The Magic in Your Touch Ch. 06


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“Bran, if you. . .I think I’m going to—” Before he could finish his sentence, Bran leaned forward and took the entire length of him into his mouth.

It was too much, and at the same time, not enough. Nate’s hips thrust involuntarily, but Bran was with him all the way. The gentle suction and soft stroking was more than Nate could stand. He tried to issue a warning, but no sound came out. Bran didn’t seem to mind. He took in Nate’s release, savoring him like a precious offering. Afterwards, he gathered Nate close and held him as the aftershocks rippled his body.

Nate recovered and again reached for him, but Bran caught his hand and brought it to his lips. He pressed a kiss into his palm and said, “When you’re better, sweetheart, you can do that all you want, I promise. Right now, I’m enjoying just taking care of you, just giving you what you need.”

Nate was stunned to feel tears rolling down his cheeks. Bran reached up and brushed them away. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

Nate shook his head. “No, it’s just. . .Oh, God, Bran, it was so special, what you did to me. I never understood why they call it making love, until now. Thank you.”

Brandon climbed into bed and rocked him until the tears subsided. He chuckled. “My pleasure, baby. If you react like that to everything I’m planning on doing to you, it’s going to be one hell of a honeymoon.”

* * *

When Brandon first told Seth to wait about introducing his boyfriend and his brother until after Nate was discharged, he’d actually felt a little bit guilty. It was obvious that Seth loved Nate and was trying to repair the damage done to their relationship. He’d wondered if maybe he was hindering their reconciliation by asking Seth not to bring Phillip to the hospital. Seth had taken it all in stride, but Bran was still worried. Just spending five minutes with that insufferable ass, Patterson, convinced him he’d made the right decision. He thought back to how well the morning had started and cursed himself again for having gotten out of bed.

Gale and his baby sister, Megan, had arrived just after seven to get the house in shape for Nate’s homecoming. Knowing the extent of Bran’s culinary skills, Megan immediately started breakfast, bless her heart. The smell of bacon and biscuits lured Bran from his bed, reminding him that he’d survived on refrigerator biscuits and microwave sausage since Nate’s accident five days ago.

He wrapped his arms around Megan’s waist and kissed her cheek. “Have I ever told you what a great sister you are?”

Megan transferred several crisp slices of bacon from the skillet to the paper-towel-lined platter. “You didn’t say that the day I drove your Camero into Grandpa’s drainage ditch. I believe you described me as the ‘red-headed menace.’ Where is your car, by the way? All I saw outside was the ‘Sheriff-mobile.’”

Bran snuck a piece of bacon off the platter, barely avoiding Megan’s slapping hand. “I sent it out to have some detail work done. Cain’s bringing it by in a few minutes so I can pick Nate up in style. He’s never even seen it before.”

“He’ll love it, but that man is so wild about you, he wouldn’t care if you picked him up in a booger-green Pinto.”

Sasha came into the room and whimpered until Bran grabbed her a piece of bacon, too, earning himself another slap on the hand. “Please don’t talk about my classic sixty-eight and Pintos in the same sentence. By the way, why aren’t you dressed for school?”

Megan looked down at her ratty sweats. “Today’s a teacher workday. Besides, I want to be here when Nate gets home. He’s a good one, Bran. Better hang on to him.”

“I intend to. Oh, before I forget, Mom told me you’ve got a hot date for the homecoming dance at school. She also said you’ve been nominated for Homecoming Queen.”

Megan blushed to the roots of her fiery hair. “It’s no big deal.”

Bran sat down at the table and stroked Sasha’s ears. “It is a big deal. Now tell me about this boy.”

Megan sighed, but Bran knew she wasn’t really upset with him. Megan had started dating at the age of sixteen, and now, two years later, was the object of many an adolescent Romeo’s attentions. Though it was no surprise given her delicate beauty, it was enough to make her father and five older brothers nervous. Megan had quickly accustomed herself to receiving the third degree about her dates.

“His name is Dillon Carver. He’s the same age as me, and also a senior, with no family history of insanity or premature baldness. He doesn’t smoke, drink, or do drugs, but he does have a vicious Dr. Pepper habit. I’ll let you know how big his penis is after the dance.”

