The Last 24 Hours Ch. 07

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Friday begins and hold surprises for Beth.
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Part 7 of the 14 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 05/07/2005
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Chapter 07

I awoke with a start and at first feared it had all been a dream. Then as I fully awakened I felt Beth's warm comforting mass next to me, pinning my right arm, so I relaxed before I disturbed her. I looked and saw the numbers of the digital clock, and realized I had only been asleep for about an hour. I looked down at the wonder sleeping beside me using my breast as a pillow. Moonlight came in through the small space between the curtains and lit the room in an ethereal glow; falling across our recumbent forms on the bed. The silvery light provided just enough illumination to see by, without being bright enough to wake the sleeping divinity resting her head on my breast. It was then that I found out the meaning of the words "a perfect moment in time".

I saw Beth, my perfect Amazon Goddess, with her eyes closed looking so seraphic; as she slept a smile came upon her lips, as if someone in her dream had told a joke, her hair the color of rubies spun out into a fine silken thread illuminated by the glow of the moon. The effect seemed to make her glow with an inner light that warmed my broken soul and was a balm to it, causing it to heal. I had never seen anything more perfect in all of my life. I couldn't help thinking that this is what heaven must be like, because there could be no greater perfection than this moment in time.

So of course, as all things do, the moment passed as my bladder began requesting an emergency meeting in the lavatory with the porcelain chairman. As gently as I could, I lay Beth back onto the bed and went to relieve myself. I was gone for but a moment, yet as I came back into the room I saw that Beth had stretched out an arm seeking me in her sleep. I watched as her hand slowly roved the bed looking for what was no longer there, her face twisting into a frown and murmurs of discontent escaped her perfect lips. I quickly moved to the side of the bed and kneeling, placed my hand in the path of hers.

Her fingers, so delicate looking for so strong a woman, curled into mine and a contented sigh came from her as she sank back into arms of Hypnos. I knelt there at the side of the bed and gazed at her for nearly an hour. Her beauty stole my breath and I prayed that I could one day be worthy of the gift that she was to me. As I thought this I closed my eyes against the tears I felt trying to fall. I must have made a sound or clenched her hand because I next felt Beth's free hand come up and cup my face.

I opened my eyes and saw a worried look on her face. "What's wrong baby?" she asked and the silken threads of her voice made things low in my body awaken and clench in response.

"Nothing is wrong Sweets." I said "I was just thinking that if this is a dream I never wanted to wake up and if I'm awake I never want to sleep. I never want to miss one moment of time when I'm with you."

Beth smiled her, oh so sexy smile, and said "Keep talking like that and you might just get laid tonight mister." She pulled on my hands and I let her draw me back into the bed along side her. As I lay back down Beth rested her hand on my hip.

I looked at her and placing a finger on her lips to keep her silent till I was finished, asked her "What can I ever do to deserve you? I don't, you know? I'm scared to death that I'm going to wake up and this will have all been a dream. You won't be here and I'll be alone in my apartment, a ruined shell of a man. That is what was happening to me you know? I've never felt about anyone the way I do about you. I hope that one day I'll have the words to tell you how very, very special you are to me." As I spoke I brought my hand from her lips and traced the line of jaw down past her neck to her clavicle.

She moved closer to me and took my hand in hers and brought it to her lips. She placed a kiss on the back of my fingers and opened my hand to place yet another in the center of my palm. Almost in a whisper she said "You really have no idea how special you are, do you?"

She looked into my eyes and I had the sensation of falling into space coupled with the certain knowledge that I was safely wrapped in the arms of my truest love. Our lips met and molten liquid ran though my veins. I closed my eyes and lost myself in the feelings that I was experiencing. I felt Beth put her hand on my neck and pull my head to her breast and hug me tightly to her as if I were a child in need of comforting.

The steady beat of her heart sounded in my ear as I turned my head and lay it in the valley between her magnificent breasts. I sighed again content for the moment to be held in her arms. Beth rested her chin on top of my head we lay in each others arms and basked in the warmth of each others presence for another hour. We drifted off to sleep again locked in each others arms. My head cradled to her breast.


