The Vassal Academy Ch. 32


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Devon nodded. Rebecca finished her last sheet and looked at Ann and then turned to Devon. "He wants to be trained as a Dominant, and we're debating what?"

Devon looked at her for a moment and said. "How will the staff react?"

"Can we protect the girls from him? If it's his true nature?" Ann expounded.

Rebecca shrugged. "Safeword."

"What about it?" Devon asked.

Ann turned to Rebecca and said. "Not bad, if you're headed where I think you are."

"Devon, give our girls a safeword, for use on trainee Dominants. If he starts to go too far, or they think there is something, anything wrong. Safeword, and then we discuss it with him, and them." Rebecca said.

Ann nodded. "If he doesn't stop at Safeword, he's out in a flash. We'll have to back them on that."

Rebecca nodded and turned back to Ann. "Of course, we'll have to side with the slaves anyway. Even if they mistakenly misread the situation, tell them to error on the side of caution."

Devon's eyes glazed over as he considered. "Now you know why I wanted one, or both of you along."

Ann shrugged and continued discussing specifics with Rebecca.

Devon smiled and leaned back. He listened and offered comments from time to time, but right now, his guidance was not really needed. They were doing what he expected them to do. It was their nature to identify problems, and avoid them. While neither of them were up to the Machiavellian standard that he was, they were both very good.

Devon didn't let on that the idea of a safeword for the staff when training Dominants was one he'd had months ago. Instead, he let them find the answer, obvious as it was, to let them feel like they had accomplished something, and give them confidence in solving future problems, without him.

They were still discussing ideas as they arrived at Dominique's office, and were shown in. Dominique greeted them and then sent out for sandwiches to have a working lunch. "OK, before Carlos arrives, what are you all thinking about this?"

"We're thinking we need to give the staff Safewords." Devon began. Then he summarized the discussions from the train and watched Dominique for a reaction.

"OK, so it gives them a level of protection should the novice Dominant get too carried away." Dominique said.

"Yeah. I think with that in place, and the understanding that we'd side with the Slaves should a question arise, that we can train the serious student Dominants." Ann agreed.

Dominique nodded. "That brings us to this situation, is Carlos a serious student?"

"Or is he a Sadist who is out of control, or is he merely abusive and believes himself to be Dominant?" Rebecca agreed.

Dominique nodded her understanding. "That is the question Rebecca, that is the question indeed."

"Your opinion Boss?" Devon asked.

Dominique shrugged. "His story seems plausible, but I'm not the one training him, should we agree to do so. You all are."

Devon nodded. She wanted their opinions of him, to check it with her own probably.

They discussed the evolving Graduation issue with the slaves, creating a standard that should be met by the students, high enough for the accomplishment, but reachable.

"Cunt training?" Dominique asked. "The six sensor probe is the end of the line."

"Yes, but it is only achievable by one in five students. Even back in the old days, we didn't hold that one as a requirement." Devon pointed out.

"So what is the requirement for that?" Dominique asked.

"So far, we can't agree on one." Rebecca admitted. "We think that the ability to squeeze the muscles is paramount, but at what level? Some people just don't have the coordination to ripple the muscles properly."

Dominique considered. "OK, I'll put my foot down here. Three sensor minimum."

Devon indicated his acceptance with a slight bow to his head. The conversation moved along to the other subjects, and other training matters. Dominique asked about a couple items in the receipts that Devon had submitted for business expenses.

They worked through lunch, discussing dozens of issues most of which would be considered minor points, but were important to the overall operations of the Academy, present, and future.

The four were sitting and rose to greet Carlos Mendoza when he arrived. After the introductions were handled, Devon took one of the guest chairs, and Dominique kept her chair, while Rebecca and Ann took their place on a large leather couch.

"Mr. Mendoza, allow me to begin by saying that Dominique has briefed us on the conversation you had with her, and we've read the reports of the incident you experienced." Devon said.

Carlos nodded. He reached into his pocket and said. "Forgive me, I should have done this earlier. I can't imagine anything more important than this meeting." He then made a big show of turning his cellular phone off. "Now, as to the incident you mentioned. I'm not sure where I should begin."

"The beginning." Ann offered.

