The Entity Pt. 07


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"And daddy brought a doggie bone for his bitch." His voice had slipped back into the singsong of benevolent master and loving pet as he impaled her. Gritting her teeth, she let her head fall into the bowl as Bob found his rhythm.

"Good bitch. That's a good doggie," his hand alternately stroking and slapping her rump.

A grunt and it was over, Bob's body draped over hers. Her tears continued but no sound was heard as she drew ragged breath after ragged breath, waiting for Mr. Johnston to get off of her.

She saw his shoes as he stepped through the door and felt a faint glimmer of hope when he failed to close it behind him.

All hope was dashed when she saw the tips of his shoes again and heard him say, "And daddy has a reward for his bitch. Come on. Here it is."

Allessandra vomited when Bob sat a stainless steel twin to her water dish on the dirt floor by her face. She could smell the strong, meaty, almost sweet odor of canned dog food.

As quickly as he'd appeared, the light went out, door closed and Mr. Johnston disappeared.

Allessandra rolled to her side, pulled her knees up to her stomach and made a small ball in the dark, her body quaked and this time she found her voice as she mewed low and animalistic. "I'll kill you, you son of a bitch! I'll fucking castrate you!"

Allessandra's vow went unnoticed as Bob stood in the hot shower luxuriating in the suds as they washed across his shoulders and down his back humming that tune. He couldn't remember the words. He was sure he would by the time Tammy got here, but he recalled his mother singing it to him.


They hadn't bothered to dress him. Pushing him down into a chair, hands now handcuffed, slightly sun burnt, his head throbbing from whatever that Asian girl had hit him with as Buck sat across from the Doctor.

He didn't know the Doctor's name. No one did. He just knew the Doctor was the last person you wanted to talk to.

"I can explain, Sir."

The Doctor's hand came up begging silence as he continued to leaf through a thick folder in front of him on the table. Gingerly separating a large color photograph, he pushed it across the table toward Buck.

"Would that be the Asian girl, Buck?"

Buck started to relax. The Doctor didn't sound that mad. Scanning the photo he was surprised.

"Why, yes it is, Sir."

"You're sure, Buck. Take a good look please."

Buck studied the photograph again and nodded as he spoke enthusiastically, "Sure is, Doc. She was with some other girl named, Christine. But listen, Doc, I can explain all this. I think my girlfriend sent them. I think it was some kind of test or something. Or maybe she just wanted to catch me." Buck was sure he had the answer. It seemed the more he tried to explain, the more flustered he became.

"That's okay, Buck. I bet that bump hurts. I'm going to have these guys take you down to Doctor Turner and we'll have her fix that thing back up."

Nodding, the two men lifted Buck out of the chair and headed him toward the door."

"Hey, Doc, can I get a robe or something?"

"I'm sure Doctor Turner has something down there she can give you."

Once the door clicked shut he dialed Beth and said, "I want you to try out the new speed scan on someone I'm sending down. Dispose of the body like all the rest."

The Doctor sat at his desk, flipping through Michael's file, trying to figure out what Linda Woo was doing at Waverly Hills Clinic, the previous night.


"Yes, Captain, we did."

The Captain exhaled a breath of exasperation and looked from Linda, to Tammy, and back. "So, let me get this straight."

Linda started to speak, "Captain –

The Captain raised his hand commanding silence and continued, "Then you entered a suspect location without notifying your line commander, which would be me, or local law enforcement, that would be LAPD –

Linda tried to interrupt again, "But Captain –

The Captain held his hand up again, "Then you proceeded to, ah, assault, tie up, and abandon a non-suspect; that would be one Mr. Buck, last name unknown," looking from Tammy to Linda and back again, he added, "And Mr. Buck was, ah, buck naked. I'm not even going to ask."

The Captain leaned back in his chair far enough Linda thought it might fall over, tented his fingers over his chest and said, "And you took a civilian with you," nodding toward Tammy, "that would be our Miss Tammy Spalding who, but by the grace of god, is still alive to corroborate this Laurel and Hardy vaudeville act you consider good investigating."

The Captain bounced from Linda to Tammy, and back again. "Is that about right?"

Linda knew when to poke and when to let sleeping dogs lie. "Yes, Captain, that about covers it."

The Captain's chair creaked ominously as he leaned forward and slid the bottom left hand drawer open pulling a bottle of good Irish rye out and setting it on his desk. Fishing around he pulled three Dixie cups out and set them down in a straight row beside the bottle before uncapping and pouring three equal servings.

