World of Ranicke Bk. 03 Ch. 01

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Dealing with the after math of Jim's vanishing.
11.3k words

Part 11 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/30/2013
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Author's Note: Sorry for the delay but it took me a while to decide how I wanted to handle the next series. I am going to be slower in producing these since there are going to be several plots going on.

Having said that all relationships are 18+.


Dan was getting ready to shoot at one man when something happened. He would never be able to describe it afterwords other than the world shook and moved. It might have moved an inch or it might have moved miles but that was the only way he could describe it. Moments after everything shook Dan started to aim at the man when the man simply dissolved.

There was no other way to describe it. The man simply melted into sparkly grains of sand that then vanished. All that was left of him was what he had been wearing. That pile actually looked like whatever had been inside had vanished and the clothing collapsed because there was nothing to support it.

Dan froze and very carefully listened for a minute but couldn't detect any sounds of gun fire anywhere. He knew for a fact that there had been at least eight men firing rifles and now the jungle was completely silent. He scanned the area with his eyes before slowly moving forward to the pile of clothing. He could feel the sweat and smell the body odor but there was absolutely no traces of a body left.

In the distance he did hear screams for help and cries for those lost from the pack. There were also calls from the Soran tribe as they tried to find the wounded and lost. Dan could also sense the closest warriors moving forward to try and find the enemy. He started moving as well and as he passed Inu's he would quietly point them in the direction of the camp. Most of them were looking shocked and rather out of it. He didn't blame them since this was not something they would have ever encountered.

After moving forward for several minutes he found another pile of clothing but again no body. He took a chance and lifted his hand to his mouth to help project it. "All I am finding is piles of clothes. If you find a pile have someone take it to Jim's caravan." As soon as he bellowed that he moved away from the location and waited.

After several more minutes he started moving forward in the direction he had last heard Jim's rifle. It took some time but he did find the spot and there were three piles of clothes. One he instantly knew was Jim's since it was native and had his various necklaces and trinkets. The other two were much the same as the others except one helmet appeared to have more electronics. Dan had to assume that this was the leader of the team they had been fighting.

As he contemplated Jim's clothing the world shifted again and Dan was knocked off his feet. After that he started getting a bit woozy and had to shake his head several times before it started to recede. While he was trying to stand one of the Soran warriors found him and helped him sit up.

"Are you okay Danilo? You look rather out of it." As he was talking he gave Dan a quick once over for signs of injuries but didn't find any.

"Yah, just the world shaking knocked me for a loop." Now that he was sitting up he took a long drink off his canteen.

The warrior was looking confused. "What do you mean the world shaking? I felt nothing of the sort." He was wondering if Danilo had been hit in the head by something.

Dan grunted and looked at him. "I will talk to the Chief later. Gather up those clothes and I will get Jim's things." He carefully laid everything in the center of the shirt and rolled it up before securing it with a lace from one boot. "Do not tell anyone what we found here. I will tell the Chief first and we will handle it." Dan's voice might be calm but there was a burning rage inside at what had happened.

"I understand Warrior Danilo." He had gathered up everything else that was there. Once both were done they started back towards the camp. It wasn't hard to find since all they had to do was follow the screaming and crying.

The closer they got the more people they encountered. Their tribe was heading out to find the Inu's and bring them back. Others were from the Inu's pack slowly moving towards the Soran tribe. Dan looked around and snarled under his breath. "Take those back to Jim's caravan and then come back. We have to get as many of the injured as possible back to try and save." The warrior took off and Dan started calling out orders.

The first thing he did was to collect several warriors from their tribe and organized them for search and rescue. "Use your noses, ears, anything to find injured that might not have anyone near them. Once you have found someone call for help and then keep moving. If you can, do some first aid for bleeding but don't stop for long. I know this sounds callus but the more we identify now the more we can save."

