The Spanish Dancer

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Dancing at a festival changes couple's life.
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Last year, my wife Kate and I decided to fulfil an ambition we'd had for many years and spend a year travelling around Spain, or should I say, old Spain, well away from the overpopulated tourist areas.

We had built up a successful internet business and so long as we had our laptop with us, we could operate from anywhere in the world. So, at 45, still in our prime and with the children gone we set off down the east coast, spending sometimes a few nights and other times weeks in the places which took our fancy. Most days involved exploring the historical places of interest and always some sunbathing in secluded little coves frequented only by locals.

We both like to keep ourselves fit and Kate has maintained pretty much the same figure she had when we married except her breasts which grew from a 34A to a still firm 36C during pregnancy and never went back down. At 5'8" and jet black hair which she still wore long, her body toned from the twice weekly dance class she attended, Kate cut a pretty striking figure and she loved to show it off.

We don't have any hang-ups about nudity and most Spanish beaches have sunbathers who are either partially or fully naked but Kate drew a lot of attention whenever she stood and made her way down to the sea to swim. Sometimes, guys would try and hit on her as she paddled in the shallows, and knowing that it turned me on, she would tease them by running her hands over her breasts or slide her hand down her belly to draw their eyes down to her shaved pussy as I watched.

If any of them were particularly well endowed, Kate would come back and tell me how she fancied the idea of fucking them and later, as we made love, she would fantasise about letting one of them have her and she'd tell me how she could really let herself go if she was doing this trip on her own. She had a thing about big men which always drove her fantasies which went back to a boyfriend she'd had before we married who'd had a thick cock.

About 6 months into our trip we came across a small medieval coastal village which was dominated by a large castle built on cliffs high above a gorgeous sandy beach. It was just the sort of small, sleepy place we love, but not exactly awash with places to stay. After asking around we managed to secure an old workman's cottage from a local farmer. It would be needed in the autumn when the harvest was due, but we agreed to rent it for 3 months before that.

Our days were relaxed, exploring the local countryside and coast, and getting to know some of the villagers. Each afternoon we'd go down to the beach to sunbathe and swim, and stare up at the castle which towered above us. Usually, there would be about 15 or 20 people on the beach, but at the weekend most of the young men and women relaxed there after working all week and Kate didn't go unnoticed by many of them even though she had so far kept her bikini bottoms on.

We learnt that the castle belonged to one of the oldest aristocratic families of Spain and that they had lived there since their forbears built it in the 12th century. The Count was rarely there as business took him away for much of the time, but his staff were often seen around the village where he was regarded as a benefactor.

After a month I started to notice one man in particular who had begun to sit near Kate and me on the beach and on several occasions I spotted him taking photos of her with a telephoto camera as she walked on the shore and swam.

"I think you've got an admirer." I said as she came back to our towels.

"Yes, I've seen him. He's been here all week only these last 3 days he's got closer."

She had obviously been aware of him before I had and said nothing.

"Shall I give him something worth photographing?" she asked, and before I could reply, she stood up, removed her bikini bottoms and walked back to the sea.

Immediately, our onlooker raised his camera and started snapping. Kate kept her back to him and very deliberately bent over with her legs apart to pick up a shell giving him a fantastic rear view of her shaven slit. After a while as she walked off along the beach the man stood and walked over to me.

"Good afternoon Senor," he said as I looked up, "You have a very beautiful wife."

"Well thank you," I replied "I think so too."

He sat down next to me. "Forgive me for asking, but how does she keep herself in such good shape?"

"We both like to take plenty of exercise and Kate has taken dance classes for years."

"Ah, yes I thought so. She moves with grace." After a second he said "I am sorry, you must think me rude."

I thought he meant for staring at my wife, but then he continued

"I have not introduced myself. My name is Jorge and I am an aide to the Count. When I first saw you on the beach a week ago I had to come and see for myself - you see, your wife is striking as she is so much taller than Spanish women and her willingness to be naked in front of others shows great confidence. In my country, that signifies strength in a woman and is considered very attractive."

As I saw Kate returning along the shore Jorge stood and thanked me for my time and apologised for interrupting my afternoon. Taking a last look at her he turned and disappeared up the path to the castle.

"What was all that about?" She asked.

I told her what had been said and she just nodded. I'm sure I detected a little disappointment that he had gone by the time she came back.

A couple of days later as we lay on the sand, Jorge came up to us and when I saw him I introduced him to Kate.

"Good afternoon Senora."

Kate rolled onto her back and propped herself up on her elbows and as his eyes travelled down her naked body she let her legs fall slightly apart and his gaze lingered for a second on her mound.

Ignoring me he said, "Excuse me, but I have come to ask how much longer will you be staying in the village? You see, it is our Festival of the 10 Bulls in a week, when the whole of the village gathers in the castle and the Count has asked if you would do him the honour of dancing as part of the festivities. It is indeed a great honour to be chosen and there will be many disappointed ladies in the village if you accept."

Kate was taken aback by his request and without thinking replied "Yes, I'd be glad to. I'm honoured to be asked." Blushing, she asked "What will I need to do. I mean, to practice, er where.........when?"