Carlos smiled easily. "Very well. Not quite a year ago, I met a woman, and she was intoxicating. Full of life, and very erotic. I had a image of the bondage scene, and quickly realized with her that I had no clue what it was about." Carlos shrugged. "Ignorance is not something I'm accustomed to. But I did as she directed, and suggested. Then about three months ago, she announced she was leaving me. I was boring, and I wasn't meeting her needs."

Devon nodded. "She was topping from the bottom. She was far more advanced than you were, and was waiting for you to catch up. She didn't wait long."

"No she didn't." Carlos agreed. "I don't blame her, I blamed myself. I read some stories, watched a couple movies, and began again. I began again badly."

"We can save your description of the event itself. What have you done since?" Dominique asked.

Carlos shifted. "I paid her medical bills, and arranged a payment to her through my attorney. It was very complicated as you can imagine, with lawyers, police, and even family involved, but I did what I could for her. I apologized in writing and while I wasn't happy with everything in the letter, I was satisfied she'd understand it was all I could do."

"The news report said she was in the hospital for almost a week." Ann said.

"Yes. I had hurt her very badly." Carlos said. He tightened his lips and then forced himself to relax. "I am not accustomed to being so over my head. I don't like it, and I won't accept it in myself."

"So you're here for the sake of pride?" Ann asked next.

Carlos looked at her and shook his head. "I went to University in Barcelona. I have studied with some of the best in the world. My family considers me useless, and has given me a job in the family business where I can't screw things up." He shrugged and held his hands up helplessly. "I'm the third child, and as such, I'll never be given a position of importance in the company."

"So you want to feel important?" Rebecca asked next.

He shook his head. "I want to feel what I did with Carmen. I want to feel alive. I want to have my mate kneeling before me, accepting me for who, and what I am. I want to feel as though I've earned that level of respect, of love?"

"What mistakes did you make on the night of the incident? What lessons were learned at what we'll agree was too high of a cost?" Devon asked.

"I was drinking, and as such, was not in control of myself. If I am not in control of myself, I can't be in control of the situation." Carlos said.

"Anything else?" Ann asked.

Carlos looked right at her and said. "I had no idea what I was doing. I was for all intents and purposes, the same as a child with a gun, ignorant of its dangers, and utterly unaware the danger I was putting others in. I want to play with others, but I want to do so with a great deal more knowledge than I have now."

"Mr. Mendoza, we'd like to take a few minutes and discuss this amongst ourselves. If you'll excuse us for a few minutes? Perhaps get yourself a cup of coffee?" Dominique invited as politely as possible.

As Carlos headed for the door Rebecca stood and escorted him politely. She closed the door behind him and turned and took his chair. "OK, I've got no real issues with him. Ann?"

Ann shook her head. "No, he's a stiff upper lip guy, but he is upset about hurting her, and determined not to make the mistake again."

"How about the slaves?" Devon asked suspecting the answer.

"We give them the safeword, tell them to use it the moment they feel any hesitation, and remember he's far less experienced than they are." Rebecca said. "They'll go for it."

"They know we run a school, and we're there to teach." Ann agreed.

"So you don't foresee any problems?" Dominique asked.

"Sure there will be problems." Ann countered. "Of course there will be. However, the basic safety should satisfy the slaves, and we'll know if he genuine in his desire to learn, and understand the life better in very short order. If he isn't, we'll throw his ass out the door."

Devon had been silent. "It leaves some questions to be addressed, like when do we let him sample the slaves? Do we give him authority to call them to his room?"

"Figures, leave it to Devon to worry about the guy getting laid." Ann said chuckling.

"Let's deal with that in a day or two, after we get a feel on the type of person he is." Rebecca countered.

"Second question." Ann offered. "Sarah will be coming next week, is there a problem with Sarah and Carlos being at the Academy together?"

Devon raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips. "No, they're both students."

"She's terrified of being identified." Ann pointed out.

"I know." Devon agreed. "But she'll look like the slaves. No make up, no hair done up. She won't look like she has in photographs, so recognizing her will be unlikely."

"Devon, call Sarah and tell her that we wished to let her know there will be other students at the Academy, and that our research has shown that she is not associated with any of them, and we consider it highly unlikely that any would recognize her." Dominique settled that issue. "If she wants names, then give her one or two."