As he was looking around he found several Inu warriors herding a large number of women and children. "You, warriors come here for a minute." He waited for them to come over. "Team up with these men and search for the lost and injured. I will take this group back since I am going to need to help with the injured and wounded. As you can collect others that can help you search for your tribe. Getting the women, children, and injured to the camp is the most important. Now go."

Dan turned away and headed over to the group the Inu warriors had been escorting. When he got close he slowed down. "I am Warrior Danilo of the Soran tribe and I am here to help you. All of you who can walk head in that direction." He pointed towards the camp and since the trail was fairly obvious it shouldn't be hard. "For those who can't walk or need help stay with those that are helping you. I am heading back to our camp to help with the injured but I will also protect you."

He leaned down and scooped up a boy who was maybe four years old. "I will carry you so your mother can help someone else." He could see the terror in the boy's eyes and gently stroked his ears. "Nobody else will hurt you son." Dan watched the others start moving. There were a few that had collapsed in exhaustion and he checked on them. "I will send someone to get you as soon as possible."

The hike back to the camp was slow but they eventually made it. By now there was a goodly number of Inu's there but Dan had no idea just how big their tribe was. He handed the boy off to Nasha since she had a number of the other nanny's collecting and taking care of the pups. "I am going to talk to the Chief for a moment and then to the medical tent to help."

Nasha took the boy from Dan and nodded. She wanted to cry badly since this was her pack but she had a job to do and she was going to do it. "Come little one and I will get you something to eat and drink. Then you can lie down and take a nap till someone comes for you."

Dan hoped there was someone to collect him since from the looks of it there were a number of casualties as well as injuries. With a shake of his head he hurried over to the Chief's tent and as expected Dan found him handing out orders and assigning people to set up spare tents find room for the ones who weren't injured. Some were being tasked with searching for the caravan's they had left behind so they could be brought back.

He waited till for a lull before moving forward and whispering in Moran's ear. "I need to talk to you in private for a moment. It is urgent."

Moran looked at Dan and a pouch he was carrying and nodded. "I will be back in a moment." He told the others before he turned and led Dan into his caravan. "What do you need?"

Dan handed him the bag. "These are Jim's belongings. I did not find him or the bodies of any of the others that were from my world. Something happened and all that remained was what they had been wearing. I do not know what this means but we need to keep this quiet for a day or two." Dan met his eyes for a brief moment. "I am going to the medical tents to do what I can to help."


By the end of the day the majority of the pack of Inu's had been found and helped to the campsite. For the moment there was no our side or your side simply people. Most of the injured had been treated and thanks to Lia as well as the other medical staff and the shamans many had survived.

As he was sitting there relaxing Ana came up to him with a plate of food. Her face was tear streaked and it was obvious she was as horrified by what had happened. She set the plate down next to him and almost collapsed in his lap and started crying. She didn't say anything but it was obvious just how upset she was.

Dan wrapped his arms around his little girl and simply let her cry. He had to close his eyes and rest his head against the caravan he was sitting next to. This was what he had spent most of his adult life from happening to the innocents. Now it was hitting incredibly close to home.

They had been sitting there for a few minutes when Dan felt a presence and looked up at Nang. Both of them traded a look that said volumes. Allie was standing next to her mother and she looked tired and upset but not as bad as Ana. He held an arm out and she settled down next to him and pressed her face against his chest.

Nang looked sad about what had happened but she had lived in several countries that had terrorists in them. She understood the horror of it and hated that their world had intruded on this one. "I am going to check on Jim's family and see if they need help."

Dan nodded and then urged Ana to her feet and stood up. He helped Allie up and wrapped an arm around both of them. "Would you mind getting the food? I am not hungry at the moment but I am sure there will be someone who might be hungry."

Nang picked it up and they headed towards Jim's caravan and found it was only partially set up. He knew that Nasha as well as Sorrel and Nora were busy and it was mostly the youngsters there. "Okay girls let's get this setup for them. When they finish with what they are doing they will have somewhere to collapse." He had helped Jim break it down so he had a fairly good idea of how to put it up. Since they weren't going to be going anywhere for at least a week if not longer they might as well get it set up.

