Whiteout Ch. 05

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Hunter makes his decision.
3.4k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 03/18/2011
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In a daze, he gathered his clothes and dressed before he grabbed his wallet and keys from the table in the kitchen. He opened the door and braced against the sharp chill of the morning breeze. He walked towards the innkeeper's house to pay for the room. He opened the door and stepped inside. The old man at the desk looked up and smiled at him.

"Don't worry about the room, it's been paid for Officer, have a safe trip home," he said, then looked back down at the computer screen.

Hunter stilled at his words, it had to have been Helena. There would have been no one else.

"Who paid for it?" he asked.

The innkeeper grinned to himself, "The police department."

"Ok, thanks," he said. Hunter turned around and pushed the door open, stepping outside. He was thoroughly confused now, everything had felt so real, was everything with Helena a vivid hallucination?

He walked down the road towards his patrol car and paused, there was nothing to indicate that a second car had ever been there. The only indication of another vehicle in the area, was the heavy tracks from the snow plow. Shaking his head, he walked up to his car and brushed the snow off the windshield and windows. And opened the door and climbed into the driver's seat, and with some effort, he started the engine, and got moving down the highway towards his apartment.

# # #

By the time Hunter had arrived home, he had himself convinced that everything had been a vivid hallucination. Cabin fever, he attributed to being stuck in a wild snow storm and isolated from civilization for two days. He couldn't think of what happened anymore, as he needed to get cleaned up for his shift that started in a few hours.

He pulled off his outer layers and poured himself a glass of water as he leaned against the bench. His thoughts drifted back to the event so the last couple days. After finishing his drink, he shook his head, convinced it all could be attributed to cabin fever, so he put the glass down and walked to the bathroom, stripping off his dirty uniform shirt and undershirt.

He looked into mirror and grimaced. There were bruises on his hips and dark marks on his chest. Feeling a tingle on his back, he twisted around so he could look at his back in the mirror and saw dark scratches. A flood of passionate memories and heat flowed through his muscles like liquid lava. He groaned and grasped the sink.

This was proof he couldn't refute or blame on "cabin fever". It all really happened. He wouldn't have such sore muscles if it had been just a vivid dream. Taking this through another logical step in his mind, he assumed it was real and therefore, it meant her disappearing right in front of him was also very real. She was right. He needed time to process it all. He rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands and then finished stripping. He was numb.

He stepped into the shower and turned on the water, groaning as he flattened his hands against the wall, leaning into the water, the heat massaged the strain from his muscles. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back into the flow.

After his shower, he pulled on a fresh pair of his thermal boxer shorts and opened his closet. He had to last through a ten hour shift before he could come home and get some sleep. His mind still raced over the implications of Helena's story. Her being a demon would account for the strange sensations he had around her. Did that mean he believed in demons and hell? This was all too much for his tired mind to philosophize about right now.

He hoped a hard day at work would be the best way to put his thoughts of Helena from his mind. First things first, he had to find a way to pass the next three hours before he had to be on shift. He carried his uniform out to be ironed. Once he got to work, he needed to focus on being a cop. He needed to make sure he was clear-headed enough to do his job.

# # #

Helena anxiously paced the black marble floors of her room, located in the catacombs beneath the palaces of Hell, as she remembered everything that had happened with Hunter the past few days. He was everything she ever wanted in a man. He complemented her so well it felt like they were two pieces that needed to be joined together to make a whole.

It was time for her to collect the items she would need for the conversion ritual, as she needed to prepare herself mentally for this as well. Everything she had found indicated the ritual was incredibly taxing on both parties. She couldn't remember her own conversion, so she had no personal memories to call on. She quickly left her room and walked down the torch lined path. She needed to visit the temple to retrieve the necessary supplies.

The one thing that made her more anxious than anything was that Hunter may reject her, and she would be crushed if he did. She wouldn't give up on him, she was a demon after all.

"Helena, nice to see you again," someone called out. Helena turned towards the voice and smiled. It was her best friend, Xandra, the wickedly naughty succubus who gave off delicious waves of chaos.

