The Perfect Pussy Ch. 13

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Just more thinking and sex.
4k words

Part 13 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 04/12/2008
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(Author's Note: I just want to thank everyone who had been so great about this story, I have been going through some real life drama lately and writing has been the last thing on my mind. I don't know how much longer this will go on, but I promise that Keni and Harley will be around for a long time to come.

Peace - darkstone57)

Harley lay back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. It was the middle of the night and around him the house and the surrounding farm were as silent as he could imagine death was. This was his favorite part of the night and while he would prefer to be asleep as the others were, he found tonight he needed the silence. So much had happened, so many things had come and gone, but now, a new challenge faced him and he was praying he was ready for it. Wanting a baby and having one was turning into two completely different things.

His mouth curved into a smile as he thought about the doctor's visit yesterday. It had been just a prelim and the verdict was one all of them had expected. Keni was young, in perfect health and should have no problem carrying the baby full term. Harley had known a lot of the ladies sitting around the office and he was sure that by the sun went down last afternoon, the gossips had spread the word that they were going to have a baby. Maggie and Scooter had been thrilled, and Janie, while wishing they had waited understood now that it had been nothing they had done. It had been just a fluke, a one in a million chance that the pill would fail at a critical time.

The trip home had been quiet; they had stopped by the jail and given Waylon the news. His brother had shaken his hand and hugged Keni about five minutes. Noreen and the girls had been there as well, and they had given them a life home. For once it had not been a day filled with fear, drama, or any of the other things that they had known lately.

Oh, they all knew that Max was still out there and that sooner or later; he would show his ugly face around the town. Yesterday, none of that had mattered. All he had known was a day filled with the most peaceful feeling he had ever experienced. On their way home, they had stopped by the house; their fathers doing some work on it for them. His uncle had been there as well, and Dean had come by with a new load of lumber. By the end of the month, they would not only be married, but would be going home to a house ready to inhabit. It all felt right, it felt good and he glanced over at Keni. She was perfect, his woman, and he felt the love for her just flow out of him as he moved to wrap his arm around her.

"Are you still awake?" Her voice was whispered and he felt surprise that she was awake as well.

"Go back to sleep sugar, it's just a dream..."

She rolled onto her back and looked up at him. "In that case, I want to be awake, because if being with you is a dream, I never want to wake up from it." Her lips touched his shoulder and she moved closer. "What you thinking about anyway?

"Me, being a daddy, it seems a little unreal to me right now. I just wonder if all men feel that way, or do they just take it as it happens?"

"No idea, I think that is something you should ask your dad or mine. Twenty-two more days, and you'll be a husband. Which one scares you the most, marriage or fatherhood...?" Her hand was soft on his chest as she ran his fingers through his chest hair.

"If you had asked me about either a year ago, I would have said neither, because neither was ever going to happen. Now, I know that they are going to happen and to tell the truth, I'm not scared of either one. I've felt like you were my wife for a long time, and as for being a father, well, I get the feeling that baby is there for a reason. To tell us all that it will all work out well in the end. That the world will go on and so will we." He grinned. "Did that impress you?"

"As a matter of fact it did. There are times Harley, I think you just pretend to be ignorant. I mean you are not a stupid person and you have things inside you that you hide away."

Did he? Maybe he did hide a lot himself away. "Maybe I should go back to school too..."

"Maybe you should...but in my opinion, all school does is make you feel insignificant to the rest of the world. That's why I never went to college, never wanted to, and I told mom and dad that. I mean you can read every book in the world, but they will never tell you how to love someone or make that person feel like they are the most special person in the world. That's stuff you learn as you go along, and as for the rest, well, you learn how to do something, you go out and get a job doing what you learn. From the day you take that job, you start learning things all over again. You're constantly upgrading so to speak..."

Harley chuckled. "That's true, and how did you get so smart Keni? I mean you told me yourself that you hated school, and yet you seem to know so much about life and all. I mean I am older, supposedly wiser and yet you amaze even me."

