The Tree House

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A summer rain leads to sexy fun among the trees.
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(Author's Note: I consider this a romantic story of two committed adults. Though I think their sexy adventure is enough to satisfy those who prefer "stroke stories" be warned this isn't strictly that sort of story.

That said, I hope you enjoy it!)


"Let's go to the tree house, it's bound to be cooler there now."

Cassie smiled at Derek's words and tried to muster some enthusiasm as she shifted in her chaise longue. It was unusually hot and humid on the small island in the Puget Sound where they'd come to try and escape the heat in the city. From the shaded deck of the cabin she could see heavy clouds forming over the Olympic Mountains to the west and knew the weather would break soon. Probably with a thunderstorm and she wasn't too keen on being up in a tree when that happened.

"Sweetie, I don't know if I have the energy to walk there, much less climb the tree." Cassie replied as she grabbed the spray bottle from behind the chaise and began to mist her body with icy water.

"Oh, come on," Derek cajoled as he ran a finger up her thigh.

She was naked as a concession to the heat and had been liberally misting herself all afternoon. Derek watched the mist gather on her chest to form small trickles which ran slowly over the ample flesh of her high breasts. The sight of her had been driving him crazy with lust all day, but Derek knew his hard-on didn't have a chance of being satisfied in the oppressive heat. She'd complain it was too hot and sticky and he'd have to agree. His idea of cooling her off in the evening breeze up in the tree house then heating her up again with his mouth made his cock twitch.

"It's time for dinner. I'm gonna put a cooler together," Derek told her as he rose from his deck chair next to her.

After filling the cooler, Derek went to the bedroom and snatched the white t-shirt he'd worn for all of about an hour that day from the foot of the bed. Grabbing a bag of chips off the counter, he picked up the ice chest and headed out the door.

"Come on, babe. Put this on so you don't give a peep show to the neighbors and let's head out." He waggled his eyebrows as he tossed the t-shirt onto her stomach and headed off the deck with the ice chest.

Cassie sighed as she poked her head and arms through the shirt, knowing that she'd have to make the trek to the tree house for dinner. There weren't very many neighbors to see her from the three-acre plot of land the cabin was on, but she appreciated Derek being thoughtful enough to shield her from the wandering eyes of any beachcombers at the shore.

The tree house was set on a low cliff above the beach. And though it wasn't really a house, she'd called it that when she'd first come there years ago on family vacations and the name had stuck. Built around three trees, it was a platform about 15 feet off the ground spanning about 12 feet on each of it's three sides. A six-foot wall on the south side blocked any strong winds. The other two sides had low walls about eighteen inches high with benches built on them, creating storage space beneath. Cassie always felt safe there.

Safe enough to have slept there last night. She and Derek had arrived late in the evening and, to avoid the stuffiness of the cabin which had been closed up for a while and had no air conditioning, they'd gone there to sleep. After climbing up the rope ladder to the tree house, they'd cuddled up on the sleeping bag and stared up at the stars through the branches of the fir trees before drifting off to sleep.

They'd made love before descending from their perch in the morning. The early part of the day was spent on the beach, gathering oysters for dinner and floating on air mattresses until even the chilly waters of Puget Sound hadn't been enough to combat the sun's sizzling temperature. They'd gone back to the cabin to try to hide from the heat under the shade of the eaves.

Watching Derek head to the cliff, Cassie pulled her ponytail out of the shirt and sat up out of the shade to put on her sandals. She felt the sun beating down on her head and, grabbing her baseball cap from under the chaise, she cursed her straight raven black hair. Usually she thought it an asset, a striking frame to her pale skin and ice blue eyes, but in these conditions it soaked up the heat and she felt as if her brain was boiling. Donning the cap she went to catch up with Derek. As she neared the cliff and the grove of trees where Derek was waiting for her she finally felt the effect of the tiny breeze from the cool water. At last some relief from the heat!

Derek had his back to her as he watched the pleasure boats passing by, the breeze, which was beginning to increase, ruffling his short thick blond hair. He was a carpenter and lifted and hammered and did who knew what else during the day. Cassie did know it gave him a great physique. He was wearing only baggy swim trunks offering a view of the tanned, well-defined muscles of his back, and shoulders, arms, legs and...mmmm ... Cassie sighed at the thought of the one hard muscle she loved so much but couldn't see.

