The Enemy Who Loved Me

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Dr. Director is taken prisoner by Shego.
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Thank you so much to my editor Incredimeters

This is a parody and completely a work of Fiction.

All characters are 21 or older.

When Dr. Betty Director regained consciousness, everything was black. Her head hurt as if her brothers Gemini, had been using it for a soccer ball. She quickly dismissed any thoughts of being dead. There was no way that being dead could hurt this much. Her brain was trying to work but things were still really fuzzy. What had happened? Where was she?

As she tried to move, she discovered two things. First, that it was not only her head that hurt but her whole body. Second, that she was strapped down. The straps felt thick and she was guessing they must be made of nylon or something like that.

"Kim? Are you here? Ron?"

There was no answer to any of her calls. Where were they? How could they have abandoned me? Dr. Director thought. No! How could I think they would ever leave me? It seemed her emotions were pretty mixed up too. She reproached herself for thinking for a minute that Kim and Ron would leave her. They were good kids. They were sweet and loyal even if a bit inexperienced.

"Hello, Princes."

Dr. Director easily recognized that voice.

Shego was the sidekick of Kim Possible's arch nemeses, Dr. Drakken. Shego was shorter than Dr. Director at 5' 9, by only about half an inch. Shego was older than Dr. Director. But Global Justice files didn't know by how much. Their fighting skills were also evenly matched, save for the fact that Shego had a superpower in the form of glowing hands that seem to be able to cut through just about anything. Dr. Director had mocha colored skin with short brown hair. She also wore and eye patch over her right eye. Shego had dark black hair with almost green skin. Another major difference was that Dr. Director had an athletic figure, flat tummy and no butt. Shego on the other hand was voluptuous with more cures than the pacific coast highway. Dr. Director was usually somber and fought on the side of good. Shego was condescending, smart mouthed and fought for evil.

"So, you're finally awake."

"Finally? How long have I been out?" Asked Dr. Director.

"Well Betty, you've been fading in and out for the last couple of hours. I've heard concussions will cause you to do that."

"Concussion?" Once again Dr. Director tried to get up only to be stopped by the straps.

"What are the straps for? Afraid you can't handle me?"

"Oh, I can handle you but I didn't want you to get hurt while I was moving you."

"Where are we Shego? And where is my eye patch?"

"My Place and why do you ware that thing you don't need it."

"We're not in Drakken's lair."

Shego sighed, "Well, we couldn't stay in Drakken's lair after you blew it up now, could we?"

"No. I guess not."

Shego walked over to where Dr. Director lay on a gurney. Shego undid the straps. Dr. Director moved to sit up once she was free. Shego put her hands on Dr. Director's shoulders and lightly pushed her back down onto the table. "Easy, don't try to get up."

"Afraid I'll escape?"

"No. I'm afraid you'll hurl."

Dr. Director pushed back on Shego's arms and reached a sitting position. Once she did, she regretted it. Her head pounded and the room began to spin. Nausea hit her and she reached out for anything to steady herself. Shego slowly moved her back into a reclining position. Dr. Director grabbed the sides of the gurney and held on for dear life. Within minutes the room came to rest and her stomach settled.

When Dr. Director opened her eyes Shego was monitoring her breathing and looking at her face. She smiled when she saw that Dr. Director eyes were open. "I told you not to move." Surprisingly, Shego's face and tone were one of concern not malice.

"You may have smashed your ear drum in the explosion. Not to mention you may still be suffering from a slight concussion." She continued while pulling out a small pen light and flashing it in Dr. Director's eyes. "Kim's mother is a doctor. Do you think she would have a patient run laps after she performs surgery on them?"

Slowly, Shego moved Dr. Director to a nearby bed. She slowly raised Dr Director into a sitting position. Looking down Dr. Director saw she was wearing green and black flannel Pajamas that had SGO embroidered on the pocket. "Shego, where are my clothes?"

"There wasn't much left of them and what there was smelled vile." Responded Shego.

Shego seeing Dr. Director's discomfort walked over and sat on the side of the bed. Shego spoke in an almost sisterly tone, as she stroked her hair, "Don't worry Betty. I got to you before any of Drakken's goons saw you. I made sure none of them saw or touched anything."

Shego walked over to a table and brought Dr. Director a drink of water, "And don't worry about Drakken either. He and the boys know better than to come to my house. So it's just us girls."

"So, you're just going to let me go?"