"That Harley Barnes, is because you never met anyone like me before." Her fingers were moving down over his belly now and he shivered as she stroked his skin. Despite the cold weather outside, he still found little need to wear anything to bed and he loved the feel of their two naked bodies wrapped together for warmth in the night. "Do you really think I learned to please you so well from a book?"

He shook his head. "No honey, because no book could have done that well." Lowering his head, he found her lips and separated them with his tongue. He hadn't meant to start a play session, but if she was willing, he wasn't going to argue. It was funny in a way; Dean had asked him the other day if he ever got tired of making love to Keni. He had looked at his brother curiously, and shook his head. "No, why...are you and Kate...?"

Dean had shaken his head. "No, lord no, I love making love to her, especially now that we don't have to worry about her getting pregnant no more, if anything, it's even better now, but you and Keni, truthfully, how can you two still be so hot for each other, hasn't it started to wear off a little?"

Harley had thought about it before answering. In the time they had been together, you could count the number of times they hadn't made love easier then the times that they had. It wasn't like she was some nymph, and he was no super stud, but they just enjoyed each other so much. Being together, acting like kids at times, and it just seemed to happen. The time they spent apart only made it better as well. Maybe once they got married, it would settle down some, but he didn't see that happening very soon. With a shake of his head, he had looked at his older brother and chuckled. "Truthfully big brother, I don't think it will ever get old or wear off. Ask me again when I'm seventy five and we have a do not disturb sign on the door at the nursing home."

Dean had laughed at that, and now Harley considered how true that might be. Her fingers were stroking him now, and he moved to go on top of her. Instead, she pushed him back and kept her mouth on his as she straddled her hips. "Hmm, not this time lover, I want to try something a little new..."

It was new to him alright. She took his deep inside her and at the same time, reached up to wrap her fingers into his, and pin his hands to the bed. With slow, steady motions, she began to move only her hips and he felt a new sensation as she turned the aggressor. It was wonderful, feeling her move her mouth over his face and throat, down to his chest and lick his nipples. Even the little nips of her teeth were like jolts of electrical energy running through him. Looking up at her, he saw the hunger in her eyes, and for one moment, he wondered what she was thinking, then he felt her grind herself down on him, and didn't care.

"God baby, yes, what the hell are you doing to me this morning?" He kept his voice low to a deep whisper.

Keni bent her head down close to his ear. "I'm fucking you Harley; for once I'm the one in control. Do you like it?" She began to rotate her hips. "Or should I stop..."

"Don't you dare, I love it baby, my sugar, my sweet love. I'm your toy now, do what you want with me."

As she told him what she wanted to do, he understood how the words alone could send a person into complete and total lust. He had never suspected, never imagined the things she was capable of suggesting but the more she told him, the more heated he got and the harder it was to keep his hips still. Had he really spent all this time being the dominate one, where the hell had his brain been? This was heaven, this was fucking heaven and he loved it.

"My lord baby, you are doing things to my mind, you are so hot and so damn nasty...I thought I was bad...but you are definitely my bad girl..." He was at a stage where he wanted to scream, to claw her back for a change, to send a load like he had never known before into her waiting hole. Even as he thought it, he felt her begin to cum around him, and she threw back her head in a silent scream. At the same time, he began to shoot and it was his turn to hold back the scream that threatened to choke him. Lord, this was wonderful, this was fantastic. She had ridden him before, but those rides had been nothing like this. "More baby, give your bad boy more..." He was begging now, lost in the sexual pleasure she was showing him.

When they had drained each other, she lay back down on the bed, and he pulled her close. She reached up and stroked his face. "Did you really like it Harley?"

Kissing the palm of her hand, he nodded. "Yeah, I did, I didn't think I could get excited over something like that, but I was wrong. And you were so hot...I just couldn't believe the things you said to me. Should I ask where you learned them?"

"From you in a way, I know what you like and I just reversed them. It felt funny, being in control. I mean in bed, you've always been the dominate one, but tonight I just has this urge to take that role for myself." Her voice was shy now.

"Well, any time you want to be in control, be my guest." Harley found her lips and kissed them gently.