"Xan! I have something to share with you," Helena grinned broadly.

"Oh and what's that?"

"My cursed powers sparked a major blizzard and I was stuck in a roadside inn for two days. And I met a man."

"Sounds wickedly delightful. Details, spill them," she said wickedly.

"He's a sexy police officer, and he's just as wild as I am in bed."

Xandra giggled, "That sounds like a lot of fun. When do I get to meet this man?"

"I actually need a favor from you. I need the demon ink for the ritual, but it would take me a few days to get it, and I don't want to leave him so long. I want to do the conversion in the morning. Would you be able to get some for me?"

"I should be able to, how much do you need?"

"I'm thinking of a dragon, because I want him to be big and majestic. Hunter deserves the best. I don't want what happened to me, to happen to him, so I want to get the best for him."

"That certainly is a lot, but I think I can work something out."

"Thank you Xan, he's six foot three of solid delicious muscle," Helena groaned and licked her lips, "When I first saw him naked, it reminded me of the cop you seduced."

"Not like it was hard to do, but this guy must have a good soul for you to be so strongly attracted to him."

"His soul glows. It's all nice and warm. Ok, so enough about me. What are you doing here anyway? Is that Wrath demon still pissed at you?"

"Markus doesn't want to let it go, it was a harmless practical joke. We just thought he needed a bit of sex to loosen his 'uptightness'."

Helena laughed and said, "A joke from succubi are never 'harmless' as you call them. As I recall, your friends knocked him out and made him look weak during sex."

"Well hot, hard sex with beautiful women would do that to anyone." She laughed. "Besides, he's so delicious looking, and more appealing than those other incubi. A girl has got to have her morals, even if she is a succubus. I'll get the ink and take them to your rooms. I look forward to meeting this Hunter. Even his name is sexy."

Helena grinned, "Thanks Xan, I'll bring him to meet you in a few days." She only hoped that he would accept her.

# # #

Hunter leaned back against the wall outside the precinct building. He didn't want to be here today, but it was at least something to take his mind off Helena. Visions kept popping into his head, like the way her skin looked after she showered, or the way her eyes glistened before she had an orgasm. He needed to stop thinking about these things, otherwise, he'd end up having a hard on during roll call. He looked at his watch then pushed off from the wall and walked up the stairs and entered the building. It was time to start his shift.

He sat down at the meeting room table as the Sergeant stepped in, "We have a busy day on our hands here today, Stevens and Harvey are off with the flu. Because of today's weather conditions, we need to expect a range of traffic accidents, especially on the back roads. Just ask Barnet here. By the way, welcome back. "With that, Hunter's thoughts again went back to Helena. The way she liked to suck on his dick, how her assed swayed when she walked. He shook his head to remove the thoughts, but she was constantly there.

"Barnet, Scoffield and Jordan, you'll be on traffic patrol today, we want to at least try and keep the amount of accidents down. Spencer and Lawrence you'll be on beat patrol, and Andrews you'll be working the cameras." His head snapped up at the mention of his name. He really needed to listen to what was being said. It could be a matter of life or death. The Sergeant asked, "Any questions?" Hunter only heard part of what was discussed during the meeting. Not good.

"No? Time to get out there, be safe," he said then stood up and left the room.

Once he got his car assignment, he went outside. He braced himself for the icy impact of the frigid air. After an intense blizzard, the air was usually very dry, and when it whipped against his skin, it burned. He hated winter, but it wouldn't be gone for another few months. He opened the car door and sat inside , readying the car.

Hunter picked up his radio and said, "10-8 Officer Barnet."

"10-8 Barnet."

He put the radio back and started driving out of the lot. Sitting in the police car made him think about Helena, again. Shaking his head, he figured, he was probably going to end up going crazy by the end of his shift.

# # #

Three hours later, Hunter rested back in his seat with his eyes closed, he was tired, and he had already attended four minor accidents caused by people being careless on the still partially frozen roads. He had another seven hours before he could go home, he groaned as he remembered Helena's nails on him, stroking him.