Brandon had just taken a big sip of the orange juice Megan left on the table for him. Juice sprayed in a fountain across the breakfast nook. Megan grabbed a rag and was mopping up the table when Gale walked in.

“Did I just hear you say you say something about Dillon’s penis?”

Brandon glared at Megan while trying to clean his shirt with a handful of paper napkins. “The brat was terrorizing me, as usual. And here I was, about to offer her the use of my car to make a grand entrance at the homecoming game.”

Megan threw down her towel and flew into her brother’s arms, almost knocking them both over, chair and all. “You mean it, Bran?”

“Well, we can’t have the future Queen of Plunkett High driving up in that old Beetle of yours, now can we? Just promise me, no more penis jokes.”

Megan kissed him and went back to the stove. “Deal. Thanks Bran. You’re the best.”

“I’m glad you think so, Meggie. Thanks for coming over this morning, both of you. It means a lot to me, and I know it will mean just as much to Nate.”

Gale patted his hand and went to the refrigerator. “Anything for my boys.” She glanced towards the ceiling with a look of supreme irritation. “It’s nice to know someone appreciates the effort.”

Bran knew that look. It was the scowl Gale used when dealing with rude grocery clerks and pushy sales people. “I take it you had a run-in with my newest house guest. I got in so late last night, I didn’t have a chance to do more than glance at him and nod. Keith wasn’t exactly blown away by him, though. I’m guessing you share his opinion.”

Gale reached for a carton of milk, squeezing it so hard the paper carton almost crumpled. Brandon was thankful she wasn’t holding eggs. She sat the milk aside, and said, “No, I didn’t have a run-in with him. A run-in implies an argument, an exchange of words. Mr. Patterson gave me my orders and dismissed me before I had a chance to argue.”

Bran got up from his chair, disturbing Sasha, who headed back to her bed by the fireplace. “Mom, if that guy insulted you—”

“Calm down Brandon. He didn’t insult me, exactly. Let me just say, I don’t envy Seth the task of trying to please that man.”

Megan pulled the browned biscuits from the oven and popped in another pan. “What happened, Mom?”

Gale set a platter of fresh fruit she’d brought from home onto the counter and removed the plastic wrap. “When I heard Brandon’s shower kick on, I went upstairs to put fresh sheets on the bed. I’m assuming Nathan will be sleeping in your room now that the two of you are engaged?”

When Bran nodded, she said, “Good. Anyway, as I was coming out of the bedroom with an armload of dirty linens, I met Mr. Patterson in the hallway. He was kind enough to inform me that, while I was at it, I might as well change his bed, too. He asked if you had any one-hundred-eighty thread count, Egyptian cotton sheets. I told him I doubted it seriously.”

Brandon shook his head. “Hell, I always thought cotton was cotton. I usually just buy whatever K-mart has on sale.”

Gale snorted. “Apparently Seth’s boyfriend has more discriminating tastes.” She looked at Megan, then with a twinkle in her eye said, “He also sent a message to the chef.”

Megan turned another pan full of bacon out onto the platter. “If the guy is that picky about his bed sheets, I can’t wait to hear what he has to say about his food.”

Gale drew herself up to her full five-foot-two-inches and said, “Yes, well, after smelling the bacon and biscuits cooking, Mr. Patterson advised me that his fragile constitution cannot handle the greasy fare that we ‘rural folk’ survive on. When I reminded him that we live only thirty minutes away from one of the biggest cities in the nation, he ignored that and went on to dictate his breakfast menu.”

Brandon was getting madder by the second, but Megan took it all in stride. “And what does his highness require before breaking his fast?”

Gale leaned back against the work island, laughter bubbling up inside her. “A four egg-white omelet, pepper but no salt, two pieces of five grain toast with the crumbs scrapped off, and a cup of mint tea steeped for exactly two minutes.”

Brandon started for the stairs, but Gale stopped him. “Where are you going?”

“Mom, there is no way in hell I’m going to let that pompous prick come into my home and treat my mother and sister like the hired help.”

Gale shook her head. “We can handle this, Brandon. I won’t have Nathan’s homecoming ruined because of that obnoxious little snot. Let’s just make the most of it. He won’t be here long, anyway. Seth is going to have to go back to school soon and, if God is merciful, he’ll take Mr. Phillip Patterson the Third with him.”

