The Du Page Affair Ch. 04

Story Info
Michelle saves a life.
8.7k words

Part 4 of the 17 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 05/28/2008
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This is an original work by Zeb_Carter and is protected under (c) copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only being submitted at Literotica.Com and any submission to any other site has not been authorized by the Author.

Prophecy Realized

The warm evening breeze ruffled Michelle's short silky reddish brown hair. The moonlight shone in her brown eyes as John looked deep into her soul. They had known each other for six years. They were friends. She had been John's doctor for a number of years. John was in love with her and his heart ached with his feelings for her. John had loved her for a very long time, longer than she could imagine. She was married now. Their friendship went back a long way, although she didn't know. To her John was an ex-patient and casual friend.

"Here you go," John said as he handed her, her car keys.

"Thank you," Michelle said turning to unlock her car. John had been to the medical center for a checkup with Doctor Reynolds and was walking out to his car when Michelle had caught up to him so he walked her to hers. She had dropped the keys to her car as she pulled them from her purse.

"Uh, would you like to get a cup of coffee before you go home?"

"I don't know. No I don't think so, thanks."

"Just over to the Denny's there. Just a quick cup while we wait for the traffic to die down. I would like to talk to you about something." John looked at her with his big blue soulful, pleading eyes.

"Uh, okay. I'll meet you there." Michelle smiled as she climbed into her car, John climbed into his. It was a short drive all within the same parking lot. They entered the restaurant and were seated quickly.

"What did you want to talk about?" Michelle asked as they waited for their waitress to bring them coffee.

"I have been..." John halted and couldn't go on. He cleared his throat and dropped his gaze to the table top. This was going to be hard for him, but it needed to be done.

"Go on. You can tell me anything. I was your doctor for a long time."

"I know, it's just, it would be, I can't seem to bring myself to say, what I mean..." John halted again.

"You," Michelle said as the she took John's hand in hers, "are my friend. So tell me." John's heart skipped a beat when she touched him, just as it had so long ago.

"I have fallen...I am with you." There he had said it. She was struck to silence. Her eyes got wide and a blush started to rise in her face.

"Uh..." Michelle was speechless. She hadn't let go of John's hand though. Of course John didn't know if that was a good sign or if she was in shock and couldn't move. Michelle started to squeeze his hand gently. Then a smile appeared on her beautiful face.

"Michelle?" John queried.

" do know how to embarrass someone. John, I..." She stopped. Her eyes lowered to the table top. She started shaking her head. "Let's talk about something else, okay?"

"Sure, but that won't change the fact of what I said. I don't expect you to tell me you love me, I just wanted to get it off my chest. I had to let you know. I had too. I hope you understand? I was going to talk to Su...Dr. Reynolds about it but I didn't know how close you two were." That was a lie, John knew perfectly well they were close, very close. "And I thought it would be better if I told you directly." John reached out under her chin with his other hand and raised her head to look into her eyes. They were shining with emotion. What that emotion was he couldn't tell.

"No it won't change what you said but it would make me a little more comfortable."

"Alright then, sure was a beautiful day today, wasn't it?"

"John, don't be so...don't be such..."

"An ass, is that what you wanted to say?"

"No, not at all, I was looking for the right word but couldn't find it. How's Jenny?" Michelle deftly changed the subject as the waitress brought them their coffee.

"Not so good. She's been having problems with headaches and they can't seem to figure out the cause." John was again lying, Jenny was actually fine, he hated lying to Michelle.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I do hope they find what's wrong. I know you two love each other. That's one reason I'm so surprised by your admission."

"Yes we love each other. But can't there be room in ones heart for another?"

"I'm sure there can. I love more than just my husband. I love my daughter and my parents. I also love...well you get the picture. So sure there is room in ones heart for another.

"Why are you telling me this John? Why did you feel the need to say you loved me? We really don't know each other that well."

"Michelle...I will try to explain. If you feel that I'm starting to ramble or babble cut me off."

"Sure. Go on."