If he didn't stop right now, he'd end up exploding before the end of his shift. He rubbed his eyes as his radio crackled. "510, Suspect travelling along Route 2-16 heading west."

Hunter stretched his arms, and pulled out the radio, "10-4, Barnet."

He put the radio back down and turned over the engine, now at least there was going to be some action, he could already feel it tingling along his arms. He grinned as he pulled onto the road and started heading towards the suspect's location.

"510, suspect now travelling south on Route 3-12."

Hunter picked up his radio again and said, "10-4, Barnet, I'm closing in on him I'm currently travelling north on 3-12, please advise on suspect's vehicle?"

"10-4 Barnet, suspect is travelling in a 1987 white Ford Taurus."

"10-4," he said, keeping the radio open for use. Soon enough, a faded white Taurus came into view. He pulled the radio back up and said. "10-33, suspect in sight, in pursuit."

The Taurus sped up rapidly and raced past him, Hunter grinned. He loved the adrenaline rush of a good chase. It built up in his body, making him feel alive. He quickly turned the car around in a tight circle, switching on the siren and gave chase. He was in his element now.

The intense rush flowed up over his arms as he focused on staying on the tail of the suspect's vehicle. He grabbed his radio as the suspect entered the highway, "510, suspect now travelling south on Route 1-2."

"10-4, units will stage a roadblock ten miles ahead."

"10-4," he said as he dropped the radio back on his lap and pursued the target, staying right on his bumper. The adrenaline set his heart pounding as he focused on the Taurus and the howl of the sirens. Soon they came up to the rise where the highway left its elevated state and came to an off-ramp.

He could see the wall of flashing lights approaching in the distance. He knew what he would do, it was a risk but something a criminal desperate to escape would consider. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel as the suspect did as he anticipated. The Taurus veered sharply off the road and on to the off ramp just behind the blockade.

With fire pulsing through his body, he veered sharply off the edge of the road cursing as the wheels bounced heavily from the short drop and wrenched the wheel around, spinning it back in the north direction and continued the pursuit.

Hunter grinned as he saw the obvious surprise in the suspect's body posture. In an attempt to lose him, the suspect ran off the road but didn't make it far, colliding with a signpost. Hunter stopped the car and got out quickly before the suspect could make a run for it. He pulled out his gun and grabbed the radio.

"510, Suspect has run off the road and crashed into a signpost."

"10-4 Barnet, units approaching."

He aimed his gun at the car and yelled, "Get out of the car now with your hands in the air and lie face down on the ground!"

The door popped open and a scraggly looking teenager stepped out of the car, he stepped up with his hands in the air. "Get face down on the ground!" he commanded as the other patrol cars raced up and came to a stop.

The suspect laid down quietly on the ground, Hunter smirked, another one subdued. He holstered his gun and took his handcuffs off his belt and fastened them on the suspect's wrists. He gritted his teeth to stop any sounds from coming out as he flashed back to when Helena had cuffed him and tortured him with her tongue and fingers.

"Put your hands behind your back kid. Don't fight me." Hunter was on edge, the adrenaline rush peaking. That coupled with thoughts of Helena were a volatile combination.

"Go to hell," the kid made an attempt at being a bad-ass. He was no match for Hunter who out-weighed him by at least fifty pounds. The kid didn't even put up a fight, not like Helena. That's when realization hit him.

Hunter put the cuffs on him, intentionally being a bit rough, "Hell, yeah, kid. That's where I'm gonna go."

The other patrol cars came screeching to a halt around him. He got up off the kid's back when the cuffs were secured and helped him to his feet. Other officers took the suspect to their car as Hunter went back to his own vehicle to silence the siren.

"So The Huntsman strikes again?" said a voice behind him, as he reached inside his car.

He grinned as he turned around and said, "Phoebe, how you doing?"

"Great, my transfer just got approved. I'm moving out of town. I got assigned to a country post at August Springs."

