Wolf's Bane Ch. 03

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A shopping they will go.
3.9k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/10/2006
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After my 'shower', as Tessa called it, I felt more refreshed than I've felt in a dog's ago. Tessa's mother, whom I found out was named Lena, had raced off after realizing the comment she had said to me and her daughter to lock herself in her bedroom, refusing to come out. She had managed to say that I could sleep on the 'couch' down stairs, through the closed door. Tessa helped me back into the 'bathroom' and into the 'shower', and joined me under the hot spray. She washed me very thoroughly, paying particular attention to little William and I returned the favor when she was done. After the shower it was time for my first haircut and shave in over two hundred years. She practically scalped me, leaving behind spiky black tendrils of hair, and trimmed down my beard so she could shave it. When she started the shaving process she used a pink, razor-like device, at which I arched my eyebrow at her.

"Well, it's the only brand we have in the entire house." Tessa said sheepishly.

After the shave was complete, I washed my face with warm water, feeling refreshed by this simple act. She led me downstairs to the 'couch', and retrieved some bed linen to make the 'couch' appear more comfortable. She had disappeared while I was trying to put a pillowcase on the pillow, which seem hopeless for the first minute or so. She came back with a pair of Grey breeches.

"You can wear these for tonight, they belonged to my dad." Tessa said a little sadly.

"Thank you, dearest Tessa." I said with my own sad smile as I remembered my own father.

Her smiled lit up her face like a sun. She then told where the 'bathroom' was and how to operate everything inside. I thanked her and she went to bed. I sat on the couch and thought about what I was going to do now. Nothing came to mind; I had no clue as to where my life was going. I slipped the 'jogging pants', as Tessa called them, on and went out the front door. I was standing in the darkness starring up at the stars, trying to clear my head. That was when something unexpected happened. I looked to my left and felt a presence, walking slowly down the road. I melt back into the shadows, hidden in the darkness. A small group walked passed the house, but I saw that these 'people' were different. They melt of decay and fresh blood. They looked pale, almost gaunt, in the night and their eyes flickered when light shown off of them, like cats eyes in the dark. I stood there quietly, unsure whether or not I should follow them, but I decided against it for now. As soon as they were out of sight I walked slowly and calmly back into the house.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out cold, almost dead to the world. The soothing sounds of crickets on the night breeze lulled me in my slumber, one of the side windows must have been left open. Some time later I was awaken by a hand on my shoulder. My eyes snapped open and were focused in an instance. The shadowy figure of Tessa was before me, a pink robe wrapped around her. I could tell she had been crying, her eyes were red rimmed and slightly irritated by rubbing away the tears.

"William, could I sleep with you please?" Tessa asked very timidly.

I slid back in the couch and beckoned her with open arms. She untied her robe and molded her voluptuous body to mine. I stroked her hair as she shuddered and silently sobbed against my shoulder.

"Tell me, Tessa. I'm here for you and not going anywhere." I said soothingly.

"Oh William. I had a nightmare about the attack, only this time it was worse. You weren't there to save me and those bastards raped me and left me for dead." She broke down again, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks.

"You don't have to worry about that. I'm here and nothing will stop me from protecting you. Nothing. So dry your tears and take comfort in the fact that they are dead or dying and cannot harm anyone else." By the time I finished speaking, I realized she had fell to sleep in my arms. Soon sleep claimed me as I rested my head against hers.

I was awaken again, but this time it was the early morning sunlight shinning through the window. Tessa's face was nestled in the crook of my arm, softy breathing through her nose. Some of her hair spilled over her forehead covering half her face; the half that could be seen was peaceful without a care in the world.

'How'd I end up so lucky?' I thought to myself.

I heard footsteps moving from the second floor and then the sounds of running water. Soon Tessa's mother came downstairs into the kitchen and stopped dead in her tracks as she stared, opened mouthed, at the both of us. I gestured for her to be silent, while I carefully removed myself from the couch. She noticed that I was wearing the jogging pants and went to sit at the table in the kitchen. She was dressed in some kind of suit, a dark red in color with a white dress shirt showing underneath the coat. She gestured me to sit, then got up and started to rummage through cabinets over the counters, getting two cups and tiny packages of something. After five minutes the kettle came to a boil and she poured water into the two, rather large cups, and a strong bitter smell drifted from the cups. She brought both cups over and placed one in front of me and I looked down in the black brew.