"I have known you as a doctor for, what is it, six years. Back when we first met I thought you were cute. Actually, I thought you were a hottie." Her eyes got wide and a blush flushed her face. "I also thought you were the most compassionate person I had ever met. Then a couple of years later, I don't know why, I saw you not only as a hottie but as a woman I would really like to be closer too. You might say I was in lust with you at that time."

Her mouth dropped open as she was about to take a sip from her coffee at my last statement. She put her coffee down and cleared her throat but remained quiet. I took a sip from my coffee and continued.

"Then a scant six months later the lust died down and turned to a deeper emotion. One I tried to explain to myself as a fantasy. Yet the lust was there too, in the background, only rearing its head, so to speak, during times of great emotional stress. Like having just seen you at the office on those rare occasions I was into see Dr. Reynolds. You are so beautiful. I was smitten. As I knew you were married and loved your husband and daughter, I found my soul was in turmoil with my emotions for you.

"I soon came to realize that I was in love you. I knew it would be unrequited but you were in my heart none the less. I couldn't help myself. I was so enthralled with you beauty I had to put my feeling down on paper, as it were. I started to write. Write stories about us."

"That was you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't try and avoid the question. So that was you who wrote those stories? The ones on that adult site, Lit-something?" The look in her eyes was frightening.

"I have stories posted on that site, yes. About you, yes." John answered her calmly.

"You're a good writer. But, do you know the trouble you caused?"

"How could I?" John was trying to look innocent.

"You drove my husband crazy. He wouldn't leave me alone. Every minute we were home together he would read one of your stories to me and drag me upstairs to bed." She blushed again, a deep red.

"I'm glad I could help." He smiled at her. She did not return it.

"It was a help alright. We could hardly get anything done. We were always in bed..." She halted turning a deeper shade of red. "Why don't you continue with what you were telling me?"

"Sure, where was I? Oh yes. The first of those stories had us copulating for the shear pleasure, just two friends having a good time together in bed for a couple of hours. Then after a while I started to write just to tell the world about my feelings for you, no sex. I soon came to realize that the lust had turned somehow into love, real love. I found myself thinking of you every waking hour.

"I was totally mesmerized by you. I would have, will, do anything you ask of me without question. Well, maybe not anything. You know what I mean. I was yours, to do your bidding, just so I could gaze upon your face and look into your eyes. My stories changed after that, changed to romance stories. Yes we would still have sex but things were different. Maybe it was just different in my mind though."

"I don't think I've read any of those stories."

"No, you wouldn't as I haven't posted them yet. I have three of them and I'm trying to work out an ending." John took a gulp of his coffee. Michelle was looking at John with eyes filled Amusement? What? He couldn't figure it out.

"I would like to read them."

"Ok, I could email them to you. I won't post them until they are finished."

"That's fine." She gave John her email address. It was a free account you could setup anywhere on the web. "You can email me there anytime you would like."

"Uh, what did you think of the stories I wrote, really?" John wasn't sure if he wanted her to answer that question or not.

"Ummm..." She dropped her eyes to the table. "They were...unique."

"You didn't like them? I'm sorry I ever wrote them. Damn it." John just acted as if he knew this wasn't working out. John knew exactly what she was thinking when he told her about his writing.

"I liked them. I liked them. They were...thought provoking."

"Well...I'll have to take your word for it then." John reached for her hand, she didn't pull it away. Her eyes sparkled in the restaurant lights as he stroked her delicate fingers.

"John," Michelle said clearing her throat. "What attracted you to me?"

"Your smile, actually you face. You have an incredibly beautiful face. Faces have always been my weakness, that and eyes. And your eyes are prefect for your face."

Michelle smiled while her face turned a deep red. She was again looking at the table.

"Michelle, why do you always look down when I give you a compliment?"

"Well...uh... Well, because I'm embarrassed, it's been a very long time since anyone has said such things to me." She lifted her eyes to meet his, beautiful eyes, beautiful brown eyes. She smiled as John looked into her eyes. "What do you see when you look into my eyes John?"

"I see intelligence and passion and love. I see a caring, empathic young lady who enjoys what she does. You do enjoy what you do?"