"There will be no need to practice Senora. The dance can be anything you want it to be and will take place in the castle at nine o'clock on Saturday, but you must be there at eight to get ready and put on your festival costume. Thank you Senora, you are truly honoured. Oh, one other thing - the identity of the festival dancer must not be revealed until the night. It keeps everyone's expectations high not knowing who it is." and with that he left.

She looked at me and said "Well what do you think of that?"

"Just go for it. I think it shows that we have been accepted into the village and I can't wait to see inside the castle."

Kate spent the next few days in nervous anticipation which heightened as the festival began on the Thursday. The village was adorned with flowers and symbols of the 10 bulls, and there were stalls and street entertainers everywhere. We hadn't seen so many people out since we'd arrived and their enthusiasm, fuelled by copious quantities of local wine was infectious.

Saturday came and Kate's tension increased as the day passed and I think it was some relief when Jorge appeared at 7.30 saying "It is time Senora. Please come with me. Senor, come up to the castle with everyone else at eight o'clock and I will show you to your seat."

I kissed Kate and wished her luck as she disappeared into the crowds.

At 8 the villagers started to move en masse through the castle gates and on the way I overheard people saying "Who is she? ..........Nobody knows............Lucky woman......It will change her life."

What did they mean by that? I knew I would soon find out.

As we entered the great hall I saw that tables were arranged in a U shape around the walls at one end of this vast chamber. In front was an open space, presumably for dancing, and heavy drapes covered the whole of the far wall. Music was playing as Jorge found me and guided me to a seat at one point of the U. At the centre of the head table a man I assumed to be the Count sat on a throne-like chair.

Wine was served and spirits were high. There were three loud knocks, the music stopped and suddenly all was quiet. The lights dimmed until just the area in front of the head table was lit. The Count stood up.

"As you know, tradition has it that we secure a good harvest through the dance of the 10 bulls. It is now time. Bring out the dancer who has been chosen!"

The curtains at the end of the hall parted enough for Kate to pass through. Two local girls dressed in long white dresses walked either side of her, holding her arms out as she moved up the hall towards the Count. Her hair had flowers woven into it and was plaited into a thick, black braid which hung halfway down her back, showing off her long, slender neck. She wore a long cotton cape which brushed the floor as she moved. As she walked I saw Kate's eyes scanning the crowd until they reached me,

"I'm sorry," she mouthed . I started to wonder what the hell was going on.

Looking tense and hesitant, she was brought to stand in front of the Count.

Lifting a large pewter goblet into the air, he announced, "After a drink from this ancient cup, let the dance begin." and he offered it to Kate's lips. I don't know what was in it, but as she swallowed its contents she immediately seemed to relax.

Jorge whispered in my ear,

"It is a special drink so she can enjoy the dance." I began to worry what we'd got into.

The girls led her to the centre of the floor and removed the cape. There was a gasp as Kate was revealed wearing only a cord around her waist from which hung a flap of cloth at the front and one at the back barely covering her most private parts. Her body glistened with oil. She was otherwise naked and the nipples on her firm breasts stood up hard. Still holding her arms out, the girls paraded her round the room and then back to the centre where they left her as the lights dimmed again.

In the dark, a slow, steady drum beat began and as my eyes got used to the low light I could see and hear bodies moving in front of me.

As the light went up Kate stood where she had been left, only now, in a circle, thirty feet around her, were 9 handsome African dancers. They too were shining with oil and had a cord round their waists from the back of which hung a bull's tail which twitched as they moved and danced to the rhythm of the drum. However, at the front they were naked and it became obvious why they had been chosen - each one had an erection of at least 9 inches which thrust out in front of him, and their muscled frames shone like hard, burnished ebony contrasting with the lightly tanned body of my wife.

They moved silently around the circle they had formed and then the drum beat stopped and they all turned to face the centre. A deeper drum started with an increased tempo and one of the group arched his body back like that of a limbo dancer and began to move towards the middle. His erection thrust into the air as he made a sudden wild dash towards my wife.

Kate finally saw what was going on and began to move, but as she ran to try and escape, the circle of men would close up to block her route. She looked as if she was dancing and as she darted round the circle seeking her freedom, her breasts bounced erotically and her long legs stepped this way and that to evade the bulls who contained her.

Like a bullfight where there were nine bulls but only one matador, Kate was outnumbered and her efforts to escape soon left her gasping for air. As her chest heaved the circle began to close in and she was trapped and as they finally moved together Kate was lost from sight. As the lights dimmed and the drums reached a crescendo I saw a piece of cloth thrown into the air from the middle of the group.

In the darkness, the audience roared and applauded and I began to get out of my seat to go and retrieve my wife. I felt a hand on my shoulder pushing me back into the chair - I heard Jorge.

"Senor. You do not go now. The entertainment is only just begun. Please remain seated."

There were three loud knocks and as the crowd quietened, a voice I recognised gasped,

"Uh! Uh!.............Oh God!................No!...............Yes!..................Uh!...........Yes!"

