Touch of the Wolf

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Grey-hawk finally thinks it time to get Cass.
3.7k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 10/21/2008
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Author's note: All characters and companies mentioned in this story have no existence outside the imagination of the author, and have no relation whatsoever to anyone or anything bearing the same name or names. Events portrayed in this story are pure invention and are not been based on any events that have happen in real life. All the characters involved in any sexual acts if their ages are not mentioned before hand; are over 18 years of age. Enjoy.


Hi everyone

Here it is, I hope you all enjoy. All feed back and comments are welcomed.

Just so you know, Touch of the Wolf is a sequel of Kiss of the Moon, it is recommended to read Kiss of the Moon before reading this story

Also big thanks to my editor.

Have fun

Part One

Grey-hawk walked into the Were relations building and signed in at the front desk.

The clerk rang through the appointment. The clerk nodded and turned to Grey-hawk. "Floor…"

"I know the way." Grey-hawk told him as he walked away.

He got into the lift and went up. He ran his hands impatiently through his brown hair as he watched the numbers tick over. He had been surprised that Amy had gone back to work so soon after the names of the cubs had become public, but he had jumped at the lunch invitation with Amy and Wolfgang. He had decided not to dress in a full suit today, he was having lunch with friends; he wore a pair of navy pants and a black cashmere sweater.

As the doors slid open on his floor, he attemped to slide pass the other bodies without bumping people, noting the looks of sexual appreciation from almost all of the women and even a few of the men in the lift. He turned left and walked through another set of doors. Amy's secretary glanced up and smiled.

If Grey-hawk hadn't been totally besotted with Cass he may had tried to get close to Shannon.

"Hello Grey-hawk, it's been a while." Shannon commented; her voice was tinted with a very slight northern Irish accent. Her red hair fell past her shoulders in a tumble of waves and curls. Her skin was fair, with a gentle sprinkling of freckles across her nose. Her green eyes were a shade off being deep emerald green that one could loose themselves in. Her curves were luscious, leading to the promise of being firm but incredibly soft, and her lips were every man's wet dream.

"Yes, Shannon it has. What with an attempt on my authority and Amy having the cubs." Grey-hawk told her. He honestly liked all of the people Amy had surrounded herself with. Shannon was human but rumour has it she wouldn't be for much longer if Roberto finally got his way with her.

"Did you get that problem under control?" Shannon asked politely.

Grey-hawk nodded. "Yes… mind you the moment they knew their assassination plan had surfaced and Wolfgang was going to come to aid me to put a stop to it, they gave up and killed themselves for their foiled attempt but as that is our way, they were burned to be reborn." Grey-hawk informed her.

He had been truly hurt when Amy warned him of the plot against his life. He had tried to model his pack into a trusting one, similar to the one Wolfgang has. In the end though, his hurt had gone deeper. It was his closest friend who had planned his death. He didn't think he would ever recover from that kind of betrayal, Scott had been the closest thing to a brother for him. They had been raised together much like Gillian and Wolfgang had, how had it gone so wrong? He had been beating himself up over this ever since he had Scott killed for his part in the coup.

He blinked and sighed. "Are they in there?" He asked.

Shannon nodded and immediately groaned as Roberto walked in. "I thought I told you to never come near me," she told Roberto, a flash of her fiery temperament coming to the surface.

Roberto went to speak.

"Don't you dare lie to me," Shannon told him. "You have no business here other than to give me grief." She continued her outburst.

"I…" Roberto was reeling with the unexpected fiery attack of the woman he couldn't get out of his mind.

Wolfgang walked out of Amy's office and into the middle of their fight, he was cradling one of his daughters. "Shannon…" He said asking for an explanation.

"Tell him to leave me alone before I report him for stalking." She informed Wolfgang.

He rolled his eyes and walked back into the office, followed quickly by Grey-hawk who didn't want to be around to watch the fur fly so to speak.

Shannon glared at Roberto and stood to do some filing. He watched her every movement. He felt his Wolf rise wanting to grab her, to throw her over his shoulder and take her to the nearest room to have his way with her. The sight of her curves that were barely contained by the form-hugging outfit only added fuel to his raging desire.

She slammed the cabinet closed and spun towards him. "Get out of my office and leave me alone."

"I can't." He told her. How could he explain that his Wolf wouldn't let him leave her alone, that the wolf had its eyes set on her, that nothing mattered but claiming her as his mate.