"Yes, very much and thank you. But as for being a young lady, I'm hardly that anymore." She blushed again but didn't look down.

"I also see someone I wish I could get to know better and not in the biblical sense. Someone I would like to hang out with on a Sunday afternoon just to talk with."

"You don't watch football, do you?"


"Having someone to talk to then would be...nice." She smiled at John as she squeezed his hand.

They sat there for awhile just looking into each others eyes and sipping their coffee. A good half hour had passed since they had sat down. For John though time was standing still. He was savoring each moment he spent with this lovely creature. They both jerked as Michelle's pager went off. She smiled at John as she dug it out of her purse.

"Shit! It's George," she said as she dug her cell phone out. "I'll only be a minute," she told John as she pressed the buttons on its face.

"Hello honey." A pause as she listened. "I'm with a patient right now we got a little backed up. It's my last one so I should be leaving shortly." She paused to listen. "Love you too." And she hung up.

"I guess I should let you go home to your family," John said to her.

"Not yet, I have several more questions for you as I'm sure you have some for me." She smiled a wicked smile. What thoughts were going through her beautiful head?

"Okay, shoot."

"Susan, I mean, Doctor Reynolds showed me a blog that was about how the person writing the blog felt about me. Was that you?"


"Those were lovely things you said about me. I would like to thank you they gave me quite a boost when I would read them. Thank you."

"You're welcome. I meant every word."

Michelle looked at her watch and looked at John with sad eyes. John knew it was time for her to go.

"Are you busy tomorrow around noon?" she asked with enthusiasm.

"I'm free, I mean not busy." He smiled at her.

"So will I have to pay for your company?" she asked laughing. Her eyes sparkled with laughter as she moved to get up.

"No Miss Du Page, I believe you may have my company at your pleasure." She halted at his use of her maiden name.

"How...I never told...anyone..."

"You told someone. Do we meet here tomorrow?" John asked.

"Yes, I'm working in the morning. I will meet you here just after noon. I promise. I have so much more to ask and tell you, 'til tomorrow then." She moved to get money out of her purse for her share of the bill. John tried to wave her away but she was having none of his attempts. "Stop that, I'm paying my share."

We walked together to our cars waved goodbye to each other and drove off. John was home before he realized it as the couple of miles passed without his notice. John was in a fog the rest of the day. John's wife, Jenny, noticed and only asked one question.

"Did you see her?"

"Yes." Jenny turned away and went about her business.

Jenny knew how John felt about Michelle and she didn't care. She knew John would always be at her side. She knew he would never leave her and he wouldn't, not until "the death do us part" part of their vows. She knew what was to come and the part Michelle and Susan played.


John was sitting at a table in the back when Michelle entered. John waved and she wandered through the tables to sit not across from him but beside him. She was glowing as she leaned over and kissed John on the cheek. John took her hand and gently kissed its back. Michelle shivered as John's lips touched her skin.

"And how you are this fine day, sir?" She was chipper and full of energy as if she had had a full night's sleep just before stepping through the door.

"I'm fine and it is a fine day. Any day I get to gaze upon your beauty is a fine day in my book. And how are you doing, as if I need to ask?"

"Just fine, just fine, thank you. I have so many things to tell you and so many things to ask you, you would be amazed."

"Would I now? And I have so many things to ask you my love." Michelle blushed at John calling her 'my love' but kept eye contact with him. Such expressive eyes, set further apart than is, was, the norm, which was part of the reason John was drawn in.

"God, I feel like a school girl again, the excitement of a new relationship coursing through my veins making me all giddy inside." She shivered.

The waitress came with their coffee. John asked Michelle if she would like something to eat.

"Yes, please I'm starving. I'll have the club sandwich on whole wheat."

"And you sir?"

"I'll have the same." The waitress left to place their orders. "What would like to ask me first?"

"How did you know my maiden name?" The smile had disappeared from her face.

"You would be amazed what you can find on the Internet!"

"Do tell!" The smile remained an elusive memory.

"There are sites on the web where you can find almost anything about someone. Anything that is part of the public record is available for free or for a price.