Glancing at the clock on the wall he said, "It's gotta be five o' clock somewhere in the world."

Picking up the first in the line he downed the shot, wadded the paper cup in his hand and two pointed it off the door into the wastebasket.

Nodding to Tammy, who shook her head from side to side, the Captain picked up the next serving and downed it just as he had the first. Aiming high, all three watched the wad of soggy paper bounce off the wall and drop into the wastebasket.

He contemplated Linda before nodding. "No thanks, Captain."

Picking up the small vessel and downing its contents, Tammy and Linda watched, spellbound as the Captain swiveled in his chair and hooked the paper wad over his head and it swooshed the basked, clunking loudly on the bottom of the wastebasket.

"Get the hell out of my office, Woo. I think we'll start again tomorrow," turning toward Tammy, he added, "and don't forget your protégé."

Striding down the hall, Tammy was incredulous when she noticed the smug look on Linda's face, "What the hell is so funny?"

"Don't sweat it, Red." Linda actually had a spring in her step."

"But the, Captain, is really mad!"

"No, you're wrong, Red. The, Captain, isn't really mad. The, Captain, is really, really pissed. Get your terms right."

Pulling up short, Tammy grabbed Linda's arm and jerked her around, "Stop calling me, Red. And why don't you care about the, Captain?"

Linda sidled up to Tammy and hooked her thumb in the belt loop in the back of her jeans and tugged gently, urging her to walk with her.

"That wasn't anger, Tammy. I've seen the Captain, mad, and believe me, he wasn't mad. That was love. He was worried about us and that's his way of showing it."

Tammy walked along, grudgingly at first and then fell into step with Linda as they exited the building.

Tammy suddenly felt weary and saddened. Linda hadn't had time to tell her what she'd found, but everything seemed to be winding down. That meant she'd have to go home. More important to Tammy, it meant she'd have to say goodbye to Linda.

"What now?"

Linda just smiled and pulled Tammy a little closer.


Michael sat watching a distinguished looking gentleman shuffle papers on the conference room table.

While Mrs. Miller's wealth hadn't been a surprise, the extent of it had. His mind reeled from the litany of figures and numbers. When the family lawyer quipped that Teddy's personal worth now quadrupled that of the two richest people on the planet, combined, Michael's jaw had gone slack.

He turned to Teddy searching for a reaction. She sat straight in her chair, hands interlaced on the table before her and smiled. Not a greedy smile or lecherous, power hungry smile. Nor was it an ecstatic leer. The same, self assured, open innocence Michael had seen the previous afternoon as they'd shared iced tea.

"Will that be all Mr. Bartholomew?"

"Rudolph, my, Dear. Your grandmother and I knew each other far too long to stand on formality."

Teddy appeared to blush slightly and said, "Yes. Rudolph. Will that be all?"

"I know you're still recovering from your last treatment, but I do believe you should know about the visitor we have the day after tomorrow. Ah, I'm not sure how you want to handle things," Rudolph glanced at Michael, and back at Theodora.

"Go ahead Rudolph. Michael is my close friend. He just sat through the changing of the guard. I can't think of any secrets I have from him."

Michael, intently studying Rudolph, jumped slightly when Teddy's fingers snaked into his palm, squeezing his hand. "Is this some ominous secret of the empire?"

"Not at all, Dear," turning to Michael, Rudolph offered an apology, "I apologize, Michael. I'm just so accustomed to Mrs. Miller's, ah, management style. You see, she never re-married and had no one to share things with."

Turning back to Teddy, Rudolph continued, "I think you're making a good decision young lady. Don't find yourself alone in twenty years with no one to share the wonderful life your grandmother has given you. That said, on to business. The democratic presidential candidate, Arthur Wright, will be visiting us this Saturday. You may not know that your grandmother was a great supporter and contributor of his. He'll be touring the facility and receive a small sampling of some of the technology we've developed. And if you feel up to it, your presence would be expected."

Squeezing Michael's hand, Teddy asked, "Would, Michael, be able to attend also?"

Rudolph beamed, "Why of course, Dear. I think that would be grand."

"Then it's settled! We'll both need new clothes and proper shoes, I want a manicure and Michael can have one too. Oh! Sorry. How rude," Teddy turned to Michael and asked, "Michael, would you like to be my date to meet the next president of the United States of America?"

How could he refuse, "Of course, Teddy. It would be an honor."

Teddy suddenly bounced like an excited child, "Did you hear that Rudolph? Michael said yes? Isn't that wonderful?"