Brandon sat back down, even though he was seething inside. Megan set a plate full of bacon, eggs, and biscuits in front of him, along with a jar of Grandma Taylor’s apple butter. Combine that with a cup of his mother’s dark roast coffee, and Brandon’s mood had almost settled when Seth and his boy came downstairs for breakfast. Bran’s newfound tranquility didn’t last long.

Patterson was handsome enough, but the minute he opened his mouth, he spoiled the effect his wavy brown hair and green eyes created. Not even his tall, fit body and stylish clothes were enough to hide the asshole lurking inside. He took a seat at the table and waited for his meal to be served. Bran was about to say something, but Megan shook her head. She brought Patterson his meal with an apologetic smile.

“Good morning. I fixed your eggs the way you wanted them, but I’m afraid the toast is whole-wheat, not five grain. Oh, and Nate drinks Earl Grey, not mint, so the tea isn’t quite what you requested. I steeped it for two minutes, though.”

Patterson heaved a long-suffering sigh. “We all do what we can, I suppose.”

Gale brought over the platter of fruit and a plate of homemade cinnamon rolls. Seth walked over and kissed her cheek.

“Did you know how much I adore a woman who comes bearing cinnamon rolls?”

Gale patted his cheek. “You’re as big a flatterer as your brother. You also have the same sweet-tooth.” She handed Seth a plate already loaded down with fruit and cinnamon rolls. Seth sat down and was about to take a bite when Phillip said, “Surely you aren’t going to eat that?”

Seth gave him a puzzled frown. “Why not? Gale’s cinnamon rolls are the best. She made them for me the first morning I was here.”

Brandon gave his mother a mock pout. “Where was I?”

“At the hospital, where you should have been. And don’t talk with your mouth full, Brandon.”

Seth gave him a smirk and took a huge bite of cinnamon roll. Bran just laughed and was about to take a bite of his biscuit when Patterson said, “I can’t believe you’re eating that. Don’t you care about all that fat and cholesterol?” He looked at Seth next, who had a mouth full of cinnamon roll. “And you Seth. Don’t you care about how you look? Your ass will spread out to the four points of the compass if you eat like that all the time.”

Megan sat down with her own plate as Gale did the same. “I think Seth has a great ass. If he wasn’t gay, I’d be all over it.”

Brandon laughed so hard he was forced to swallow or risk choking. Gale had her head down, but Bran could see the shaking of her shoulders.

Patterson wasn’t amused. “Where I come from, young ladies don’t say such things?”

Megan fluttered her lashes in complete innocence. “Really? Where are you from, B.F.E.?”

Patterson looked at her like she was something he’d just scraped off his shoe. “No, Atlanta. What’s B.F.E.?”

Megan swallowed the bite of fruit she was chewing before saying, “B.F.E.? Oh , that stands for a little place south of Cairo called Bum Fuck Egypt. Perhaps you’ve heard of it?”

Phillip obviously didn’t see the humor, but the rest of the breakfast table erupted into laughter. At that same instant, a car pulled into the drive and a horn sounded. Bran drank down the last of his coffee and kissed his mother goodbye. “Breakfast was great, but that’s Cain. I’ve got to drop him off back at the garage and pick up my guy.” He kissed Megan next and said, “Thanks for the food, Meggie. Can you do me one more favor?”

Megan’s blue eyes twinkled. “Anything for you, brother dear.”

He shrugged into his coat. “See if you can get me some brochures on that place you were talking about, that B.F.E. Nate and I might want to go there on our honeymoon.”

* * *

Brandon settled Nate against the mountain of pillows and said, “Are you sure you don’t need anything?” It was the eighth time he’d asked.

Nate just shook his head and smiled. “Honey, I’m fine, but you’re making yourself a nervous wreck.”

Bran sat down on the bed beside him. “I know I’m hovering, but I can’t seem to help it. It’s just so damn good to have you home.”

“I agree, but you’re going to give yourself an ulcer if you don’t lighten up.”

“Is that my fiancé speaking, or my physician?”