The lights brightened and I sat stunned. Six of the bulls were holding Kate horizontally, spread-eagled in a star shape three feet above the ground. Her head hung back and I saw the flaps of cloth had been removed from the cord around her waist. Between her spread legs, a bull had his cock buried deep into her. As the throbbing beat resumed I watched as his buttocks tensed, first withdrawing and then thrusting his erection into my captive wife.

"Aargh!...............Oh God it's big.....................Oh fuck!" and the bull continued to thrust!

Within minutes I heard a familiar sound as Kate began to cum.

"Oh yes........fuck me.........fuck me!" she wailed through clenched teeth.

The bull responded by quickening his pace and emptying his seed deep into her cunt. After he withdrew another two bulls took turns fucking my wife, bringing her to another orgasm and coming into her shaven hole. The last one moved from between her legs and I could see her pussy gaping and cum dripping onto the wooden floor.

All was quiet for a second, when suddenly the curtains at the end of the hall were pulled back. I caught my breath at what I saw. Standing in the gap was a giant of a man - a heavily muscled African tribesman, as black as night, he stood at 6'6" and was adorned with traditional body jewellery. Leather bands wrapped around his upper arms, emphasising their power, another was worn round his neck. His waist was encircled by a black leather band and from the back hung a large bulls tail which swung from side to side as he swayed on his feet, but it was his manhood which took the attention.

Over 12 inches long and as thick as Kate's wrist, his cock reached out in front of him and curved downwards under its own weight. His huge balls were contained in a sac which hung between his thighs. He moved forward as the crowd held its breath and stopped six feet from Kate's spread legs. As he stood there, the four bulls holding her arms and body pushed her into a sitting position whilst the other 2 kept her legs apart. Looking forwards, she saw, for the first time, the new bull.

"Oh my God!. It's too big! It'll split me in two."

Despite her protests, the bulls carried her forwards and the giants cock engorged with blood and stood thick and upright. Lifting her slightly over this black rod, they then slowly began to lower her and I watched as the swollen head pierced my wife's cum lubricated labia.

"Aaargh! ...........It's going up me! It's stretching's's so fucking big!" and then instinctively Kate wrapped her long legs around the bulls naked buttocks, put her arms round his neck and let herself slide downwards, inch after inch until she was impaled with 10 inches of thick, black cock spearing her cunt.

As if she weighed less than a feather the giant bull started to walk round the room, as she used her arms and legs to slowly move herself up and down on him. Starting at the opposite side to me he moved around the U of tables displaying her like a prize trophy to the crowd. Finally they reached my seat and the bull made a show of taking my wife's buttocks in his huge hands, pulling them apart and inserted a thick finger into her anus as she ground herself to a huge orgasm.

Looking at me, but not seeing, she cried,

"Oh Fuck!........Oh Fuck! ................Oh god I'm coming...................Fuck Me! ....Fuck Me!...........Fuck Meeeeeee!"

Carrying Kate to the middle of the floor, the bull lifted Kate off him and turned her to face the crowd. Pushing her onto her knees he mounted her from behind and entered her. With each thrust of his powerful arse his balls swung forwards and slapped against Kate's clitoris and lower stomach, until finally, his muscles contorted, his balls tightened and he pumped load after load of hot spunk into her belly, lifting her off the ground as he did so with the force of his thrusts.

The lights went off and I sat stunned. When they went on the floor was clear and I turned to Jorge and asked "When.....I mean how.......what happens now?"

"Senor. That is now of your wife's choosing. She may now return to you as soon as she likes, but I do not expect that it will be immediately. The Count's gratitude to the dancer of the ten bulls is that she may take pleasure from them for as long as she wishes." He smiled at me "I will now see you home Senor." and with that we left the castle and returned to the cottage Kate and I shared.

That night I tried to analyse my feelings. Did I hate Kate? Would we ever be the same again? No. things would change but that didn't mean we wouldn't stay as we were. I had to admit to myself that Kate's experience turned me on immensely as I pictured her riding the 10 bulls. All she had done was to turn the fantasy we had both often shared into a reality. No. we would be just fine!!

After 7 days Kate came and found me on the beach as I read in the sun. She walked uncomfortably and without saying a word, she stripped off and lay next to me. Her labia were swollen and stretched so far that they hung down two inches from her cunt - very different from the tight little lips they had been before. The inside of her thighs were rubbed from the pounding she'd had and her breasts and her body were covered in love bites.

"Tell me." I said and she did.

The drink she had been given at the dance was made from an extract of a central African bush which made its drinker lose all inhibitions and acted as an aphrodisiac. For 7 days and nights they had plied her with this potion and she had repeatedly been fucked by all 10 of the bulls. They had gangbanged her several times a day and still she wanted more. She had fucked, sucked and swallowed their cum and they had all fucked her arse, a pleasure previously denied to me.

"But, it wasn't love." She said quietly "Just lust. Only you can give me love. But I did enjoy every minute of it."

"What if they ask you to dance again next year? I asked her.

"They already have!" she grinned and turned over to lie in the sun!

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