"Is this coffee?" I asked.

"Yes, it is. What would you like in it? Cream, sugar, milk?" She asked.

"Just milk and some sugar, if it's not too much trouble." I said politely.

After she brought me the items in question and a spoon, I mixed it to what I thought was a good combination.

"So, how long since you've had coffee William?" She asked.

"Well, I think, it's been around two hundred and forty-one years since my last cup, now that I think about it." I said stirring the contents of my cup.

"Just how old are you?" She asked with a surprised look on her face.

"Oh around two fifty-nine. And you?" I asked with a small smile.

She blushed rather prettily and said she was thirty-five.

"And how old is Tessa?" I asked.

"She's seventeen but she'll be eighteen in a month." She said a soft smile played on lips.

"And, what is your name, milady?" I asked with a little mirth in my voice.

A look of concentration passed over her face for a few seconds.

"Oh, I guess I forgot to tell you my name last night. It's Sandra, but most of my friends call me Sandy." She said, but a look of worry crossed her face as she recalled last night events.

"Well, that is a very beautiful name, Sandy. But you shouldn't worry about last night. One I'm guessing it's been a while since a man has made his acquaintance with you. Tessa told me very little about her father, but it sounds like there has been no one else since his death." She nodded her head sadly, looking a little surprised by my bold statement. "Secondly, I think I'm falling in love with your daughter. I know it's kind of fast, but I've never felt like this towards anyone. Not ever. And her statement about sharing me with you might have been her lust idled brain talking and not her rational brain. But if she still wants to share me, well who am I to argue with the beautiful, intelligent, love of my long life." I said a lecherous grin showing, at which point she did a full body blush.

"Good answer. I knew you were a smart one from the get go." Tessa said walking into the kitchen tying the sash of her robe. "And my offer still stands anytime you want mom." She said as she kiss her mother's cheek and then walked over and sat in my lap.

Tessa put leaned her head against my shoulder and drew me down into a very deep, passionate kiss. Her mother screamed a second later and my Tessa nearly jump through the ceiling.

"Tessa Martinez, you had sex last night with a complete stranger! My God, he could have knocked you up." Sandy exclaimed and stared to pace around the room.

"Don't worry, she's not pregnant." I said very calmly.

"How would you know?!" Sandy turned on me.

I pointed at my nose, as if that would explain it all, but it looked like I was going to have to give a full explanation. Even Tessa looked confusion by my statement, until she realized the implications of my nature and started to giggle. That did not help her mother at all and she gave her daughter a seething look.

"Because of my nature and the extreme sense of smell that comes with it, if she was having her monthly visitor, I would know. Before I left my family, just after I was bitten I could tell when my mother or my sister would have theirs." I said stroking Tessa hair to sooth her.

"Oh, well never mind then. I still can't believe how you acted Tessa; you didn't even close the door to the bathroom to even hide it." Sandy scolded her daughter.

"I'm sorry mom, but I just couldn't take another moment without being with him. That's just how I feel and I won't apologize for how I feel." Tessa said defiantly.

"Alright, but your going on birth control pills as soon as I can get you a appointment with Doctor St. John." Sandra said looking at the pair of us.

"Thank you momma." Tessa replied sweetly.

"William, you can stay here if you wish, we have a spare bedroom that you can use. I don't suppose you have any other clothing besides what you got on right now?" Sandra asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yes, that would seem to be about right. I don't even have any money to purchase clothing." I said a little sheepishly.

"Well, I guess Tessa can take you shopping for some things. And Tessa, you will not be going to school today or tomorrow. Do you understand me young lady?" Sandra asked her hands balled into fists resting on her hips.

"Yes, momma. Can I have the credit card for the shopping William and I will be doing?" Tessa asked a little pleadingly.

"Yes, you may, but don't run the bill too high. There is a limit on those things." She said.

Tessa jumped off my lap and headed up stairs to her room, while Sandra look straight at me until her daughter was gone.

