The Taking of Lena Ch. 07


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"I'm sorry to intrude like this, sir, but an urgent matter has come to my attention. Might I spare a few moments of your time?" the older man asked, voice trembling.

Renz stood silently for a few moments, and then he turned his attention to Lena.

"Excuse us for a moment," Renz said, pulling Lena away with him.

"Why don't you indulge in a hot bath, and I will send a servant to fetch you once these...unpleasant details are sorted. You've been in such a lovely, relaxed mood...I wouldn't want to spoil it with my short temper brought on by a greedy man who wants even more of my money," Renz muttered, slightly chuckling on end.

Lena's heart felt warmed by the sight of his slightly tired face, and she was very touched by his observation. Lena nodded gently.

"Of course. I hope...I hope everything goes well," Lena replied softly, slightly lightheaded from his handsome appearance. Renz took her hand and brought it to his lips, softly kissing it. Despite her soreness, the feeling of his lips sent a surge of pleasure throughout her entire body, and Renz winked at her in full awareness.

"Thank you, sweet Lena. I'll see you shortly," he said, turning his attention back to Herr Friedrich.

"You're leaving already? Perhaps I can come too? Business can be such a terrible bore," Gisele whined playfully.

"Gisele, you're staying with me," Herr Friedrich said suddenly. Lena was surprised by his reaction, and she felt too timid to press the matter further.

"I'll be back in a few moments. I just need to's been such a long trip," Lena replied softly.

Gisele, ignoring her father, ran towards Lena and gripped her hand.

"Please hurry back. We have much more gossip!" she whispered excitedly. Lena smiled and nodded.

"I look forward to it," she replied sweetly.

Lena traveled up the stairs, and it took her several minutes of searching to remember where her suite was. She'd only been away for a few days, but even that had been enough for her to forget just how large and magnificent Schloss Wolfenbarger was.

When she finally found it, Lena was surprised to see that all of her new garments had been placed in the dressing room armoire. They looked so lovely hanging there, and Lena said another silent thank you to Renz for her new clothes.

Lena entered the bathroom and drew a hot bath, luxuriating in the scent of lavender oil. She cleansed her sore body gently as she replayed moments from her trip with Renz.

He really had been a different man, and she'd learned so much more about him. Lena wondered if he would ever let her ask as many questions as he did of her, because she was more curious about him than ever.

When she finished bathing, the female servant that had been responsible for bringing Lena her meals her first day at Schloss Wolfenbarger was waiting for her.

"I'm here to help you dress, Fräulein," she said formally. Lena blushed, still uncomfortable with the idea of being assisted by servants. It simply didn't feel right, given her social standing.

"Thank you, and please call me Lena," Lena replied bashfully.

The woman was gentle with her, and remarkably patient, as Lena, still sore from Renz, nearly started crying when the corset was tightened. But once that was over, and Lena learned to breathe again, she helped Lena into a pretty yellow day gown.

Once the servant left, Lena was alone in her suite. She wondered where Erich was, and became desperate to talk to him. She needed to be honest with him, and she hoped that he wouldn't be too angry with her.

Lena left her room then, intent on finding Erich. Even though he'd given her a full tour of Schloss Wolfenbarger, Lena quickly realized that it was very easy for her to become lost.

She traveled down to the first floor, and searched the kitchens, formal and informal dining rooms, the ballrooms, and billiard rooms, and seemed to find every other servant in the Wolfenbarger staff except for Erich.

Lena walked back up stairs, wincing in pain as her inner body stretched, and decided to try the East library instead.

She heard voices, and was delighted that she'd finally found him, but when she reached the door, Lena realized that the voice wasn't his.

"...and that is what she told me. Can you confirm that you have, in fact, engaged in sexual intercourse my daughter, Herr Wolfenbarger?" she heard Herr Friedrich say.

Lena's eyes widened in disbelief, and she pressed her ear against the door curiously.

There was silence for a few moments, and Lena wondered if Renz wouldn't speak. She heard a pretty clinking sound, like ice in a glass, and then she heard his voice.

"Yes. Almost two years ago, at your annual hunt," he said.

Lena bit her lip in nervousness, debating whether or not she wanted to hear any more. Since Gisele loved gossip so much, Lena wondered why she hadn't mentioned her involvement with Renz. Lena's curiosity blinded her rationality, and she continued to listen.