"Yes you can. It's easy go back to your country and forget me." She told him firmly.

"It's as not as easy as that…" He told her.

"Leave me alone." She told him fiercely.

He frowned and stepped forward. "Why?" he asked.

"Because I'm claimed." She told him the half lie. It wasn't exactly a lie; she had a boy friend, kind of.

His wolf threatened dire retribution for his rival but Roberto knew he had to back off.

"Shannon… my wolf doesn't even have to smell you to know you and I are meant to be." He told her before he left.

She sat before her shaky legs gave on her, she wondered briefly if she had done the right thing.


Grey-hawk smiled at Amy who had just finished nursing her son. Grey-hawk noticed the little girl on the couch chewing on a wet cloth and cast Amy an inquiring look. She nodded giving him permission to touch and pick her up.

Grey-hawk knew better then to just go and pick up any cub under a year old without permission from the mother. In the first year of life, a cub was guarded, as it was considered venerable. Ninety percent of Were cubs died in their first year of life. However after they become a yearling, the mortality risk was reduced to five percent.

He carefully picked up Serenity and cradled her in his arms. "You're as beautiful as your mother." Grey-hawk told her.

"Grey, she's too young for you." Amy teased.

Grey-hawk chuckled and sat. "How are the girls?" He asked.

"Maria has moved in with Anna for now, Anna is trying to get her out of her comfort zone. Electra has finished her training with the FBI, she has been stationed in LA for the moment. Alanna is doing her junior year and Sage has just started her freshman year at the same school." Amy told him.

"But she's what...11?" Grey-hawk asked.

Wolfgang snorted. "Try thirteen… fourteen in January."

Grey-hawk rolled his eyes; Sage was the hardest person he knew to age, she had shot up over the last year, and now stood a little less than seven feet tall but had yet to acquire her womanly growth. Considering her father, Dominic, was eight and a half feet tall, no one knew exactly how tall she would become.

"Becky?" Grey-hawk asked.

"Has moved to Scotland to be with Terri." Amy answered.

Grey-hawk smirked. "When is the mating ceremony going to be declared?"

Amy chuckled. "The elders have decided against a full mating ceremony…"

"Terri is Alpha it doesn't matter that she's gay, if she takes a mate she has to declare it." Grey-hawk stated.

"Will you go?" Wolfgang asked.

"I don't have to; I watched them when they were at your mating." Grey-hawk remembered walking into one of the few rooms, which hadn't been converted and watched as Terri took Becky. It had been wild and erotic and he hadn't been the only one who had witnessed the act. Terri had been all over Becky the moment she spotted Becky with Amy. She had been interested in Becky ever since she saw photos after the rogues had been caught and the Worlds Alphas had been called in.

"I don't think the other Alphas will want another big gathering." Wolfgang stated. "They met Becky; it's not as if someone new and unknown is joining the ranks. Besides I think they would be more interested in whoever you or Roberto mate." Wolfgang added.

"Stop rubbing salt into old wounds" Grey-hawk grumbled. "There are only four un-mated Alpha's left; two wolves, one hawk and one snow leopard."

Amy chuckled. "You make it sound like you're a dying breed."

"We are. With Terri firmly tied to Becky, the elders are pushing harder than ever to see the last few Alphas settle down." Grey-hawk complained.

Wolfgang frowned. "But I thought you wanted to settle down."

"I do…" Grey-hawk responded.

"Then why complain?" Amy asked.

"My Elders have been throwing women into my bedroom while I sleep, hoping that one will spark the interest of my Wolf." Grey-hawk explained as he laid Serenity across his knees.

Cass walked into the room. Grey-hawk's head immediately whipped around to see her. Wolfgang chuckled as Grey-hawk followed Cass's movements as she walked up to Amy. Cass lent down to get Amy to sign some papers. His eyes travelled up Cass's long shapely legs, the hem of her skirt riding up higher and higher, exposing her creamy thighs to his view.

Grey-hawk's wolf rose up from his daytime darkness as Cass stood and walked off. Cass walked by him, her legs almost brushing his knees. Grey-hawk wanted to reach out and grab her, pulling her into his lap and burried his head at the junction of her neck and shoulder.

Serenity reached up, grabbed Cass's skirt as if reading Grey-hawk's mind, and pulled the cloth to her mouth to chew on. Cass turned back.