"In a little while, yes." Shego's tone turned from sincere to concerned, "I want to make sure you're ok first."

"Thanks." Was all Dr. Director could mange.

"I may be a super villain but I'm not a murder." Shego said with more than a bit of umbrage. "Get some rest I'll be back with another blanket."

Was this a dream Dr. Director thought. Shego being nice to her just didn't seem right. Of course, they had never spent that much time together they were always too busy trying to kill each other. But why would Shego, go to all the trouble of taking care of me? Dr. Director wondered. If she wanted to kill me all the other times we fought.

Dr. Director tried really hard to think of all the time she and Shego had fought and there had been quite a few. Shego was older stronger and she had those glowing hands. Even a well-trained fighter can't defeat an opponent with better skills.

After several minutes of thinking the reason hit Dr. Director and it was startling to say the least. Shego didn't want to kill her. Shego was playing with her. Every time Dr. Director got better Shego dialed her fighting skills up another level so they were just about equal again. Shego wanted Dr. Director to keep coming back. But why? Maybe Shego found some enjoyment in fighting. Lord knows Dr. Director did. It was always satisfying to land a good punch or nice kick. But she had to admit, to be held down by Shego or to lay on top of her, holding her down was far more enjoyable.

What the hell am I thinking? Dr. Director thought as she shook her head, Shego is evil. She doesn't care about anyone but herself. She captured me, strapped me down and is holding me against my will. Of course I would have died if not for her help. I'm not strapped down now and she did say she was planning to let me go. What the hell Director. Shego's an evil villain and you're talking like you crushing on her. OMG I am crushing on her, hard.

Shego walked in carrying a small covered tray. "Are you up for a little dinner?"

Completely forgetting her previous experience with sitting up too fast, Dr. Director did so again with a similar result. Dr. Director collapsed to the floor.

The Possible Home: That same time.

Mr. Possible moved Ron into one of the house's spare bedrooms and Mrs. Possible had begun first aid. The burns to his hands looked a lot worse than they really were and within minutes she had most of them cleaned and bandaged. She than left it to her husband and twin sons to remove what was left of Ron's cloths and dress him in new ones. Kim had fewer injuries but hers were more savior, in the form of a broken leg and a sprained shoulder. When Dr. Possible returned Ron was still out.

Mrs. Possible tried shaking him. No response. She then yelled at him. No response. She tried slapping him, smelling salts even an emergence air horn that was reported to have deafened people when employed too close to once ears. Nothing worked.

The door to the room opened and Jim and Tim walked in carrying a white bag. Its bottom was completely saturated with grease and looked as though it might give way at any moment.

"Here try this, Mom." Said Tim.

"You have got to be kidding," replied Mrs. Possible.

"No Mom, really." Said Jim.

"Uh-huh Uh-huh," encouraged Ruffus.

Mrs. Possible took the bag in two fingers and held it at arm's length, literally. She brought the bag so it hung directly over Ron's nose. There was a sniffing sound and then Ron's voice weak but audible, "Naco, extra diablo sauce," Ron's eyes popped open and a smile came to his lips, "Grande size."

Mrs. Possible looked at her two boys. Their return look shouted, told you so. Ron grabbed the bag and began eating. Once he was finished, he looked around. "Mrs. P, Mr. P., Drakken has Dr. Director. I have to get to Kim's old communicator and talk to Wade."

Ron headed up stairs to Kim's room. He opened one of the draws in her dresser and pulled out a blue box that looked like a cell phone on steroids. He ran back down to the Possible living room where Kim was resting. He hit a few buttons and an African American young man appeared on the box's little screen. "What up Kim? How is Global Justice treating you?" Wade asked without taking his eyes off one of the ten other computer screens that filled his room.


"Ron. What are you doing with Kim's old communicator?"

"No time to explain." Said Kim, "Do you have any way of tracking Dr. Director? Kim and I have tried everything and neither of us knows anyway?"

Wade's expression turned nervous. "Of course, not that would be a total invasion..."

Mr. Possible grabbed the communicator out of Ron's hand and cut Wade off, "Drew (Dr. Drakken) has Dr. Director, so if you have a way of tracking her, you need to tell us and I mean right now!"

"Ok I do have a way."

"Really?" asked Kim and Ron surprised. Ron began to pat himself down looking for any kind of transmitter.

Everyone began talking at once. "We'll need a ride too wade." Said Ron.

