The Ghost and Bridget


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When she couldn't hold the desk any more with just one hand, she used the second, leaving the second boob free for the sucking. Shaping his hands into suctions, had clamped over them. He then formed a hard clamp on the inside to fit over the nipples and clamped down. He began to suck and clamp at the same time. This drove her wild, her body jerking with the orgasms. When she finally came down, her hands slipped from the desk and she went face first to the floor, her ass in the air, still spasming around whatever was playing with her insides.

"What the hell?"

Derek looked way from his old toy to his new toy that just found her coworker on the cubicle floor. "Next."


The bar looked a lot different in the light of day than it did when she'd go at night. There were a few men at the bar area but other than that it was almost empty. Their stares made her uncomfortable as she made her way to the back where the office was located. She knocked on the door and entered at the same time and was relieved to see Jake in the office with the owner.

"Hey." He smiled at her. "What are you doing here?"

She waved a hello at the owner. She'd seen him before but didn't really know him. "Um, Jake, can I talk to you?"

He looked at her suspiciously. "Sure." He gave a look to his boss and followed Bridget out to one of the booths away from everyone. "So what's up?" He was fidgeting and she almost laughed when she realized what he must be thinking.

"Relax. Nothing like that." She saw his relief that he wasn't going to be suffering any consequences of their encounters. "I need to ask you a question about one of the guys that used to work here. Creepy guy, washed glasses."

That was all the description he needed. "Yeah, I know who you're talking about. Derek. He was a weirdo. Why do you ask?"

"Well..." How do you tell someone that you're being fucked by a ghost? "I think he's dead."

Jake sat back. "Really? That would explain why he just stopped coming to work, but how do you know?"

She hesitated. 'He's going to think I'm nuts.' " you remember Saturday night...when I accused you of breaking the FTF rules?"

He laughed. "Hard to forget.

She took a deep breath. "I think it was him." There, is was out.


"Derek, I think he's the one who touched me." At his silence, she continued. "Remember the comment you made about having a 'little boy ghost'?"

Jake looked her over critically. "Have you been drinking?"

Bridget tried to control her anger. She knew she sounded ridiculous, but if he didn't believe her, who would? She lowered her voice in determination. "No, I haven't been drinking. What I have been doing is getting fucked over and over again since I left the bar two nights ago."

He laughed again. "You're complaining about an all weekend fuck?"

Still controlling her frustration, she leaned in closer to him. "No. It started out a little strange but amazing. I can't see him, but I could feel me. Then...something changed. He changed."

Jake looked at her like she lost her mind. "You're saying, you really believe that you've been being fucked most of the a ghost." And then he said it. "You've lost your mind. The only thing fucked is your mind if you think I'd believe something like that. " He got up to leave.

"No! Jake. Please!" She stopped him from turning away. "Look what he did." She looked around to make sure no one was near to see and lifted her shirt to show him her bruised breasts."

The bruises did stop him from leaving. "Holy shit!"

She lowered her shirt. "Please believe me. I've got hand shaped one's on my hips."

"Look, I want to help but...a ghost?"

"Fine. Don't believe me. Tell me about Derek. What's his last name? Where does he live?"

Jake sighed. "His last name is Larsen. When he worked here, he lived in town but I remember him bragging about some property that he owned in the desert somewhere. That's all I know."

Bridget got up to leave. "Thanks."

Jake blocked her way. "Look, I'm sorry, I wish I could help, and I know I was the one who brought up the ghost thing, but I was just joking. I don't actually believe in them." He put his hands on her shoulders. "It's obvious that someone did something to you. Maybe you should report it to the police, maybe you can give them someone who isn't a ghost."

Bridget nodded sadly. "Thanks, I'll think about it." She went around him and without looking back, exited the bar. She squinted in the bright light outside. It would have been nice to have Jake believe her, but she'd got what she came for. A name. With that, she would find where he lived and hopefully why no one knew he was dead."