Hearing her sigh, Derek turned and gave her a high-wattage smile that nearly knocked her to the ground.

"Glad you could join me. Now climb on up and send the elevator down. I'm getting hungry," he said with a wink.

"You just want me to climb up first so you can look up my shirt!"

"You mean MY shirt. And yes, that is a bonus," Derek gloated as he leaned forward to kiss Cassie on her forehead then laid a playful slap to her bottom.

Laughing, Cassie kicked off her sandals and climbed the wooden slats of the ladder, wiggling her ass as she paused after every few steps. Derek ground his teeth as he looked up to see the roundness of that ass as it curved to meet her thighs. Even the firmness of her calves as she pushed off to the next rung of the steps made him hard with desire. He watched her until she was through the hatchway and up on the platform.

"Here it comes," Cassie soon called out as she used the pulley to lower the large box that served as an elevator.

"Okay, Cass. Time to put your muscles to work!" Derek called out after putting the cooler in the elevator.

He watched as she raised it, giving himself a minute to get control over his cock before joining Cassie in the tree house. He shook his head and chuckled. Four years together and he still couldn't help getting hard whenever she was around. As he finally climbed the ladder and poked his head through the hatch in the floor he saw Cassie pulling a bottle of beer out of the cooler and rolling it across the back of her neck. He watched the ecstasy on her face as the bottle chilled her heated body.

She removed the bottle from her neck, cracked the top off and chugged nearly half of its contents. Glancing over at him, she licked up the side of the long-necked bottle then smiled.

"Ah, Cass, what you do to me," Derek groaned, feeling his cock grow hard again as he pulled himself up.

After closing the hatch, he went past her, flicking a nipple through her shirt before leaning down and grabbing his own beer. After taking a long pull from the bottle he heard his stomach rumble and knelt down on the double sleeping bag Cassie had laid out. Reaching over he pulled the cooler closer and opened the bag of chips. Taking a handful, he munched them down quickly. Yep, he was hungry.

"Dinnertime," he announced as he patted the bag next to him.

Cassie sat cross-legged in the spot he had indicated. She popped the tops off the cartons of potato and macaroni salads, and unscrewed the lid to the hot sauce as Derek set about shucking the oysters. She reached over and grabbed the first opened shell but Derek's hand on her wrist stopped her from bringing it to her mouth.

"Patience, my love, patience. At least let me get half a dozen open so we can both start pigging out."

She stuck her tongue out at him but relinquished her hold on the shell, picked up a fork and ate some potato salad straight out of the carton. When at last Derek had finished opening eight of the oysters her patience ran out and she reached for the bottle of hot sauce with one hand and an opened oyster with the other. Splashing a few drops from the bottle on the meat in the shell she raised it and the oyster slid past her parted lips. An explosion of sensations filled her mouth. The heat from the sauce, the coolness of the flesh and the saltiness of the sea combined to make her moan in delight.

When she'd downed her fourth oyster she managed to alternate the rest between bites of the salads she shared with Derek. Finally sated after her ninth oyster she lay back, tucking a pillow under her head to watch as Derek finished the rest. The sun had gone behind the clouds over the Olympics and the long summer twilight of the Pacific Northwest began. Though, as she looked at the thickening clouds, she knew darkness would come earlier than usual. Already she could feel the temperature dropping.

Derek stacked the empty shells in a pile, reminding himself to return them to the oyster beds tomorrow. Technically they should have shucked them on the beach, but he reckoned this was close enough. He could chuck them to the beach from here but they might break and broken shells were a big no-no. Thirsty after the chips and oysters, he took a beer out of the cooler. On impulse he rolled the bottle over the soft cotton covering Cassie's breasts. She jerked and laughed. The damp patches it left on her t-shirt gave Derek a deliciously naughty idea.

He placed a light kiss on her neck and whispered, "Close your eyes."

Cassie complied. She heard Derek shuffling around and the cooler scraping against the boards. She felt him settle down on her, his knees on either side of her upper thighs.

"Now, arch your back, Cass." he said in a low voice.

When she did, she felt him tug the material of the t-shirt tight across the front of her chest as he bunched the excess beneath her.

