that I would be casually dressed, right?"

"Yes, I don't believe you are a man who would 'dress to impress'."

"Well, that is a fair statement, however I do own an Armani tux."

She grinned, "Yes, but do you ever wear it?"

"Yes, Madam, but I only wear it on VERY special occasions."

"Mr. Murphy, I am prepared to negotiate for this apartment after you show me around the area."

I offered her my arm, as she took it she asked if she needed her hat or purse. I told her I didn't think she needed them, she just grabbed her purse and lightly held my arm. We went down in the elevator and I used my pass card to enter the garage area. I placed her in my enclosed, air-conditioned, golf cart and gave her a tour of the facilities. I showed her the tennis courts, the golf course, the boat docks on the river, and I finished up at the pool. I showed her the walking and equestrian trails through the woods and pointed out that most of the landscaping was done with native vegetation. I also showed her our large Camellia gardens featuring the largest collection of camellias in the state. We have over 2600 varieties of the plants.

I led her to the Club and we were seated in the bar. I asked if she had eaten lunch. She said she was hungry so I waved a waitress over. The girl hurried over, "Yes, Mr. Murphy, how may I help you. Would you like a menu?"

I looked into Mrs. Carter's dark brown eyes and asked if she would like something to drink. She nodded, "Yes, I would enjoy something light and refreshing, please."

I smiled at the girl, "Helen, please get us two of my regulars, please." "Yes, Sir, Mr. Murphy, would you care to look at a menu while I am gone?" I nodded and she placed a menu in front of each of us.

I watched Mrs. Carter look over the menu. She was a delight to watch. Her slightly oriental look gave her an exotic look which she had accentuated with her very light makeup. Her skin appeared to be flawless. Her hair was in an unusual style, large spiral buns sat low on each side, partially covering her little ears. She had a small nose and full pink lips. She caught me studying her and smiled. I think I blushed. I said, "Please forgive me for staring at you. I just have trouble believing you are old enough to have a child in college."

"I was married very young. When I was born in China, the third girl child in my family, my fate was sealed. I was raised to be a prostitute. My feet were bound into a high arch so I am only comfortable in high heels. My mother had worked as an Amah (Maid) in Hong Kong and said my real father was an Englishman. She spoke and taught us a little English. Mr. Carter was my first customer when I was fourteen. To be brutally frank, Mr. Carter was my ticket to this country.

"He bought me from my parents and married me so he could get me into the United States. He planned to live off of my earnings as a whore. He was killed in an accident on our first day in San Francisco. I was pregnant and was placed in a home for unwed mothers. I learned English and secretarial skills. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. The school was run by a group of dedicated women who wanted to produce mothers who could support their children. That was my only goal in life too."

I felt a tear run down my cheek. I reached across the table and placed my hand over hers. I gently squeezed her small hand.

"Lady, I am totally amazed by your accomplishments. I read your résumé from your company. It starts with you as a young Chinese-American lady from San Francisco with a degree in business. I don't see how it was possible for anyone to achieve what you have done in such a short time."

Our drinks arrived and I suggested bacon, turkey, club sandwiches. We both ordered the same thing. She sipped her drink and smiled at me, "I like this and it is perfect, not too sweet and very refreshing."

"It is half regular lemonade and half pink lemonade. I am quite fond of it."

She giggled, "I have a new favorite drink, I love it."

I realized I was still holding her hand and jerked my hand away.

Mrs. Carter smiled gently, "I liked that too, it was very comforting."

We ate our sandwiches and sipped our drinks. I said, "As I recall, your first name is Suzy, may I call you Suzy?"

"Oh! Yes, please call me Suzy or Sue, may I call you Chuck, I read that you prefer that to Charles."

"Suzy is not you real name is it?"

"No, my real name is Soo Li. I heard the name Suzy in an American movie as a child and thought it sounded like Soo Li. So when Mr. Carter asked me my name I said Suzy."

I shook my head, "I find it difficult to believe English is not your native language. You are perfect in your use of the language. I haven't heard an error at all."

"Chuck, I had a great incentive to speak English as well as possible. I had a daughter to raise. I went to school with my baby in a back pack. I worked days, evenings and weekends cleaning offices with her strapped to my back. It was not unusual in China for young mothers to work that way. I couldn't afford child care, I didn't have much choice. She was the driving force behind my ambition to get ahead so she could have a better life and not have to start out as a whore."

"Sue, you have my deepest admiration. I can't tell you how proud I am to know you. I am in awe of you."

She looked at me, "Chuck, you weren't exactly born with a silver spoon in your mouth either. You come from a poor farm family in this area. You took a competitive exam for the Naval Academy. You graduated first in your class. You were commissioned an officer in the Marine Corps. You won the highest medal the Marine Corps gives and were wounded many times. You are a true hero. You were retired because of your wounds. You were expected to never walk again due to your wounds in your legs. Now look at you. You ran a couple of miles this morning. Right?"