"I will tell you this right now William. If you hurt my baby in anyway, shape, or form I will cut off your balls and feed them to you for supper. I'm putting a lot of trust in you, so don't make me regret it." Sandra said with a very stern voice.

"You don't have to worry Sandra; I'll protect your daughter with my life." I said meaning every word of what I said.


We arrived at the 'mall', as Tessa called the huge structure, and explained purpose of the building. The way she explained it four or more major merchandise outlets operated inside the huge building, but was located in opposite positions within the huge building. While other smaller businesses or eateries took up the rest of the storefronts. Having it described to me did not prepare me for the reality, that was the 'mall'. Young and old, tall and short, fat and thin, plus everything else in between was present.

"What are the younger people doing here? Don't they have to work or to be schooled?" I asked

"Some do go to school most of the time, but on a few occasions have left early or skipped school entirely. If they have work, it's not till later in the afternoon." Tessa said as she grasped my hand. I was still dress in jogging pants and a plain white shirt with short sleeves. Finding footwear for myself had been almost too difficult, but looking in a closet turned up a pair of 'slip-ons', which were size thirteen and fit comfortably.

"So they are skiving from what they're supposed to be doing." I said.

"Well, not all are, but a good few definitely doing it. Don't let it bother you, we're here to have some fun and get you some clothes." My sweet Tessa said.

"Yes, my dear. Where to first?" I asked.

We went to a store that was called 'Boscov's', and I was shocked at all of the clothing that they handled. There must have been enough clothing here for at least a thousand people. Tessa directed me over to 'jeans' and I browsed for twenty minutes looking for the style I liked. Polo jeans were too tight in the hip region, South Pole jeans were too long, Levi's were just too tight all together. I thought I wasn't going to find anything, until I came upon the second to last rack. The jeans were the right length and a little baggy but that was alright by me, and they had colorful designs on the legging and rear. The brand was JNCO's and I grabbed a couple of ones that looked promising, three blue, two black, and a pair of khaki's. After two and half hours shopping in this store, I now had the beginnings of a wardrobe. We went to some other shops, some with hilarious gifts for all occasions, a few with loud harsh music with a dark theme to the place. We were nearing the eating establishments, when it happened. Tessa and I came face to face with a handful of girls around her age and they recognized right off, it seemed Tessa knew them too and she looked very angry.

"Look who we have here. I thought they deported you and your family, Tessie, otherwise I wouldn't have given your mother the day off from cleaning my house." One blond girl said with a nasty sneer on her face, which made her look ugly. The others in her group laughed at her joke, a few seem to be forced, but the rest were enjoying the torment.

"Hey, Barb. Don't you have to go and bleach you hair, I can almost see you roots." My Tessa said with equal contempt. I smiled at the way she fired the rebuff.

Barb seemed to be getting angry now and the few of her cronies looked the same.

"I'd watch your mouth wetback, if you know what's good for you." Barb said in a menacing voice.

This seemed to be getting out of hand, so I took the initiative.

"Tessa, let's go. We're wasting our time here talking to her." I said.

That seemed to draw their attention to me. The entire group of girls took one look at me and their eyes bugged out. A few gasp, while some looked with longing, but the core of the group looked at me with distaste that bordered on hated for speaking to them. Barb looked like she was about to hit me with her opened hand, but I looked directly into her eyes and mine became narrowed chips of green ice. She froze; her hand raised waist high, the first signs of fear creeping out from her eyes. She dropped her hand to her side and backed away slowly, which nearly made her stumble into her pack of followers.

Outside the corner of my vision, I saw a trio of girls standing outside an old bookstore. They appeared to be watching the confrontation very intently. While the other girls scampered off, the trio's focus was upon me. I turned towards them and focused my entire attention just on them. Tessa followed my gaze and watched curiously as my pupils dilated, until they appeared black discs. When my gaze fell upon the trio, they had this cloudy mist surrounding their entire bodies in the color of vermilion. They looked startled, as I stared at them, fear of being discovered they turned and fled in the opposite direction.

"William, what's wrong?" Tessa asked concern filled her voice.

Slowly my eyes returned to normal and I turned to face her. She looked so beautiful in the sunlight.

"Nothing to worry about for the moment." I said and took hold of her hand to continue our shopping experience.