Nate grabbed Bran’s shirt with his good hand and pulled him close. “One and the same. Let me give you a little prescription for stress relief.” He kissed him slowly but thoroughly. He was about to do more when a commotion erupted out in the hall.

“I told you, I don’t want to discuss this again.” Philip’s voice.

Seth sounded out of breath. “Look, Philip, it was just a kiss, man. You could have stopped me anytime you wanted to. You were as into it as I was.”

“We made a deal. None of that kind of stuff until your tests came back. If you can’t abide by that, I’ll just have to leave.”

They could hear Seth pleading in the background, trying to change his mind. Brandon started to go out there, but Nate pulled him back. “Don’t, Bran. The two of them have to work it out.”

Brandon shook his head. “Doesn’t it bother you to hear him treating your brother that way?”

“Oh, course it does, angel, but Seth is a grown man. He wouldn’t appreciate our interference.”

Brandon kissed his temple. “Are you going to be right all the time? Am I destined to spend the rest of my life with you and never win an argument.”

“Of course not. Sometimes I’ll let you win.” Brandon’s caress showed Nate he had no problem with that whatsoever.

They must have fallen asleep together, because Nate woke a few hours later to find Bran curled on his side, his face peaceful. Nate knew the hours of fear and frustration had finally caught up to him. He smoothed Bran’s hair away from his brow and was about to go back to sleep himself when he felt blue eyes gazing on him.


“Hi, yourself. Sorry I fell asleep on you.”

Nate smiled. “I fell asleep, too. You must have been exhausted. You haven’t slept much these past few nights, have you?”

Bran shook his head. “I couldn’t rest knowing you were there and I was here. It’s good to have you home, babe.” He stretched. “You hungry?”

“Yeah. What time is it?”

Bran checked his watch. “Just after one. I’m sure Mom has something ready for lunch. I’ll be right back.”

He started for the door, but it opened before he got to it. Amy stood on the other side, wearing pajama bottoms and an old Braves sweatshirt. Her nose was swollen and her eyes were puffy. She had on the teddy bear slippers Nate had given her last Christmas. She refused to come any farther than the door.

Nate said, “Amy, get in here and sit before you fall down.”

She shook her head, her hair a wild tangle. “No, Nate. The last thing you need is a case of mono. I’ve been dying to see you, but I won’t make you sick for anything in the world. I had to come, though. It’s an emergency.”

Nate sat up against the headboard. “Amy, we’ve talked on the phone at least three times a day since I came out of the ICU. What on earth was so important that you had to drag your sick butt out of bed and all the way over here?”

Amy weaved and swayed until Bran took pity on her and dragged a chair over to the doorway. She collapsed in gratitude. “Thanks, Brandon.”

He said, “You’re welcome. Now tell us what the hell is going on.”

“A call came into the office. Dr. Evans has been handling our calls. You remember him, right?” When Nate nodded, she said, “Well, anyway, a call came through, which Cindy forwarded to my house.” She took a deep gulping breath. “Your parents are on their way here, Nate. They know all about the accident. They’re coming in on the four-thirty from Atlanta to Chicago.”

Nate went numb. He heard Brandon say, “Fuck,” and then start yelling at the top of his lungs for everyone to come upstairs.

Gale and Megan ran up so fast they nearly tripped over Amy, who was still seated in the doorway. Seth and Phillip came up next. Seth was alarmed, but Philip’s expression showed no emotion at all.

Brandon looked so angry, Gale took a step towards him. “Son, what in the world is wrong with you?”

“I’ll tell you what’s wrong with me. Amy just dragged her sick self over here to inform us that Nate’s parents are on their way here because they know all about Nate’s accident. Since I made certain Malcolm Davis kept it out of the papers this time, I want to know how in the hell they found out.” His eyes fell on Seth.

The younger man took a step back. “Brandon, I swear to you, I didn’t tell them. Yes, I told Nate I thought he should give them a call, but I would never go behind his back like that.” He looked to his brother. “Nate, please, you’ve got to believe me.”

Nate said, “Back off, Bran. He’s telling the truth.”

Brandon came to stand beside the bed. “Okay, but if he didn’t call them, how the hell did they find out?”

Gale and Megan just shook their heads, but Phillip came forward with that smarmy grin of his. “That’s simple. I told them."

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