Allie looked at him. "I will be back in a few minutes Daddy. I am going to find some help and we can see about setting up as many as possible." She turned and walked away with her back straight and looking determined.

Dan couldn't help but be proud of her at that moment. Today had been hell for everyone and even though she was feeling it she was going to forage on. "Ana can you start getting the bed rolls out? I am going to start working on the kid's tent first since that will give us more room for people." He started pulling out the supports for the tent ceiling that was attached to the caravan.

He hadn't gotten too far when Allie came back with the older of Jim's adoptee's and a number of other boys and girls. She turned to them. "I know we are tired but if we can get even half a dozen caravans' setup it will just mean that many more people will have cover." She looked at the group and smiled. "Farion take several of the older kids and start with the caravan next to ours. Saulo you and the others will help get ours set up."

All of them were looking shocked and scared but with Allie coming across as knowing what she was doing they responded to her confidence. Saulo came over and started helping Dan while some of the others were starting to get the other corner of the main tent elevated. The other pieces were all directly connected to this one so it had to go up first.

It took some time but they did get it up. "Ana don't worry about any of the furniture; just get the rugs out and all the bed rolls including the spares. I am going to take the older boys with to help Allie and the others. I don't plan on going into the caravans just setting the tents up."

He gave all the kids a quick hug before heading to the next one. It was mostly put up so he moved to the next one. There were one or two people working on it so Dan and his team pitched in. "We will give you a hand with the tent so you can get your sleeping stuff out. I don't know what is being done for the Inu's but you might end up with a few asking to sleep here."

That got a nod and the man of the caravan told one of his boys to go with Dan and help. It didn't take all that long before Dan had a tidy little system working. The oldest kids would set up the tents and if any family members were at the caravan they were asked if they wanted help pulling out rugs and stuff. By the time he decided he was done it was probably close to midnight and a number of the children were asleep on their feet.

"The older kids get the younger ones and come back to Jim's caravan. We can get them tucked in where they will be comfortable and their parents can find them in the morning. If you know their parents let them know where they are when you go back to your caravans." Dan picked up two young kids and considered keeling over. He definitely wasn't as young as he used to be and he was beat. When they got back to Jim's caravan there were piles of kids sleeping all over the place. Dan settled them down and flopped on the ground to catch his breath.


When Dan woke the next morning he was almost in the same spot he had collapsed at. Someone had pulled a rug over him and he was curled around Nang. He could feel the girls curled up to his back. Well one girl but he knew the other was there as well. From all around him he heard quiet snores of the children who had pretty much collapsed as well.

He carefully sat up but still woke Nang and she sighed and sat up as well. Both of them looked around and found a number of Inu's curled up as well. The area under the tent was packed with bodies young and old. "I am going to see if Moran is awake and find out what needs doing. When people start waking up do what you can to help them love." He kissed Nang before slowly standing up and stretching.

Dan felt his back pop and crack and groaned. All the injuries he had acquired over the years were starting to catch up with him and that really stank. He didn't bother with going to get clean cloths since it was going to be a long day. He could deal with that later. At least the showers had been set up when they arrived. He pulled on his sword, pistol belt, and grabbed a rifle. He didn't think he was going to need it but he wasn't going to take any chances.

When he approached the Chief's tent Sorrel and Moran's other children were already there. Sorrel was looking very stressed but was standing tall and listening to her assignments from Moran. When Dan approached Moran waved him over so Dan moved closer. There was a large pot of something steaming and he poured a cup and sipped on it. "How can I help Chief?"

Moran rubbed the fur on his face to try and keep awake. "Um, find Thomas, report to the master warrior and organize some search teams. We don't have a full count of the pack but I am sure that there are some still in the forest. Find them and all bodies possible. Organize them and send them back." He had to stop and yawn before continuing. "I am having some of the stone handlers going to the master warrior's tent as well. They will bring back any caravan's that were missed last night."

