The Pirate and The Thief Ch. 02

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Molly receives her next order.
3.7k words

Part 2 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 02/08/2013
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Molly frowned, she knew the name of the ship but couldn't recall where from. It wasn't one she'd seen in the harbour earlier, that she was sure of, yet it was familiar. Rog didn't offer her any other information so she turned what she had over in her mind. It wasn't long until the others returned. John was with them, a jovial smile spattered over his round face.

"Captain wants to know if you'd care to join him?" he said. The way he said it made it clear there would be no argument. They all exchanged a quick glance before Davie stood, the rest followed half a second later.

"Be an honour," he said. They traipsed over to the booth and all squeezed around the wooden table. Molly was at the end furthest from the new comers and closest to the door. She had a good view of the room and a better view of their host. The tall man was the Captain; masses of dark curling hair spilled from beneath his hat. He wore a dark frock coat made of a rich brocade, the like of which Molly had rarely seen. Most of his face was still in shadow under the massive hat he wore and the way he sat told her he knew who was in charge of the situation.

"So tell me, how fairs the crew of the Red Plunder?" he said his accent was perfect Quillaan, smooth and flawless.

"Now you should know full well how things fair on board." Davie said. "Besides, with all respect to a man such as yourself, I'd not be telling you the details of the latest voyage."

"As loyal as ever," he said. Molly detected a malicious undertone in his voice but she kept her thoughts to herself. She wondered what Davie meant; she narrowed her eyes as she scrutinized the Quillaan captain. What was a Quillaan doing here in the Swari archipelago anyway? They kept to themselves for the most part, not interested in trading outside their own boarders. Still, he was a pirate and there had to be a reason why.

"Aye lad, not all of us can afford to serve ourselves," Davie said. One of the chairs scrapped back, two pirates stood, their hands reaching for their sword belts.

"Boys, sit! What the man says is the God's honest truth," the men settled back in their seats with a grumble, "Forgive them, they're rather high strung for this profession, they don't understand that fortune has been kind in bringing us all back together again. Just answer me one question," he said.

"What?" this time it was Len who spoke. The frown on his face deepened as the Captain turned to face him.

"Why are you here, in my tavern?"

"This is your tavern?"

Molly chanced a look at John and Bart who exchanged a sheepish glance, they must have known before they brought them to this place. She crossed her arms over her chest and snorted.

"And who have we here? Some chit you picked up on your way?" the Captain said turning to look at Molly. For the first time she noticed his eyes, cold and hard, no trace of warmth in the icy blue depths. She narrowed her own and thrust her chin up; she'd not be intimidated by the likes of him.

"Hardly," she said.

"This is Molly," Davie said, "She's a part of the crew," the Captain smiled at that, a cruel line that looked more like a grimace than anything else. Molly supressed a shudder.

"And who are you sir? Who designs to interrupt our first night ashore after such a bloody long time? I was looking forward to a drink and some relaxation. Instead I find myself interrogated by a stranger for an offense I don't know I committed."

"Fiery indeed," John said raising an eyebrow.

"I can defend myself," she said.

"Of that I have no doubt; you'd not have lasted long on the Plunder otherwise." The Captain's intense gaze fixed her to the spot as he spoke but she refused to back down and look away. She'd spoken her mind and wasn't going to let it go that easily.

"I'm waiting, your name sir."

He paused for a while, looking for all the world as though he was pondering something of the greatest importance. "My name is insignificant and there is no offense on your part Molly. If I have led you to believe so, I apologise. I beg your forgiveness," he said. All she could hear then was the pounding of blood in her ears, or was it the drum beat; she wasn't so sure she wanted to know. "Do you forgive me?" everyone around the table looked at her and heat rose in her cheeks. She managed a nod before sinking further back into her chair. "Now that's cleared up, I should like to know if you intend to stay in town for long?"

"What's it to you?"

"I cannot stand the thought of being in the same town as you knowing that woman is so close, let alone the same room. The sooner you leave the better," he said. His voice was little more than a snarl and Molly swallowed hard. Davie, Rog and Len each looked at each other, eventually it was Rog who spoke up.

"If that be the case Captain, we'll leave this place. I ain't got no clue what she's planning but I bets as soon as she knows you're here, we'll be put to sea again."