Rudolph regarded both with a paternalistic pride, "I think that's wonderful Theodora. Oh, and you too, Michael"


Teddy pushed her walker a foot and took two small steps forward. Michael stood a few feet away following her around the lavish, wood paneled room.

"That would be Grandma Miller's mother," Teddy pointed at a portrait of Elizabeth Miller hanging below a small spotlight.

"Now I see where the red hair comes from."

Teddy smiled demurely and pushed her walker several feet further, stopping in front of a portrait of a gallant looking gentleman looking off in the distance, expression serious as he seemed to scrutinize something out of the picture. "That would be Grandma Miller's father, Thomas Lee."

Michael studied the portrait and tried to find Teddy in the harsh demeanor, piercing eyes and aggressive stance. Fortunately, he couldn't.

They spent nearly an hour walking around Mrs. Miller's private domain, Teddy explaining the family history, the origin of pieces of furniture, who owned it, what house it was in, a few framed documents, photographs of a young Mrs. Miller standing with Thomas Edison and Henry Ford in front of a building looking stiff, glaring into the camera.

"Grandma met everyone. There's a photo album here somewhere. Maybe I can find it and we can go through it together."

Teddy pushed on but Michael stepped closer to the photo. "Did you know you look just like your Grandmother?"

A melodic laugh, "So I've been told."

Teddy finally settled on a couch as she explained its history as well. They chatted and finally fell into a comfortable silence.

Michael marveled at the opulence and wealth and how utterly unaffected Teddy seemed to be by it all. "So how does it feel, Teddy?"

There were few things a centenarian like herself couldn't anticipate but it took a minute for her to capture the meaning of Michael's question. "Oh! You mean to be rich."

"Not just rich, Teddy. How old are you?"

"A woman never tells her age," she chided, "but let's just say I'm old enough to buy a drink at a bar."

"And you are indisputably, the wealthiest individual on the planet. How does it feel?"

"Tired," she replied with a mischievous smile, side stepping Michael's question.

Michael took the hint and smiled back. "You're right. It's been a busy afternoon, and all that money must get heavy, just carrying it around," his laugh was relaxed and easy, making Teddy laugh in turn. "Maybe it's time I go."

Teddy watched Michael stand and noted how much stronger he'd become. His walk seemed completely normal and his hands no longer shook.

Looking up from the divan, Teddy started the next act of the days elaborate theatrics, "Michael, I am tired. But not of you. Could you stay? I'm so tired of having the nurse's watch over me. And you seem perfectly fine," Teddy's comely smile held Michael's gaze, her voice dropped, becoming more intimate; "We could call down for food and enjoy a real meal."

Michael hesitated as his gaze took in the splay of freckles across Teddy's nose, the lavish red hair that fell in waves across her shoulders, her delicate hands at rest in her lap. Recalling Mrs. Miller's request he decided caring for Teddy would not be such a difficult task to undertake while he convalesced and decided what to do next with his new life. Smiling broadly, he gave Teddy the smile she'd been waiting for. The one she'd seen so many times in Mexico all those years ago. The one she'd seen over candle lit meals. The one that had sent her to heaven, and brought her back alive, so many times in bed. She saw her fathers smile.

"Of course I will. How could I refuse such a, well, wealthy damsel in distress?" The smile was lecherous which made Teddy's body vibrate with feelings she'd abandoned many decades before.

"Damsel in distress?" Teddy's eyebrow cocked and her smile became just as lecherous, "You think me young, nubile and naïve, kind sir?"

Michael took a step toward Teddy, mimicking her romance novel dialogue. His voice low and menacing as he fell into his role, "Young and nubile, yes my lady. Naïve? Never!"

Teddy's arm came up, the back of her hand fell on her forehead as she feigned a maiden's swoon, "You cad! How dare you! What have you done with my knight in shining armor! I see a villain come to pluck this maidens ripened fruit!"

Michael was laughing as he fell to one knee at Teddy's feet, "But do you not know my fair maiden? My delightful damsel? It is far better to pluck the ripened fruit, than to let it fall rotting from the tree!" One of Michael's hands fell on Teddy's knee, the other pointing skyward, pointing out the source of such wise advice.

Teddy started giggling, "Do not hide behind the robes of god foul scoundrel, my lascivious brigand!"

The laughter died and Michael suddenly became aware of his hand on Teddy's knee. Catching his glance down, she quickly covered it with her own.

"There is something I need, Michael."

He suddenly felt like a school boy, afraid Teddy would notice the slight tremble of his hand, "Yes, Teddy?"

