Training Kelli Ch. 02

Story Info
Young woman moves in with husband and wife for some fun.
6.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/16/2022
Created 02/13/2011
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**** Dear Reader, Thanks for the great feedback from Pt. 1 of Training Kelli. I truly appreciate your votes, emails and comments; that is how I decide which stories to continue.

As always, all characters are at least 18 years of age and have given consent for their story to be told. Thanks, again! XO Vanessa


My husband Bru and I had been making love like newlyweds since my new assistant Kelli had moved in with us one month ago. The boost it gave to our already incredible sex life was amazing. My husband was constantly excited by this hot young girl prancing around our home in short skirts and high heels. I smiled to myself as I thought about how perfect this was! My plan was working and we were all likely to reap the benefits!

In fact, I had run an ad in the "personals section" of our local newspaper five weeks ago. Unbeknownst to my hubby, my goal was to find a young, innocent girl who wanted to learn the ways of lovemaking from "a hot married couple". When Kelli answered my ad, I thought I had died and gone to heaven! She was exactly what I had been looking for ~ young, hot, innocent and totally sweet.

Last night, as we were making love, Bru had admitted to me that he and Kelli had fooled around out beside our pool as he was rubbing suntan oil all over her body. The visualization of this got me excited because the thought of their beautiful bodies entwined has been on my mind since the minute I saw cute young Kelli.

The relationship between the three of us deepened as the weeks flew by and got even hotter after his "confession". Immediately after Bru told me that they had already progressed to the act of physical intimacy, I confessed that my plan was for them to eventually have sex on a regular basis. Although my husband was a bit shocked by my admission, he had known throughout our marriage that I wanted to watch him have sex with another woman. He wasn't angry or upset with me and I felt extreme relief now that the cat was out of the proverbial bag.

I realized that not telling Bru could have been a huge tactical error on my part. For the past several weeks, as I prepared Kelli mentally for the experience, I had occasional pangs of guilt over not being totally honest with him. I forgave myself as I realized there was no "right" way to go about setting up your husband with another girl; it just isn't textbook stuff nor do most relationship experts promote adding a third partner as a means to a healthier marriage. Knowing my husband, this was something that we could all enjoy without fear of the traditional consequences. He is an honest, faithful and kind man.

I figured it was time for a serious talk between the three of us to determine where this triad was headed.

We all had fun together and Kelli had become one of the family, in a sense. I clearly was Bru's wife and there was never a time that I doubted his love. If I had, I would have put a stop to all of this before it began! I knew I was on to something immediately after Kelli moved in; however, this morning I realized that the reality of this situation was even more erotic than I anticipated. For example, this morning he gave me a passionate kiss before he left for work and he also hugged and kissed Kelli in a slightly less passionate embrace. She was glowing from finally having his attention. For my part, I had to go change my panties as I was dripping wet just from the sight of them touching. Each time he brushed against her body as we moved about the kitchen preparing for our workday, I felt shivers throughout my own body. I vividly imagined watching him explore this beauty with his hands, his tongue, and his lips!

Before he was out the door, I said, "Honey, what time will you be home tonight?" He answered, "Whatever time you tell me to be home, love!" He was grinning from ear to ear because he knew that I had planned a special night for the three of us.

I invited both of them to a special dinner to clarify everyone's expectations. I wanted all of us to be clear on the rules. I am a therapist by trade, but I love to cook for my family and friends, so I guess it was natural that I would do things this way. Bru always says that I show my love by cooking for people. Hey, I'm Italian....that's what we do!

I told Kelli that we were taking the afternoon off to go shopping, both for dinner and for special outfits to entice Bru with tonight. Surprisingly, Kelli had become a very competent assistant as I worked on my latest book. But, today, since this was a special occasion, I felt we could take a break from work. I had no client's scheduled for the day, so it was me and Kelli with my credit cards and no limit!