She reached across the table and took my hand, "You know how to ignore pain and obstacles, and have the determination to succeed at any cost. You have developed five or six properties in just a few years, all of them are very successful. This one is a fantastic achievement, it is in every architectural or home magazine you pick up these days. I want to live here too. You live here too don't you?"

"Right next to the apartment you are looking at. You are looking at #2, I live in #1."

"No, next to the apartment I am BUYING."

"Are you sure? I can hold it for you for a while if you want me to. The owner was a dear friend and I bought it from the estate so the cash was available for distribution."

"No! I had made up my mind before I even met you. It is exactly what I had in mind. I only have one concern."

"What is that?"

"Will my old Rolls Limo fit in the garage?"

"Yep, it sure will, your apartment has a four car garage."

We went to my office in the Security Office and I went over the maintenance fees and explained that we could provide for any degree of assistance in her living requirements, from no help to completely assisted living, including maid service and meals. We could even provide nursing care and doctor's visits. She signed all the required papers.

She wrote me a huge check for the total price of the condo. We didn't negotiate a thing. We stood and I congratulated her on her new home, she smiled and stepped close to me. She looked up at me and softly said, "Do you still have the urge to kiss me?

"Yes, it is much stronger now, I don't know how long I can resist your charms."

"Just hush and kiss me." I did. It was a delightful kiss, sweet and gentle to start with then rapidly growing into a passionate open mouthed tongue swapping soul kiss."

I gently pushed her back. She looked a bit dazed. I said, "Will you have dinner with me tonight?"

She smiled up at me, "You mean on a date? A real date?"

"Yes, a real date."

"Yes, you might not believe me, but this will be my first real date. Oh, I go out on business dates quite often, but they are business not pleasure. What shall I wear?"

"I know a place I think you will enjoy. It will be cooler tonight and the place is 'country casual' so wear jeans, a sweater or blouse, and a jacket or a blazer, and with high heeled boots. I know you need to wear heels."

"What time? Let me give you my address and phone numbers."

"How about six thirty?"

"Oh! I completely forgot about Ray, my driver. He is probably starved and dying of thirst by now."

"No! I had him taken to the servant's area to wait for you. They have a nice lounge with food and soft drinks where they can rest and relax, you can even rent small efficiency apartments in the basement of some buildings. I'll call for him now if you are ready to go home now."

"Yes, please call him, but tell him not to hurry. I have the urge to kiss YOU now. I warn you, I can be a determined girl when I want something, and I want a kiss from you now!"

I, being a gentleman, obliged the sweet young lady in obvious distress. It was a very satisfactory kiss; however it left me wanting more. She pulled back and whispered, "Oh! That was exactly what I wanted." She looked puzzled, "What has happened to me? I never needed anyone's kisses before. Now I love your kisses." She looked up into my eyes, "Oh! It's YOU, YOUR kisses. I need to think about this." I turned and put in a call for her driver, Ray.

I rang her door bell at fifteen minutes after six. She grinned when she answered the door, "I knew you would be early, so I am ready, how do I look?" She turned slowly for me. She wore high heeled brown boots. What appeared to be black tights were tucked in the tops of the boots. The tights fit her like a second skin and displayed an absolutely perfect little ass. She had on a white turtle necked sweater and a short red leather jacket. Her long black hair was in a high ponytail. Damn, she looked elegant; I told her so and remarked that I thought she would look elegant and beautiful in an old flour sack.

She looked me up and down. I wore jeans, a polo shirt and a blue blazer with loafers. She smiled, "Casually elegant too!" She picked up a large canvas hand bag and said she was ready. I asked her if she had been to The Yearling Restaurant and she said she had heard of it but had never been. I told her it was a rustic 'old Florida' Restaurant near Cross Creek, the old home of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, author of the novel "The Yearling", later made into a movie of the same name. She asked if that was the movie about a boy and a deer. I assured her she was correct.

Suzy enjoyed the meal and the casual ambience of the old restaurant. She was adventurous and tried a platter of local delicacies she had never eaten before. She had frog legs, venison, cooter (a fresh-water soft-shelled turtle), alligator, and soft-shelled crabs. She liked everything. After dinner she wanted to see the condo and the Club after dark.

The whole compound is lovely at night, much of the vegetation, especially the huge old oak trees, is illuminated by soft lights. We checked in through the gate and I parked in the garage and took my golf cart to the Club. We parked and went in by the pool. Several people were in the pool and more were at the outdoor bar. I told her the pool was heated and quite comfortable at night even during cold weather. She said she would love to try it some night.

Being a Friday night there was live music at the Club. A good sized group of people were there and many of them were dancing. We found a table and ordered drinks. She asked about brandy, she said she loved a brandy after dinner. I ordered a sampler tray of house brandies. There were four snifters on the tray, I nodded for the waitress to place the tray in front of Sue. She took the first snifter in her hands to warm it. She gently swirled it as we talked about our dinner at the Yearling. After a few moments she raised the bulbous goblet and tilted it, checking the color and clarity of the liquid. She then tasted it and looked at me. Sue smiled, "This is an excellent brandy, it must be very expensive, I buy the best I can find and it doesn't compare to this."