"Serenity how many times do I have to tell you my skirts are not chew toys?" Cass told her gently as she tried to free her skirt from Serenity's strong grip.

Amy chuckled. "How many times do I have to tell you that they are part cat, anything that moves, they instantly want to attack. They are teething so chewing what they can is normal."

Cass had to use Grey-hawk for support so she could free her skirt. Serenity tugged on the skirt forcefully, upsetting Cass's balance. Grey-hawk caught her hips to help her retain her balance. Cass blushed as his hand had found its way accidentally under her blouse.

Serenity tugged on the skirt again upsetting Cass's balance further. She slid off Grey-hawk's knees and onto the couch, dragging the skirt with her as she went. She used a little of her telekinetic abilities to help push Cass that little further. Cass finally toppled into Grey-hawk's body twisting as she went. Grey-hawk's arms reached out to catch her and keep Serenity safe from the falling body.

Grey-hawk grunted as her knee ground into his privates. Cass went pale as she realised what she had done and tried to get up but Serenity still had her skirt and was chewing away at it which caused her to trip again. Grey-hawk grunted as her knee found another direct hit. Grey-hawk wrapped his arms around her to hold her still.

Amy and Wolfgang's laughter rose above Cass's apologies.

"Hold still woman." Grey-hawk growled.

Cass stopped moving much to Grey-hawk's relief. His wolf didn't care about the slight pain caused to his groin; he swamped Grey-hawk's senses, taking over. The wolf growled gently as it buried his nose against her neck; it took a deep breath. Cass whimpered gently as his tongue snaked out and tasted her skin, feeling the first stirring of desire for him.

Mine. His wolf declared; he wanted to bear her down, make love to her, bite her and mark her as his.

Amy gently pulled Serenity from Cass's skirt. Wolfgang went to help Cass up but backed away when Grey-hawk's yellow eyes turned to him. Wolfgang knew the wolf was in control of his body, as normally Grey-hawk's eyes were hazel.

Grey-hawk growled and pulled her closer. Cass knew better than to fight or struggle, she had witnessed how possessive some could be, had seen Terri nearly tear another woman to shreds because she had merely looked at Becky.

Grey-hawk shifted her in his arms. He ran his nose up her throat, growling softly, seductively against her throat. He gently bit her, again she whimpered as desire shot through her like she had touched a live wire.

"Grey-hawk…" She said gently. "Stop." She told him firmly, hoping that being firm with him would push the wolf back and let the man she admired return.

Grey-hawk's growl grew, he didn't want to stop.

"Stop." Cass told him again, she didn't want things to move this quickly, a year ago flashed in her mind for a moment. She forced those memories back, she never wanted to remember that day again.

Grey-hawk ignored her, pulled her lips to his lips, and kissed her deeply. She tried to break the kiss, to talk his wolf down. Her hands fisted against his chest to push away. His hand fisted in her hair to keep her lips firmly to his. His wolf had paid attention to his human side; he knew how to seduce this woman into being his.

Amy and Wolfgang glanced at each other wondering if they should jump in and help Cass or just let this run its course.

Grey-hawk parted her lips with his tongue to taste the insides of her mouth. Cass's fisted hands splayed against the firm muscles of his chest, no longer wanting to push away but needing the stability. She could feel the heat and sexual energy emanating from him through the palms of her hands, she relaxed her arms bringing their chests together. Her nipples hardened as they rubbed against his sweater through her silk blouse. Her moan of desire was swallowed by him.

Shannon walked in, wondering why they were still here. Her jaw dropped as she watched Cass's fingers tangle in Grey-hawk's hair. Amy and Wolfgang turned to her. Amy arched her eye-brow at her stunned mullet look. Shannon had seen more than a little heavy patting in this room. Amy was almost certain the triplets were conceived on her desk or it might have been her couch or it could have been the coffee table and she had walked in on Amy and Wolfgang more than once.

"Do you want me to cancel your reservation and order in or are you going?" Shannon asked.

"Depends on them." Wolfgang stated.

Cass finally managed to tear her lips from Grey-hawk; she tilted her head back and took several deep breaths, her lungs were burning as she had stopped breathing. His lips fastened on her throat nibbling, kissing and biting the delicate flesh. She gasped and squirmed as every gentle nip sent an answering quiver in her sex.

"GREY-HAWK." She squealed as his hands dove into her clothes.