After our shopping expedition, Kelli helped me by setting the dining room table as I prepared a delicious stuffed mushroom appetizer and shrimp scampi for dinner. As I tossed the huge Cesar salad I was crafting, our dessert was cooling in the fridge. I made Bru's favorite Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake for a sensual treat. Now, if you are preparing for a night of lovemaking, this isn't the menu to choose as it's a bit heavy. But, my intention was for this night to be a celebration of what was to come in our future. I wanted Kelli to know that she was welcome in our home and invited to share in our sex life; however, it was imperative that I stake my claim as Bru's wife and the woman of the house. Our roles needed to be clearly defined.

After our preparations were complete, I decided that now was the time to pamper myself a bit. I admit to being a tad nervous about the evening. As I sat in my huge whirlpool tub in the master suite, I allowed myself to relax a little. I knew this was an important step in our relationship with Kelli, but, even in the worst case scenario, I knew we had made a good friend.

Meanwhile, down the hall, Kelli was preparing herself for the evening with the new potions I had purchased for her at my favorite department store. She deserved to be treated like a princess...after all, we were Bru's girls and he made plenty of money to care for both of us. I made a decent living, too, so money was not an issue in our household. I treated each of us to a mani/pedi, a Brazilian waxing and a hair trim with full blow out at the mall. We both wanted to look our best and part of my job was to teach Kelli to be well manicured in all areas all of the time!

As I put on some makeup, my thoughts drifted all over the place. Deep down, I was confident that this would be good for the three of us. This evening was going to make or break the fantasy that we had all been holding on to for the past month. Would we all be able to come to terms with our feelings? I had no idea, but I really wanted to try. It was something I had been planning for a very long time and I felt that the best way to handle this was with total honesty. Regardless of what actually took place, we would have a better understanding of one another and that was important in all relationships.

I smoothed Philosophy's Amazing Grace body lotion all over my body and then lightly sprayed some perfume of the same scent onto my pulse points. I took care in pulling up my silky black stockings and slipped into my short black skirt. My bra and panties were a matching set in very expensive silk with lacey edging.

In fact, during our shopping expedition, I picked up several sets of French lace panties and with matching sexy bras for Kelli, too. If we were going to be revving up our sex lives, we had to go all the way. Another of my goals was to teach Kelli all about the art of being sexy and seductive by taking good care of the mind, body and soul (in fact, this was the premise of my new book!).

I heard the Bru and Kelli already talking downstairs and I felt my heart racing. I was ready to have this discussion and, although the bath had calmed me considerably, I still felt a bit anxious about our outcome. Downing the last of my Chardonnay, I was ready to face the evening. With one last glance in the mirror, I smiled and left my bedroom.

Kelli dressed exactly as I had asked her to; she wore a skirt even shorter than mine with a button down white top over her lacy French cut demi-bra. We both sported killer heels (some call them fuck-me pumps!). Her hair was wavy and, although she's a blonde and I'm a brunette, looked very much like the style I and wild! In short, she looked like every man's dream! She was smokin' hot and had a killer body. I realized, she was my dream, too. God, how I wanted to see her tight little body writhing under my husband's hard muscular one! If I played my cards right, it could happen soon...over and over again!

Kelli had taken the initiative and the candles were already flickering on the dining room table; she was a bright girl and learned quickly. I found this promising! She was likely to be very receptive to our tutoring of her in all things sexual and sensual. I knew we were off to a great start!

"Babe, you look good enough to eat!" declared my husband as I descended the staircase. "You've both gone to a lot of trouble this evening and I truly appreciate it. Having dinner with two beautiful women is something most men only dream of!"

I saw Kelli glowing with his praise so I encouraged him. "Honey, what do you think of Kelli's new perfume? You may have to get closer because she's learned to put it on lightly."

Bru quickly walked over to her and gently pushed her wavy blonde hair behind her ears. Looking into her pretty blue eyes, he said, "Kelli, you look amazing. I am going to get close to your neck because I am intrigued by the soft scent you are wearing." It was not a request, but a gentle acknowledgement of what he planned to do. She needed to know that if she agreed to our offer, Bru was going to be the boss. We didn't exactly practice BDSM, but he was definitely in control during sex and would be having a massive and powerful role in our new friend's sex education.