They woke to sunshine and after showering together, went down to meet the new day. It was clear from the tired expressions on both Dean and Katie's faces that they weren't the only ones who had spent a late night. Harley wondered if they had been busy the same way him and Keni had been, but thought twice about asking. Instead he concentrated on some paperwork from the shop and bills for the house. They weren't as bad as he had expected. From the corner of his eye, he watched as Keni took over the job of feeding John while Dean made breakfast for a change.

Thinking about it, he realized he had never made a meal for Keni. It wasn't like he was lacking in cooking skills, he could cook damn good thanks to his mom. So why the hell had he never cooked for her? The question stuck with him all day long and when they came home hot and tired after working on the house, he decided it had been long enough. While she took a shower, he talked to Dean and Kate about taking over the kitchen and they agreed to come up with a way to keep Keni busy the next day so he could put his plan to work.

When Keni woke up, she accepted Kate's idea of going to Oklahoma City with her and her parents. She looked disappointed when he said he would stay and take care of the house. "What if I find some things we need for the house?"

"Then get them." He ran his thumb over her lips. "We need to start getting furniture and you haven't had a chance to go shopping or doing anything with your folks since last summer." He chuckled as he bent his lips to her ear. "Besides, I got something special planned for you for tonight, so do me a favor and buy a really sexy nightgown for a change..." Letting his breath out slowly, he saw her shiver. "Okay baby?"

She nodded and went to the car. He wasn't surprised to see Dean had stayed behind. His brother grinned as he walked up to the porch. "I figured I'd stay behind and made sure the house didn't burn down. Anything you need from the store, or such?"

"Let's check...I figured I'd do up a couple of those venison steaks you and dad got when you went hunting, and some nice baked potatoes with sour cream, you know the whole nine yards. I appreciate you and Kate being willing to vacate for the evening too."

That made Dean grin. "Well, to tell the truth, I got this idea when I was at work Friday about me and Kate spending a night at a motel. So mom is taking the twins and she and I are going to go over, soak in a hot tub, have some champagne, and make love all night long. You're making a lot of us look bad around here Harley, you do know that don't you?"

He knew, it was a common joke around Scooter's place and he was constantly being ribbed about it. Even the gals were giving him a hard time these days. Asking when he was going to start giving lessons to the guys in town on how to make them all smile the way Keni seemed to be able to do every time they saw her. He didn't bother to explain that it was always mutual. If the folks around here didn't understand what he did now, that was too bad, he wasn't going to tell them.

They went to town for some groceries, and stopped by the jail to check on Waylon. He looked tired and grinned as they walked up to the cell. "Hey guys, how's it going? Won me five hundred bucks off that new Fed they got guarding me now. Get it from the sheriff and take it to Noreen will ya...?"

Harley grinned. "You're just sitting in here and still making money, damn Way, let me take your place for a few hours."

Waylon laughed. "If that means I can go home long enough to get me some loving from Noreen, you are welcome to it. She was here yesterday and I swear I could have broken these bars by the time she left. I understand now how you two can be so hot for one woman and forget about the rest. But seriously, take the money to her will ya? I know she can use it and the girls deserve something special too. Maybe a new dress or something."

Dean nodded. "Will do; just take it easy on these boys okay, makes the payoff better." He went to talk to the sheriff and Harley saw the tired expression in Waylon's eyes.

"How you holding up little brother, seriously?" This was just a small town jail, but your life changed when those iron bars shut behind you and you were on in the inside looking out.

"Be glad when this is over, I been here what, three, four days, how did you handle five years of this Harley? I mean here is one thing, but that state farm. I did you keep from going crazy?" It was clear Waylon seriously needed to know.

"It wasn't easy, and I admit there were times I came close to losing it. But I guess it would be harder for me now, knowing I got someone on the outside, waiting and loving me. Even worse now that she's going to have my baby. We took her to the doctor yesterday, she's fine and healthy so he doesn't see any problems, but it makes me wish more and more that Max would show up so we can get this over."