"I'd never expect a man of your reputation to respect the conventions of our society, but I do expect you to uphold the honor of the woman you defiled, Herr Wolfenbarger. You have an obligation to marry," Herr Friedrich said.

Lena's blood ran cold.

"And it will be absolutely splendid! You know that I am very fond of you, Herr Wolfenbarger. We can have a very happy life together," Gisele said.

"And this marriage will benefit both families. Gisele is nearly twenty-eight, far past the prime age for finding a new husband. But the doctor assures us that she is perfectly healthy for carrying a child. Ever since her fiancé's untimely death, I'm sure you can appreciate the grief and shame my daughter has suffered. You will marry, and she will bear a child in your name," Herr Friedrich said.

"And you'll be wanting a diamond?" Renz asked.

Lena heard Gisele's excited squeal, and hot tears spilled over her eyes.

"I told you he is wonderful, father! And Herr Wolfenbarger...I expect you to dispose of that...whore Lena you've been courting around. It's embarrassing to the families..."

Lena didn't need to hear anymore, and she quickly walked away from the library doors, tears streaming violently down her face.

As much as she wanted to hate Renz, Lena realized that the only person she hated was herself. She knew the depths of Renz cruelty. He'd violated her and stolen her from her only family. He had made her into a whore, and no amount of fine clothes or jewelry or operas in the capital could change that. Lena had been stupid, very stupid, thinking that anything in him was good.

Renz had absolutely no respect for her, and she hated that she'd deluded herself into thinking that he had. Renz had shown her who he truly was the first night she'd met him, when he'd stolen her virtue. But for some reason, Lena had foolishly allowed herself to forget that.

Lena shook her head as she ran back into her suite, tears quickly turning into rapid rivers down her face, and she knew that she couldn't spend one more hour at Schloss Wolfenbarger. She didn't care where she went, and she didn't care that she was penniless and alone in the world. All she wanted was to be away from the man that had corrupted her.

She closed the door to the suite and leaned against it, sinking to the floor in utter despair and shame. She cried hard, but her sobs were silent. Her heart ached so much that she couldn't even make a sound.

But then she looked up, and was both ashamed and relieved to see Erich, staring at her curiously, with a set of tea and biscuits in his hand.

****** ******

"And Herr Wolfenbarger... I expect you to dispose of that...whore Lena you've been courting around. It's embarrassing to the families. I understand she's kept you company, but now that we're engaged, she, and any others like her, need to be removed from this household," Gisele said.

Renz snorted loudly and took another sip of his scotch whiskey. He needed it to remain collected throughout this nonsense.

"Of course. I'll put her in a wooden box and ship her off to the Americas," Renz replied dryly, finishing off his drink. When Gisele and her father started enthusing in that ridiculous way of theirs, he realized that they didn't understand the concept of sarcasm.

"How about we marry at that lovely church nearby? It's small, but it can accommodate the most important members of society. The flowers must be blooming beautifully this time of year," Gisele said happily.

Renz looked over to her, wondering if she was just deluded or exceptionally vacuous.

"How about we marry at your father's estate, instead? I'll bet the smell of sewage and his industrial waste must be particularly pungent this time of year," Renz replied.

This finally jolted her, and Renz rolled his eyes in annoyance as Gisele glared at him.

"Herr Wolfenbarger, I am starting to think you are not being entirely sincere with us," Herr Friedrich said gravely. Renz released an angry laugh and rapidly stood up, intent on refilling his drink.

"Astute you are, Herr Friedrich. Although if you were smarter, you'd realize your daughter is also not being sincere. If she were, she would have told you that I didn't defile her, as her sexual experience started long before we ever even met. Before her poor fiancé, even," Renz mentioned casually.

Herr Friedrich's face turned red, and he looked at his daughter, searching for truth.

Gisele scowled at Renz, struggling to maintain her poised countenance.

"How dare you—"

"No, how dare you. Lena is no whore, Gisele. She is far more of a lady than you will ever be. And if you speak ill of her again I swear to you I will not react so mercifully," Renz said coldly.

Gisele stood up, and pursed her twitching lips in anger.

"Remember your breeding, Gisele," Herr Friedrich said. But his warnings fell on deaf ears.

"What makes you think you have the right to throw around such accusations?" Gisele demanded.