"And may we never meet again," he said. "Molly, let me give you some advice, whether you want it or not, you'll leave that ship and find a truer Captain than the one you sail under," Molly did her best to smile but she knew it was a pale thing.

"Thank you Captain," she said. He raised an eyebrow before he turned to speak with his shipmates. Her companions stood and she joined them. They left the tavern and headed back to the main drag. "Who the fuck was that?" she said. "And how in Maylan's name did we get driven out of there?" her hands curled into balls as she spoke and her tone rose.

"Calm it Molly. It was just a ghost from the past," Len said.

"There are plenty more bars to serve us," Rog said.

"I don't know if I feel like it anymore."

"Aye, he has a way of bringing bile to the back of your throat doesn't he?" Davie said, "Don't let it bother you. It wasn't directed at you. The night is yet a few hours old and Rog's right; there are more places than one in this part of town."

"All right," she said after a moment. Davie gave an approving nod before she was once more dragged through the throng. The third place they visited was much like the first and although she did her best to enjoy the grog and the company, the spark had gone out of the evening. Her companions refused to comment further on the incident so she dropped the issue. She'd just finished her fourth mug of grog when she was approached by a woman.

"Ged's blood, is that you?"

"Mary?" Molly frowned. The woman before her was a slight framed creature wearing a stained dress. A sparse shawl was wrapped around her thin shoulders. Her lank hair was tied back in a greasy tail.


"How are you?" she said.

"Good, what're you doing here?"

"Could ask the same of you." Molly said.

"Who's you're mate Moll?" Len asked, turning around from his own conversation. She caught the look Mary gave her but she smiled back as though everything was fine.

"She's someone I know from way back," he nodded and continued talking to the others, "I'm here because I couldn't take the beatings no more. Jimmy was a rat and I didn't have a space on me without a bruise. How did you escape?" she asked.

"It's not important." Mary said, casting a glance over her shoulder. "Just, look, I'm glad your fine. I have to go," she said. Molly looked at her friend who gave a quick flicker of a smile before she dashed off. She frowned; maybe Mary wasn't as fine as she said she was. She didn't know anyone else in town she could ask about it so she let the matter drift from her mind. She drained her mug and stood up, her feet more drunk than she thought. She stumbled and Davie caught her under the arm.

"Steady," he said.

"By the twelve, I need some sleep," she said, her tongue thick in her mouth, she hardly recognised her own voice.

"Do you know your way back to the ship?"

"Give off Len, I'm green but not that green," she said with a snort. He laughed and she made her way out of the bar, leaving them to their grog. The cool air hit her as she stepped through the door and her head lurched, had she really drank that much? She didn't think so. She looked across the bay to where the Red Plunder was docked, there were loads of smaller ships surrounding it, only one was bigger. She knew that one must be the Sea Witch. It seemed to fit somehow. Suddenly the thought of sleeping on board any ship made her stomach lurch. She staggered up the wharf; her legs had a mind of their own, not wanting her to get anywhere in a hurry. She looked at the taverns, inns and other places of ill repute as she walked.

"Hoy missy, watch where you're going!" someone said as she bumped into them.

"John?" she frowned.

"Molly? Where's your crew?"

"Back there, I was looking for somewhere to stay," she said.

"I'm sure you're ship is a good a place as any."

"God's no. I want a decent night in something that's not swaying more than I am," she said unable to choke back a laugh, "If it makes me a lousy sea-farer, well, I don't care, I just need something that's solid," she noticed John's half smile and stopped talking.

"Happens to us all lass, come on, the Rogered has some decent rooms. I'll get you there safe and see you sorted." John said taking her arm.

"I thought I wasn't allowed back there," she muttered.

"Captain's a bad tempered sod but his quarrel isn't with you, just Bess," Molly nodded as he spoke. He led her through the streets and back to the inn she'd left a few scant hours before. John saw her to a room at the back and handed her a key, "Just to be safe though, I'd be out of here early morning," he said before leaving. Molly nodded as she shut the door, at the moment she didn't care about anything but falling into the bed. Sleep claimed her as soon as she'd fallen.