"I need a bath, Michael. Then we can order a meal. Would that be okay?"

Pushing to his feet, Michael blushed and muttered, "Sure. Let me get your nurse."

Teddy leaned forward, her hand resting gently on his thigh, "I didn't say I needed my nurse. I said I needed a bath. Will you help me, Michael?"

Taking her offered hand, Michael helped Teddy to her feet. There was no protest as she pulled his arm around her back and placed his hand firmly on her waist, leaning into him.

Flustered, Michael looked around, trying to decide which door would be the bathroom and Teddy pointed without speaking.

He could tell she was still weak as her body quaked in his arm with each step they took together. Teddy would have laughed, knowing better why her body quaked.

"Here, Michael, sit me here."

Lowering Teddy onto the edge of an enormous marble tub he stepped back to the middle of a bathroom the size of his patient room. He thought it odd there were no mirrors in the room.

Teddy slowed the pace and softened her voice, a woman of experience wanting to sip the pleasure she anticipated, not gulp it down to quench a passing thirst.

"I like a hot bath, Michael. And those must be bath beads. Add them."

Testing the water, Michael watched as thick white foam rose slowly in the tub.

"Could you help me up, Michael?"

His arm around her waste, he lifted Teddy gently to her feet. Michael watched as her hands untied her sash, her robe falling open to reveal her hospital gown beneath.

The robe fell into a puddle at her feet and Teddy stepped into Michael's chest, leaning her forehead on his breast bone.

"I don't think I'm strong enough, Michael, could you take it off?"

His fingers trembled as he fumbled with the knot on the back of her gown. Finally pulling it free, he tugged the small strips of cloth gently to each side and released them, the garment falling from Teddy's shoulders.

His mouth opened but he found no words to describe the naked beauty standing before him. She swayed slightly and Michael brought his hands up to her shoulders.

Theodora Elizabeth Miller had worked more than sixty years for this moment. She had spent a fortune, ten times over and regretted none of it. Tilting her head back, her luxurious red mane fell along her back, her emerald eyes came up to meet Michael's.

The longing was real as she implored with her gaze, pressing her bare breasts solidly into his chest.

The rush was just as real as Michael's lips came down on hers, gentle at first, then pressing and furious as passion's spell was cast. His tongue did not solicit entry with gentle explorations. It demanded and took. A conquering army of one that ravished her mouth.

One of his hands came down and pressed roughly on a breast, his fingers finding her inflamed nipple, squeezing and rolling the small nub.

His other arm circled her shoulders and pulled their bodies together.

Michael pushed Linda's insistent pleading from his mind and surrendered to the young, nubile beauty that moaned beneath the weight of his lusty attack.

"Wait, Michael."

He persisted, the small voice lost in the rush that filled his ears.

"Michael. Wait," Teddy pressed gently on his chest and Michael finally came back. Realizing what he'd done, Michael immediately felt embarrassed not knowing what had come over him. It was as if his body was controlled by someone or something else. Something much stronger than he was.

"I'm sorry, Teddy. I don't know what came –

Placing her forefinger on his lips she shushed him. "No! No! Its okay, Michael. You don't have to stop. I just wanted to tell you something."

Searching her eyes he said, "What, Teddy?"

"I'm still a virgin, Michael."

Yes, Theodora thought, money could buy anything these days. The thought was lost in their grunts and moans as she was penetrated for the first time, a second time, in the same bed. Her father's bed. Her father's face much more than a whimsical memory as their bodies quaked in climax.

Please be sure to take the time to vote and comment. I hope you're enjoying the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Much more to come. BTW – This is a sequel to The Sentinel.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
The answer is simple Annomous, He doest have an

Editor. What your looking at is an unedited story written at high speed so as to get time to write more! The pleasure comes from the writing, not the editing which is just plain hard work. Be greatful your sharing his gift........Richard

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Nicely done, as always

I've picked up each chapter almost as soon as they're posted, and am really enjoying the story so far. I do feel the need to point out the numerous and glaring errors present in each piece I've read by this author. There seems to be some confusion regarding the proper use of apostrophes and commas as well as a few spelling errors, almost all of which could have been easily avoided by simply utilizing a grammarcheck program. Just a minor annoyance, to be sure; it would take MUCH more than that to make me stop reading the work. It's just been such a constant issue throughout the body of work, and seems highly unlikely that this hasn't been brought to the author's attention by now. The work itself is very well thought out, good attention to detail... the sloppiness of the technical aspects is just beneath a writer of this caliber.

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