Videos And Sex, Sex, Sex Ch. 03

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Sharon completes her seduction of the family next door
4.7k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 03/29/2006
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Julio's face cracked into a broad grin as he delivered my second videotape back after working his technical magic on it. "You got any more of this family to seduce, Sharon?" he asked, after passing me the package.

"Maybe, maybe not," I laughed, pouring him a cold beer, "you'll see it all develop, I hope. How's my latest filming efforts?"

Julio sipped on his Dos Equis and nodded positively. "You've done very well," he said, "the quality of the film is fine, the colours are great and the voice recording is pitch perfect. I dunno what you plan on doing with this stuff, Sharon, but it sure as hell makes me randy. Ever thought of a role in the porn movie business?"

I built myself a lovely big margarita and sipped on the salt-encrusted rim. "Don't be silly, Julio, I'm far too old for that sort of thing," I told him.

"Nonsense," said Julio. "You and the lovely lady – what's her name, Stella? - you're both made for porn. You both look around early to middle 30s and the porn industry has young babes coming out of its ears. You'd be surprised at the number of punters who love to see a video starring what they call 'a more mature woman'," he told me.

I took another sip of my margarita and smiled: "Well, the punters are going to be disappointed, I'm afraid, Julio."

When my video expert had gone, I rushed into my entertainment room and slipped the cassette into the machine and sat back to watch my "performance" with Stella.

I could see what Julio was driving at – this was really raunchy stuff. Well, if the sight of two, busty, well-built, attractive women getting it on is what you describe as raunchy.

The pictures were vivid, in great colour, and the magnificent little spying machine Julio had installed in my bedroom had faithfully recorded every word Stella and I had spoken in crystal-clear clarity.

But now it was time to move on. There was still Stella's gorgeous young blonde stepdaughter to be trapped in my wicked little web. How to go about it? The part on the tape where Stella informed me that she thought her stepdaughter "fancied me" gave me an idea or two, but nothing concrete.

Just then the phone rang – and then one of my ideas fell into place.

"Hi, this is the number you dialled," I said and as soon as I heard that sexy, husky laugh, I knew it was Stella.

"Hi darl," she said, "look I want you to do me a favour, and knowing you, you'll jump at it."

"Shoot," I told her.

"Well, this Friday ZeeZee has to go to the fuckin' Cannes film festival and for a surprise, he's taking me along for the ride," she said.

"That'll be lovely," I told her.

"Oh, I don't know, it will mainly be my disgusting old husband perving the birds on the beach or trying to chat up some horrid little starlet," said Stella.

I nodded, fully aware of where ZeeZee's "perving" had got him in my planned web so far.

"Sorry, Stella," I said, "but where does that involve me?"

"Well, Stazee's put on an awful pouting period and moaned that she's going to be neglected and left alone, and all her friends are airheads and all the boys simply want to lay her, and I said – and please tell me to butt out if you're anti this idea – but I said I'd have a word with you and see if she could stay with you for a couple of days, while we're gone," said Stella.

I nearly let go a whoop and a holler, but I restrained myself and said that Stazee was welcome at my place any time.

Restraining myself, but in a voice which I knew betrayed my excitement, I told Stella: "I'll look after her in my own inimitable way, darling. Trust me!"

Stella's laugh was wicked. "I'll let you see how things develop," she said, and I almost laughed aloud, if only she could appreciate the pun in that remark!

"It's time Stazee found out that there's more to sex than young boys trying to get into your pants," said her stepmother.

"When I was a teenager that'sallthere was to sex," I joked.

"Right," said Stella, "I must fly. I have to ransack Rodeo Drive for new outfits for Cannes, we've only got two days before we jet off."

For Stella the two days would have flown, but for me they dragged interminably. Finally, on Friday morning, Stella rang: "We're off to LAX right now. Stazee's out at the library doing some research, or something, I've given her your number and she said she'd call as soon as she got back home. Ciao!"

To pass the time until her Stazee's call, I put on one of my teeny-weeny bikinis and lay out on the recliner, with a book and a whopping great big margarita for company.

I'd hardly opened the book – all about the 1906 San Francisco earthquake – when the phone on the poolside table rang. I picked it, praying that it would be Stazee. My prayer was answered!

Her youthful, "Isn't life great?" voice was loud but stunningly sensual.

"That bikini you've got on issofuckin' sexy," I heard the 18-year-old inform me.

