The Slayers Ch. 07


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"Ben Montgomery," he breathed. He had always considered the man an oddball but the man was a walking encyclopedia. He was also the best forensics guy on the east coast. He looked down at Emily to be sure that she was dead and then called the station looking for Ben's number. As soon as he had it, he called praying that he would be home.

"Montgomery here," Ben said when he answered the phone.

Previous to this phone call, Jack had considered Ben's voice aggravating with its deep Louisiana accent. Now it sounded like music to his ears.

"Ben- this is Detective Jack Atkins from work?"

There was a surprised pause before Ben answered.

"Yes detective?"

"Ummm look, I know that you know about this vampire stuff and well- I need help. Can you come over?"

"I thought that you didn't believe in things like that," Ben replied.

"I didn't until a few days ago," Jack replied. "Please... I need help and I don't know who else to call. Will you come?"

Thirty minutes later, Ben was in Jack's living room looking at Emily.

"It was a good shot, but we have to decapitate her," he said. "We have to make sure that she can't come back."

"What? Are you fucking serious?" Jack asked shocked.

"Yes, now get the sharpest knife you have and some trash bags. When we're done we have to take her where her body won't be found..."

"But they're still looking for her!" Jack exclaimed.

"We'll worry about that later now get the knife and trash bags," Ben said firmly.

Jack got the requested items and went to the bedroom while Ben decapitated Emily. He couldn't bear to watch.

"It's done," Ben said after what seemed like an eternity had passed. "Let's put her in the car and go to a place that I know."

"You've done this before?" Jack asked.

"I'll tell you about it later, but let's go. It's a good ninety minute drive.

Ben drove since he knew where he was going. The site was an old abandoned camp ground that had been closed for years. He drove to the back of the camp, parked and got out without saying anything to Jack who got out after him.

Jack watched as Ben went to a shed, got two shovels and held one out to him. Nothing seemed real to him. Was he really going bury his wife? Had he really killed her? It had to be a dream didn't it? Monsters did not exist. The sound of Ben's shovel digging into the ground brought him back to reality. This wasn't a dream but a nightmare. They were burying his decapitated wife. He had really killed her.They buried the head separately from the rest of the body.

"Some say that the head will eventually rejoin the body and the thing will come back," Ben explained. "I don't know if that's true or not, but let's not take any chances."

Three hours later, Jack was back at home looking at the drying blood stain on the floor with a large glass of whiskey in his hand. By the time he finished cleaning the spot; most of the almost full bottle was gone. He stumbled to bed, fell into it and didn't wake up until late afternoon and that was only because the phone was ringing.

"Jack? This is Ben- listen up. They found the body of an unidentified woman that's about the same build as your wife. When they call you to identify the body- say it's her. Do you understand? Say that the dead woman is your wife."

Numbly, Jack agreed. What else could he do? He sure as hell couldn't tell anyone that he killed his wife because she was a monster. He'd end up in a psych ward somewhere and eventually prison. An hour later, the lead detective working Emily's case was at the door.

"Jack," he said softly. "We found a body- we need for you to tell us if it's your wife or not."

He quickly got dressed and was driven down to the morgue. He shook as the coroner pulled the unknown woman's body from the refrigerator. Most of the woman's face was gone because of a brutal beating and her teeth were gone. But from what he could tell, the woman could pass for Emily.

"Th-that's Emily," he said as tears ran down his face. "That's my wife."

The tears weren't just for Emily. They were for the woman's real family who probably didn't know that she was dead. They were for him and the lie that he now had to live with.

"Where did you find her?" he asked trying to remember the appropriate questions to ask.

"In a dumpster behind a bar in the red light district," the detective replied. "What I don't understand is why take her there? I mean there are places much closer than that..."

"Was she ... was she violated?" Jack asked to shut the detective up.

"Fortunately no," the coroner replied, "but... but was pregnant-about six weeks along."

Jack's tears that had stopped started again. Now he was mourning the life of an innocent soul. The detective drove him home after he signed the necessary papers. He drank whatever alcohol that he could find in the house and the next day went out for more. Ben became his only friend helping him call Emily's family and planning the service.