Derek left the two embarrassed coworkers staggering back to their perspective cubicles without a second thought. With his immediate need sated for now, he needed to find Bridget. He wondered around town trying to figure out where she could have gone. He didn't know any of her friends. He froze in his tracks. "Except one." With a thought, he was standing in the bar that he'd worked. It didn't take him long to find Jake. He was just heading into the office.

"Everything okay?" The manager inquired, noticing the drink that Jake had poured himself while he was gone.

"Yeah." Jake fell onto the couch across from the desk.

"Really?" The boss eyed him, obviously not believing him. It wasn't everyday that someone stopped by to chat.

Jake smirked uncomfortably. "Yeah." He said with more confidence. "It wasn't one of those conversations. You know?"

"Ah." The boss sighed with relief for his friend and bouncer.

"It's just..." Jake paused, only continuing with the boss motioned him to continue . "Someone's been being rough with her. You know?"

Derek perked up. "Yes! She was here."

The boss glanced at Jake. "What does that have to do with you?

"Nothing." Jake held up his hands innocently. "She just was hoping I could help."

"Help? Like mess someone up?"

"No. I don't know. It's really screwed her up." He tapped his head. "She thinks she's being fucked by a ghost." There he'd said it.

The bosses jaw dropped. "No shit. What did you tell her?"

Derek leaned in. "Yeah, what did you tell her, Jakey."

"I told her that I couldn't help her." Jake took a gulp of his drink. "I don't believe in those things. I told her that she should go to the police and report the one who really did rough her up."

" she going to?"

Jake threw his hands up in the air. "I don't know. She was saying some pretty crazy stuff."

Derek was about to wish himself to the police station to see if she just might be disparate enough to go there when Jake spoke again.

"She thinks it was Derek Larsen."

"What?" and "Shit!" came from the boss and Derek at the same time.

"Yeah. She thinks that he's dead and haunting her. Fucking her."

"That's crazy!" The boss the exclaimed.

"I know!" Jake ran a hand through his short hair. "Still, we haven't seen him since he just stopped coming to work."

The boss bulked. "So he got another job somewhere and is just irresponsible. Doesn't mean he's dead and fucking your...whatever she is."

Jake sighed. "No, I guess not. I just didn't peg her as someone who was crazy like that. I'm usually a much better judge of that."

The boss laughed. "We're all guilty of letting one get by us once in a while."

Jake laughed back, the tension easing some. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Still, she was a good lay. I'm going to miss her."

The boss laughed again. "Please. You're telling me that if she came in and sat on that barstool in two weeks and gave you the nod, you wouldn't be hitting that again? Huh?"

Jake bulked. "No. Not even." He pondered for a moment. "Well, maybe." He chuckled and brought the glass up for another drink, but as he brought it to his lips he suddenly lost control of it's assent and it hit him squarely on the mouth. "Ow! Damn!' He jumped up as the liquid and blood from his lip ran onto his shirt.


"SHIT. SHIT. SHIT!" That and other profanities screamed through him. "How did she find out who I was?" He paced the bar office, ignoring the banter between Jake and his boss.

Would she really go to the police? What would she tell them? He couldn't see them believing her, but that didn't mean that she couldn't cast suspicions on what had happened to him. He didn't know how but he knew that if his body was found, he would die. Completely. He would loose his power. He couldn't allow that to happen. He'd spent too many years being a nobody, unseen even with a body. He had to find her and stop her.

He was about to wish himself to the police station when he realized that Jake was laughing at something. Whatever it was, it couldn't be funny. Nothing was funny! Derek slapped at the glass in Jake's hand causing it hit him and split his lip. "I'm going to find her!" He screamed as Jake cursed. "And when I do, she'll wish that all I ever did was fuck her!" With that he disappeared knowing that he was one step closer to finding Bridget.