Devon nodded. "No problem Boss."

"So we train Carlos?" Ann asked to insure they were all on the same sheet of music.

"Yes." Dominique said. "Let's get some of his money."

Everyone chuckled. Ann stood and walked to the door and then out of it. She returned in a minute with Carlos in tow. "Mr. Mendoza, we've discussed your request and our ability to meet your needs." Dominique began.

"I hope the decision was favorable." Carlos said easily.

"It is." Devon confirmed. "You said that you're available immediately, is that correct?"

"Yes." Carlos confirmed. "Thank you for agreeing to train me."

Devon gave instructions on how to reach the Academy and said. "Please come up tomorrow, and we'll be ready to begin your training."

A few more details were worked out and Carlos handed over the all-important blue rectangle of paper with the agreed upon fee written in the box.

Carlos left shortly after getting the instructions on how to arrive at the Academy, and what would be expected of him.

Rebecca yawned and stretched on the couch next to Ann. "Devon, please tell me we're not going clubbing tonight."

"Nope." Devon said. "We're going home. We have to prepare the staff for Carlos, and we have to plan his first day or two of training."

"How do you want to begin?" Ann asked as she stood up.

"Test him." Devon said. "Let's find out if he's alert, and attentive enough to read the subtleties of our girls. That should tell us what we have to work with. Is he potentially an artist? Or is he a ham handed paint slopping fool?"

On the train ride back home, they discussed the potential training ideas, and when they arrived back at the Academy the discussions were in full swing.

Soon dinner was full of ideas, as the Trainers ate and considered. After Dinner, Devon reluctantly agreed to a staff meeting. After gathering the slaves in the conference room, and ushering them into chairs at the table Devon took his place.

After describing the situation, Devon looked carefully at the slaves, and then looked at Ann. Ann took the cue without comment. "OK, so you know the situation, he's made a mistake before, or what he says is a mistake. You are to understand this, we want you to use the safeword if you feel any reason to. You are helping us, to train him. Don't for a second let him hurt you, or progress if he's not doing something right."

"If you resist the safeword, you're not helping him." Devon said. "You're not stopping a bad habit he has, and you are not serving us." Devon looked significantly at Jeannette as he said this. She had refused to use the safeword, and would be most reluctant to use it in the future.

"Mistress?" Geneva asked.

"Yes Geneva." Ann replied.

"Mistress, are we teaching him to be a trainer? Or are we teaching him to be a Master?"

Ann smiled. Saying a silent prayer of thanks to Geneva for understanding and asking for clarification. "We're teaching him the art of Domination. Not to be a trainer here, or anywhere like here, but to be a Dominant with whatever submissive's he finds later."

"OK." Geneva said.

"Girls, this is a first, and I know it's unclear right now. That's fine, because we've never done this either." Devon interjected. "We'll be firming up the plan as we go along, planning out his training, like we do with others, and you all."

"Devon, if I may?" Rebecca asked. She stood at his nod and walked around the table to face the slaves more directly. "Listen to me. He believes he's a dominant at heart. I've met him, I think so too. He's ignorant of what you all are like, and what you all need. He doesn't know what a Dominant is supposed to do. His first submissive was very experienced, and topped from the bottom, told him what to do." She got nods of understanding. "This makes our job difficult, because it created an image for him, that the lifestyle isn't really like. We have to unlearn that in him, and then create the foundation of a solid dominant so he can begin again. He can then go forward, with a better understanding of his responsibilities, and his duty as a dominant."

"Use the safeword, freely if you will, so you can help us, help him become a better dominant." Devon concluded.

The meeting broke up and Devon retired upstairs to think.

In the morning, he had instructions for Jeannette, and he woke early to stop her from getting her secretary cloths on. He told her to get into a slave dress, and then do everything else like normal, no make up or underwear though.

Jeannette obeyed, and spent the time she would have getting her hair and make up done getting briefed on what Master expected from her. It would be difficult, and would require a great deal of effort on her behalf, but she would obey, because it was Master's wish.

Devon went to breakfast, and Ann giggled at the image Devon described for Carlo's first test. "Devon, you are truly a manipulative bastard you know that?"

Devon smiled. "I presume that means you believe this test will be instructive, and entertaining?"