"Really, Stazee," I said, with a chuckle in my throat, "it's very rude to perve on your next door neighbour. I presume you are perving, wherever you are?"

"Look up at my bedroom," laughed the blonde bombshell and I saw her. She appeared to be wearing only a bra and panties – both in vestal virgin white – but she looked sensational.

I waved to her and said: "Why don't you grab a bikini and get over here. You're staying for a few days, aren't you?"

"I'll be over in 10 minutes," said Stazee, and I swung my legs off the lounger and swung into action. It was going to be a "swinging" afternoon!

I dabbed on some lipstick, then some underarm deodorant – it was hot by the pool – and pulled on a T-shirt to answer the door. Standing there was Stazee, her hair looked great, blonde and strokeable. She was wearing high heels, those big wedge-shaped jobs, and a large man's shirt. Dunno about you, but a woman in a man's shirt is so fuckin' sexy!

She was holding a small overnight bag. "You travel light, Stazee," I said, letting her into the house.

"Just a couple of bikinis and some lipstick, that's all I need, Sharon," said the lovely 18-year-old, as she breezed into the kitchen.

"Right, let's sit out on my recliner and chat," I said, pulling off the T-shirt to reveal my little yellow bikini – in reality three tiny triangles of shiny material which just covered my nipples and pussy.

"Fuck, that bikini issohot," said Stazee, as she peeled off the large shirt, to reveal an item which was possibly even more erotic than mine!

"You can talk," I laughed, as she trotted out poolside, "that bikini is hardly there!"

"Oh, this old thing," said the teenager. "It's just a little number I picked up in Rodeo Drive. Do you like it?"

And she did a pirouette by the lounger. The bikini was made of a shiny blue material and although it was larger than mine the strategic cut outs in the bra and briefs gave it a hugely erotic look. The cut outs in the bra, especially, were hugely arousing, revealing lovely expanses of firm, suntanned breasts.

I sat sideways on my recliner and since I had not brought another one out, Stazee was forced to sit alongside me. Our thighs brushed, and I felt a tremor of excitement run through me. This girl was so hot!

Then Stazee did something that surprised me – no, it flabbergasted me! She looked me straight in the eye – she had gorgeous, deep blue eyes – and then leaned forward and gently kissed me on the top of my shoulder. Then I felt her body start to tremble, more of a shudder, really. I had an awful fear that she was going to start hyper-ventilating.

I placed an arm around her shoulders and put a hand on her lovely, toned thigh and stroked it. "There, there, dear," I said in my "Mommy knows best" voice, "what's the matter? Can you tell me?"

Her upper body shook, her lovely breasts heaved and then she fell against me, her lips brushing my hair, then my throat.

"Oh, Sharon," she was almost sobbing. "I'm so sorry, I really shouldn't have done that, please forgive me."

I stroked her lovely blonde hair and tried to soothe her. "Don't be so silly, Stazee," I reassured her. "It was lovely – I love it when someone kisses my shoulder, I find it very, very sensual."

She pulled away from me and looked me directly in the eye again. "You mean that?" she asked, wide-eyed.

"Sure," I told her. Then I decided to plunge in: "Stazee, is there anything you'd like to tell me? Anything you want to confide in me?"

She looked searchingly at me, then did some plunging of her own – with her mouth on mine! After a few breathless moments, she pulled back and the words came tumbling out in a torrent.

"Oh, Sharon, I don't know how to put this, it's just that – well, boys, I can't stand 'em. They think we're, they think, well, they think that California girls are only good for one thing. Sex, sex, sex, it's all they can think of.

"Do you know that they call three California girls walking side-by-side in the mall? A wind tunnel. Awindtunnel, for fuck's sake! Well, I'm not a ditzy blonde, honest I'm not.

"And because young girls here are just thought of as fodder for men's cocks, well, that's why, well that's why I ..."

And her voice trailed off into silence.

"And that's why what, my darling?" I asked, praying she could tell me what I was hoping like hell to hear and that she was going to unburden herself even more.

She heaved a sigh, took a deep breath and spoke again: "That's why I prefer women, older women, mature women."

Again, I decided to plunge in. "Stazee," I said, very quietly and, I hoped, very calmly, "I find it rather hot out here. I know somewhere where it's much cooler."

Stazee looked deep into my eyes again. "Would that 'somewhere' be upstairs and have a bed in it," she asked, her voice a hushed whisper.

I grinned: "Correct on both counts, my darling."