Once Bridget left the bar, she used her cell phone to pull up Derek's name and found that there were quite a few men with the same name. With a sigh, she wrote them all down and began calling the list. After being told over a dozen times that she had not reached the Derek she was looking for, she narrowed the list down to three. The first address wasn't a bad looking area of town. Clean. Kids played in front of the complex where she stopped. It didn't take long to find the apartment number. As she knocked, she prayed that there wouldn't be an answer. If he answered it, she would be back to square one and she didn't believe that she'd have the time to find any other answers before her ghost found her again. She knocked again when the door remained closed. She was getting hopeful that she'd found the right place on the first try.

She went to the managers office, and the bald man was helpful. She described Derek and he confirmed that she'd found the right one. He told her that he hadn't seen Derek in weeks and he hadn't been using his assigned parking area. That was the extent of his helpfulness, though. When Bridget asked, he could not be persuaded to allow her to go inside the apartment to look for any information of where the property may be that Jake said Derek might own. Once again, she was told to go to the police if she thought he was missing. She was beginning to believe that now might be a good time to do just that, but she had one more stop to make that might help.

She looked at her watch. It was starting to get into the late afternoon. Her last stop was to the city offices. She sighed in relief when she saw that the office that held the property records was still open. She gave a friendly receptionist at the counter Derek's name with an explanation that she was interested in purchasing some property from him and within half an hour Bridget walked out of the office with and address an map of how to get there.

She thought about forgetting the police and just heading out there herself, but quickly rejected that idea. She had no idea what had happened to Derek. No one knew that he was dead, yet, so whatever happened to him quite probably happened at the near deserted outskirts of the town where there was nothing but sage brush for miles. No, it was time to get some help.


Derek frantically paced the police station. "Where are you!" There were officers typing away, taking other peoples complaints, but none of them were Bridget's. He knew she would show. Where else would she go after the bar? "Ahhh! When I find you...." He swung and a cup went flying across the room, startling everyone. There were shrugs and questions but soon the shards were cleaned and people went back to their business.


Bridget cautiously entered the police station. She didn't know why, it wasn't like she'd be able to see Derek. She walked up to the raised reception desk. "Hi, I need to speak to someone about a missing person."

The heavy set male officer looked her up and down. "Reporting or do you have information on one already reported?"


He handed her a form and picked up the phone. "Have a seat."

She took the form and found a seat next to a large plant that hid her somewhat from the activity on the other side of the glass behind the main desk. If Derek was able to figure out where she was, she didn't need to sit out in the open for him. She quickly finished the form with what information she knew and had just risen to return it when an object few across the room behind the glass and smashed against a wall. Before she understood why, she ducked behind the desk, listening to the commotion. "Oh no." She almost sobbed as she held the clipboard to her chest and prayed that Derek hadn't seen her. She knew it was him and she had to get out. Laying the clipboard on the floor and staying bent as close to the ground as possible, she left as fast as she could. When she reached her car, she sped away.

After a few minutes of driving and not being accosted, she came to the conclusion that she was safe for the time being and that he had not seen her. As scared as she'd been, she now knew where he was. She pulled the car over and tried to think of another plan. She looked at the map where the property was located and put the car into gear. She did't know how long he'd wait for her at that station, but it wasn't the only one available to her.


Derek felt he was loosing his mind. Where could she be? He had wished himself back to her apartment but there was no sign that she'd returned home. The bar was filling with the usual after work customers. Jake was there with his swollen lip getting sympathy from the girls. "I need to get control." He forced himself to sit on an empty bench in the corner and wait. While he waited, he checked out the female officers that would go by him. They were in uniform but he could tell who the desk personnel were. They were chubby and wore the decorations of secretaries. Painted nails, big rings on their ears and fingers, hair more feminine. The working female officers that would come and go were more practical. Hair pulled up, short nails, not so much makeup. They looked a little more tired.

Derek watched one work on some paperwork from a drunk that she'd brought in. She looked like she'd had a long day. A small smile pulled at his lips as he stood. Walking up to her desk, he reach across and pinched her breast, his fingers going through her uniform and vest. She stopped typing and shrugged her shoulder, then returned to what she was doing. Derek tweaked the other. Again the shrug, but there was also a rise in her breathing. She shuddered but continued typing.