Bru loved a woman who took direction and was enthusiastic. During the past few weeks, I had been warming Kelli up for his style. She seemed a bit submissive, like me, and would do nicely, I had decided. She was extremely complaint, but was willing to express her desires. That is what I wanted and what Bru craved badly...a girl who would take direction, but was relaxed enough to enjoy the experience.

His first wife was compliant, but hated sex. I, on the other hand, have a very strong sex drive and I am always willing to do as he directs. I also have a few ideas of my own, as you can see, so it isn't a D/s relationship at all. Kelli would be taught about lovemaking, but in a caring, direct manner. She would always know what was expected of her and we wouldn't play head games, but would command the respect we deserve as her tutors and mentors.

Kelli was blushing as Bru gently brushed his lips against her soft delicate neckline. She had done as instructed and we were both pleased with her. "You smell heavenly, sweetheart. I love that scent on you!"

"Okay, enough sniffing each other! Dinner is served", I said.

Dinner was a smashing success and, after a few glasses of wine, we were nice and relaxed. We retreated into the living room where I served our dessert on small monogrammed plates. I cut small slivers for Kelli and me because it was rich and high calorie. Bru, having no issues with watching his caloric intake, was served a nice slice of the decadent chocolate cheesecake.

"Honey, this cheesecake is superb and dinner was amazing! Now, I suppose we should get right to our discussion since this lovely meal has come to an end", Bru began.

We told Kelli that we enjoyed having her live with us and explained the rules of the game. Bru and I were, and would remain, husband and wife. Kelli was going to be our student and we were going to instruct her. We reminded her that we deeply cared for her, but would be fairly strict with her training...for her own good, of course! Kelli was told that she would have to obey the rules at all times or risk being punished. Bru loves to make a plump rounded bottom rosy pink with a bit of spanking. She looked nervous and was absently tapping her foot against the leg of the chair she was sitting on at our long oak dining table.

"Kelli, are you okay? You seem a tad nervous," Bru asked. We both wanted her input on the rules, as she was going to be a participant in something that could change her life as well. It was imperative that we remain conscious of and concerned about Kelli's thought and feelings throughout this process.

Yes, she had responded to a sex ad and it was something she apparently had been seeking for the past year. My responsibility was to be sure she was as prepared as she could be for the actual experience. She was told that she could back out of the sexual arrangement with no consequences; she would continue to be welcome in our home. I wanted her to know that the sex was only part of our relationship. It hadn't started out that way, but we both really cared for Kelli and found her to be a wonderful person.

"I am excited about learning from you both, but I am afraid that I will disappoint you. I am not experienced and I don't know the first thing about making love or even having sex," she lamented.

I moved over to sit next to her on the couch and hugged her tightly. "Sweetie, we don't expect you to know anything at all. Part of the magic of this for us is teaching you. I want us to begin slowly and build up, but you seem so anxious about starting!"

She hugged me back and got up to hug Bru. He immediately pulled that sweet little girl right onto his lap. She was facing him and seemed more relaxed now. He looked at her and said, "Honey, this is going to be fun for all of us. I want you to understand something, though. If we go ahead with this ~ and I truly hope we do ~ you will have to obey me totally. I am not mean, but I am firm. You will have to submit to me and be my sweet willing partner. That means that you have to be willing to do whatever I tell you to do. If I'm not here, Vanessa is the boss. Is that understood, baby?"

"Yes. I understand that you are offering me a precious gift and I'm very attracted to you both. I care for you and I realize you won't hurt me. It was a good thing to start this way. I wanted to jump into it, but Vanessa realized that I might not have been ready. Now I feel ready to take direction from you both...but, especially you, Bru. You really turn me on and I love that you are so strong and powerful," replied Kelli as she gazed up at him with adoring eyes.

I noticed that her skirt had ridden up on her thigh as she sat and that Bru was absently stroking her leg through those expensive silk stockings. He then leaned down, grabbed the back of her neck and gave her a passionate kiss. She was moaning and panting from just sitting on his lap and I noticed that she was grinding into him. Heck, she was practically humping the man's lap!

"I think we are all in agreement that there will be no secrets between us. I realize that most of the time it will be the three of us. If it happens that Kelli and I are together while you are out, you will be informed upon your return, Vanessa. If you two are together while I am at work, just please take a few pictures for me, if you remember!" Bru joked.