Then I carried on. "Now I'm going upstairs and get out of this hot little bikini, it's so sticky, and I'm going to wait for you. Sit here for a minute or two and then come upstairs."

I paused, deliberately, letting the words sink in, then added my "honest" clincher: "And if you don't want to, well, we'll forget all about it and simply have a lovely few days together, lying by the pool, swimming and reading magazines. How's that?"

And I stood, leaned over so my breasts brushed against her tanned young shoulder, and kissed her full on the mouth. I walked to the ranch slider doors, knowing she was watching my bare ass jiggling. At the doors, I turned and looked back at her, smiled, then went upstairs to my bedroom.

Once there, I pressed the record button hidden in the tassel from the hat box and stripped off my bikini, feeling my nipples erect as the soft breeze from the air conditioning hit them.

I looked at the bed, and laying on it was the paddle, the crop with the heart-shaped tip and the lovely little yard-long leather lash. I debated what to do and then picked up the lash and stood center room, feet a couple of feet apart, tracing the tip of the flogger along my calf. I pondered whether it would scare her off, then decided her lust would win over her fear. Then I started to pray that Stazee would soon join me.

As I was beginning to despair that she was going to show, I heard the sound of shoes clip-clopping on the marble floor outside my bedroom. "I'm in here, Stazee," I said in as friendly a voice as I could muster in my excitement.

And then she was at the door, naked but for her wedged high heels. Stella had been right – at 36-23-35 she had a body to die for! Her breasts were full and firm, the nipples, like mine, erect, the areolae surrounding them pink and large, begging to be caressed and sucked. At her mons a little square of fair pubic hair announced that she was no bottle blonde. Lush, thick labia lips were clearly visible.

She walked towards me and stopped when our faces were about a foot apart. Stazee looked at me expectantly, I didn't want to disappoint her. Lifting the little lash, I placed it on her shoulder and pressed slightly. She took the signal the way I had hoped.

Kneeling until her face was directly opposite my shaven snatch, she waited for my command, as if she'd done this before. I was standing in profile to the unseeing, silent camera, then I spoke clearly, knowing my command would be faithfully recorded: "You know what to do, Stazee?"

A hushed, almost whispered "Yes" came from her mouth, then I felt her lips press against my pubic bone in a soft kiss, before tracing a downward path, over my clitoris, down over my lush labia, then to my weeping wet cunt.

The lovely little teenager's tongue then flickered against my cunt lips and pushed ever-so-slightly up the orifice, before she delved deeper, licking at my musky anus. I was wet, very, very wet, but I had no desire yet for an orgasm. Now I had to explore her desires, to see what she liked, what she wanted.

"Up," I ordered, and the blue-eyed, blonde beauty rose, her lips glistening from the sex juices she had lapped from my minge.

"Bend over and place your hands on the bed, darling," I said, quietly, but not unkindly.

She looked a trifle uncertain. "Don't hurt me, please, Sharon," she begged, but still she turned and placed her knees against the foot of the big bed, spread her feet wide, displaying her glorious pussy, then bent over and placed her hands on the mattress. Her full, firm breasts hung down deliciously, and I cupped one with my left hand as I stepped to the left of her body and laid the lash against her buttocks with my right hand.

Unlike Sharon's discipline, there would be no need for a safe word between us. This was going to be an erotic whipping, one that would be designed to make her want the lash time and time again.

I flicked the leather implement across her lovely ass, leaving the faintest of marks on her flesh. The lash made its thrilling "Tissssh" sound as it found its trembling target. She was aroused.

As I flogged her – no, that's not right, as Icaressedher with the leather, I moved my hand from her fantastic, firm breast to her pussy. My fingers ran over her lush labia, noted that it was sopping wet, then moved up to her clitoris. She writhed and wriggled slightly, then whispered: "Oh yes, don't stop, please!"

But I soon had to. I knew she liked the light little love slaps from the leather flogger, I knew she liked the stroking I was performing on her clit, but now I needed to seriously explore her teenage pussy.

Dropping the lash on the floor and removing my sticky fingers from her pussy, I stepped to the side of the bed, threw the paddle and the other lash onto the floor, then beckoned to her to climb on the bed.

Stazee kicked off her high heels and clambered onto the bed beside me. I placed my sex-stained fingers against her mouth and she kissed them, greedily.

"And now, my darling," I said, comfortingly, "which position do you prefer for your orgasm? Lying on your back, thighs apart, or shall I lie back on the pillows and you can straddle my mouth?"