Derek went to stand behind her chair. He reached around her with both hands and squeezed her breasts forcefully. She froze in mid type, confused, her temperature rising. She looked around but no one was looking at her and no one was touching her. Derek continued to massage her boobs while she sat there unsure what to do. This went on for a few minutes and while she seemed to be enjoying whatever was happening to her, Derek wanted more. He reached down the front of her. She must have felt him because she leaned back in her chair and let the strange effect reach between her legs. She again looked around and saw that no one was watching her and she gripped the arm rest on her chair as something pushed through her folds and found her clit. She almost squirmed but just gripped the chair harder.

Derek smirked. "Oh, you're a tough one. It doesn't matter, though." He ridged his fingers and dug into the officers clit and she lifted a little on the seat, her eyes growing wide.

"Mica? You okay?" A voice standing over the woman made her look up. One of the officers that she'd helped with an arrest laid some paperwork on her desk.

She took a breath. "Yeah, sure. What's up?"

He looked at her suspiciously. "Just dropping this off. You sure your okay? You look flushed."

Derek laughed as she squeaked out. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a little...."

"Horny." Derek supplied for her has he swirled her hole.

She suddenly stood. "You know...I do feel a little..."

"Slutty." Derek again filled in when she couldn't finish.

"I think I ate something at lunch as it's coming back to haunt me." She pulled away from both Derek and her coworker. "I'll be back to finish that report in a few minutes." And then she was gone.

"Ha. That was great." Derek crowed. He was still angry that Bridget had yet to show, but screwing with the officer had calmed him a little. At least he could pass the time doing something besides throwing mugs against the wall. For a moment he considered a repeat of the pool party, but changed his mind. If Bridget did come in, she'd know what was up the minute she walked through the door and he might miss her. Instead, he glanced around the room in search of another toy to play with.


It took Bridget an hour to reach her destination in the rush hour traffic. She passed the small police station twice before she realized that that's what it was. It looked like all the other dusty homes in the small development, except now that she was standing at the door, she could see the lettering that said 'Sheriff' on it. She'd never been to one this far out, but according to her Internet search, this was the last station before reaching the property that Derek owned.

"Well, here it goes." She turned the knob to go inside, but the door didn't open. She tried again with the same results. "No!" She raised her fist to pound on the door.

"Can I help you?"

Bridget turned and jumped backward, sighing with relief when it was a real person walking up the porch. "Yes. Please." She kept her expression neutral, but even with all that had been going on, she couldn't help but take a moment and think: Damn, he's hot. She pushed it away once she'd indulged the thought. "I think someone is missing and...well I also think he's dead."

"Really?" The officer sauntered to the door, pulling the keys from his pocket to unlock it. "Come on inside." He let her go in first before closing the door behind them. He pointed to a chair and she sat in it while he leaned against the only desk in the room. "I'm Deputy Anderson, and what's your name?"

Bridget caught herself before she should stare. He had the sexiest....what am I doing? I've got a psycho ghost after me and I'm thinking about the sheriff? "Bridget Petersen." For a moment she thought his eyes lingered on her features a little too long for casualness. "Are you the only one here?" She looked around the small home, turned office.

He folded his arms. "For now. So what about this missing, maybe dead person?"

She had spend some time thinking about how she was going to get someone to listen to her. She couldn't just come out and say that she was being fucked by a ghost and after reading about them all morning she believed that if they could find his body, the events may stop. "Well, I knew this guy, he worked at a bar that I would go to once in a while and we sort of hit it off, you know." She tried her best to turn on the girl charm and not think about how much she hated Derek. "We went out a couple of times but he never showed up last time. I was pretty upset about getting stood up and all, but then I heard that he just stopped coming to work and didn't call in to quit. I stopped by his apartment and the manager said that he hadn't seen Derek in weeks and his car hasn't been in it's parking place either. I really think that something has happened to him. He has some property out here and I was going to go and see if he's there, but I was afraid what I would find, so I was hoping that maybe I could get an officer to come out with me. Just in case." She took a breath and watched the officer for some kind of reaction.