I awoke again just before eight in the morning. I was still in my favorite spot, cradled to Beth's glorious breast. I knew she was awake as her hand was softly stroking the hair on the back of my neck. I tightened my grip on her and hugged her. I turned my face up and said "Hello Perfection." Planting a small kiss on the side of her breast as I spoke I nuzzled into her magnificence.

Beth looked at me with a raise eyebrow and asked "Perfection? Who told you I was perfection?"

I looked up at her face and let my emotions show in my eyes, "How could anyone think you were anything but? You are without a doubt the most perfect thing God ever created; He had to give up trying after you."

"You silly man you. You can quit trying so hard, you've already got the girl." She smiled and chuckled as she spoke while color rose in her cheeks at so bold a compliment.

I gazed up at her and said "I may have gotten the girl but I'll never be worthy of such a gift." I brought her hand to my lips and kissed her palm once more. Her skin tasted of cinnamon and salt and was uniquely Beth.

Beth hugged me tighter, whispering into my hair and asked, "Would you make love to me again?"

My heart raced at the thought and my cock began to swell against Beth's thigh and she chuckled, "I'll take that as a yes."

I lifted my head and looked into her eyes and said "That's not a "yes" that's a "forever and all time, with no reservations, Yes!"

I kissed my way up the side of her breast and took her right nipple into my mouth and gently laved it with my tongue. I went slowly and worked my way to her other nipple. I had forgotten for a moment how sensitive her nipples were.

Beth began to moan and gasp "Oh Alex! Oh that feels so good!"

She brought her hands up, caressing my back with her right hand and tangling her left in my hair as she closed her eyes, enjoying the sensations I was providing.

With my left hand I began to massage her right breast. I stroked it and caressed it as I worshiped at the altar that was Beth. My whole world coalesced into that span of time as I made slow passionate love to this woman that I cherish. I moved up and kissed her panting lips as I rolled her nipples in my fingers again. I looked her in the face and asked, "What do you want Beth? Tell me what you want me to do."

Beth's back arched off of the bed as I again began to pull on her nipples. "You have to tell me what you want Beth. You have to tell me how to please you best." I said to her in a husky whisper.

Beth moaned again and began to shudder but remained silent. I smiled at her and took my hands from her body and scooted towards the edge of the bed. Beth's eyes flew open as I pulled away, her breath ragged as she had been nearing another orgasm.

"Just where do you think your going?" she demanded rolling onto her right elbow causing her breasts to sway invitingly. "Get your ass back over here and finish what you've started!" Her voice was at once pleading, demanding and begging for my attentions.

I smiled and told her "Then tell me what you want. Tell me how best to please you. If I've learned anything it's not to take anything for granted. I want you to always tell me what you want." Her eyes smoldered with an intensity I had never seen anyone use when looking at me.

"I want you to make love to my nipples the way you were. I want you to make me cum. Then I want you to eat my hot, wet pussy until I drown you in my girl cum. I want to make love to you until we haven't the strength to get out of this bed or even so much as move! Now get your ass back over here and finish what you started or I may just have to hurt you!" The fire that blazed to life in her eyes told me that I would not be safe if I left her in this condition much longer.

I smiled at her and said "That's all I wanted. I just have this need to know that you want me." As I spoke I again slid over next to her and began to stroke her breast and toy with her nipples. I rolled her right nipple between my finger and thumb while I brushed my right palm over her left nipple. I leaned over her as she rolled onto her back once more and kissed her sensuous lips. I looked into her eyes and saw the desire in them as well as the unbridled lust for me. I was struck again with how lucky I was to have someone like Beth love me.

I began to knead the flesh of her mounds and she began to moan again. I took her left nipple into my mouth and began to lick it like it was her clit. As I applied suction to it Beth again began to moan and stroke her hands through my hair. At the same time I took her other nipple and began to apply and release gradual pressure. Almost palpitating her nipple, slowly building it to the point just before pain, where pleasure and pain merge and can no longer be distinguished from one another.

Beth's breathing had become ragged and she struggled to both breathe and moan and gasp all at once. "Oh. Oh Alex I'm gonna cum! Oh God! Oh God! OOOOHHHHH! OOOHHH! EEEEEEYYYYYYEEEESSS!" Beth's scream tore from her throat and made me glad we had the floor to ourselves. I was sure if we had had any neighbors they would be calling the police regarding the murder happening in our room.