"The men you've opened your legs to gossip as much as you do, Gisele. Herr Friedrich, I would be happy to provide you with the names of at least thirteen other gentleman that have also 'defiled' your 'chaste' widowed daughter, within the last year. Perhaps you should proposition them for marriage, because this union will never be," Renz said, enjoying a sip of fresh scotch whiskey.

"You have no shame, have you?" Herr Friedrich shouted incredulously, his elderly voice quivering. Renz was not moved, and found him to be pitiful.

"None, and proudly. Now if you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to. My servants will escort you out," Renz said, waving his hand in dismissal.

He left the library then, intent on finding his Lena.

****** ******

"What happened to you?" Erich asked, his voice heavily coated with concern.

Lena's entire body trembled as she cried, and she shook her head in sadness. She tried to speak, but each time she opened her mouth, her words were broken by the sudden hiccups of her tears.

Erich guided her to a cushion and offered her a cup of tea, which she accepted gratefully. She took a large, unladylike sip, feeling suddenly parched, and allowed the gentle herbs to soothe her sore throat.

Once she calmed down enough to speak, she sadly turned to Erich.

"I'm leaving, Erich. I can't stay here any longer," she said quietly. Erich frowned in confusion, his genial eyes slightly distressed.

"Why, Lena? Has something happened?" he asked. Lena stared thoughtfully at him, and wondered why the feelings she had for him weren't as strong as those she had for Renz.

"Herr Wolfenbarger...he will hurt me if I stay any longer. I need to leave before that happens," Lena said.

Erich looked down at his hands, which were slightly fidgeting. Lena wondered if he was nervous or scared.

He finally looked at her, and his gentle face was determined.

"Then let me go with you," Erich said. Lena's eyes widened in shock.

"But...this is the house you serve! How can you possibly think of leaving?" Lena asked. Erich smiled kindly.

"I have saved some money, Lena. And...if you're leaving, I don't want you going away on your own. I know we haven't spent much time together...but I meant it when I said my wits are around your finger," Erich said.

Lena turned away from him, suddenly feeling incredibly guilty.

"Erich...that's not...I can't feel that way for you right now. Herr Wolfenbarger has done something awful to me," Lena said, beginning to cry again.

Erich gently reached for Lena's hand, and held it firmly in his.

"I know. You don't have to tell me the details, Lena. You don't even have to feel the same way right now. But I know you felt something between us. You can take as much time as you need to recover...because that's a feeling worth waiting for," Erich said, an encouraging smile on his face.

Lena stared at him, at his perfectly honest eyes, and Lena was suddenly filled with a sense of hope. Erich was the kind of man that she could trust. He was genuine and kind, and had a pure heart. She could grow to love him the way he deserved to be loved.

"Are you sure?" Lena asked, sniffling. Erich smiled and wiped a tear away from her cheek.

"Of course. I didn't want to spend my life as Herr Wolfenbarger's servant anyway," Erich said.

Overcome with emotion, Lena flung her arms around Erich and embraced him tightly. He seemed unsure at first, but then he gently held her back, his hand gently stroking the fabric of her gown.

Just then, the door swung open, and Lena quickly released Erich from her grasp. Renz was standing in the doorway, his face angrily fuming. Lena began feeling very frightened and wary.

But for the first time, she also began feeling very angry as well.

"I can't believe this," Renz said darkly. Lena swallowed hard and stood up on shaky legs, trying her best to muster confidence.

"Herr Wolfenbarger, I think you should know—"

"I've had enough of you, servant. You're dismissed, permanently," Renz replied coldly, harshly cutting off Erich.

To Lena's surprise, Erich stood up beside her, and he appeared more assertive than she'd ever seen him. His face was serene and controlled, quite unlike the harsh, violent emotions that appeared on Renz's face.

"Then I no longer have any need to bow to your commands," Erich replied calmly.

Renz swore harshly, his loud voice causing Lena's ears to ring.

"I be alone with her. Leave us," Renz said dangerously. His voice was sharp and violent, and Lena began to tremble fearfully. His gaze was fixed on the floor, and Lena saw a slight twitch in his left cheek. His face appeared to be very flushed, and Lena thought she saw a vein protrude from his forehead.

Erich looked over to Lena expectantly, and after a few moments, she nodded softly. He gave her hand a gentle, supportive squeeze, and slowly exited the room, eyeing Renz as he departed.