"That's great. I heard it's beautiful out there during spring time."

"Yeah it's beautiful any time of year out there. I'll let you get back to it. Paperwork is so awesome," he said and chuckled.

Hunter waved goodbye to him and settled into the car.

"10-19, Barnet," he said into the radio. He needed to get back to the station and fill out the paperwork. He knew what he was going to do now. He couldn't escape the thoughts of Helena plaguing him.

# # #

After five more grueling hours, he was back home, ready to pass out. Normally after a long shift with the amount of accidents and incidents he attended, he would leave the precinct energized and find sleep difficult. He usually ended up working out to burn off the excess energy.

But now he was just tired and bored. He knew it would have to be a direct cause from his time with Helena. Looking at the clock, he yawned, one-fifteen, not long before Helena said she would be back. That thought should make him restless but, his body felt as heavy as weights. He needed to shower and get into bed before he passed out.

Lying back on his bed after a shower, he looked up at the ceiling. Every muscle in his body ached with fatigue. He reached up, rubbed his eyes and groaned, annoyed at himself for being so stiff. His mind was racing with thoughts of Helena and what was going to happen when she showed up.

If she showed up, he was doing nothing but worrying himself. His muscles were too tired to even move right now, but his mind was racing too much for him to believe he could fall into the sleep he desperately needed.

After what felt like an eternity, he slipped into the deep well of sleep, floating peacefully through nothingness, as a shroud of comfort and relaxation surrounded him, until he felt a presence nearby pulling him out of his slumber.

Helena looked down at her Hunter, the sheets had fallen down to his waist exposing every firm inch of his ripped abs and solid pecs. She licked her lips as she took her fill of his masculine glory. She was in her true form, her barbed tail swaying behind her, dark red scales covered her left shoulder and over her back. She always assumed that they were the mark of her specific demonic bloodline and had never found anything to disprove that to herself.

Hunter's eyes slowly slid open. He blinked several times and rubbed them as he struggled to comprehend was what going on. There was a "woman" standing in front of him. She had a long black tail with sharp barbs, and it was flicking from side to side. Dark red scales covered her left shoulder, and her black eyes watched him. Her lips curled into a smile, and he felt extremely exposed with that dark gaze on him, tremors shivered up his spine as he caught her gaze.

"Nice to see you again Hunter, have you thought about what we discussed?" she purred.

Hunter groaned, her voice was deeper, sexier somehow, it ignited his blood. His boxers suddenly became too small for his body. "Of course," he said, his voice coming out a little breathless, and he cursed himself for his irrational reaction. What was happening to him that he couldn't control himself around her?

"What is your answer Hunter? I want you to come with me, but it's your decision."

"I'd love to go with you, I've missed you all day and I can't stop thinking about you," said Hunter with a slight grin on his face.

"Ok." She smiled, happier than she could have even imagined that he chose her. "Brace yourself, because this is going to hurt."

Uncertain of what was going on, he looked at her questioningly as her tail whipped around and staked him straight through the heart. A great spear of pain shattered him, as he gasped, trying to drag in breath, as his heart fluttered with her tail embedded inside of him. A wall of darkness washed over him and engulfed him in crushing blackness.

Once Hunter stopped seizing and laid flat on the bed, Helena slowly pulled her tail out. Fine gossamer threads of vibrant white light wisped around her tail, as she pulled his soul free from his physical body. She drew it around her tail and then looked down at him. He was going to make an amazing demon. Walking into the bathroom, she picked up a pair of scissors and slashed her hand.

Quickly, she drew the ritual circle on the mirror then touched the centre. The mirror shimmered and warped, then became a translucent portal. She leaned into the mirror and disappeared into the hell portal.

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MizTMizTalmost 13 years ago

what a way to end the chapter. Again, another 5 star chapter. I will most defiantly be watching for chapter 6.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

This story is so so sexy. Lovong it,please hurry with the next chapter

donaldedonaldealmost 13 years ago
great chapter

was a great chapter i can not wait for the next

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