"I'll take you Ronald." Interjected Mr. Possible

"Can we come too?" Chimed in Jim and Tim.

"I'll send the coordinates to the communicator." Said Wade among a flourish of key strokes.

"Send them to Kim's battle suit." Mrs. Possible's voice cut through all the others.

They all looked over to see Mrs. possible standing there in Kim's old blue and white battle suit.

While everyone else had been talking to Wade she had gone to her daughter's closet and removed Kim's Original battle suit from its secret niche behind all her other cloths. The suit was a solid, if now slightly obsolete, piece of technology. The suit did everything from make the wear invisible to impervious to bullets. It maintained its own life support system and repaired itself.

"What do you think you're doing Ann?" Asked Mr. Possible.

"I'm going to save my friend, James."

"We're all going." He protested.

"No. You're not." The battle suit responding to her emotions and amplifying her voice.

Mrs. Possible took a moment to get better control of her emotions. "James, Kim and Ron are hurt but it's nothing you can't handle. One of our friends is already in danger and if she is hurt..." It was hard for her to even think much less say those word, "I'm the most able to help her."

Mr. Possible couldn't argue with his wife's logic. She was right. The group moved to the front lawn. Mrs. Possible turned to Jim and Tim, patting them both on the head and said "I love you boys."

"Kick Drakken's butt Mom." They said in unison.

She high fived them and then turned to her husband. She kissed him long and hard on the lips. "I'll bring her home James. I promise."

"Just make sure you come home too."

Mrs. Possible smiled.

Shego's House:

Dr. Director woke up within minutes. Shego had put the tray down and rushed to her side. She had picked Dr. Director up and resettled her in bed.

"Thanks, Shego."

"No big." Shego grimaced, "I'm guessing you're not hungry."

"Actually, I'm starving."

Shego noticeable perked up as she set a serving tray over Dr. Director's lap and put the small bowl on it. It was only soup but it was amazing. As she ate Dr. Director, decide she had to ask the question that had been bothering her since she woke up. "Shego, did you see Kim and Ron?"

Shego instantly reverted to old Shego mode at the mention of Ron's Name. "You mean the kid cadets. Don't worry your little sidekicks are fine. I saw them limping away under they own power, so I assume they are ok."

There was an awkward silence and then Shego started in again. "What do you see in them anyway? I mean I know Kim is bad ass and he has monkey powers but she can't make the hard decisions and he's a big of a goof."

Dr. Director forced a smile. "They are a good team."

Dr. Director's brain was not firing on all cylinders yet, but she knew jell'n when she heard it. Shego was jealous of Kim and Ron, but jealous of them for what?

Dr. Director decided to change the subject. "Thank you for the soup. It was really good." Shego cleared the plate and tray.

"Shego, can I ask you a personal question?" Asked Dr. Director.

Shego sat in a high-backed arm chair, "Sure."

"Why are you evil?"

Shego was up and back at Dr. Director side in a second. "I'm not evil."

Dr. Director cringed from the force of the shout. Shego walked back and sat in the arm chair again and repeated in a much softer tone, "I'm not evil."

"Your file says different. You try to take over the world."

"Drakken tries to take over the world." Shego extended her pointer finger towards Dr. Director "I'm just along for the ride. I only hurt people when I absolutely have too and I don't kill. As I said before I'm not a murder."

"Ok you're not evil, than why work for someone who is."

Shego got out of the chair and walked over to sit beside her. "Drakken is evil, but he's one other thing."


"Stupid." Shego let that sink in for a minute before going on. "I know that you have a low opinion of me but I'm not stupid. If I where evil and I wanted to take over the world don't you think I could?"

The truth was Dr. Director knew for a fact that she could. Kim had told her of a time when kim had once gone to an alternative future where Shego was the ruler of the world. "Ok so you're not evil. But if you're not evil, then what are you?"

Shego smiled, "Bad."


"Yes Betty. I'm bad; mischievous; even a little bit naughty."

Dr. Director heart was pounding. She had never been this close to Shego and not punching her. Her brain was putting all the information together. I was crushing on Shego. Shego is taking great care of me and explaining to me all the reasons that she does what she does. Why would she care what I thought of her? Unless... Shego's trying to impress me because she crushing on me?

"Have you ever been bad?" Dr. Director silence said no. "Well, you should try it some time. It's a whole lot more fun."

"If Gemini couldn't get me to be bad, what makes you think you could."