Molly awoke the next day to a pounding on the door, or was the pounding in her head? She wasn't sure. She forced her clammy eyes to open and for a moment couldn't recall where she was. Her head swam as she tried to sit up, it took a great force of will not to sink back down into the soft blankets but she managed it. Molly staggered upright and found that she was still clothed. She cringed inside and staggered to the door. She opened it gingerly, every noise scrapped the inside of her skull and the strike of her foot on the floor sent white lights through her eyes. The light outside was blinding; she couldn't make out who it was. "Molly?" She scarce recognised the voice.


"What're you still doing here? You'll get me into trouble you will," he said wringing his hands.

"Give me five minutes and I'll be gone," she said. The sound of heavy boots clicking on the wooden floor drifted down the corridor, John shut the door in a hurry and Molly staggered back a pace. She walked over to a pitcher of water that was placed on a nearby dresser and she wet her face. She then poured herself a mug and drank the lot. It was tepid and not altogether pleasant but it beat the hell out of the stale taste she currently had in her mouth. Raised voices came from the other side of the door; John was arguing with the Captain from last night, his voice was unmistakeable. She looked around the small room; there was no way out, only a tiny window. There was nothing for it. She'd have to face them both. She took a deep breath, strode over to the door and threw it open.

"Is there a problem?" she said her hands placed firmly on her hips.

"What is she doing here?" the Captain said. Under the light of day, he looked different. He still wore the black frock coat and big hat but now she could see his face. He had strong cheek bones and a jaw line that was better suited to a statue than an actual man. His top lip was covered with neat trimmed hair and his mouth curled in a sneer. If it wasn't for that, he'd be handsome enough. His dark hair was tied back in a tail and by Maylan he was tall.

"You!" Molly said her eyes narrowing, "If I'd have known it was here I was being taken I'd have made more of an effort to resist," John turned and looked at her, exasperation written over his face. She hoped he wouldn't be too offended. The Captain's blue eyes fixed her with a hard stare. "Well, you don't have to worry about it anymore, I was just leaving," she made to push past the two men. The Captain's arm flicked out and trapped her before she could make off down the corridor.

"And where do you think you're going?" he said.

"Somewhere else, where I can sleep off the pounding in my head, so unless you want to torture me further, I suggest you let me through," she said. She knew her words were stronger than she felt but she couldn't just stand there and take it. Not after the embarrassment the night before.

"Grumpy isn't she." He said to John. John made a gesture she couldn't read, "Where will you go?"

"Does it matter?"

"Not really, humour me," he said. The smile on his face was wolfish.

"It'll either be to walk about the wharf in search of food or back to the ship in search of sleep, not comfortable but better than standing here feeling like I've taken a beating."

"Bess won't let you sleep if you return to the Plunder," he said not dropping his arm.

"You seem to know her well for someone who can't stand to be in the same town as us," Molly knew the truth of his words though; she'd get no rest on the ship.

"Everyone knows how tough that bitch is," he said with a shrug. A flicker of hate crossed his face as they spoke of her. Molly's curiosity was piqued, Bess was a bitch, she knew that first hand but it didn't warrant such obvious malice.

"Very true."

She stood there for a moment longer, the silence expanded until it was almost touchable, only one thing bombarded her senses and that was the subtle scent of lavender oil. As she breathed through her nose it flooded her entire being, it became all consuming, the one thing that existed in that moment. John coughed.

She blinked and found that his arm had fallen away from the wall and he was looking at her in a most absurd way, "Thank you Captain," she said taking her leave before he had chance to trap her again. She fled down the hall and found her way out of the inn, knowing that his eyes were following her every step. She wrenched the door open and bailed onto the street. The bright sun stung her eyes but she pushed on, determined to get out of the inn and away from the two men as quick as she could. She was half way down the wharf when it occurred to her she still didn't know the Captain's name. Molly dismissed both him and John from her mind and focused on finding some food. She was also aware that she smelled awful once more so another trip to the bath house was in order.

Once done, she decided it was time to return to the Red Plunder. There would be chores to do but the activity would ease her headache and give her something to focus on. She turned towards the ship and found herself back on board a few minutes later. There was a hive of activity, more than she would have thought. Davie was there barking orders across the deck at a bunch of hands she didn't recognise. "What's going on?" she asked as she approached him.