Once the doors closed, Renz brought his eyes directly to Lena's face. He looked more threatening than she'd ever seen him, but Lena did not let her fear overpower her.

Instead, she embraced her anger.

"I told you I do not want to share you," Renz said slowly. Lena began breathing hard, rage steadily building within her.

"You promised me no other man would touch you," Renz pressed.

Lena balled her fists as her body began to shake in indignation. She couldn't believe that this man had the audacity to try and assert ownership over her body, especially given his recent engagement.

"Don't you have anything to say for yourself?" Renz demanded severely.

His loud voice shook her, and hot, angry, hurt tears began to spill from her eyes. She bit her lip and stared fiercely at him, and Renz's angry face was momentarily broken by an expression of surprise.

"Did you force her too?" Lena asked. Renz frowned in bewilderment.

"Force whom? What in the hell are you talking about?" Renz asked incredulously. Lena's lower lip began to tremble, and the rage within her finally burst.

"You defiled Gisele, just as you did me. How many more of them are there? How many more girls have you ruined?" Lena shrieked.

Renz stared at her openmouthed, momentarily speechless.

"I am not a monster, Lena. Deflowering virgins is no sport or habit of mine. Gisele offered herself to me, as she had with many men before me and many after," Renz replied firmly.

Lena shook her head furiously.

"So only me, then? Just because I have no money or standing or strength, that gives you the authority to treat me like a worthless vessel for your lusts? A piece of garbage for you to debase and be disposed of once you choose to marry a proper lady?" Lena said angrily.

Renz's eyes narrowed dangerously, and he approached her forcefully. Lena slightly retreated, but refused to cower beneath his gaze.

"You heard incorrectly, Lena. I have no intention of marrying Gisele," Renz said, voice slightly lowering.

"I will not be blinded by your lies any more! You cannot toy with me any longer. I heard you quite clearly—"

"Damnit, Lena, you heard nothing! I won't be marrying Gisele, or any other woman for that matter, because I'm in love with you!" Renz shouted.

Lena's heart skipped a beat at the sound of that word, but she shook her head, determined not to allow Renz to exploit her again.

And she became more furious than ever.

"There's nothing in you that can love. There is nothing in you worth loving. You are sick, and you are violent, you are cruel, and you...are a liar," Lena said, voice cracking from her tears.

The anger slowly faded from Renz's face, and was replaced instead by resignation and pain. Lena reminded herself of her purpose, and tried to keep her fury strong.

Her rage was the only thing that protected her from him.

"Do you love Erich?" Renz asked softly. This question caught her off guard, and Lena had to pause for a few moments before answering.

"Erich is good. He is kind, honest, and benevolent. for him, deeply," Lena replied.

Renz surprised her as he suddenly broke into an insincere laugh.

"What's funny about that?" Lena asked. Renz looked at Lena, wrath beginning to build within him again.

"Because I knew it wouldn't take long for you to learn how to manipulate a man with your body. You don't feel for him the way you feel for me, Lena, and you know it. You are going to lie to that boy and string him along, because we both know that I own you. I've touched you in places no other man can ever even hope to approach," Renz said darkly.

His arrogance made her even more furious.

"You may have stolen my body...but you will never have a place in my heart," Lena said shakily, wondering if he realized that she was lying. The anger that continued to spread across his face indicated that he hadn't, and Lena swallowed hard, trying her very best to remain strong.

"We have something real and rare, Lena. And you're not going to find that in anyone else," Renz said.

Lena lowered her head and headed towards the door, not wanting to hear any more of his lies, his last efforts of manipulation. Her resolve was beginning to shatter, and if she didn't leave now, Lena knew that Renz would destroy her.

He grabbed her arm roughly when she grasped the door handle, and she yanked it away frantically.

"Let me go, you savage," she said firmly. His grip tightened around her, painfully, and Lena's heart raced in sudden fear. She looked up at Renz, at his increasingly mad, angry looking face. He seemed somewhat unhinged, and Lena genuinely feared for her life.

"If you leave me for him, you will be nothing more than a whore to any man," Renz said darkly.

Lena froze, heart sinking at his harsh words. She observed him one final time, hoping for a retraction, or some kind of small vision of the man that she had enjoyed over the past few days. But Lena slowly realized that that man had never really existed. Like all other slightly positive things with Renz, it was all a lie.