Shego leaned in so close to Dr. Director's face they were practically nose to nose. "Steal stuff is bad but why don't we start with naughty."

Before Dr. Director could protest Shego kissed her firm on the lips. Dr. Director had always assumed her boyfriends were good kisser but they were all wet fish compared to Shego. Her lips were warm and wet. Shego held the kiss as though her life would end once they separated. Surprising enough Dr. Director found herself not wanting it to end either. Therefore, when Shego's tongue entered her mouth, she greeted it warmly. Finally, Shego broke the kiss leaning back panting but also smiling. Dr. Director smiled back dumb struck by the kiss.

"See, being naughty is kind of fun."

That was the best kiss Dr. Director had ever had.

"You think you can stand without passing out?" asked Shego as she got up.

Between the rest and the food Dr. Director did feel a lot stronger. "I think so."

Shego stood and helped a shaky Dr. Director to her feet. Then thought better of it and just picked Dr. Director up. Shego caried her down the hallway to a tile floored bathroom. "What are you thinking Shego?"

"I'm thinking you don't smell the best, Princes. You want to get cleaned up?"

"Please and thank you."

Drakken's destroyed lair:

Mrs. Possible walked into what looked like one of her husband's experiments gone wrong. The ground was littered with scorched metal and chard wood. Her heart sank as she thought of how her daughter could have survived a blast of this scale. Please God let her be ok. "I'm on site, Wade. Are you sure Dr. Director is here?"

A small flashing beacon appeared on Mrs. Possible's hand. "Just follow the light Mrs. Possible" answered Wade.

Mrs. Possible walked forward the best she could. The actual transmitter was barrier under a pile of rubble.


She dug feverously through the pile. Her friend was here under all these beams. Mrs. Possible dug until she hit the structures cement slab. She hadn't hit anything that even remotely looked like a person or even parts of a person. She waved her hand over the spot again and the light reappeared off to the left. Her daughter's utility belt, or what was left of it, sat on the ground. Dr. Director must have found Wade's transmitter and moved it to Kim's belt.

Mrs. Possible sat down on the ground and began to weep.

"Mrs. Possible?" asked Wade, "Did you find her?"

After a few moments Mrs. Possible Sniffled, whipped her nose on her sleeve and answered Wade, "I found the transmitter but Betty isn't here." Mrs. Possible looked at the ground and noticed a small set of foot prints, "Shego or Drakken must have her."

"I ran some property listing for the surrounding area and the closest I have is a listing for Shelia Gogart near Go city."

"Shelia Gogart is Shego's real name." shouted Mrs. Possible before she could stop herself.

"Are you sure?" said Wade.

"Yes." Answered Mrs. Possible in her nonsense surgeon voice "Give me the address Wade. There's no telling what Shego could be doing to Dr. Director."

Shego's House:

Shego guided Dr. Director to a vanity with a large oval mirror on the wall and a green vessel sink. Dr. Director flinched at her own reflection. She had total bed head. Her hair, normally brown almost auburn was now a shade of dirt. Her face and neck were clean, thanks to Shego, but the rest of her was covered in a thin layer of dirt.

Dr. Director turned away from the mirror. Shego came up behind Dr. Director and began to rub her shoulders. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Look at me," Dr. Director whimpered "I look...I look..."

"...Like you were shot out of a cannon." Shego completed the sentence.

Shego took Dr. Director chin between thumb and fore finger and rotated her face around so she had to look at her face in the mirror. Shego then started rubbing Dr. Director shoulders again. "You look like you have been shot out of a cannon sweetie, because you kind of were." Dr. Director's face dropped again and Shego returned it to facing the mirror. "But don't worry I can fix that."

Shego slowly, cautiously turned Dr. Director around to face her. Shego leaned in and kissed Betty again. Shego began to unbutton the front of her pajamas. From the first wisps of cold air against her bare skin, Betty realized that not only was she not worried about Shego seeing her naked but that she was, becoming very aroused by it. Her nipples were hardening and her pussy was getting wet.

Shego unhooked the last button and opened Betty's top. Shego kissed her on the lips, then on the cheek and the neck. She kept going down Dr. Director's body until she came to Dr. Director's left nipple. The electric throb that accompanied each of Shego's kisses suddenly intensified and Dr. Director looked down to see why. Shego's was lighting and extinguishing her finger as it encircling her nipple. The heat and cold combination sent a new bolt of pleaser though her that she could barely stand it. "Oh Shego..."