Jack shook his head to clear it of the memory. As far as he knew no one had ever reported the dead woman that he claimed as his wife missing. Suddenly, that drink sounded good. The urge was almost overwhelming. Instead of giving in, he called Ben with whom he had remained good friends and the only person that he trusted to help him with his quest as he called it.

"Been waiting for your call- how are you doing?"

"I want a drink," Jack said softly.

"I know, but you can't and you know why," Ben replied. "Where are you? I'll meet you for dinner- better yet come over here and we can talk. And don't hand me that shit about putting me out- we're too good of friends for that."

"I'll be there," Jack said gratefully. He wanted Ben to look over his notes to see if he had missed anything. His stomach began to rumble in anticipation of a good meal. He often told Ben that if he was a woman, he'd marry him. To which Ben would reply that he-Jack couldn't afford him.

Jack packed up his things keenly aware that he was being watched and had been since his arrival. As usual, he pretended not to notice. It was much too soon to tip his hand. He locked his desk even though there was nothing of value in it and left. As he walked out, he saw the captain slink into the room and make his way to his desk. Jack stopped to see what he would do. Now confident that he was alone, the captain tried to open the locked drawer. After several seconds, he walked away disgusted.


"Well my sweet," Xavier said when he walked into the bedroom, "how was your evening? Did you miss me?"

Carmen looked up at him and didn't respond. Nor did she stand.

"So," Xavier continued in that soft voice that warned of danger. "I see that you have already forgotten how to greet me."

"No- I haven't," Carmen replied coolly looking him in the eyes. "I have no intention of calling you master, sire or anything else for that matter. You are a monster- so if I call you anything; that will be it."

She didn't miss the flashes of anger in his eyes nor did she flinch from it.

"It appears that we are having a disagreement," Xavier purred as he approached her. "It also seems that you are so much stronger than I realized- perfect. It will make bending you into the perfect mate so much more challenging. So tell me my sweet, where does this inner strength come from?"

Carmen watched him not fooled by the change in tactics.

"All of the other mates have lost their fight by now- why not you? I never told you about Kelly have I? She was one of the last women here before I found you. She didn't have the fight in her that you have, but she did have the same dignity although hers was quiet. She intrigued me in the way that she accepted her death..."

"She didn't beg did she?" Carmen interrupted. "She lay there and let you do whatever the fuck you wanted to her didn't she? Do you want to know what your downfall is going to be? It's thinking that we're stupid animals who are afraid of you. Let me tell you something monster; there are those who aren't afraid of you and that number is growing. You can do whatever you want to me. You can make me scream like a banshee when I come. You can force feed me your shitty tasting blood but there's a part of me that you will never, ever have. That's the part of me that will hate you for eternity. It's the part of me that will kill you as you rest or whatever it is you do even if I die doing it."

"My, my, my," Xavier said softly. "What passion but as I think I mentioned, how you feel or don't feel about me matters. What does matter is that I fill that lovely belly of yours with my children."

"I will kill anything that you plant inside of me," Carmen hissed.

"Hmmm, you would kill an innocent?" Xavier asked. "You could try I suppose, but... my sweet it would be pointless. Once you are impregnated, the child will do whatever it has to short of killing you to protect itself. And seeing as you are immortal, you can have dozens if not hundreds of my children."

Xavier watched Carmen as he delivered the news that he thought would take her down a notch. He was flabbergasted when she laughed.

"Is that all you got?" she taunted. "Go ahead and knock me up but... oh I know," she said with a grin. "Give me those things- I'll teach them how to hate their daddy. Better yet- I'll teach them how to kill those like you, but realistically? You'll be dead before you knock me up with the second monster."

Before Xavier realized what he was doing, he slapped her.

"I guess I hit a nerve didn't I?" Carmen asked as she wiped the blood away from her lip and looked at it.

Xavier was stumped. Where in the hell did this woman come from? He walked away to avoid hitting her again. For one, it was what she wanted. She wanted him to feed her hatred of him and secondly, not even their kind condoned the mistreatment of a mate. He walked out to give himself time to think. He would do the next two exchanges in succession and feed her extra blood. Maybe that would tame her. But there was another issue that needed to be addressed.

"My sweet, what is this I hear about you being slapped by a guard?"