I smiled at that thought and realized that I could spend eternity watching Beth cum. There simply was no more beautiful a sight to me. As her breathing returned to a somewhat more regular state I slowly stroked my hand down to her sculpted thatch. I thought about it for a moment and then asked her "When did you do this, and why a heart?"

Beth smiled a lazy contented smile at me and said "I did it for you. We talked once and you said you wished that she who shall remain nameless would shave or even trim her bush for you but she always refused. An old girlfriend of mine showed me how to do it once when we were dating. So when this all started I got a hold of her and had her help me. She does it professionally you know."

I thought for a moment reviewing the girlfriends I knew she'd had and said "You mean Maddi? I knew she did hair at The Salon but I didn't know they did that there."

Beth smiled, pleased that I had remembered her friend. "They don't "do that" at the shop, but when you know the stylist, house calls are seldom a problem." She said this with a chuckle. "She said when we were dating that you were the only guy she knew who could make her go straight."

I raised my eyes to hers and asked "Why on earth would she say that? I barely knew her."

Beth smiled and said, "She told me that you were the sweetest guy she had ever met. You never treated her like a freak and you always treated her like a "Grand Lady". Her words not mine. You were the only male who had ever treated her with respect both before and after you got to know her."

"Wow." I said. I was stunned. "I never treated her any different than I treated anyone else. I mean… I don't understand?" I was at a loss to explain her reaction to me.

"Silly! You are the only man she has ever met that didn't either treat her like a freak or a piece of meat. Let's face it; how many seven foot tall, two hundred and forty pound, Harley Davidson riding pink Mohawk wearing, black lesbian body building hairdressers with a near perfect figure do you meet on an average day, hmmm?" Beth had this silly smirk on her face because she knew she had me.

"Ok, ok. So Maddi is a little eccentric I'll grant you and yes she stands out in a crowd, but come on. I'm not exactly the easiest person to hide in a crowd either. Why would she expect me to treat her like a freak? From what I know of her she seems like a nice lady." Ok so as I said before I'm a little dense.

Beth gave me this warm smile and drew me into her arms and said, "And that is precisely why she feels the way she does and the same reason I love you so much. You never judge people before you meet them and you always treat them as if they were the most important people you have ever met. You really don't know how rare that is, do you? You are also the only guy she knows who talks to her and not her tits! "

I didn't know what to say to that so I kept quiet. Suddenly Beth's tummy let out a loud audible growl. Her face quickly turned scarlet and she grabbed her belly. The mortified look on her face was priceless. I began laughing so hard I could barely catch my breath. "Well what do you expect you've been eating well all morning and I haven't had so much as a bite?" She clicked her teeth together mimicking taking a big bite out of something!

It was my turn to turn scarlet. "Ok love, I was planning to order room service but I remembered a call I have to make and an errand I need to run today, this morning would be best and then we can have lunch and come back here and I can finish out your request list. How does that sound? Would you have breakfast with me Milady?" I asked with a sweeping bow. Beth makes a big deal out of my lapsing into Renaissance Faire dialect, but she loves it just the same.

Beth rolled her eyes at me and smiled "Ok Sir Cornballious, I'll spend he day with you as long as you feed me. I have a stop I want to make while we're out if you don't mind. But if we're going to go to breakfast we need to get moving it's already after ten o'clock and I'm hungry. You grab a shower in the other bath and I'll grab one in here and we can be ready to go in no time." Beth got up and began gathering her things for her shower.

The disappointment must have shown on my face as I watched her get ready. She climbed back up on the bed, wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me briefly. Beth pulled back from the kiss and said "I'd like nothing more than to take a long bath or shower with you but if we do that now we both know we'll never get out of the suite today. Or we'll have to rush later and neither of us wants that. When we come back I plan to make use of that great big tub and soak in it with you and make love to you for hours. So be patient and get ready to go. The sooner we're gone the sooner we're back and in that tub." With that she kissed me on the nose and jumped off the bed.