"Michelle, there are places on the web for a patient to find out about you as a doctor. Whether you have any complaints against you, or you have been disciplined by the hospital you're associated with or by the medical boards, etc. You as a private citizen can look up just about anyone you would like, to find out about their past history, etc.

"That's what I did. I typed in your name and your husbands. This led to another site that listed things like known relatives. You were listed as Michelle Du Page on your husband's page."

"And if I typed in your name, what would I find?" She still wasn't smiling.

"You would find that I live in Georgia."

"But you don't live in Georgia."

"Not any more."

"Oh, next question then. Are you or have you been stalking me or my family?"

"In the true sense of the word, no. I have never followed you or any member of your family since we met in two-thousand. I have never contacted you, except the odd Christmas or Birthday card, in any manner without you knowing it was me. Except twice, once I sent you some flowers with a card where I didn't sign my name. And a second time I sent you an email from a free account that I know you wouldn't be able to back trace to me. I have on the other hand tried to find out as much as I could about you via the internet."

"Those were from you. I thought as much." She didn't look disappointed. She sat there thinking and then a smile spread across her face. "My husband wanted me to make sure you wouldn't hurt me."

"Michelle I would never even think about doing you harm. I was really hesitant even telling you of my feelings. But the ache in my heart was just getting worse and worse. I'm sorry if I caused you any discomfort." John stopped as she took his hand in both of hers.

"John, I felt in my heart you would not hurt me. I felt from you, whenever we met, nothing but warmth and friendship. There were times though...never mind."

"What, times that I scared you?"

"No, I was never scared of you. It was wore your heart on your sleeve." She looked deep into John's eyes.

"Michelle, I love you. I won't say it anymore if you don't want me too, but I do. And if wearing my heart on my sleeve is a bad thing then I'm a trendsetter."

"Ok, ok, on to other things. Why me again. I know you kind of told me last night, but I guess I just want to hear it again." She was smiling and her eyes danced in the lighting of the restaurant.

"Let me see..." John paused, thinking. "I feel you have a great capacity for compassion. I feel you care a lot about your fellow human being. That compassion translated, in most cases, to a joy you express in what you do. I liked you the minute we first meet. After a while I enjoyed your company. Why do you think I came back with Jenny whenever she was in to see you or Doctor Reynolds? I was there to see you. The chance to catch a glimpse of you, fought with other emotions and priorities in my life. I thought you were simply the most beautiful woman inside and out that I had ever laid eyes on since my Jenny."

"Umm..." Her hand went to her throat as she cleared it. "I don't know what to say. You flatter me too much. In your eyes I have a lot to live up too."

"Not a bit, you just have to be yourself and I'll be happy."

"Just being myself, may disappoint you, I'm afraid."

"Do you mean that you're not being yourself now?"

"No, that's not what I mean. How can I put this so as not to disillusion you? I'm not as perfect as you think. I do care about what I do. I do want to do it to the best of my ability. I love just like anyone else. But to tell the truth, I am what you might call a little promiscuous." She stopped suddenly and starred at John to see his reaction.

"So you've had affairs, you know you are not alone in that respect?"

"Yes, I have had affairs as you so politely put it." She smiled at John squirming in her seat as she tentatively reached for his hand. "I have slept around is how I put it. Most George knows about, some he doesn't."

"And you expect me to be disappointed by this revelation, how?"

"I thought you might," she said as she gently squeezed John's hand as she pulled it to her lap.

"Why would I be disappointed in you?" John looked at her quizzically.

"Because I have been unfaithful to my marriage vows, although it was your fault entirely!"

"Me! How did I have anything to do with this?"

"Those stories you wrote. They made me want...want to do those things. I wanted to jump into other men's beds after reading your stories about me."

"So, you doing these things, is a recent development?"

"Yes," she whispered squirming in her chair.

"Do you like yourself and where you are in your life?"

"Um...for the most part, there is the fact that George doesn't mind or at least he says he doesn't mind what I do. And once I told him I had final found and met, the man who had written those stories he went nuts with lust. We were up all night talking and having sex, talking some more and having more sex. I have had about two hours sleep."