"Lie back down. Raise your hands above your head and hold onto the handle of the cooler. Whatever happens, don't let go. Okay?"

She nodded and did as he asked. The fact she had done it without question made Derek love her even more. She trusted him completely and he would never do anything to hurt her or destroy that trust. A little surprise every now and then, however, was something different. All in the name of sexy fun. And with that thought in his mind, he popped an ice cube in his mouth, leaned down and, using his tongue to guide the ice, swirled it over her left nipple.

Cassie gripped the handle of the cooler tighter and let out a squeal as she felt the ice on her nipple. She wiggled under him, trying to move away but he had effectively pinned her with his thighs. She loved him for his imagination, and especially what it did to her body. She felt wetness pool between her thighs. The t-shirt was no barrier to the intense feeling of the ice on her nipple. Instead it enhanced the sensation, scraping against her nipple as Derek tormented her with the ice, the cold water seeping into the material around her nipple as it melted. Just as he reached for another cube, Derek felt sprinkles on his back and sat up.

"It's starting to rain."

"Let's pack up and go back to the cabin," Cassie said even as she kept her grip on the handle of the cooler.

About ready to agree, he looked down at her. As he watched, the raindrops fell fatter and faster, collecting on the white t-shirt and making small translucent patches here and there. Talk about a bust of marble! he thought. It was sculpting her, bringing her tempting body into prominence a bit at a time.

"No. Don't move. Please," Derek said. "God, you look so beautiful. It's like nature is stripping you for me."

The rain came down harder and soon the shirt was plastered to her body. Both her nipples were standing up. Even in the waning light he could see the duskiness of them. And her pussy! The dark hairs she kept so closely trimmed teased him as they emerged through the fabric. The lower tip of the triangle pointed to where he knew his cock would find a warm haven. The head of his cock touched his abdomen. If he'd been this hard before he couldn't remember it.

Cassie heard a moan and opened her eyes. The bill of her cap kept the rain from her eyes and she looked up at Derek as he straddled her. He was drenched. Rivulets streamed down his body so fast he could have been in a shower. He must have stripped when she'd had her eyes closed, because as her gaze went lower she saw he had a hand around his cock, stroking up and down, the rain acting as a lubricant. Though the rain was wetting his cock, she could see the thicker pre-cum on the tip of it and she licked her lips.

"Ohhhh, I need to taste you." she whispered.

He took in her sculpted beauty for many seconds before lowering his head to her pussy and growling out, "Me first."

He licked her through the shirt, then used his tongue to press the material into her cunt. She moaned softly as he caught the edge of the shirt in his teeth and brought the hem to her clit and pressed it down hard with his tongue. When she felt the pressure on her clit, Cassie thought the thrust of her hips would send Derek sailing across the platform. The wet rawness of the hem and the motion of his tongue had her writhing on the now-soaked sleeping bag. The memory of his rain-drenched cock had her calling out again for a taste of him. She pleaded and begged and still he tormented her with his mouth. Finally, FINALLY, he raised his mouth and gave her an impish grin.

"If it's a taste you want, a taste you shall have, my love," he conceded. "But first a real strip show."

Taking the bottom edge of the shirt in his fingers he rolled it up her body - his tongue exploring deep between her pussy lips as he kept his eyes on the skin he was exposing. The rain beaded on it and soon his desire built for a need to taste all of her. His tongue left her pussy and lapped its way up her body, stopping a while on her flat tummy so he could pay particular attention to her navel, savoring the taste of her warm skin mixed with the cool rain.

When he revealed her breasts he stopped his lapping and sat up. Her nipples were peaked to hard nubs. He stared, transfixed, as drops formed on the firm flesh and finally ran down in small streams over the roundness of her breasts. Derek bent down and laved his tongue over her nipples.

Cassie cried out as the strokes of Derek's tongue turned to suckles and light nips on her tender flesh. She felt as though a string was being drawn taut between her nipples and her clit. With each pull on her breasts, she felt an answering ache between her legs. She gripped the handle of the cooler tighter, fighting the urge to put her hands through the wet strands of his hair and press him to her. Cassie moaned in protest when Derek removed his mouth and continued rolling up the shirt.

"Let go of the handle now, Cass." he told her as he pushed the shirt over her head, taking her cap with it.