I walked into the guest bath and picked up the phone. I dialed Josh's number from memory and told him what I wanted done and asked him to have the papers dropped off at the suite later today. I hung up from him and made the call for Beth's surprise.

I hung up the phone after making several more calls and reservations for Beth's surprise and took a very thorough shower. I did my daily grooming rituals, teeth, hair, and shaving. It all took me less than half an hour. I dressed smartly in a blue polo shirt (a gift from Beth, the blue matched her eyes) and khaki pants. I went out to the sitting room to wait for Beth and retrieved a bottle of water from the bar.

I was starting to wonder what was wrong when Beth emerged from the master suite. She looked exquisite in her silk Diane Von Furstenberg dress. It had a rich cranberry print pattern and set off the highlights in her hair to perfection. She quite literally stole my breath away. "You look… I have no words… You are so beautiful."

My voice dwindled to a low whisper as I forgot to breathe. Beth walked over and wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my face to hers. For a moment the universe blinked, time stood still and Beth kissed me.

Beth pulled away and looked into my eyes and said "Feed me Seymour!" She dropped her arms and danced away laughing all the while at the indignant look on my face.

"Here I am having this wonderful romantic moment and you go and quote a Rick Moranis film! I may just have to cut all ties with you after all!"

Beth got this mock contrite look on her face and said in a little girl voice "I'm sorry Alex, I'll be good."

I looked at her and said "Oh yeah, like I believe that too!" I burst into laughter and Beth joined me. I held out my hand and said "Let's go eat." We walked out to the elevator and waited for it to arrive. I took my right arm and put it around Beth and said "I love you Beth." I placed a kiss on the top of her head before she could turn to look at me. As she turned to look at me the elevator announced its arrival.


The elevator doors opened on to the Top of the Tower restaurant and Franco's smiling face. "Ah, Miss Beth you look radiant this morning, and Mr. Alex, how good to see you today! Will you be joining us for brunch?" Franco asked as he looked into his appointment book knowing full well that I had made a reservation only moments ago, and confirmed the table was ready.

Beth smiled and said "Yes Franco, if you have a table free we would like that very much." Franco smiled and taking a rose from a vase behind him he presented it to Beth. "For you and Mr. Alex, Miss Beth, I always have a table open." Beth blushed as she accepted the rose from the jovial Italian man.

Franco indicated with a wave of his arm for them to follow him and led them to the same area they had eaten in the night before. The view of the lakefront was amazing from the window. Beth watched enraptured as several small sailboats made their way to the small marina. We had failed to notice the spectacular view from the window the night before. I'm certain that the view at sunset is truly amazing and made a mental note to find out with Beth one day this weekend.

We had a wonderful brunch consisting of Chicken parmesan and an excellent Caesar's Salad. As we were finishing our meal I took Beth's hand and brought it to my lips. "Beth we need to talk and I guess now is as good a time as any."

The look of uncertain fear in her eye's nearly ripped my heart from my chest. I squeezed her hand and said "Relax Beth, I'm not going anywhere. I just need to tell you a few things and now seemed like a good time to get them out of the way." Beth looked at me again and the relief in her eyes was significant.

"I told you a little about my parents. When my… mother got pregnant from what I heard she was very happy. When they found out it was "twins" they were ecstatic. For educated people my folks weren't too bright. They had only cursory pre natal exams done and never an ultrasound. When my brother came first dad was happy, he had his son. When my sister came mom was overjoyed."

"When I came they said "What do you mean another one? We only wanted two!" I've seen the birth video and that's a direct quote, by the way. I found out later that the only reason they kept me was because of my Grams. She told them that if they gave me up at any time she would cut them from her will, and she meant it too." I said all of this in a rush and looked out the window the whole time. I just could not have borne it if I saw pity in her eyes. I never wanted to see that from her when she looked at me.

"I loved my Grams very much and she always took a very active interest in my life. My family would watch the video of the delivery and laugh about the "surprise guest" that showed up. I think I was about ten when I figured out that they didn't really care about me. Dad had his "little man" and mom had her living "baby doll". They gave me no more thought than what it would take to keep Grams happy. But Grams did care and that was all that mattered to me. Grams never got on with my father and she thought he was after her daughter's fortune. She also thought he was an idiot. I think she was right, by the way."