Waylon nodded. "They got reports of hookers being raped by him all the way into Washington. I hear that there have been sightings of him and that girl. Said she's still alive but not looking so good. And the Fed I played poker with last night, he said they want to do a segment of that show that helps find fugitives about this. I guess they think it will help. Make him feel cornered or something...I don't think it's a good idea."

"No, it's not; the last thing Max needs is to be cornered. I know Keni is getting more and more scared he'll show up here when every one least expects it. She won't talk to anyone about it, but she wears that damn gun all the time now, even took it with her to Oklahoma City today and she had two feds with her plus Kate, and her folks." Harley looked at his little brother as he told him his deepest fear. "She wants to be the one to kill him Way; I mean she wants to be the one who blows his sorry ass away big time. It's almost an obsession with her. I know that's what she's dreaming of at times."

"Can you blame her? I mean she's come close to losing you, she's had to deal with the things he's done because of some sick idea he has about her. It makes me feel even worse for being so crazy for a while. I admit, I wanted her Harley, but not at the cost of what he's done."

"I know, and so does she...I think she might have been better off with you at times but don't ever tell her I said that." He reached in and patted his brother's face, "because if you do, you will look even worse then you do now..."

That lightened the mood and after a few more minutes, Harley went out to collect Dean and go home. He was tempted to stop by the house and see if those two guys from the inspector's office had cleared the electrical and plumping yet, but he wanted to be sure and be home before Keni.

* * *

"Well, will this do?" Her voice came from the door way and Harley looked up from lighting the candles. The sight of Keni in the long, black gown with the front cut so low her breasts looking ready to fall out and the slit all the way up to her hip was almost enough to make him say to hell with it and forget dinner. "You said something sexy..."

The match burned the tip of his finger as he looked her up and down. "Oh lord honey, that goes beyond sexy...that goes to the top of the scale of hot." He put the match in the sink and started to move toward her, stopping as she came to meet him half way. It was soft and silky and he gripped her ass with a vise like touch. "Lord, I can see you with whipped cream and a cherry on top in that outfit. Makes me wonder what I am the most hungry for, you or dinner."

She ran her fingers up over his face. "How about both, starting with you, and working up to dessert?"

"You're my dessert darlin'. I am going to start at your toes and work my way up then all the way back down." He ground his hips into hers. "I got steel waiting for you...and it's getting harder every minute..."

Keni giggled. "I feel that, how about a quickie before dinner..." Moving out of his grip, she went and leaned against the counter and pushed the front of her gown to the side, revealing bare skin underneath. "I missed you today..."

Harley smiled as he dropped to his knees before her, and inhaled her scent before answering. "Hmm, I missed you too..." God, she smelled so fresh and clean, and she was right, dinner could wait, he couldn't. Reaching up, he opened her to his gaze and dove in. "Oh Lord Honey, yes, I'm a starving man right now and I got to eat you up. Let me taste that honey you are so full of."

He whipped his tongue over her clit and wasted no time getting his fingers sank deep inside her. He could feel her fingers in his hair and hear her moans as he worked to make her cum. At the same time, his free hand worked to open his jeans and free his aching cock. Once he got her off, he was going to ran into her so damn hard; she was going to think she had been run over by a steam roller. Once he felt the first spasms, he jumped to his feel and did just as he had hoped to do.

"Oh Lord Harley, yes, fuck me honey, please, fuck me good and hard..."

He moved his lips to her ear. "This is just the first round baby, going to fill you with so much cum that you will drip for weeks. Just hang on to me and let me show you how much I been missing you today...fuck you are so damn tight cock is aching to shoot that first load..." He knew she was banging back into the counter edge, but he couldn't help himself. He felt her clenching at him and he roughly gripped her breast and squeezed it. "Oh fuck baby, yes, fuck you are so goddamn hot. I love being buried in you, so good, so hot and fucking you, my sweet pussy, my hot bitch. Cum for me baby, flood me, give me all your hot cum." He wasn't bothering to keep his voice down this time, knowing that they had the freedom to be as loud as they wanted.