"Come on, not in front of the children." Amy demanded.

"Mine." He growled.

"Yes yours, now let her go for now and let's eat." Wolfgang said hoping to get Grey-hawk back in control of his body.

Grey-hawk growled and rubbed his arousal against her thigh, he didn't want to be talking down. What he wanted was to bear her down to the couch and make love to her.

Amy turned to Wolfgang. "I don't remember you acting like this." She commented.

"You wouldn't let me, besides; I practically had you to myself." Wolfgang reminded her.


Grey-hawk paced in his hotel room. What had he done, he berated himself. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration; he mentally glared at his wolf whose tongue was lolling out of his mouth between sharp teeth, thoroughly pleased with himself and his actions earlier that day.

You could have ruined it for us. He told his other half. Do you remember the first time we saw her. Grey-hawk reminded his wolf.

His Wolf's relaxed manner evaporated, his hackles were up his teeth bared as a menacing growl rumbled from deep in his chest. He remembered. Just the thought of someone touching her, hurting her was enough to make him want to bite and tear that person to shreds.

You could have turned her away, made her afraid of us, we have to be slow with her, get her to trust us. We aren't like the men who raped her. Grey-hawk cautioned.

His wolf's ears went back and his tail went between his legs as he whined. He hadn't meant to be so demanding but as a wolf he was opportunistic, the opportunity presented to show her how he felt and he took it. He didn't really understand slow courtship, if he wanted someone to be his mate he would simply take them.

Grey-hawk flopped onto his bed and stared at the ceiling wondering if he had ruined his only chance. When he had finally gotten control, Cass had been hesitant to be near him or alone with him. He groaned as he remembered her body pressed almost wantonly against his, her whimpers and groans filled his ears. He tried not to close his eyes and basked in what had happened.

His private doorbell rung as all the rooms in this Were-run hotel were sound proofed. He groaned and rolled to his feet and answered the door. Amy pushed Cass into the room and vanished.

Cass glared at the spot Amy had been then turned to Grey-hawk. She gulped as her eyes roamed over him. He had kicked off his shoes and socks and had removed his belt so his pants hung low on his hips. He had replaced his jumper with an open shirt but hadn't bothered to button close. Firm muscles met her eyes, as did a wide expanse of lightly tanned skin; a small line of hair began just below his navel and travelled down into his pants. She made her eyes go up, stubble growth and tussled hair gave him a rough roguish air.

Cass gulped. She had not expected this to happen, she hadn't expected what had happened his afternoon, she had not expected Amy to vanish on her instead of helping her and she hadn't expected the urge to wrap her body around his, to touch everything, to learn him.

"Cass." Grey-hawk said carefully as he stepped away from the door giving her the choice to run or to stay.

"Grey-hawk… I…" Cass had planned what she had wanted to tell him but now that she was confronted with his raw male magnetism, the words had just vanished from her mind. She knew it had something to do with going slow, about getting to know one another but at the moment, all she could think about was his kiss and his touch, of him showing her love. Of his bite.

"It's okay Cass, I get it, I'm sorry about this afternoon, I was not myself and I can understand if you never want to see me again." Grey-hawk said gently. It pained him to think she might never want him as much as he wanted… no, how much he needed her.

"Actually I came to ask you to dinner since Wolfgang and Amy gave up their reservation at Inspirations, freeing their table for us." Cass asked shyly, she had never asked a man out before and she felt almost silly.

Grey-hawk watched her for a moment then smiled. "How long have we got?"

"Reservation is at eight," Cass checked her watch. "Forty minutes tops." Grey-hawk nodded and practically ran to the bathroom to quickly shower and shave.

Cass sat on the bed and waited after she closed the door. Grey-hawk walked out ten minutes later, a towel wrapped around his narrow waist only just covering his maleness from her. He used another towel to vigorously dry his hair as he walked to his wardrobe. He opened it and glanced in, wondering what to wear.

Cass's breath had caught in shock as she watched small drips of water run down his firmly muscled back. Her eyes roamed across his back, spotting scars that marred its perfection. There were four long gashes that were still in the process of healing; Cass knew they had come recently during a fight. Other scars were older; she wanted to run her hands up his back and to feel those scars against her fingertips, to learn him. Several scars she remembered because she herself had remove hunks of shrapnel from his back. If they had been removed sooner, he wouldn't have scarred but he had left them until after the battle was over.