Ann shook her head and stood up. "Devon, I'm going to work now. Diane is with me this morning in Massage." She stopped at the door. "Andre, you're not busy, would you care to join me?"

"Certainly Ann." Andre said and stood to follow her. They would coach Diane to bring more delicacy out of her in the art of Massage.

Devon went to the office and saw Jeannette had all the morning start up completed. He sat at his desk and started his routine.

"Master Devon?" Jeannette said an hour and a half later. "The gate called, Carlos Mendoza is on his way in now."

"Excellent Jeannette, just as we discussed."

"Yes Master." Jeannette confirmed.

Carlos stepped from the cab and moved automatically towards the trunk where his luggage had made the trip from the train station. He watched as the cabby opened the trunk and then turned to find two women who were both wearing matching linen dresses. They barely covered the women, and were nearly transparent. Almost lost was the collars worn by the ladies. One was a bright red with a gold tag dangling, the other a bright blue. Carlos blinked at the women and his stunned state was mirrored by the cab driver.

"Greetings Mr. Mendoza, I'm Jeannette, and this is Diane." A third woman came hustling down the steps. "If you'll come with me, they'll see to your luggage sir."

Carlos followed Jeannette and glanced over his shoulder. The second woman was grabbing some of the luggage as well. They first organized the bags on the curb and then Carlos realized belatedly that he hadn't paid the cab driver yet. Turning back he said. "One moment, the driver."

After seeing to the cab driver, he turned and found Jeannette near the top of the stairs, and was fascinated to see her clean shaven pussy from below. Jeannette, slave of lore and legend, was right at the top of the stairs, clearly visible beneath the hem of the shift/dress thing was a clean-shaven pussy. He smiled in anticipation and nearly licked his lips.

Jeannette on the other hand, had a knowing smile as he approached and said. "If you'll follow me sir, I'll take you to Master Devon."

She knows I was looking, and she's smiling, and happy that I was looking at her sex. She saw my smile, and she liked that I liked what I was looking at. What an astounding woman. What a truly astounding place this is. Strippers pretend to enjoy your eyes upon them, but Jeannette apparently truly enjoys my gaze upon her.

After shaking Devon's hand, he sat in the guest chair and was walked through the documents. In the space for "Safeword" the word Orange was already entered. "Orange is to be my safeword?"

"No, that's the word the staff will use with you." Devon said. "If one of the slaves uses that word, you are to stop whatever you're doing right then, and then listen to the slave, or get one of the trainers to discuss the situation with you. It will be used whenever we think you have started on a path which is not conductive to a safe, and sustainable future in this lifestyle."

"So Jeannette will be teaching me?" Carlos asked glancing again at the nearly nude, and extremely lovely Jeannette.

"She's one of those who will be working with you." Devon said. "We'll all be teaching you."

Carlos nodded and put his signature on the line provided, and then returned the documents to Devon.

"OK, Diane and Geneva are putting your clothing away now, if you'd like to check on that, or freshen up for a moment, Jeannette will take you on a tour when you're ready." Devon said.

"I think I'm ready for the tour." Carlos said.

Jeannette stood gracefully and said. "If you'll come with me Master, I'll show you around."

Carlos followed Jeannette to the central area, and across to the hallway on this level. He glanced in at each room as Jeannette described what kind of training went on in each classroom. As they approached the stairs Jeannette said. "Downstairs is the Dungeon, and we'll be taking you down there from time to time. Upstairs is the sleeping and sleep training. Come on Dude, let's check out the sleeping wing."

Carlos almost missed it. Dude? It had been Master when they left the office, and "Sir" when they'd gotten to Massage. Now it was Dude?

He posture also started to change subtly. If he had to attach a word to her behavior now, it would be insolent.

"So these are the sleeping rooms for the slave trainee's." Jeannette waved as she strolled by the rooms. "Nothing much to see here."

He glanced in at the rooms as he passed by. A futon and a chain was the only adornment he could see as she breezed down the hallway.

"Ok back to the central area. That's the kitchen, Josh and Crystal are probably in there listening to music. Probably not doing anything else, since Josh is like totally gay. If you want to suck a cock, he'll probably let you." Jeannette strode into the office area. "The trainer are in there." She pointed. "And that brings us back to Master Devon."