Dan nodded. "Understood Chief and I will take care of it." After slugging down the last of the tea he had to shudder at the taste. From the way it hit his stomach and sent a warm tingle through his body it was some sort of stimulant. After putting the cup back he grabbed some meat rolls that were there as well and headed off to find the Master Warrior. He figured if Thomas wasn't there the male would know where to find him.


When Dan arrived at the master warrior's caravan he did find Thomas there as well as quite a few of both Soran tribe warriors and Inu warriors. Everyone looked rough and tired and he didn't blame them. Dan stepped over to Thomas and gave him a pat on one shoulder while he waited for a break in the talking. When the warrior master looked up and asked Dan what he needed he spoke.

"Chief Moran asked me to come over here, talk to you and Thomas and help organize search and rescue parties. It is something I have done before but obviously not on this world. What would you like me to do?" As he was talking Bear walked up and gave him a cup of something as well.

The warrior master listened and nodded. "Get with Thomas and this is senior Inu warrior Narkolan. Take a few minutes to come up with a plan on how you would like this organized and then come back." He nodded at the three and turned to the senior stone handler.

Dan moved off to one side with the other two. Bear stood near them as well since he was probably going to be needed. He had a large pouch over his shoulder with a number of medical items in it. The majority were emergency first aid to stabilize any wounded they might find. "I am going with you Dan and I have a bag of supplies for you as well. Assign me to whichever team you want and I will go with them."

Dan nodded at him. "Okay, first Warrior Narkolan do you know if anyone has managed to get a list of who all is here. If not is one being worked on? We need to know so we have an idea of how many are still missing." It was obvious but Dan wasn't going to apologize for it. He didn't have time to get to know him and figure out how they did and didn't operate.

Narkolan nodded. "We tried to get some semblance of order yesterday with some success. As best possible we organized the family groups and requested they stay together. Much of it was on the spot organization. This morning our Alpha and his mate set the pack shamans the task of identifying who is and isn't here. They don't really expect to get that done till sometime this afternoon and evening."

Dan nodded at him. "Thank you for that. How many warriors do you have available..." They discussed it for about twenty minutes before formalizing how they were going to handle it. They were going to break up into ten teams of five or so people. They were going to have both Inu's and Soran tribe members in each group. They were going to spread out on both sides of the trail and start searching. As they came across people they would have one escort them to the main trail and leave them there. The center group would be the largest and would gather larger groups and escort them back.

Once they had settled on how this was going to work they went back to the warrior master. They explained what they were going to do and how they were organizing it. He listened and made a few suggestions before telling them to get to it.


It ended up being a long day and by the time Dan made it back to camp he was beat again. It was dark though there were a number of fires lit which helped. By the time he reached Jim's caravan Nang had already had hers pulled up near it and set up. When he walked into the main room of Jim's tent he had to smile since Ana was curled up in Saulo's lap and Allie in Farion's.

He settled down in a chair and stretched and yawned as he looked around. He didn't see Nang but she was probably in her caravan relaxing or studying. By the time he was done with the stretch there was a plate of food and something to drink. Dan looked up at Nasha and gave her a slight smile. "Thank you, I appreciate it." He rolled his head on his neck as he sat up to eat.

Allie noticed that and stood up and walked over to him. "Here daddy I can rub your neck and shoulders while you eat." As she was talking she was starting to work her fingers into his muscles. She was used to doing this for her father and he seemed to enjoy it.

Before he started eating he pulled his shirt off so she had easier access. "Thank sweetie and that feels really good." He leaned forward some and closed his eyes and relaxed as she worked on his back. After a few moments he sat up some and started eating. The food was decent but at the moment he didn't care. He was starving and it was going to be eaten come heck or high water.