She pondered my question, then grinned: "I'd like both, I think, Sharon, but can we start with me sitting on your face? That's the way I've been fantasizing about this moment for weeks."

I gave her a startled look – a totally mock startled look, naturally – and said: "You have fantasized about this, Stazee?"

She nodded her head, sending her lovely blonde hair cascading over her shoulders. "Fuck yes, it's the best way to get to sleep at nights, fingering myself and thinking of you bringing me off!"

I grinned, and pecked her on the cheek. "Oh, fuck," I said, "there's nothing like being put under a lot of pressure before being asked to perform."

Piling three pillows on top of each other and facing lengthways down the bed, I laid back on them, and indicated to the lovely teenager that it was time to straddle me. She placed her knees placed on either side of my face, then she lowered her minge to my mouth.

The aroma! Oh, shit, she was hot! Her stepmom, the gorgeous Stella, was a lovely-tasting lady, but judging by the perfume wafting from Stazee's pussy down to my nostrils the stepdaughter was going to be sensational.

I planted a long, lick from her mons down to her anus, sampling her sweet-tasting sex juice on my way through, then moved higher to cocncentrate on her lovely labia, which was oiled and lubricated and slippery and slimy – and, you guessed it, sensational! The taste was so marvellous, I just wanted to drink her down, but then I started to work on my cunnilingus.

Her cunt was dripping wet and I found it easy to get my tongue into the aperture, my nose rubbing against her clit at the same time, inhaling the glorious pussy smell. Then I moved from one heavenly spot to another – her labia lips, lush and budding tasted so good as I laved at her there.

Then it was up to her clit, thick and engorged, and soon the 18-year-old's lovely body was jerking around on my face, wriggling and writhing as I brought her closer and closer to her climax.

Then she started to scream out the words, words which sounded great to me, and which I knew would sound great on the video!

"Oh fuck, Sharon, oh fuck, this is so fuckin' great, tongue fuck me, you wonder woman, tongue fuck me," Stazee panted.

I kept working on her clit, occasionally dipping lower to suck and sup at her leaking sex juices, before continuing my assault on her clit. Then, with little yelps of pleasure, the teenager gave in to the forces that would not take "No" for an answer, and as the orgasm smashed into her, her voice rose to a little shriek.

"Oh fuck, I can't stand it, it's sooooo big, I'm gonna wet myself, Sharon, sorry, I'm gonna wet myself," she warned me, but my tongue kept up its task, licking and flicking at her sex bud.

Then, with a groaning "Aaaaaargh", the blonde above me shouted herself to ecstasy and suddenly I felt a warm squirt erupt against my face, then another, then a third as she fought futiley against the release of her bladder muscles. I gulped down the strongly salty, warm flow, before resuming my tonguing of her clit, but the climax had already been reached.

She was still panting above me, but calming down, as I licked and sucked on her sweet-smelling snatch, smelling even more exciting now that she had lost control of one of her bodily functions.

Stazee fell from my body, and I knelt up and arranged the pillows so we could share them. Leaning over, I placed a long, deep kiss on her pouting lips, our tongues meshing as we kissed.

"Oh fuck, oh I'm so sorry Sharon, but I got so carried away – it's the first time it's ever happened to me, honest," she said, smattering torrid little kisses all over my face as she expressed her apologies for her "accident".

"Don't worry, Stazee, don't worry," I soothed her, replying by covering her face with kisses of my own, "it was lovely, I was tasting your glorious sex and you gave me a lovely little treat of your golden nectar. It was scrummy, I loved it!"

We lay entwined, her young, firm body pressing languidly against mine, then she suddenly sat bolt upright. "Shit, Sharon," she announced, "I've clean forgotten about you – where are my manners? How shall I bring you off, darling?"

I smiled and kissed her sweet mouth. "How would you like to?" I purred. "Haven't you fantasized about that, too?"

Stazee gave me a cheeky little grin. "Shit yes," she exclaimed, "and it's always been in the submissive position, with you straddling my face as I lay beneath you."

"Well, I guess that's the way we'd better start it, you lovely little subby, you," I said, and once more I arranged the pillows for a steamy facesitting session.

Stazee lay beneath me and I climbed "aboard", my pussy settling on her mouth, then thrilling as I felt her tongue laving at my clitoris for a moment or two before slurping and sucking at my labia and then my cunt before diving deeper to my anus.