He was surprised when he got a small reaction from her. Encouraged, he continued.

"I know all about it and it doesn't matter how I found out. I hope that you see that there is nothing that I don't know. You cannot sway my people against me so don't even try. The guard in question and those that by their silence agreed to assist you are taken care of. I do not take to liars and traitors kindly."

"So you killed them is that it?" Carmen asked her composure back. "Good for you- that's less for us to kill."

Xavier laughed until tears ran down his face. He realized that he really didn't have a pain in the ass for a mate. He had an eternity of entertainment.

"You, my sweet are good for me even if you don't want to be. It is time to complete the mating... on the bed and don't bother fighting it- you cannot refuse me."

"Mother fucking son of a bitch!" Carmen spat out as she fought the urge to do as commanded. The struggle lasted for almost five minutes with Xavier watching obviously amused and aroused.

"I prefer monster," he teased as he stood up and undressed.

Carmen lay on the bed furious that he was going to touch her again and that she was going to respond. "Bastard!" she yelled when her arms flew above her head and her legs opened against her will. A fine sheen of sweat coated her body from the struggles of trying to disobey the orders.

Xavier lay next to her enjoying watching her struggle. Her orgasms would be more intense because of trying to hold back. His orgasm would be more intense simply because hers would be. He wondered how long it would take her to realize that. He certainly wasn't going to tell her.

"I think I will taste you first," he murmured as he kissed her neck and cupped a breast in his hand. "Ahhh you like that idea," he said as he reached between her legs and touched her mound. "You are already wet."

"It's a purely physical response," she spat out. "It has nothing to do with you."

Xavier didn't reply but slid down her body and sniffed at her vee. Carmen yelped when she felt her hips leave the bed and her legs open even wider. With no warning, Xavier latched onto her clit and began to lightly suck on it.

"Ohhh," Carmen moaned even though she had vowed to remain silent. She cried out again when she felt a finger slide inside of her. Her hips bucked toward the mouth that she hated urging him on. Xavier released her throbbing clit from his mouth and grinned. His lips and chin were wet with her juices and he made her watch as he licked his lips.

"Just think my sweet," he said. "We will have an eternity of this and who knows? Maybe tonight one of your eggs will accept my sperm."

He didn't give her a chance to respond. He gave her slit another long, slow lick and mounted her. He gazed into her hate filled eyes and slammed into her ignoring her harsh curse. Time after time he rammed into her seeking his pleasure and not hers. That would come later.

"Yessssss my sweet... so tight... so wet...fuck me back!"

Carmen tried not to move but suddenly she was grinding against him and screaming curses at him. Xavier ignored her as his cock hardened and swelled even more inside of her. He waited until she was close before he bent down, kissed her neck and bit.

"Mother...." Then she was screaming her release as he emptied inside of her.

He drank his fill from her, licked the wound closed and bit into his wrist. "Drink until I tell you to stop," he commanded.

Carmen tried to clamp her mouth closed, but failed. She had no choice but to accept the offered wrist. Finally, Xavier removed his wrist and licked it to stop the blood flow. Carmen was still shaking from the last orgasm when he bent down and took a hardened nipple into his mouth.

"Oh god..." Carmen moaned in pleasure but Xavier felt her mounting hatred of him in spite of her pleasure. He sucked on the nipple for several seconds before releasing it to suck on the other nipple- the one that he would feed from. He began a slow thrust and grind into her while he teased the nipple into rock hardness. Once again he waited until he felt her pussy muscles contract around his cock before he bit into the nipple causing it to bleed. Her scream was one of pain mixed with pleasure that soon became one of intense pleasure.

Xavier's scream of release sounded like a wild animal to Carmen's ears. Her hatred of him and those like him had grown exponentially. She lay still as Xavier lay grunting on top of her with his cock still inside of her.

"Get the fuck off of me!" she yelled and tried to buck him off.

"What?" Xavier mocked. "No cuddle time? I thought that humans loved to cuddle."

He began to thrust inside of her again with only one purpose in mind- depositing his seed in her. The orgasms were quick and strong knocking the breath out of both of them. Xavier remained on top of her only because he knew that she didn't like it. Finally, he rolled off of her and went to the bathroom fully expecting her to follow him. When she didn't, he went back to the bedroom, picked her up and carried her into the bathroom.