"Molly, you're back! What happened to you last night?" he said, "Don't answer, not sure I want to know. Captain's insisting we begin to make ready. Best make yourself look busy, there's a pile of sails that need some work," He pointed across the deck.

"Thanks." Molly said. She left Davie where he was and set to the task he'd given to her. Stitching was dull but it would take her mind off her headache. She sat herself on the deck and began. The coming and going of the crew sounded behind her. Davie shouted orders back and forth regarding the provisions that were being brought on board. Bess was striding about the quarter deck, discussing something with the navigator, Joe, Molly could hear her from where she sat. They were arguing over where would be best to pull in for careening. Joe was expressing the need for the job to be done as he felt the ship was losing too much speed. Bess insisted that the job could wait for another month at least. The argument was in full swing for about an hour but eventually Joe won out. They'd careen the ship at the southern tip of the Archipelago; it would take two weeks to get there, as soon as the discussion was over, Bess approached Molly.

"You're back," she said with a sniff, Molly nodded, "I'm glad, come with me, I have a special job for you." Molly dropped the sail she was working on and followed Bess to the quarter deck. She led her into her quarters again and invited her to sit on the sofa.

"What can I do Captain?" she said.

"You've been a loyal crew member these past few months Molly and what I'm about to ask you to do isn't easy," Bess said sitting on the large chair opposite her. "I've come to trust you and I think this will make use of your... talents," the last word was said with a sneer that Bess couldn't keep off her face.

"Oh?" Molly asked.

"My ex-husband's in town and he has something that's mine. I want you to get it for me, or at least find out where it is," she said.

"I see."

Bess crossed her legs as she sat back in the plush chair, "The location of my stolen goods, in particular, there was a trinket that once belonged to my mother. It's a gold paperweight in the shape of a ship, this ship. I want you to go and serve on his ship, the Sea Witch, earn his trust and then bring what it mine back here," The Sea Witch! That meant the Captain who was so bothersome was... Molly palled at the thought. He was so infuriating, frustrating and well, annoying! And Bess wanted her to... "Is there a problem?"

"No, not at all."

"I mean, it shouldn't be too hard, with your experience it'll be easy." It always came back to her other profession. Always. Molly nodded along as she spoke. At least he'd been clean, unlike some of the men who'd used her. And she'd get away from Bess. She'd miss Davie though; he'd been genuinely kind to her over the past few months. Bess had finished speaking and was looking at her, waiting for the answer she knew she'd get. What other choice was there?

"I'll go," Molly said.

"Perfect. Remember, he's manipulative, sly and a complete cunt."

"Any other piece of information I should know?" Molly said.

"No, if I tell you things about him you may slip up and give yourself away. You'll have to learn as you go, just suck his cock a few times and he'll tell you everything," Bess said. Molly swallowed a rebuke

"How will I get back to you when I have what I need?" Molly said. She dismissed her suggestion as soon as she'd said it, there were other ways to get what she was after.

"The Sea Witch always ends up back here, just jump ship when he docks once more and wait for our return. I know you're a good loyal friend Molly and I really need your help with this," Bess said, the plea was written all over her face was so sincere that Molly couldn't help but smile.

"All right," Molly said. Bess nodded and patted her knee.

"Thank you," she said. "I've had your things put together in a carry sack; Davie will show you where they are." Bess stood up and Molly followed her. For a moment, Molly thought she was going to hug her, instead, she clapper her on the shoulder and made her way back to the quarter deck. Davie was waiting for her.

"Don't look so sad Moll," he said.

"Maylan and Gedefray only know how I am going to do this," she said as he handed her a sack full of her belongings.

"You'll not be mistreated on the Sea Witch. I dare say you'll be better treated there and here," he said. The smile on his face was kind and it reached his eyes. He spoke low so as not to be overheard.

"Thank you for everything," Molly said as she hoisted her bag over her shoulder.

"I'll see you soon," he said as she placed a foot on the gangplank. With that, she strode forward and left the Red Plunder behind.

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teedeedubteedeedubabout 11 years ago
So far So Good

Intriguing. Easy read. Thanks.

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