We finished our trip to the mall and headed back to her house. When we arrived I was made to carry all of the many purchases up to my 'room', like a pack mule, but did it nonetheless. Tessa then came and retrieved me and sat down in front of what she called the 'computer'.

"What's this then?" I asked, not sure what to make of the thing.

"This is a computer, William. It is a tool for learning or working, which ever the case may be. I give you a quick crash course on it and then show you where you'll find any information that you could want. History, science, politics, law, aeronautics, and a few other things you'll find interesting." My Tessa said and the instruction only took thirty minutes.

After that I was browsing the Internet, absorbing all of the information I could find about any topic. After two hours of browsing, I had to stop as my eyes felt like they had grown fuzz on them. At that point I realized I had read over a thousand pages worth of information, under two hour time frame and could recall everything that I read word for word. I first started with history and had caught up with current events in no time and now boast a large cache of slang terminology. After which I move on to mathematics, then English literature, sociology, psychology and a few other subjects. To tell the truth, I was in awe at what 'our' country had achieved and ashamed at some of the other low-handed practices that were going on elsewhere in the country. I also learned that the Internet had a LOT of sex on it. I decided to go see what my lovely was doing or I was going to see what I could do to my lovely.

I found her in her room, down on her knees, trying to reach for something under her bed. She was wearing a very short skirt and an even shorter shirt. Tessa was muttering to herself as she was trying in vain to find whatever it was that she was searching for. I slowly crept up behind her and got down behind her and saw that she was wearing any undergarments. I slowly lifted her skirt and looked at her honey pot, which was completely bare, as no hair was present. I swooped in and licked her nubbin to the bottom of her vagina and continued to her little puckered hole. She moaned at the contact and then squealed as I wiggled my tongue into her rear hole. She pulled her head out from out under her bed and gave me a very smoldering look.

"Naughty boy, it's not nice to sneak up on people and shove your tongue up their ass, but don't stop." She said around a moan.

I really didn't mine the taste I found there and just borrowed deeper making her thrash about. The smell of her excitement was over powering in the room. My member was as hard as an iron nail and straining against my new jeans.

"Of course my dear, the better to corrupt you with." I said, after I pulled my tongue from her rear and turned her over onto her back.

"Please, don't stop, I was sooo close that time." Tessa panted.

This time I went right to her honey pot, running my tongue up her thigh along the way. Her vagina was filled with blood and throbbing to her pulse rate. I licked her lips and nibbled on them and pulled them slightly. Her body arched off the floor and I tugged on her nether lips and her moaned could have woken the dead and I reveled in her taste. I released her lips and continued to explore her entrance and eventually slipped my finger into her hot hole. I felt around with my digit looking for her g-spot, which thanks to the Internet, would now exploit to my advantage. Once I found it, I came up with a idea and removed my finger. Tessa moaned in frustration and yearning. I concentrated on my tongue changing it from a normal human tongue to the longer, broader wolf version and buried it into her honey pot until I could touch the roof of her sheath and focused on her g-spot.

"Ohh shiiittt, you bastard, don't stop, please don't stop." Tessa wailed loudly.

I continued to work her g-spot and then used the remaining part on my tongue and enclosed her nubbin and sucked for all my worth.

"OOOHHHH, GGGOOOODDDDD!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Cummmming." She screamed as her vagina contracted on my tongue.

A stream of glorious fluid erupted from her, completely soaking my face and hair, and I lapped what I could with my tongue stuck in her entrance. Tessa continued to thrash, but was starting to slow down and soon stop. I slowly pulled my tongue out and change it back to the way it was. Tessa shot up like a cork and tore off her clothes and then forcibly yanked my off. As soon as I was naked she, and saw my member she grabbed it and aimed it for her vagina. She then slid down on my member, her pussy swallowing all my nine-inchs. She sank her fingers into my flesh leaving long scratch marks on my skin, but soon disappeared, though I didn't know it at the time. Tessa rode me for forty minutes straight, sweat covered her body and mine, her panting echoed off of the walls. Her honey pot clasped me on every upward thrust and I enjoyed the sensation very much, plus it stimulated her nubbin every time our pelvis bone met. Then it was over.