Kelli was turned toward Bru, straddling him and looking into his face as he spoke. She leaned down to kiss him and said, "No time like the present, right?"

Bru was obviously horny from having this hot young thing on his lap and from our discussion. No one was sure that it would begin tonight, but we were prepared, just in case. Bru kissed her back and then picked her up in his arms, turned around, looked at me and said, "Follow us, babe. The fun is about to begin."

In preparation for this scenario, I had previously lit some candles in our room and the king size bed was turned down. Bru sat on the bed with Kelli still in his lap. I found the sight of the two of them on our bed completely exhilarating and I felt my silky panties getting wetter and wetter. I had never seen Kelli naked and now I would! I wondered who, of the three of us, was more excited.

When Bru put Kelli down on the pillows and stood up, I saw the outline of his huge cock through his thin grey suit pants. Okay, I thought to myself, that man is VERY excited. And, honestly, what man wouldn't be excited faced with his lifelong fantasy becoming reality?

I walked over to the side of the bed, looked at Bru for permission and, at his barely perceptible nod, I ran my fingers lightly over Kelli's tanned and toned body. I slowly pulled her panties down as Bru watched from the pillows next to her. Both of our hands grazed her tight, toned, and tanned young body. I ran my fingers through her hair.

I took Kelli's pretty face in my hands and kissed her gently. I told her that we would go very slowly and that she could stop at any time.

"But, Vanessa, I've been waiting so long. I am getting so horny. I'm ready to start learning now. Please teach me all about sex. I've listened to you guys for so long. And the other day, out by the pool, Bru got me to cum by just stroking his fingers over my bikini bottom and sucking on my nipple. I am more than ready for this, guys!" moaned Kelli. She indicated that we didn't have to go too slowly for her taste. She was more eager to lose her virginity than any girl I've ever spoken to; that was likely because she would lose it to a very hot sexy older man and most girls just lose it to bumbling young boys.

I reminded Kelli that she would have to listen to everything we said if she wanted a good experience for her first time and to avoid punishment. She nodded her head eagerly and said, "I will do whatever you tell me to do. Just, please, let Bru fuck me and make me a woman like you, Vanessa. I want to be confident and assured. I want to have tons of orgasms. I know Bru is the guy to do it because I've wanted him for weeks now. Please let me play with you two, Vanessa!"

"Kelli, all you have to do is trust us. I want you to be nice and relaxed for this experience. It has to be great for you!" I moaned, as I continued to stroke her body. She was eager and listened like a perfect student.

As she lay back against the fluffy pillows, she allowed me to caress her body with my tongue. I started to remove her tiny white panties (they were just below her knees at this point) and I licked my way up her long legs. And all of this was getting Bru harder and more eager to join the party. He removed his clothing at the same time that I stood and took off everything expect my panties and bra. I just loved the way the material of my lingerie felt against my body and I was sure that they would both enjoy it, too. In fact, Bru often fucked me with my panties merely pushed to the side and this was a huge turn on for both of us.

He started to touch Kelli's breasts lightly and gently. He pulled them out of the top of her lacy demi bra and gently sucked her nipples as I continued my exploration of her body with my tongue. She was trembling and this excited him even more. I really wanted to go slowly and make this experience unforgettable for the three of us. Kelli was young and inexperienced, but definitely ready to learn all about sex. I realized that her trembling was more about excitement than any serious case of nerves.

We truly cared about this young girl. In fact, for the first time since this started, I wondered if we could make this arrangement semi-permanent; I realized she would leave when she found her own man, but, for now, I wanted her to stay put. I would explore this with both of them after we all calmed down. For now, it was all about teaching this young girl to relax and enjoy lovemaking.

As we prepared her for fucking and he was rubbing his hard cock up and down her body, I could literally see the drops of pre-cum shining on her bronze body. I licked along the places where he was rubbing his throbbing cock, savoring the salty pre-cum. I was more than ready to tongue her bare clit, but I feared scaring her. I wanted to go nice and slow, because, although she was eager, she could be spooked at any moment.