"In spite of popular belief," he said as he turned the shower, "We are not dirty animals. After we copulate or fuck we will shower together. Is that understood?"

It was Carmen's turn to laugh. "You hate us so much but you emulate our habits. I find that amusing, but I understand about the shower. I only wish that I could wash my insides out as well."

Xavier bit back a reply. By morning she would be more subdued. He followed her into the shower and handed her a sponge. "The other thing that you will do is bathe me whether it's in the shower or in the bathtub. After you are done with me, you may bathe yourself."

For the second time that day, Carmen laughed. "Are you crazy? Bathe your own ugly self because I'm sure as hell not going to do it."

Xavier took a deep breath and counted to ten before taking the sponge back. It would be better tomorrow.


Colt's master pondered what his next move should be. He hadn't counted on Xavier and Troy combining forces. He had counted on their mutual dislike and distrust of each other to prevent it. Their truce complicated things and he had to find a way to destroy it. Until he came up with a way, there were other things that he could do. It was time for another connected human to die. After that he would destroy Colt. It wasn't because he wasn't useful. It was because he was becoming more difficult to manage and at some point he would lose what little control that he had left and all would be lost.

"Colt my son," he called out into the night air. "You have done well. I am pleased with you. Find another human home that have no children and do what you do so well, but this time, leave no witnesses."

Colt's master settled in for the evening confident that Colt would follow instructions as much as he was able to.


Colt stirred at the sound of his master's voice. He was relieved to hear the pleasure in it and that he wasn't going to be punished. He was also glad that he could go hunting. He was hungry but not so hungry that he couldn't remember commands.

He got up from the dirty basement floor and tried to judge if it was too early for him to go out. He crept to the single plywood covered window and slowly pulled the plywood back. He quickly closed it with a groan of frustration. He had to wait a little longer. To pass the time, he repeated his master's instructions.


Ephraim didn't get it. He had driven around the city looking for the cremation site. He like Jack thought that he had written the address wrong but unlike Jack, he kept driving around looking for the address. He cursed under his breath and drove home mentally preparing himself to hear his mother's complaining that she was out of money. His hope was that he would be able to find the cremation site and then call Xavier. If he had done that he could have told the people at work to kiss his plump white ass goodbye as he walked out.

But he did have something... he had gotten one of the female slayer's neighbors to talk. It had cost him three thousand dollars but he considered it an investment. As soon as he had the information, he called Xavier who had been polite but made no mention of him leaving his job. He knew better than to ask- he had heard about the doctor who had let the witness leave with a slayer.

He sighed and decided to stop and get Chinese takeout for his mother so that she would forget about money. He hated his life, he hated his job and he hated his mother. He was ready for a change.


Jack parked in his driveway after his dinner with Ben. It was relatively early in the night- eleven, but the air felt wrong. He stopped and looked around as he reached for his gun. Something and not someone was watching him. It didn't feel particularly malevolent but more curious.

"Who are you and what do you want?" he called out.

Then it was gone. Jack stood where he was staring out into the darkness for several minutes before going into his home. As he closed the door, he felt the presence again.

It was back.

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katgoddess1katgoddess1over 10 years ago

I wonder what kind of abilities Carmen will develop. She will undoubtedly use them to annoy Xavier as much as possible.

brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutieover 10 years ago

Xavier is playing with fire and I can't wait for Carmen to burn him. She will kill him and I am looking forward to it. I do hope that Jack isn't in any danger from whatever is watching him. I am so happy that Justin and Winona are reunited and it feels so good. I also hope that Jian and Brittney stay ahead of the evil creatures. Colt you are going to die soon wish that I could feel bad about that but I so wish that you would take your master with you.

Teacher2272Teacher2272over 10 years ago
Nice to see you back!

Good follow up chapter. I was wondering about the detective. Nice background and tie to existing usual!

ariesgirlariesgirlover 10 years ago

Carmen is going to skin Xavier's ass the moment she is able to. He is so arrogant and that is going to become his downfall.

donaldedonaldeover 10 years ago
Love this story

another excellent chapter I cannot wait for the next

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