After pulling the shirt off her he rubbed her fingers and wrists to help get back lost circulation. He continued the massage as he moved up her arms to her shoulders, gently easing any aches she may have had from the relatively short time she'd been gripping the handle. Then he took her hands in his and placed each one on the outsides of her breasts.

"Push them together for me Cass, and you'll have your taste."

She smiled knowingly as she splayed her hands over her breasts and pressed them together, moving her thumbs over her distended nipples at the same time. Her chest rose and fell more quickly in anticipation of what Derek would do next and when he pushed the head of his cock at the base of breasts she let out a long sigh of pleasure. She felt his cock slide up through the warm crease of rain-slicked flesh and opened her mouth. He made a few quick strokes before pressing the crown of his cock to her lips. Despite the fading light, he could still see his fluid mixing with the rain on her lips. When she opened her mouth to envelop the head of his cock he drew back.

"Only a taste. Lick but don't suck." Derek admonished as he withdrew.

His withdrawal was no tease, it was solely to do with his own control. At the first thrust of his cock between her breasts he'd felt the heat radiating off her body. The warmth combined with the rain-soaked flesh made it feel like he was pushing into her pussy. Hot and inviting. When he'd seen her touching her own nipples, leaning her head forward, her mouth open with desire, he'd had to thrust forward to feel the touch of her lips on his cock and it had brought him close to the edge.

An image had blossomed in his mind from that touch. One of him abandoning her breasts and scooting up closer to her mouth. One of him thrusting his cock deep between her welcoming lips. Feeling the pressure on his cock as she suckled him. Her tongue on his shaft. The head of his cock finding the back of her throat. The humming of her lips on his cock as he exploded his seed into her mouth. Withdrawing to watch his cum shoot into her mouth. Shooting so hard he'd miss her mouth and spray a stream onto her face. Pushing hard into her mouth again. Watching as cum spilled out of her mouth across her lip even as she tried to swallow all of it.

Her whimpering brought him back to reality. He saw her fingers digging into her breasts as she moved them along his cock.

"Pull your breasts apart for a sec, Cass." Derek said hoarsely.

She did so and Derek let his cock lie there as the rain poured down, wetting it and Cassie's breasts. When the rain had soaked both, Derek asked Cassie to push her breasts together again. Such a different feeling, being enveloped by her breasts rather than thrusting into them. He felt the heat build in his cock and with it the need to push. He began the shallow strokes again, sliding his cock in the valley of her breasts, bringing just the tip to her tongue and mouth before retreating. Watching her as she licked her lips to taste him, he realized he was teasing himself as much as he was teasing her.

"Enough," he said in a raspy voice as he pulled his cock from her breasts and settled himself over her body.

"I need to be inside you, Cass. Deep."

As he slid his cock along the hot wet slit of her pussy, Derek felt pressure on his shoulder from Cassie's hands even as her knees rose to clench his waist. Understanding her signal, he reached his hands to cup her luscious ass and rolled over to his back taking her with him. In the dim light he could see her smiling down at him as she rose on her knees to position her honey hole on the crown of this now throbbing cock. Her hair clip had come off when he'd taken off the shirt and cap and her hair was getting wet. Long dark strands clung to her chest.

Her legs were spread wide as she knelt over him. He watched his cock disappear into her as she slowly eased onto him, just taking the head. He felt her contract her muscles on it and he let out a grunt. Apparently pleased with his reaction, she repeated it, but then eased off him before pressing down again. She carried on until Derek was clutching the soaking sleeping bag on either side of him in his fists. He let out a deep groan.

"Patience, my love, patience," Cassie teased, throwing his own words back at him.

"Or maybe you could grip the handle of the cooler," she purred as she finally pushed down to bury his cock deep inside her.

Derek knew he had to do something to keep himself from cumming right then. Gripping the handle seemed a fine idea. He only hoped he wouldn't tear it off as he watched Cassie bend back to grab hold of his ankles and start to thrust her hips in quick, shallow bursts. The angle and tightness of her pussy along his cock nearly sent him over the edge. He'd been wrong when he'd thought his cock between her hot, slick breasts was like her pussy. That was nothing compared to her hot channel as it slid up and down on him, lubricated by her equally hot thick juice.